All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

v4 Chapter 48 - Genshin

“It seems that there is no more, then go to hell!” He Heng looked at Fan Qinghui with some disappointment, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Feeling He Heng’s seemingly real murderous intent, Fan Qinghui’s crystal clear eyes filled with a hint of determination, his eyes were suddenly filled with scarlet light, and his body seemed to be bursting.

“Destroy the essence of self-absolute Dafa!”

Fan Qinghui rushed towards He Heng eagerly, the blood on his body burned, and it burst open. He Heng’s face was startled, and he suddenly appeared in front of her. His whole body was tumbling with blood, and his muscles and veins were exposed on his skin. Fan Qinghui was enveloped in a monstrous fist. Fan Qinghui.


In a few moments, He Heng threw more than a hundred punches in a row, all of which landed on the top of Fan Qinghui’s head and all over his body. It fell on Fan Qinghui.

After the “Destruction of Essence” was performed, it would not take long for her body to explode and die, but at this moment, Fan Qinghui didn’t even have the chance to explode, and was directly smashed into flesh by the mighty force of He Heng’s hundred fists.

This meat mud is not to say that He Heng’s strength today is at least tens of thousands of pounds under one punch, and it is concentrated on a pair of fists. The pressure is unimaginable.

Fan Qinghui’s martial arts are good, but they are still flesh and blood. How could they resist He Heng’s terrifying punching power without infuriating body protection at this moment? mud.

Fuzzy flesh and blood, even if Song Que and the others came to recognize her, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to tell her identity.

No matter how beautiful you were during your lifetime, you are still a pile of loess after your death. There is nothing more ruthless in the world than this.

He Henglian certainly didn’t take a look at the vague flesh and blood under his feet, and went straight to pick up the Fang He’s jade on the ground.

It is said that the Heshibi in the Tang Dynasty was carved from a strange stone from the Immortal Realm. It has a strange energy, and the more skilled it is, the more affected it will be. From the perspective of He Heng’s “The Way of Watching the Sky”, this is actually because it can emit a kind of fluctuation, which can affect the spiritual power, and the true qi of every master in the Datang world is tempered and tempered. First, if it affects the spiritual power, it will affect the true qi, and even shake the yin and yang gods.

He Heng held the He’s jade, without thinking about Guan Song Que, he kept researching, and then… he didn’t find it at all.

“Speaking of which, why did Kou Zhong and the others absorb the powers of He’s Jade by only cultivating one set of longevity art, I have all seven sets, but this thing has no reaction at all…” He Heng was very depressed, he He also tried to contact He Shibi with his true energy, but it was of no use at all, it didn’t kill him.

He Heng shook his head: “Sure enough, the treatment of the protagonist is not comparable to my generation. My luck has indeed declined a bit recently.”

Looking at the He Clan’s jade that he couldn’t handle in his hand, He Heng felt helpless and suddenly had a bold idea.

“If…if I devoured this He Shibi, I wonder if it would be useful?” He Heng thought for a while, and suddenly felt that his idea was very possible.

The reason? intuition! His intuition as a top martial artist in this world is generally not wrong.

“But is it a normal situation to face the He’s jade?” He Heng hesitated, but immediately raised the He’s jade, looking for a suitable angle for his mouth.

“Anyway, even if it’s useless, I can just spit it out. With my control over my body, it shouldn’t be too simple.”

Saying so, He Heng snapped at the gold-encrusted corner of the He’s jade.

Then, with a “click”, He Heng bit off a quarter of the precious treasure that the emperors of the ages had preserved through painstaking efforts, and then chewed it carefully in his mouth.

“It’s a little cool, but the taste is okay.” He Heng commented briefly, although the He’s jade is a rare treasure, its material is not strong, otherwise it wouldn’t have been broken by someone in the first place.

He Heng’s teeth are very good, even the material like meteorite can’t stop his teeth, not to mention the mere He’s jade.

In a few moments, the He Shibi was chewed into powder by him and swallowed into his stomach.

“It doesn’t seem like there is any response!” He Heng felt that everything remained the same.

After a few dozen breaths, He Heng suddenly found that a heat current appeared in his abdomen, and then a cold current appeared. Two extremely opposing forces were intertwined in his body, and the yin and yang intersected endlessly. .

This kind of power is extremely pure, almost comparable to what He Heng saw at the beginning, Bai Yuchan shattered the void, the power that surged when the Immortal Gate appeared, the most essential source power of heaven and earth.

“It’s no wonder that He Clan’s jade ability can help people to cleanse the sutra and improve their aptitude. Originally, it has the source power of heaven and earth. Although it is not much, it is pure.” Refining those two forces.

In He Heng’s body, the two forces of heat and cold are constantly swimming, swimming through his limbs and bones, hundreds of acupuncture points in his body, eight extraordinary meridians, twelve serious meridians, twelve towers, and finally. After running for a whole big week, they met at the Baihui Point on the top of He Heng’s head.

