All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

v4 Chapter 28 - God is dead!

Facing Yang Guang, Shi Zhixuan pondered for a moment, and then said: “According to the opinion of the old minister, in order to destroy this city, apart from slowly draining their military supplies by water grinding, the only reliable way in a short period of time is to start from within them. Start.”

“Start from within them? Tell me about it!” Yang Guang was interested.

Shi Zhixuan shook his head and said: “I think that although King Yingyang is determined to fight against my Da Sui soldiers, there are many diehards in Goguryeo, but this does not represent the whole of Goguryeo, and there is not one in Pyongyang who is not diehard. .”

“According to the minister, more Goguryeo commoners and high-level nobles were forced by General Yuwen’s slaughtering methods, and they thought they were already desperate, so they wholeheartedly fought against my big Sui Bingfeng.” Having said that, Shi Zhixuan took a look. Yu Wenshu, won him a cold snort, Shi Zhixuan didn’t care about him, and continued: “At this juncture, everyone in the world can see that it is only a matter of time before my Da Sui steps down on Koguryo, and King Yingyang’s defense is only a dying struggle. It’s just that those Goguryeo nobles and commoners are afraid of His Majesty’s destruction of the city, and they feel hopeless, so they follow King Yingyang to find a trace of vitality that does not exist.”

Yang Guang touched his chin and motioned Shi Zhixuan to continue.

Shi Zhixuan then said: “As for the current situation, the old minister suggested that His Majesty only need to make a guarantee to the nobles and people in Pyongyang City, that after the city is broken, they will not embarrass them, and then promise some heavy benefits, the minister believes that they will definitely be willing to join me. Da Sui cooperated and offered the city.”

“What Master Pei said is very true.” Many generals and officials said in unison.

Yang Guang also nodded: “Pei Aiqing’s words are very agreeable to me, so let’s act according to your plan!”

According to Shi Zhixuan’s plan, Yang Guang soon issued an imperial decree to Goguryeo, which mainly meant that although Goguryeo was guilty, the main sinners were King Gao Yuan of Yingyang and his direct descendants. Therefore, other nobles and commoners in Goguryeo were implicated by it. As long as they surrendered sincerely, when the city of Pyongyang was destroyed, the Great Sui would be forgiven for their sins. Of course, this premise is that they actively cooperate with the Sui army, otherwise It will be a slave forever in the future.

This holy purpose caused a huge stir in Goguryeo, although most people did not believe in Yang Guang and thought it was a demon conspiracy.

But there is no shortage of excited people. These people are mainly nobles. They have long wanted to fight against Da Sui, and then die with the lunatics of Gao Yuan. They are nobles, and they still have a good life that they have not enjoyed. Enough, how can it be the same as those rascals.

Facts have proved that there is no shortage of spineless, traitorous people in any ethnic group, and there are still quite a few such people.

Soon, many high-ranking officials and nobles of Goguryeo secretly contacted the Sui army, expressing their willingness to surrender to the Great Sui, only to ask Yang Guang to save their lives.

For these people, Yang Guang first said that he was a magnanimous person, and he didn’t care about everything before them. As long as they surrendered sincerely and sacrificed the city, he would never liquidate them in the future, and he would have a big reward.

In this way, the two sides hit it off quickly, and after agreeing on the time and place, the cooperation was pleasant.

That night, the sky was gray, the dark clouds covered the bright moon, there was not a single star in the sky, and the sound of howling wind resounded from time to time.

Seriously, the night is dark and the wind kills the night!

Yang Guang personally led 100,000 elite soldiers, approaching the south gate of Pyongyang, and stopped near it.

He Heng looked at Wang Zhiyuan and saw the solemnity in the other’s eyes. Tonight is a good time for them to discuss with the surrendered high-ranking officials in Goguryeo. They will open the city gates and let them enter the city when they are ugly.

The ugly time will come soon.

The sky was still as dark, but the wind was stronger.

