All My Disciples Are Kings

Chapter 1154: Q&A, Xin Hongyi! (twenty three)

Chapter 1154 Q&A, Xin Hongyi! (twenty three)

"It seems that the things in the Ancestral Emperor's Palace are not trivial." Hongying looked at the scroll and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it is something that can change the world."

Ye Qiubai smiled and said: "Then we almost know the purpose of monitoring the temple. The sacred objects in the Ancestral Emperor's Palace are what they want to get."

"I just don't know why they have to go to all the trouble to do this with such a big fanfare even if they don't hesitate to expose the Supervisory Temple to everyone's sight." Song Xiao said in a condensed voice: "They got this sacred object. After that, what is the purpose behind it?”

After all, if the Supervisory Temple obtains that divine object, its strength will be beyond the imagination of the seven god-level forces.

Then the seven major god-level forces will definitely unite at all costs and suppress the Supervisory Temple at the same time.

The Oversight Temple has always remained neutral, so the seven god-lord-level forces are unwilling to take risks to attack him if they sense that the threat is too great. Naturally, they will take action together.

And the Supervisory Temple is willing to take such risks to do this kind of thing, does it mean that after obtaining this divine object, the Supervisory Temple will not be afraid of the cooperation of the seven god-level forces?

Think of this.

Song Xiao's pupils slowly dilated and he said solemnly: "No matter what, we must find out the true purpose of monitoring the temple!"

 At this time.

In the scroll, Ai Xue faced the question from the ghost face of Rashomon and said loudly: "For the sake of all the people in the world!"

 Everyone stared at this scene.

I want to see how Rashomon will react.

 Will he attack Ai Xue like before?

Ning Chenxin also frowned and stared at this scene.

If Rashomon launches an attack, he will stop the Supervisory Temple from getting this artifact at all costs.

 Under special circumstances, Ning Chenxin may choose to leave them here completely...

  After all, the divine objects in the Zudi Palace can change the world.

If it is for selfish desires, then the mortal world will face disaster.

The Demon Realm has broken the seal, and there is not much time left...

 However, after being silent for half a cup of tea, Rashomon did not launch an attack.

Instead, continue moving to the left, and the third door faces Ashe.

 This also shows that in Ai Xue's knowledge, there is no lie!

Ning Chenxin’s frown relaxed.

The dull man also breathed a sigh of relief.

 After questioning, Ai Xue was not attacked by Rashomon.

 The nine Rashomon gates overlapped and intertwined at this moment, and finally merged into one door, which was then opened.

There was no ghost face attacking, and there was no breath at all. It just opened in front of Ai Xue quietly, as if gesturing for Ai Xue to enter.

Ai Xue had no doubt that he was there. After treating her arm with elixir, she walked in.

 The door is closed. It was once again divided into nine Rashomon gates standing on the molten ground.

 It seems that Ai Xue has passed the test.

In other words, even if the truth is not told in one question, it will not affect passing the test.

And saw this scene.

 The dull man seemed to already know what to do, so he also walked into it.

  The moment when Rashomon Ghost Face asked the same question.

 “What is your purpose of coming here?”

The dull man said directly: "Picture of floating life."

 Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

   Floating life picture?

Song Xiao and Mu Ziqing's expressions suddenly changed.

Ye Qiubai saw the change in Mu Ziqing's expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mu Ziqing said solemnly: "According to the records in ancient books, the Floating Life Picture is one of the ancestral artifacts from the ancient times, and it also played a great role in resisting enemies from outside. As for its role, there are not many ancient books. describe."

 However, since it is called an ancestral weapon, the Fushengtu naturally has extremely powerful power!

  The purpose of coming here to monitor the temple is for this dream.

The dull man’s purpose is not without purpose.

 After Ai Xue’s exploration. As long as you answer no more than one question incorrectly like Ai Xue, you can pass.

 So, after Rashomon moved, Ghost Face asked: "You and the forces behind you. After you get what you want, are you doing it for your own personal gain or for the sake of the world?"

But the dull man shook his head and said blankly: "I don't know what the people above are going to do..."

At this moment, Rashomon opened with a creak, and a black thorny vine shot towards the dull man!

 Looking at this scene in the scroll.

 Everyone also frowned slightly.

What Ai Xue said at the time was for the sake of the common people in the world, but Rashomon determined that she was not lying, so there was no punishment.

 But when you come to a dull man, you don’t know.

 And he also imposed punishment…

This also made Ning Chen, Xin Mu Fusheng and others look suspicious.

 There are three situations now.

 The first one is that Ai Xue is right. The Supervisory Temple's acquisition of the Fushengtu is indeed for the common people of the world, but the dull man doesn't know why, but he says he doesn't know.

The second type is that dull men are really dull, and they forget or fail to react for a moment...

 The third type is that Ai Xue doesn’t know and the dull man has something to hide...

 These three situations are all possible.

 It didn’t take long.

  All nine questions have been answered.

The dull man also successfully entered Rashomon.

 Don’t think too much about it.

Ye Qiubai said: "At least now we know that the purpose of monitoring the temple is to seize something called the Floating Life Picture. After entering, report it to Uncle Liu. You can't be thrown away by them."

 Everyone nodded.

  I then entered it one after another.

 But for Ye Qiubai and others, these problems are not a problem.

There was no need to hide anything at all. After answering quickly, they stepped into Rashomon one by one.


After them, a woman in red slowly walked out of the passage and came to the scroll. Then she stepped forward and was sucked into the scroll.

 The first Rashomon gate asked: "You, what is the purpose of coming here?"

The woman in red said calmly: "Prevent the Supervisory Temple from getting the Picture of Floating Life."

 Second question: "Are you doing this for your own selfish desires or for the sake of the world?"

The woman in red continued to answer: "My own selfish desires."

Until the ninth question, Rashomon asked: "Where are you from?"

This question seemed mindless, but the woman in red was silent for a while before answering: "I come from the Xin family in the wild realm of the low latitude realm."

That’s right, the woman in red is Xin Hongyi!

 As for this answer, Xin Hongyi is indeed right.

 She does come from the wild realm.

He was even born there, so there is nothing wrong with this answer.

 The Rashomon Gate also opened, and Xin Hongyi stepped into it!


On the other side, Liu Ziru, who had been following Xin Hongyi, also received news from Ye Qiubai.

 When he heard the three words "Fu Sheng Tu", his expression changed drastically!

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PS: Oh my god, I'm stuck on this paragraph. It's already four o'clock when I think about writing it... There is still a chapter to wake up from, so let's go to sleep first.

 (End of this chapter)

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