As soon as these two extremely opposing forces collided, they immediately produced a strange reaction, as if the heaven and the earth were opened up, the earth, water, fire and wind were derived, and endless power surged.

He Heng only felt warm all over his body, as if he was bathing in a soft place. The 480 million pores all over his body were opening, greedily swallowing the vitality between heaven and earth.

Where the two forces collided, it quickly turned into a yin and yang fish, constantly turning, and a light of aura flew out from the top of He Heng’s head, hazy.

He Heng only felt that his brain was clear, a barrier was directly broken, and there was no obstacle between the individual and the world.

The yin **** in his body quickly came out of his body, and in the endless void, his yang **** was also summoned, and returned to his body to unite with the outside world.

One yuan renews, Vientiane is renewed!

At this moment, in He Heng’s eyes and heart, the world is no longer the same as before.

The yin and yang gods blend together and return to a primordial, chaotic state, which is the primordial spirit!

The yin **** is the sustenance of the spiritual consciousness of one’s own body, and the yang **** is in harmony with the void of heaven and earth, coexisting with all things.

The fusion of yin and yang gods not only represents the birth of the primordial spirit, but also represents that He Heng’s spiritual consciousness is completely integrated with this void, this heaven and earth, and is in a kind of eternal unity between heaven and man, where all things coexist. status.

At this moment, spiritual power is transformed into divine consciousness, taking heaven and earth as its own eyes, penetrating into heaven, earth and people, watching the sun, moon and stars.

This is an unimaginable state for outsiders, as if the fetus is in the mother’s body, and the two are one with the mother through the umbilical cord, and the relationship is inextricable.

Through the mother’s body, the fetus can continuously absorb energy to grow itself until it is saturated, which is the time of birth.

The Dao fetal state is to cut the umbilical cord, leave the mother’s body, and become an independent individual to welcome the vast and endless world.

Under the realm of Taoism, everyone is trapped in the mother’s body, rarely free, and cannot be regarded as a human being, and is not protected by “law”. The Dao fetus is a truly independent individual, with human rights, no longer bound by the mother’s body, with human rights.

This is the difference between the Dao Embryo Realm as the most important level of Martial Dao and the world below it.

And condensed the realm of the primordial spirit, that is, the fetuses that can be born at any time after they have matured. The gap between them and the realm of the fetus is the crucial matter of cutting the umbilical cord and leaving the mother’s belly.

Jump out of heaven and earth to see the truth. The road of cultivating the Dao is very free, and one can only see the wider universe after transcending the vast universe.

The difference between the primordial spirit and the Taoist fetus is whether you have the courage to cut the umbilical cord, leave the protection of the mother’s body, and face the vast world independently.

The unknown is always the most terrifying.

Moreover, when a fetus is born, it is also the time when it is most likely to die. It has the horror of life and death. Not every Primordial Spirit Realm has the courage to break through this barrier. For example, Ying Yuan, the son of the eagle who passed the eagle in the cloud and the rain, he just retreated after taking this step, because he did not have the courage.

After breaking through this false world, what is the truth we can see?

Heaven, hell, darkness, light, cold, dead silence, emptiness, nothingness, infinity, eternity…

No one knows, only those who have taken this step know.

It’s as if the living never know what it will look like after death. In fact, the answer is very simple to know, and you will understand it when you die. But with so many philosophical masters, who has the courage?

who am I?

Where do I come from?

Where am I going?

These three ultimate philosophical problems, UU reading To understand them, maybe it could have been very simple, just depends on whether you have the courage?

Suddenly, He Heng opened his eyes again, looking at the rising sun, his eyes were infinitely empty and indifferent.

Yin, Yang, and God blend together, and his body is one with heaven and earth. His mind is instantly elevated countless times. He looks at the world from the perspective of “heaven”, how nothing is there?

The so-called entanglements in the world, the so-called love and hatred, the so-called righteousness of the family and the country, the so-called life and death of the common people… Compared with the vast and infinite universe, all of these are simply insignificant.

From his eyes now, this world is so empty, so false, so numb and empty, and he really wants to break through all this and seek the truth.

He Heng knew that he had always had that courage.

Chao Wendao, Xi can die!

Even just looking at the infinite reality is much better than living forever in a false and numb world.

The heaven and earth intertwined with infinite desires make people fascinated by the five aggregates, the world is upside down, and there are thousands of ups and downs. Who can understand the supreme and supreme detachment, the eternal truth, and the infinite universe?

However, it is not the time.

He Heng suppressed his desire to immediately destroy this falsehood and seek to see the truth.

His accumulation is still insufficient, even though he has been a human being for several centuries and has practiced for hundreds of years, these are still enough for him to lay the most perfect foundation, obtain the most perfect Dao embryo, and achieve the highest Dao state.

So, you have to wait.

He also never lacked patience. …

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