The city gate was opened as scheduled, and there was no abnormality. It seemed that just as the surrendered Koryo nobles said, the Koryo defenders here were all supported by them, and the Sui army could easily enter.

Just, will it really be what they say it is?

The Sui army moved forward cautiously in the dark night, Yang Guang was surrounded by He Heng and Wang Zhiyuan, and the two of them kept an eye on their surroundings at all times.

Part of the army had already entered the city, and there was indeed no abnormality. The Sui army entered immediately, and Yang Guang, under the protection of He Heng and the others, soon entered the city.

Still no exception!

Yang Guang gradually let go of his heart, commanded many generals, scattered the sergeants who entered the city, and tried to eliminate them as much as possible without attracting the attention of the Koryo army. Bring more troops into the city.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

Bright fire lights suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire city of Pyongyang as if it were daylight. The dazzling eyes closed everyone’s eyes for a moment, and then many Sui Jun’s hearts jumped.

“No, there is a fraud this time!” “We are ambushed!”

Many Sui soldiers were shouting and screaming, and they were very flustered.

Figures appeared under the firelight, all of them were the Koryo army. They held high sharp knives and stabbed each Sui army mercilessly.

At the first moment of the fire, He Heng and Wang Zhiyuan knew that something was wrong, and quickly turned around to protect Yang Guang.

However, it’s too late!

In the dark night, a burly figure suddenly appeared in front of Yang Guang, and he sighed, full of admiration for life.

Suddenly, he raised the sword in his hand.

Jianguang lightly, like a shooting star.

But this sword is far faster and more violent than the meteor, but it is not abrupt, as if it is natural, just like playing chess. Although it is unexpected that he will make this move here, everyone knows that it is possible to make a move here. It’s just that although everyone knows that there is a place to play, everyone will subconsciously ignore it.

And this sword was a sword that was stabbed coldly in that neglected place.

It pointed directly at Yang Guang’s throat.

The sword was as fast as lightning, steady as Mount Tai, and fell like a son.

There is only one person in the world with such a sword, Fu Cailin, “Master Yijian”, one of the three great masters in the world!

How could he suddenly appear here and stab Yang Guang with a sword?

This is not important for the time being, the important thing is the sword itself.

Once Yang Guang was assassinated by this sword, what would happen to the world, no one could imagine.

He Heng can’t either.

So he chose to shoot, he wanted to save Yang Guang.

However, it was too late.

Competing with such masters as Fu Cailin, the outcome is a little bit between not to mention that Fu Cailin shot one step earlier than He Heng.

His sword has been premeditated for a long time and has been gaining momentum for a long time, carrying the future of his nation and the destiny of the country.

He can’t miss it.

Under such pressure, or responsibility, Fu Cailin sublimated, and his sword became even faster, almost unbelievably fast.

This sword is so fast, so accurate, and so heavy.

Fu Cailin knew that he would never be able to use a stronger sword than this in his life.

This style of Fu Cailin’s ultimate sublimation sword, even with He Heng’s strength, could not be resisted in a hurry.

So, Yang Guang is dead!

This ambitious and mighty emperor died just like that.

The death was unusually simple, not vigorous, just a kind of flat, gently falling down.

When Fu Cailin’s sword slid across his throat, the emperor who almost swallowed the universe, his reaction was no different from the most ordinary person. Under death, everyone is equal.

At this moment, Fu Cailin had a deeper understanding of the way of life that he had been pursuing all his life. He felt that now he only needed to wait for Goguryeo to expel the Sui army and settle down. Incomparably magnificent, beyond imagination.

Of course, this premise is that he can survive in He Heng’s hands.

At this moment, He Heng looked coldly at Yang Guang’s corpse, the pool of blood, and his eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent, staring at Fu Cailin.

This is a murderous look, full of coldness.

He Heng raised his hands, which were his best weapons, this time, he would use them to shred Fu Cailin’s body.

Fu Cailin also looked at his sword that had just completed a huge mission.

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