All my toys


I had to remove everything posted on my patreon, so I decided until I can find another solution, to post for free the advanced chapters that were there.  Here they are then, as a mega-chapter of more than 8k words!

I once again turn to Ella,

“Princess, does this bother you?”, I ask

Ella bites her lip and looks down before answering,

“I… I don’t know, daddy.  I am happy for Rosie, it’s just…”, she trails her words and stop, head drooping, not looking at me.

I extend my hand to reach her head and caress her hair,

“Honey, I told you once, I told you twice, and if I have to, I will tell you every day from now on.  No matter what I will always love you all.  Whether Rose decides to be mine or not, I will always love her the same as I do you.  Besides, if this happens, when you marry and move to live with your husband, I will not feel alone.” Duude, this might be the most brutal dig I even made to my little girl… effective though…

Ella’s head shots up and looks at me in shock.


I stand up from my seat and move around the table until I am behind her, then bend forward and envelop her in a bear hug and kiss her hair.  I hold her there, while I murmur to her.

“It’s all right, honey, daddy loves you. there is nothing to be afraid.  Daddy will always love you.  daddy wants to see you happy…”

I repeat my words over and over, the well-practiced mantra sliding smoothly from my tongue.  It does not take long for its effects to show, as Ella’s body slowly becomes putty in my arms.


I kiss her hair once again before standing up slowly and moving back to my seat.  I turn to look at my pet and ask,

“Tina, what do you think?  After all you are her big sister.”

Tina puts a façade of indecision on her face, before replying,

“Daddy… you know I raised Rosie alone all this time.  All I wish is for her to be happy.  She is evidently happy with you, so I have no reason to disagree.  Besides… daddy… where Rosie go, I want to go too.  If… if you make Rosie yours... will… will you take me too?”  Damn, my pet is good!

I place a frown on my face and reply in a serious voice,

“Right, I think that that’s enough for today.  Ella and I must go home now.  Princess, why don’t you go ahead and dress?”

Ella, who was floored by Tina’s words, looks at me in shock.


“Go dress, honey.”

“Y-yes daddy”, my baby girl leaves the table with lowered head and goes to the living room to pick up her clothes.  Rose looks at her sister with worry, while Tina looks everywhere but at me.

I look at Tina with a serious expression.

“What is wrong with you, Tina?  You saw how worried Ella was, and instead of supporting her, you dare spout your self-serving bullshit?  I am very disappointed in you.”

My voice is just loud enough to ensure that Ella can hear it in the living room.  When she hears that I am angry at Tina and why, she darts in the kitchen and hugs me, crying,

“Daddyy… daddy… please, don’t be angry at Tina.  It’s not her fault, daddy… it’s mine… I don’t mind if you make Rosie yours… I don’t mind if you take Tina as well… just don’t leave me behind daddy… I love you all… I want to be with all of you…” BINGO!

I exhale slowly and caress gently her hair,

“Very well, baby.  Since you feel this way, daddy will not be angry.  As for this discussion, we will revisit it in the future. I think that we all need some time to process things.”

Tina literally teleports from her seat to mine and hugs my legs with tears in her eyes,

“Daddy… sorry… I am so sorry… I was selfish… don’t be angry daddy…”

I pat her head gently,

“It’s alright, honey, daddy is not angry anymore.  Just try to be more considerate next time.”, I say and ruffle her hair.

Rose is looking at us biting her lips, it is obvious that she thinks that she is the cause of all this.  I remove my hand from Tina’s head and motion with it to her to come close.  My little bunny zooms to my side and hugs me as well.  I lift her chin and kiss her gently, while my finger sneaks between her legs, and penetrate her virgin pussy a bit, stirring it, then exiting again.  Just my way to make her understand that her pussy is mine.

Crisis resolve, we all dress and after a round of goodbye kisses and gropes, me and Ella start our drive home.  My little girl is still a bit down, so it’s my job as her daddy to comfort her…

“Ella, honey, I think daddy is spread a bit thin these days, between you, Rose and Tina.  How about when we go home, we spend the rest of the day just you and me in my bed playing?”

Ella turns to look at me with a glimmer on her eyes,

“Really, daddy?”

“Of course, honey, I want to make my little girl cum all night, just me, you and the buttplugs.”

