All Human Beings Want To Deceive Me About The Cultivation Method Of Immortality Created By Me

Chapter 79

Chapter 079 The Miracle Plan Is Fully Implemented

Chapter 079 The miracle plan is fully implemented

ten minutes later.

Not a second, not a second.

The official website of the Federal Parliament officially announced the details of the “Miracle Project” and announced the official start of implementation.

The entire “Miracle Project” can be roughly divided into two parts.

One is the scene construction, and the other is the personnel role.

In terms of scene construction, when the Fabrication Institute first fabricated the identity background of “Dahan Kingdom”, it has already done everything in detail.

Although it was never considered to build a “Great Han Kingdom” at that time, the design of the “Great Han Kingdom”‘s clothing characteristics, customs, geographical location, and housing structure have all been completed.

In terms of scene construction, the most important thing is to build the “Great Han Kingdom”.

With the strength of the Human Federation, it is not difficult to build a ‘Great Han Kingdom’ according to the story of the Fabrication Institute.

The difficulty is to build it in a short period of time.

In this regard, the Federal Parliament has given two tasks, one for staff and one for material transport.

On the staff side, inform all construction companies worldwide.

Directly recruit workers and equipment in all aspects of construction, excavation, and ancient building decoration around the world, as well as supporting personnel and equipment such as cleaners, cooks, and waiters.

It takes ten hours to complete the landing on the spaceship, and within one day, all the relevant personnel and equipment must appear on a different planet, where the Great Han Kingdom is located.

On the space battleship side, before that, all the alien beasts in the address of the Great Han Kingdom must be cleared out according to the plan.

In terms of material transportation, all space warships of the military and all spaceships of major transportation companies are requisitioned.

These space warships and spaceships will transport relevant personnel and equipment according to the planned route.

And go to those alien planets that are still controlled by the human race to collect all the materials needed to build the ‘Great Han Kingdom’, such as stones, trees and so on.

Federal Parliament Building.

in a secret meeting room.

Qi Heli and the twelve speakers, who had not closed their eyes for two days, were still staring at the big screen.

The spirit of coordinating the overall situation ensures the progress of the entire “miracle plan”.

“I received news from here that all major manufacturing companies have stopped production, and all workers are on standby. Speaker Martel, are the detailed data and related materials of various decorations, ornaments, and furniture ready?”

After one speaker turned off the communicator, he asked another speaker.

“Come on, the transportation vehicles have all arrived at the production plant and site of the raw materials, just wait for the quantity and the delivery route map to come out, and then the trucks can be loaded and transported, and it is expected to start in ten minutes.” ”

The speaker nodded and said without hesitation: “The Fabrication Institute has already started to design some time-consuming accessories and ornamental drawings in sequence, and sent them to the raw material production factory.” In front of the conference table.

The military marshal, the chief speaker of the Federation, Titos, is responsible for controlling the entire ‘scenario construction’.

Countless reports and materials were continuously sent to his communicator.

More than 110 million related staff members have begun to gather in their respective companies, and will soon be able to go to the docking site of the spacecraft.

Hundreds of thousands of space warships and spaceships have used space jumping technology at all costs to prepare materials for major alien planets, or come to Blue Star to transport staff and equipment.

next to Titos.

The Federation President Qi Heli is responsible for controlling the second part of the “Miracle Project”, the “personnel role”.

Compared with ‘scene construction’, the initial stage of ‘personnel roles’ is not so urgent.

But it’s only the beginning.

This part is the easiest to see through and the strictest.

The entire “personnel role” is also divided into two tasks.

One is related to clothing and cosmetic surgery.

Another is role selection and training.

All clothing design companies and clothing production plants in the world have all stopped working, waiting for construction drawings and detailed data of various clothing and accessories, as well as related materials.

However, because of the higher priority of ‘scene construction’, they expected to start construction in three days.

At this stage, the focus is on checking equipment and dispatching workers.

All major plastic surgery hospitals and institutions have also all been on standby.

Various instrument and equipment production plants are frantically producing related instruments and equipment and transporting them to these plastic surgery hospitals and institutions.

