All Human Beings Want To Deceive Me About The Cultivation Method Of Immortality Created By Me

Chapter 96

Chapter 096 The Reality Is Too Cruel

The main alchemist looked at the concoction on the ground dumbfounded, his eyes full of confusion.

In my head, it was blank.

“What’s going on? What’s going on here?”

Commander-in-Chief Markle’s lips trembled, a little incomprehensible.

The chairman of the Federal Parliament, Qi Heli, and the twelve speakers, the dean of the Federal Research Institute, and the chief think tank of the think tank, all stared at the alchemy furnace that was still spinning on the ground.


An unpleasant feeling rose faintly.

“That, that… it seems a little dangerous.” “This, this alchemy furnace, the quality is very good…”

“Success is the mother of failure. It doesn’t matter if you succeed. After a few more attempts, you will fail…” The reporters who were excited to introduce the alchemy process were full of confusion.

One by one, incoherent, not knowing what they were talking about.

The tens of billions of viewers in front of the screen opened their mouths wide, unable to believe their eyes.

What about 100% success?

It is not certain that it is said that it is impossible to live broadcast globally?

Why did this suddenly explode?

“My mother, what’s the situation?”

“I am also a fryer of the second material. The only thing that is better than mine is that my alchemy furnace is fried into dozens of pieces. His alchemy furnace is of better quality, and it is not broken.” “This is the Federal Research Institute’s. A major breakthrough? If I come to refine the breakthrough pill, it will not be worse than this result? Because there is no way it can be worse!”

“What’s so special, the second kind of spiritual material exploded the alchemy furnace. Is the Federal Research Institute kidding us? The breakthrough pill is made from sixteen kinds of spiritual materials.”

“Yeah! I remember the last time the Federal Research Institute said that no other elixir could be prepared. First, no alchemist used alchemy to activate the medicinal properties. Second, the medicinal properties of the spirit materials reacted far beyond ordinary medicinal materials.” When you plant a spiritual material, the reactions of various medicinal properties increase exponentially. There are more than a dozen types, and there are at least billions of various reactions, and even the intellectual brain cannot calculate the result.” “According to this statement, it is equivalent to refining Making alchemy, the early stage will be easier, and the more difficult it is to control later.” “This is the second kind of spiritual material that blows up the alchemy furnace, what about the third, fourth, and fifth?” “This The rubbish Federal Research Institute made me happy for nothing.” “Don’t worry, there may be an accident, let’s see the situation.”

The tens of billions of viewers in front of the screen are all shouting curses.

“What’s going on, what’s going on? Didn’t you say you can succeed 100%?”

The dean of the Federal Research Institute finally reacted, and he couldn’t help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

He rushed to the commander-in-chief Markle and asked loudly.

Once the Federal Research Institute succeeds, it will be a major contributor to human beings chasing Li Feng’s footsteps and even surpassing Li Feng, the founder.

He, the dean of the Federal Research Institute, will surely gain both fame and fortune.

But once it fails, the hopes of the people around the world will be dashed.

The Federal Institute will also usher in the anger of the public.

He, the dean, also had to face a tsunami of abuse.

“I, I don’t know, it may be a mistake, try again, it will be successful!”

The commander-in-chief, Markle, was a little more awake, and he hurriedly looked at the laboratory.

“All staff, immediately clean up the site and prepare for the second experiment.”

The laboratory staff also regained consciousness and began to act immediately.

The metal walls were repaired, the concoction on the floor and the concoction in the alchemy furnace were cleaned, and the parameters of various instruments were rechecked.

In just five or six minutes, the laboratory was completely new.

Except for the main alchemist who still had a blank eye and couldn’t see anything, everything seemed as if it had never happened.

“The second master alchemist, taking over the position of the first master alchemist, come and refine the second potion of breaking the boundary.”

When Markley saw the state of the main alchemist, he decided to replace him.

The second master alchemist came to the alchemy furnace.

After taking a few deep breaths, I calmed myself down and maintained enough concentration.

With Marclay announced the alchemy began.

The second master alchemist, like the previous master alchemist, first controlled the multi-function precision manipulator and put three silver creek grasses into the alchemy furnace.

Then, with a flame of more than 3,000 degrees, the silver stream grass was melted into medicinal juice.

Reuse the local temperature changes to remove the impurities and useless characteristics of silver creek grass.

Everything is as orderly as before.

When the second kind of spiritual material is put into the alchemy furnace, it is refined into concoction.

The second master alchemist began to use the second function of alchemy to stimulate the medicinal properties of the second spiritual material with flames.


In the spotlight.

Alchemy furnace.

exploded again.

The difference is that last time it was blasted to one side.

This time, it blasted toward the upper right corner.

this moment.

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world smashed their chairs on the screen.

“Why, why did it still fail, did you not follow the Dan recipe?”

…for flowers…

The commander-in-chief, Markley, blushed and roared at the second master alchemist.

“The response of the medicinal properties was too fast. I didn’t have time to make a judgment. The medicinal properties of the two concoctions changed drastically.” Because some people have failed and the responsibility is slightly less, the second master alchemist must be a lot more sober, knowing that Where is the problem.

“Yes, that’s right, the reaction of the two concoctions was too fast. I knew what to do at the time, but before I could react, the alchemy furnace had already exploded.” The No. 1 master alchemist also woke up like a dream. “The drug reaction is too fast?” Markle was stunned. The whole person just feels like the world is spinning.

One was unsteady and fell to the ground. “It’s over…”

As the deputy director of the Institute of Medicine, he is a top expert in the pharmaceutical R&D industry.

0… 0 He understood the meaning of those words better than anyone else.

I know better than anyone what that means.

“Interrupt the global live broadcast, immediately interrupt the global live broadcast, cut off all signals!”

The dean of the Federal Research Institute also knew what this meant. His face was pale, and he shouted at the secretary beside him.

Qi Heli and the twelve Speakers couldn’t help sighing.

There was a deep disappointment in his eyes.

Although they didn’t quite understand the meaning of the words of the two master alchemists, they could see from the attitude of the president of the Federal Research Institute and the commander-in-chief Markley.

They can guess.

A two-pronged, head-to-head plan.

Catching up with Li Feng’s footsteps, and even surpassing Li Feng, the founder of the discipline of immortality, seems to be going bankrupt.

In front of the screen, tens of billions of viewers stared dumbly at the interrupted live broadcast.

Failed again.

Still the same as before.

Only after the second spirit material was put in, the alchemy furnace was blown up.

Moreover, judging from the interruption of the live broadcast by the director of the Federal Research Institute.

It seems that the third, fourth, fifth… can’t be successful either.

The so-called 100% is a joke?

The so-called rapid popularization of breakthrough pills allows the average strength of the whole people to reach the first stage of foundation building in a short period of time.

Creating a better elixir to quickly catch up and surpass Li Feng, the founder of the discipline of immortality, is also a joke?

Therefore, the hope of resisting the invasion of the demons has evolved into an advanced life form, a dream of immortality.

Or do I have to rely entirely on Li Feng?

So, Suxiao Jiuxin Pill has to become a must-have medicine?

Reality, why can it be so cruel? So.

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