My princess smiles at me and says,

“Thanks daddy, you are the best daddy ever!”.  Yup, wanting to make my adorable daughter to cum all night makes me the best daddy for sure…


… I send Ella to her room to change and tell her to wait for me in bed, then I move to my study.  I need a few minutes to process the day so far.

Things are proceeding faster than I imagined, which worries me a bit.  Still, I can’t deny that the results so far are everything I wished for.

Ella begging me to rip her ass apart was a long-awaited dream coming true.  It will take a while yet, since I can’t have her wear the buttplugs all day, but still… hot!  I am still not sure how I feel about her slurping my cum from my horny bunny’s ass.  I mean, yeah, it’s incredibly arousing, but I don’ want my little angel to become a complete slut, only… my slut.  I think I will have to find a way to make sure that the girls don’t play without me present, or better yet, that they ask me before taking initiative.  The thought of my little princess kneeling naked at my feet asking me innocently if she can eat Rose’s pussy is a major turn on and I feel my cock gaining the strength of a steel rod.

The chat at the table gave mixed results, mostly good.  Tina played the part perfectly, I must say.  After I fished out of Ella’s mouth her worries about Rose becoming my little cumdump and her fear of me distancing myself from her as a result, Ella was only somewhat reassured by my words.  However, when my slutty pet interfered and threw the bomb, namely that she wished to follow Rose in becoming mine, and the subsequent anger evident in my reaction, Ella now truly believes my words.  Better yet, in a case of classic teenager psychology, she will start mulling my words about her marrying and moving out and me remaining alone.  I doubt that it will be long before she subconsciously decides that she wants to remain at mine and her sisters’ side forever.  I just have to play along, until she decides to beg me to make her mine as well.

  I exhale contentedly; right now, I have a horny little angel waiting in my bed for me to prepare her ass for my cock’s future invasion, a slutty pet that live and breathes only to obey my orders and inhale my cock and a horny little bunny who just discovered that she gets her rocks off by getting anally destroyed in front of a camera.  Damn, Carl, you do good work…

If things work out for the weekend excursion at the farm, I think I will finally take Rose’s virginity for good.  Better do it there, with both her sisters present.  Of course, I will also setup a proper camera, after all, she becomes much less inhibited in front of the lens.  I will just say that it is an important moment and it will be good to record it so we can remember it in the future.  Hmmm… perhaps… if I can speed up Ella’s ass training, I can also fuck her ass as well.  I am extremely curious how my babygirl will act in front of the lens. Hehe, good fun for all the family.  Tomorrow I must coordinate with fatty bro and Tina about it.

Having ticked all my mental checkboxes, I make my way to my bedroom, to find my little girl waiting me in bed wearing only a shy smile.

“You are here, daddy…”

I close the door behind me, and prepare myself for a wild night…


I look at my baby smiling and order her to remove my clothes.  Ella happily obliges, interspersing kisses and caresses in the act.  When she drops my underwear and sees my erect glistening cock, she squeals happily and dives on it mouth first.  I let her be for a minute, happily bobbing her head up and down my shaft, before gently pushing her head back, a silvery string of her saliva forming a bridge between my cockhead and her lips.  She looks at me curious as to why a stopped her and I pat her head smiling. 

“Ella, honey, you know, there are still a lot of things that daddy does not know if you like or not.  How about we try a few today?”

“Really daddy? Like what?”

“Well honey, for example, we could try roleplay.”

Ella cocks her head to the side, not sure that she understands what I mean.

“Roleplay means to create a fantastical scenario where we pretend that we are someone else.  For example, one such scenario is home invasion.  Imagine that you are home alone and a masked man invades our house, ties you to the bed and has his way with you.  Or that you were always indifferent to daddy until one day he has enough and decides to punish you and make you his.”

My baby angel is somewhat indifferent at the first scenario, but while I explain the second, I can see stars dancing in her eyes.  Hehe, I didn’t use the expression “make you his” without reason after all.  I full well know how potent a hook this is for my baby after today events.

“Daddy… uhm, I guess we could try if you like…”, she says coyly.  Snort, yea sure, and I promise I will not cum in your mouth.

“Oh, honey, daddy doesn’t mind, but only if you want it.  I mean… in the first case you would have to pretend that a stranger is having your way with you.  I… daddy is not sure if he is comfortable with the idea of another man touching you, even if it is pretend.”