Only after the characters are selected and arrived, they will be transformed according to the identities of these characters to increase wrinkles, calluses, scars, skin and other aspects to ensure that all characters conform to their respective identities.

Character selection and training are the focus of the entire “Miracle Project” focus.

The level of rigor has reached an unimaginable level.

The first point is that they are not members of the “Li Shenhui”.

“Li Shenhui” was founded by a fanatic of Li Feng.

The conditions for recruiting members, albeit to an extremely harsh and terrifying level.

But with the continuous rise of Li Feng, the members of the “Li Shenhui” are also increasing.

So far, the number of members who have passed various extremely stringent and strict assessments has exceeded 1,000.

These more than 1,000 members are all Li Feng’s most ardent believers.

If they were selected to become a member of the Great Han Kingdom, they would definitely become traitors to all mankind without hesitation. They would find Li Feng as soon as possible and tell everything.

Of course, the Federal Parliament only excluded the members of the ‘Li Shenhui’, but would not suppress the ‘Li Shenhui’.

For the council, the “Li Shenhui” can be considered as a precautionary measure. Once Li Feng knows the truth, it is a compensation to reduce Li Feng’s anger.

Again, is willing to endure hardship and plastic surgery.

The ‘Great Han Kingdom’ does not have a well-developed network and various entertainment activities and facilities. Even if it is an emperor, it may not be possible for ordinary people in the Human Federation to live comfortably.

Not to mention, the vast majority of civilians still need to work from the sun to earn a living, to work in the farmland, and to work in the workshop.

Those nomadic tribes also had to endure the wind and sun of the grasslands, herding sheep and cattle.

To this end, the federal government offers a monthly salary of 100,000 to 10 million according to different roles and roles.

Next, there are people who have outstanding learning ability and can quickly master the characters and customs of the ‘Great Han Kingdom’.

When the Fabrication Institute made up the detailed stories of the “Great Han Kingdom”, they learned the relevant words, and those who knew the customs and habits were preferred.

These people will be arranged in the position most likely to contact Li Feng according to the image.

The rest of the characters, especially some children’s characters, although it is not necessary to immediately learn the characters and customs of the “Great Han Kingdom”, they must also have excellent learning ability and be able to master them as soon as possible to avoid accidents that Li Feng encounters.

Furthermore, for most roles, all members of the family must be registered as a unit.

Because in the Han Dynasty, the family also occupies the vast majority.

Entering the Dahan Kingdom as a family unit, living together is more harmonious and natural, and there will be no flaws.

In addition, the character must be firm and will not give up halfway, have a certain performance ability, strong adaptability, cultivation talent in line with the proportion of human beings and other conditions and requirements.

After all the characters have been selected and trained, they will be sent to Dahan Kingdom and major tribes in advance for rehearsal and habituation.

The “Great Han Kingdom” and nomadic tribes of nearly 20 million people strive to be perfectly presented.

** is the greatest original sin of mankind and the source and driving force of human progress.

In order to be able to evolve into a higher human race.

In order to have a life span of hundreds of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Qi Heli and the twelve Speakers all fought.

And tens of billions of human beings, except for those ignorant children, have all fought.

Hundreds of industries and all relevant personnel cooperated with the recruitment without complaint.

Even the blood boiled, proud of it.

Those companies, hotels, cinemas, and entertainment venues that have been hit hard and stopped production and production have not raised any voice of opposition.

Those who were not recruited gave up all activities and work, and took the initiative to go to major manufacturers and raw material production sites to help with transportation.

Where the progress did not exceed expectations, all rushed to where.

The ‘Miracle Project’ itself requires astonishing human and material resources.

The influence that affects the whole body has caused huge losses to the global economy.

But no one cared about Feng.

Because of greater interests, waiting for them in front.

In order to steal the teacher’s art.

All human beings are sacrificed!

There is no Great Han Dynasty.

Then build a big Han kingdom out.

If you lied to Li Feng, you will realize it and show it to him.

Humans are never short of miracles! .

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