All His Angels Are Starving

52. A Fire in the Cafeteria

The thick mist of the veil was suffocating, seemingly threatening Jenny from every angle, obscuring her view. All her senses were on high alert, but the static image in her head was useless. Her tentacles homed in on the Desecrated Angel's presence, and the gut-twisting feeling emanating from darkness in the center of the cafeteria only confused her more. The enormous angel held the purple cocoon with two arms, retching for the angel inside to drink through a revolting kiss.

Desecrated Angel (level 44)

It was almost twenty levels higher than her. Stronger, with abilities she didn't know of yet, and gigantic. How had it managed to grow so big? It hadn't been that much bigger than her when it came out of the cocoon.

The Desecrated Angel focused on size in a similar manner to your tentacle’s growth. Converting blood and flesh into physical growth.

Sickened, Jenny slid away from the cocoon as the feeding continued. Purple light radiated through the mist. She was careful to step over a puddle, careful to avoid the webbing that glistened inches away from her face, and careful not to make a sound when the Desecrated Angel shushed the angel in the cocoon back to sleep.

A shudder traveled down her spine, and she ducked under a table to watch. The giant angel's body convulsed. It let out a hiss. Then something gooey shot out of its navel and slapped around the cocoon. That was how it produced its webbing, and Jenny couldn't help but find it eerily similar to her exoskeleton spurting out of her belly button.

Trying to keep from throwing up, Jenny shut her eyes and strained her tentacles. The humans on the ceiling were the only other living humans in the cafeteria. One of them was fading fast, and she knew there was no time to waste if she wanted to help them. The Desecrated Angel seemed to be saving the humans for itself while feeding newly born Tarnished Angels to the angels in the cocoons.

What she needed was a distraction. Something to lure the Desecrated Angel away so she could get closer to the ceiling. It didn't take long for it to feed a cocoon, and when the large creature turned to face the darkness again, more Tarnished Angels hissed and emerged.

Brown napkins covered this side of the cafeteria floor. The dispenser had been smashed, and the napkins spread across an area, soaking up spilled milk and blood. Jenny crawled over them, until she emerged from the opposite end of the table, and nearly stepped into a web, headfirst. But she caught herself and straightened up, coming face to face with one of her babies that had fallen through the physics lab.

It was limp. Suspended, stuck to the webbing, and caked with dust. Its eyes were wide open and lifeless. Its belly was torn open, the insides hollowed out like a hole in a tree.

There were no notifications; none of them stirred. A pang of sadness filled her as she counted almost a dozen babies. Some of their eyes were wide and unseeing, some shut tight. Mouths open. Pudgy arms and legs stuck to the web stretching between two pillars. All of them with their insides ripped out; the Desecrated Angel had given birth to them to eat them. It hadn't been like the mother angel in the stairwell that had clawed out its eyes to fight Jenny.

Following the web, Jenny stopped when she reached a green cocoon attached to the metal kiosk where students inserted their student IDs and filled their balances with cash. Up ahead, attached to the other end of the webbing and stuck to a pillar, was another cocoon. This one emanated a white glow that she couldn't tell apart from the mist without being close.

She heard the Desecrated Angel retch on the other side of the cafeteria. Her heart pounding, she glanced again at the dead disemboweled babies and remembered the ones she'd burnt to death before they could hatch. She walked slowly, her face right next to the webbing so that when she exhaled, droplets of condensation stuck to the silvery sticky stuff. She wondered if it was flammable; she wondered if the cocoons were flammable.

Only one way to find out.

Keeping low to the floor and trying not to slip on a napkin, Jenny crouched behind the closer cocoon. Its green light shone brightly as she drew nearer; she could see the gestating Desecrated Angel within, curled up in a fetal position. Waiting to be fed.

She passed a mess of wriggling undead angels and humans, their eyes glowing blue, their limbs stuck to another web. They were quiet unlike the moaning and crying hoard she’d fought above.

When she got to the green cocoon, she hid behind its bulk as the giant angel lumbered around the cafeteria. The kiosk for refilling lunch cards was busted open so that cash covered the floor beneath the cocoon. It was odd staring at all that money, odd thinking how she'd always wanted and needed more, but here, in this hell, money held no value at all.

She readjusted her hatchet in case the fire wasn't enough, and the angel inside burst free to attack. Praying this would work, praying it would draw the giant angel's attention and cause a big enough distraction, she inhaled deeply through her nose. Then, once her lungs were fully expanded and she'd slid a few feet away from the cocoon, she let it out. Ignite!

She was careful this time, controlling the fire. Softly and gently, the burning sensation in the back of her throat grew hotter and hotter. Then the flames blossomed, curling and blooming before engulfing the green cocoon.