Ella giggles,

“Oh, daddy, you are so silly!  After all, the only one touching me will be you!”.  Hehe, hold that thought, I will imprint it in your mind with my cock…

“Also, love, in the second case, pretend or not, daddy will have to get rough with you.  I am afraid that after we are done you would be afraid of daddy…”, damn, what a masterpiece of reverse psychology.

Ella stand up and hugs me tightly, then looks at me and says,

“daddy, I would never be scared of dad no matter what.  Let me prove it to you”.  Yep, worked just fine…

I exhale slowly,

“Okay, honey.  If you are sure, I guess we can try.  Go to your room and wear your pajama.  Not your favorite one, love, wear one you don’t mind throwing away.  Daddy will come in a minute to explain what we are going to do.”

“Okay daddy!”, says my little girl as she scoots happily to her room.  I dress myself once again and go to my car. Opening the trunk, I rummage in the bag with the toys, thinking what props to use.  Should I use soft rope or pantyhose to tie her up?  Hmmm… I can’t use Ella’s pantyhose as I will most likely destroy it and it is harder to explain to the bitch why she destroyed four pairs than a set of old pajamas.  I could use soft rope, but it gives the feel of premeditated, while the pantyhose feels like a spur of the moment. Decisions, decisions… Uhmm… I have plenty of female underwear in the bag, as I stocked for all girls when I bought Tina’s; I didn’t know at the time if I would be able to make them use them, but I always was an optimist.  That means that I also have a lot of extra over knee lace socks to work with.  My decision made, I grab a set of sexy black lingerie in Ella’s size which include a black lace choker and three sets of lace socks in the same pattern.  The sexy lingerie is just in case we go through with the home invasion scenario as well.  I also grab the buttplugs set, an extra tube of lube, and a small vase of scream cream.  Poor kitten… I intend to make her cum so hard tonight that in the future the word rape will be enough to make her soak her panties. Hehe, I love my little girl, but the idea of forcefully taking her is so arousing I can’t help it.  Hopefully she will manage to stay in character and cry and beg and scream the whole time.  Good thing the outer walls of the house have good sound insulation…  I stuff everything in an empty paper bag and on the spur of the moment I also add a tiny egg vibrator with remote and a small roll of narrow medical tape to affix it.  Ready for action, I move again inside the house and head to my room.  I leave everything on my bed but two pairs of socks and move to Ella’s room.

My baby has dressed up in a pair of form fitting pink pajamas and is waiting for me sitting on her bed, hands on one knee with one leg under her ass.  Well, it’s not that the pajamas are form fitting so much but that my girl grew up and this old pair is a tad small.  Perfect.  I open the drawer with her underwear and put the sock inside while my little girl blushes at my action.  In all those years, I rarely opened her drawers, especially the one where she keeps her undies.  Preparation finished I move to sit on the bed next to Ella and start explaining the “play”.

“Okay, honey, here is the scenario.  Your daddy is always working and comes at home late every night.  He never has time for you and never does anything with you.  This makes you so angry that gradually you stopped talking to him and you ignore him completely on the rare occasion that he speaks to you.  Do you think you can do it?”

Ella bites her lips pensively,

“I don’t know daddy; this is so different from the real you…”

I kiss her hair,

“That’s the point, sweetie.  It will be like a recital at school.  We will both be acting.  I will play the uncaring daddy and you will play the angry teenager.  It’s easy, just channel mommy.”

At my words, Ella explode in laughter.

“Oh, daddy… this is soo wrong, but it fits perfectly, doesn’t it?”

I chuckle in response and continue.

“so, in this scenario, daddy is coming home from work.  Mommy is gone to her grandparents, and nobody has cooked.  Daddy is annoyed and decides to order something, but then thinks that perhaps you have not eaten as well and comes to your room to ask you if you are hungry.  Instead of appreciating it, you retort to him rudely and he gets angry.  After that, let’s go with the flow.  What do you think?”

Ella thinks about it for a little bit and then nods.

“Yeah, I can do that.”

“Good honey.  Oh, before I forget, in such scenarios, when you say no, it means yes, and when you say stop, it means harder.  So, if you want me to pause at any time, we will use a safe word.  When you say the safe word, I will stop whatever we are doing.  Let’s see… hmm… let’s make the safe word “strawberries”.  It’s easy to remember and there is little chance to say it by mistake.”

“Yes daddy!”

I can see that my baby has gotten excited at our game.  Hehe, me too honey, me too.

