All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 73 - Freshman enrollment

“Ah ~~” Mitsui Shou was so stupid that he had to study with his books. For him, it seemed that learning was harder than training during the day.

In this way, get up early every day and go to the beach in the south of Hunan for long-distance running, and then leap back to Xiangbei to start running around the tree, practice basketball in the basketball hall, and then re-learn the cultural class in the evening. It’s time.

“Akagi, Mitsui’s special training will end in a week. Before that, I will take him to train alone, and the basketball team will leave the matter to you.” After the school started, Shen Long did not rush back to basketball. Team, Mitsui’s training did not complete in the first place, and the test before Sakuragi Flower Road entered the team was also important. If not, he would not cherish that much.

“Coach, you can rest assured, I will continue to urge them!” Akagi agreed. In fact, coach Anxi rarely issued orders on the basketball team. Most of the time, the basketball team is Akagi.

Mitsui Shou ’s basketball training stopped temporarily. After class, Shen Long took him to continue running, leapfrogging, and reserve his physical strength. With the help of the Guixianliu training method, Mitsui Shou ’s physical fitness has made rapid progress. Now He has been able to complete a ten-kilometer run and a two-kilometer leap. This time, Shen Long added a bit of weight to him. If he can still complete the training, then it is not a problem to deal with the intensity of the competition like Shan Wang.

Without Shen Long ’s intervention, the plot developed according to the description of the original. With the encouragement of Akagi Haruko, Sakuragi Flower Road passed many tests and successfully joined the basketball team. After joining in, the members of the Xiangbei basketball team finally got together.

At this time, Mitsui Shou also completed special training and returned to the team with Shen Long. Akagi, Mumu, Miyagi and other people familiar with Mitsui Shou obviously felt Mitsui’s changes. His skin was tanned. The whole person’s Temperament is also more confident.

“Oh oh, yeah, are the new children looking energetic, let’s introduce yourself!” Since Shen Long is back, he is responsible for reviewing the team.

“My name is Sang Tiandengji, graduated from No. 2 Middle School, 162㎝ tall, 50㎏ weight, position forward.”

“After going to high school, I think the position of the guard is more suitable for you. To strengthen the practice of passing, dribbling and shooting, Hainan has a 160㎝ three-pointer. It is very powerful. Maybe you can consider developing in his direction. “Shen Long commented that every player is precious and can contribute to the team.

“Rukawa Feng, graduated from Fuqiu Junior High School, 187㎝, 75㎏, any position is okay.” Rukawa Feng really said less.

“Rukawa Feng, you will mainly develop in the direction of small forward in the future! Your weight is a bit difficult to fight inside.” Shen Long didn’t say much. Ruchuan Feng’s question will be discussed after the internal game.

“Sakuragi Flower Road, graduated from Wako Middle School, 188㎝, 83㎏!” Sakuragi Flower Road’s physique is much stronger than Rukawa Maple.

“Oh woo woo, Sakuragi Flower Road, I have watched your match with Akagi.” Hearing this, Akagi blushed, Shen Long stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, “You are very talented, I will be in the future Special training for you, I hope you can withstand it. “

“Hey, dad, you really have a vision.” Sakuragi Flower Road seldom touched her head when she was rarely praised, “No matter what kind of special training, genius Sakuragi can do it.”

Then, the manager of the basketball team, Ayako, appeared and greeted the players enthusiastically, and Miyagi’s eyes immediately turned into red hearts.

“Caizi, there are more and more players on the basketball team. We will definitely go far in the game this year. If you are only a manager, it may be a bit hard. It is best to find an assistant for you during this time.” Shen Long remembered that Akagi Haruko also joined the basketball team in the future. If he can come in earlier, Sakuragi Flower Road will definitely train more seriously?

“Well, I know, I will investigate as soon as possible.” Caizi agreed to come down.

“Akagi, you warm up with everyone. After warming up, let’s have a practice match. Let me see the strength of the new players.” The original practice match started only a week later, but since Shen Long has already come, then Today, I can just take this opportunity to remind Seikawa.

“Well, let you see the strength of the genius Sakuragi Flower Road.” Sakuragi Flower Road came to the spirit immediately.

“Sakuragi, you don’t need to participate in this game.” Shen Long dragged Sakuragi Flower Road and dragged him outside the basketball court. What a joke, how can someone who does not have any skills play the game? “Let’s start special training now!”

“Dad, don’t, people want to dunk on the head of the gorilla!” Sakuragi Flower Road tried to break free but didn’t break away. Shen Long’s strength was beyond his expectations, and he was dragged to the sidelines without paying attention.

“Hanaido ~ ~ Genius also needs to start with basic practice. Miyamoto Musashi also started practicing swordsmanship from a young age, and he did n’t fight for the first time until he was 13 years old! It ’s a matter of time to have Rukawa Feng. “Think about it. It ’s a terrifying talent that Sakuragi Flower Road has only been practicing for four months before it can beat the starter of King Shan Wang in the national competition.

“Miyamoto Musashi? Dad, do you mean that I will be the first in the world?” Sakuragi Flower Road heard a little floating.

No. 1 in the world? You think too much, but it is still possible to become the number one in Japan. After all, will you really become a basketball star in the future? “Are you a genius, as long as you train hard, you will become the number one in Japan sooner or later; The practice begins. “

“Dad, you can rest assured, I will definitely work hard.” Sakuragi Flower Road is a single-celled animal. After being so fooled by Shen Long, she immediately forgot to play.

“Basic basketball skills are divided into dribbling, passing, layup, shooting … The first thing to train is the sense of hand-to-ball. You have to be familiar with basketball like a swordsman is familiar with your sword.” Shen Long took the basketball and demonstrated The way to squat on one knee, “Do you see my movements clearly? The wrists should be soft, and the strength of the basketball rebounding from the floor …”

“Warm soft, perceive the strength of basketball rebound?” Sakuragi thought carefully, took the basketball and did it like Shen Long.

“From now on, in addition to eating, going to the toilet, and taking classes, you have been carrying basketball for the rest of the time, even when sleeping.” Shen Long formulated a special strategy for Sakuragi Flower Road by referring to the big air wing method. , “Dribble while walking, go home and try to pass the ball with your left and right hands, turn the ball …”

After teaching the cherry tree flower path, Akagi they also completed the warm-up exercises and can start the game.

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