It began to glow vibrantly, reminding Jenny of burning copper over a Bunsen burner in chem lab, and she had to shield her eyes with a tentacle as the light flashed brightly. She stopped using her skill and watched as fire covered it completely. Flames licked up and spread across the webbing, lighting up the space between the kiosk and the pillar and catching the dead babies. Jenny didn't stay to watch. She dropped on all fours and moved away. Behind her, white light flashed just as vibrantly as the green cocoon had, and she knew it was on fire too.

A scream tore through the cafeteria. The floor jolted from heavy steps; her spectacle was working. She dashed away with Instant Acceleration, turning to hide behind a pillar by the windows as flickering orange and red and yellow flames turned green and white, a show of light illuminating the back half of the cafeteria. The giant angel stood in the midst of it all with its four arms spread helplessly.

More webs caught flame. Screams echoed all around; the undead were on fire now too. Jenny held her breath as the angel moved through the burning webbing, hunched over and reaching for the white one. The haze cleared from the flames, and Jenny could see the cocoon's covering running like molten glass. The Desecrated Angel clawed it open, and the angel inside slumped out, limp as the dead babies. Its body was covered in molten white covering, still gleaming from the heat, oozing like thick liquid.

You’ve defeated Desecrated Angel (Level 30)

Experience has been awarded

+500 Energy

The giant angel howled, and Jenny covered her ears, wincing. It beat its wings furiously, air rushing through the cafeteria, causing the fire to spread. The napkins burst into flames, lighting up along the floor, and fire jumped to other webs. The angel roared, swiping at the burning webs and shooting more webbing like fishing nets. These muffled the flames for a moment, and Jenny imagined that they were wet when the angel produced them, but the new webbing caught fire within seconds, and the blaze continued burning. She couldn’t help but grin; fuck you, she thought.

Her other guess had been correct too. The Desecrated Angels were vulnerable while cocooned. Their insides must not be fully developed, and whatever change they were going through, whatever the purpose was, all Jenny had to do was set them on fire before they hatched.

As the giant angel screeched and tore at the burning webbing and bodies and cocoons, Jenny rushed for the center. Without thinking, she ran over the darkness and only realized when a hand burst from it and she nearly tripped.

Tarnished Angel (level 1)

Before the new Tarnished Angel could fully emerge, Jenny shoved a tentacle into its mouth. The tentacle shot out the back of the creature's head. Its body slid, as though suddenly it was no longer allowed to cross through the darkness, and its upper body slumped forward, blood and insides gushing. Whatever hadn't made it across, was lost.

You’ve defeated Tarnished Angel (Level 1)

Experience has been awarded

+20 Energy

Jenny flicked her tentacles even as they sucked up the blood. But there was no time to feast; the Desecrated Angel would only be distracted for so long. She leaped onto a table and then launched herself at the top of a pillar, her tentacles slapping around it. From the other side of the cafeteria, smoke swirled through the mist, cloaking her even more. But she could still see the silhouette of the giant angel amidst the flames, screaming with rage.

Using her claws, she climbed up the pillar and then slammed her tentacles into the ceiling so she could hang from it. Dr. Lee stared at her with wide, bloodshot eyes. His glasses were gone, and his arms and legs were spread, stuck to the webbing like a helpless bug. And the distinctly sharp odor of urine emanated from him.

Beside him was Leslie, lying face up with her cheek against the ceiling. Her breathing was shallow, and blood dripped from her back. Blood. Warm and fresh and delicious, making Jenny's tentacles twitch. Her core tightened. She could suck them both dry; they'd never even know. Surely, she looked just as monstrous to them as the Desecrated Angel had? And why should it be the only one to feed?

Leslie's blood smelled so good... Jenny shuddered, remembering her time as the angel. Remembering how Leslie had spoken to her. Had tried to protect her from Dr. Lee. And how the science teacher had stabbed Leslie. The girl was about to bleed out judging by her faint heartbeat. There were several other bodies wriggling about, as well as a few faces from the library that remained motionless, eyes wide and unseeing.

She grabbed Leslie first, and, after a quick glance to make sure the Desecrated Angel was still distracted trying to stomp out the fire, Jenny dropped. Smoke and mist swirled around her. She cradled Leslie against her red exoskeleton and took the impact of the fall with her tentacles. She lowered her feet gently so that Leslie wouldn't feel a thing; she didn't want any more blood spurting out; she didn't want to lose her mind. Jenny didn't even dare breathe.

She carried Leslie over to the janitor's closet. The door was bolted shut, but a locked metal door wasn't going to stop Jenny. She pried it open with her tentacles and carried the unconscious Leslie inside. It smelled of ammonia and cleaning fluids, and it wasn't a big space. There were buckets and mops, a sink, and an extra janitor's uniform.

With Leslie resting on the floor, leaning against a shelf of rat poison, Jenny focused. Golden light took shape in her hand, and then she held a Major Potion of Recovery to Leslie's lips. The dark red liquid matched Jenny’s exoskeleton, and Leslie drank it greedily.

Perhaps it would be best to end her suffering. She is weak and you can harvest her Energy and experience and secure your victory.

You want me to kill her? thought Jenny, already struggling with her bloodlust. There would be no witnesses. And Leslie would die anyway if Jenny failed to stop the angel. Why not take her strength and use it?

But no. She bit her lip and stopped that train of thought. It was only Eve trying to end the Survival Challenge. It wasn’t Jenny. She repeated that over and over. It’s not me. I’m not going to kill someone who’s innocent. Because where would it stop?

Steam rose from Leslie’s torso, and she slumped back, eyes fluttering. As soon as she saw Jenny, she opened her mouth to scream. But Jenny was prepared for that. She wrapped a tentacle around Leslie's face and held her till she stopped squirming. Jenny could taste the wound healing, and as much as she wanted to kneel and tear through Leslie's neck and suck and suck and suck, she forced the urge down and kept her tentacles in check.

"It's me," she whispered. "It's me, Jenny. It's okay." Yeah, she thought. Totally okay. Every muscle in my body isn't straining from the effort of not eating you.

Leslie stared for a moment, eyes wide and brimming with tears. Her usually flawless skin was caked in blood and dirt, and any facade of the perfect girl was gone. She started sobbing and shaking, and Jenny slowly unfastened her tentacle.

"It kept licking me," whispered Leslie. Her eyes went out of focus. And she touched the bloodied hole in her shirt where the wound used to be. "It was licking me right here." Then she turned over and threw up, and Jenny looked away, feeling like she might be sick herself.

"You'll be safe here," said Jenny, turning. “Just be quiet.” She rushed back to where the others were. The flames were still raging, but the Desecrated Angel was stomping them out. Jenny was running out of time.

You’ve defeated Desecrated Angel (Level 30)

Experience has been awarded

+500 Energy

Leveled up!

Jenny Huang, Level 25 -> Level 26

+3 Stat Points

The angel in the other cocoon must be dead now too. She climbed back to the ceiling, scanning the rest of them. Other than Dr. Lee and two people from the library and the boy who'd been with Oliver and the others, everyone else was dead. Holes in their chest, their faces sunken as though they’d been hollowed out. A part of her was relieved that Oliver wasn't among them. But that only left her with the worry of where was Oliver?

Eve confirmed that he was alive. But it couldn't seem to locate him. Or Susan. Or any of the others. What had happened to them? But she couldn't stress about them. Not till she'd cleared the immediate danger.

She carried the students to the janitor’s closet two at a time. She didn't say anything to them, and they were too terrified to resist. She let Leslie explain that they had to be quiet and hide.

In the back of Jenny's mind, they were just an emergency food supply. At best, she was preventing the Desecrated Angel from getting any stronger off them.

She’d saved Dr. Lee for last. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to save him. What if he went after the others? But it didn't matter. The flames were dead, the flickering light gone, and the smoke was dissipating. As though the veil's mist was clearing it away.

The cafeteria was quiet and unnerving, and the mist thickened, threatening Jenny once again. Another hand burst out of the darkness, and a new Tarnished Angel clambered out, hissing. Jenny held her breath as the Desecrated Angel approached.

A series of tremors went through the floor. Jenny slid away, darting behind the pillar near the ceiling, and trying to keep out of sight.

The angel held the half-melted cocoons in its arms. It set them down, and one of them crushed the Tarnished Angel below. Its blue eyes seem to shine more brightly than before. Rage, like waves of heat, emanated from the Desecrated Angel, an invisible force that squeezed Jenny’s chest and made her heart pound. It was pissed, and it spread its wings and raised its head, a cry of rage gurgling in its throat.

But stopped mid-fury. It noticed the ceiling and the missing people. It looked right at Dr. Lee and blinked, the blue light of its eyes vanishing for a moment before reappearing brighter and sharper than before.

Jenny held her breath, clinging to the pillar with her claws, trying to find an opening. Should she attack? Should she grab Dr. Lee? The angel stretched till its nose was pressed to Dr. Lee, and it sniffed. Then it sniffed again, deeply.

It knows. It knows I'm here.

The creature plucked Dr. Lee from the webbing and brought his wailing face to its mouth.


i dont know what happens. i swear. time just slips the F away. my dream is to kidnap myself to some cabin on a cliff by the sea so the only thing i'll have to stress about is my writing. (which is good stress; i hate bs stress).

BUT! I've officially broken ground on book 2 of angels!! you can read up to 62 (end of book one) and dive into the first three chapters of book 2 over on patreon:

some updates:
im thinking about reaching out to audiobook publishers... but that's like, super stressful lol. if you guys would like an audiobook for angels, let me know! and also, if you wouldn't mind rating/reviewing and stuff so i can flex on them publishers >:)

in the spirit of that, i gave book one a proper title: BLOODLUST ECSTASY

Also, important note: I'm updating "Imperfect" to "Wretched" bc i feel like that fits a whole lot better. I need to go back and adjust all the previous chapters. But from here on out, it'll be Wretched for second stage horrors.


anyways, love you, more soon

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