“Okay honey, so daddy will go out to give you time to prepare. Say, five minutes.  Afterward I will come in already in character.  How about you wait sitting at your desk, studying?”

“Yes, daddy.  This is fun!”.  Oh, it will get better baby, it will get better…

I move to my bedroom and put my “tools” in my pockets.  I leave out the lingerie as it will not see use at the moment, then seat on the bed to wait for Ella to get ready.  Falling in character is not an issue with me after Tina’s training, and I have fantasized raping Ella so many times that I have no trouble planning the general sequence of the events.  Now it remains to see if my lovely daughter can act her part.  I chuckle.  The hidden cameras will make a nice recording of tonight events.  Call It a memento of a dream coming somewhat true.  Time’s up, the show begins…

I school mi face in a scowl, before opening Ella’s door without knocking, something that I have never done since she was twelve.  Well, except for my molesting visits lately…

Ella is at her desk, her head bent over a book.  As I enter the room, she turns to look at me and then with a sneer turns her head to the book once more.  Perfect!  She is acting just like her mother…

I stand in the middle of the room and start talking in an annoyed voice.

“Your useless mother didn’t cook again today.  No matter, her cooking is shit in any case.  I am ordering food from outside.  Have you eaten?”

I wait for her reply, but Ella does not respond and keeps studying as if she didn’t hear me.

“I am talking to you, young lady! Are you hungry?”

Ella is still ignoring me.

I walk to her desk and close her book with force in front of her face.

“Don’t ignore me, you little brat!  I will ask for the last time.  Have. You. Eaten?”

Ella rises her head and looks at me with contempt in her eyes.

“You don’t give a damn either way, so why should I bother to answer you, Dad?”

“Don’t talk to me with that tone, young lady, or you will regret it!”, I answer, anger evident on my face.

Ella sneers at me as she replies,

“Or what?  You will stop caring about me?  You will stop talking to me?  Will you slap me?  You already did all that Dad, a long time ago.  You can’t do nothing that you haven’t already done.”

I channel fury on my face and grab her by the hair, forcing her to stand,

“Oh really?  Let’s see if I can do anything else”.

Holding her by the hair, I drag her toward her bed.

“Ow, what are you doing?  Dad, stop!  I hate you! let go of me.”

I throw her on the bed violently, though secretly making sure that she doesn’t hit anywhere else, then while she tries to stand up, I move to the door, close it and lock it.  Ella is now standing beside the bed, angry and afraid.

I stand in front of her and push her with my palm on her chest, causing her to fall again on the bed.  This time however, I fall on top of her, my knees on her sides, as I grab her wrists and push them above her head.  the fear in her eyes is much stronger now, as she struggles to break free from my grip while screaming,

“Stop it! let me go! Let me go, Dad!  I’ll tell mom!”

I laugh loudly at her words,

“Go ahead, tell her. Tell her also that if she makes a peep, I will kick you both on the curb without a penny.”

As I say so, I switch to a one-handed hold on her wrist and with my now free hand I grab her breast and squeeze.

“Damn, you got some fine knockers.  I will enjoy punishing you!”

Ella screams and cries and tries to break free, but to no avail.  At that moment I freeze what I am doing and say in a concerned voice,

“Strawberries.  Honey, are you all right?”

Ella stops fighting and looks at me.  On seeing my worried expression, she relaxes.

“Y-yes daddy… I didn’t expect it to be so intense… for a moment I thought that it was real.”

“I know honey, that is how it works, it makes you doubt yourself and amplifies your feelings.  That is why the safe word is important.  Imagine if you wanted to stop and I didn’t realize it.  it would make you fear daddy, and that is not something I ever want.”

Ella nods in agreement,

“Yeah, daddy.  You are right, for a second I doubted whether that was you.”  Oh, it was, honey, it was…

I move my hand from her chest to caress her cheek.  My baby girl leans on my hand.

“Honey, if it is too much we can stop.  We don’t have to do this.”

My little angel shakes her head.

“No daddy.  I don’t want to stop.  It is weird, and I feel a lot of things that I never felt before, but I don’t hate it.  besides… I am getting wet….”

The last sentence is delivered in a whisper and my baby blushes as she says it.  Awww, how adorable…

“Okay, honey, if you are sure.  Ready?”

Ella nods, and I move my hand again to her chest, school my expression to anger and lust and continue.

I knead her breast roughly while laughing as I say,

“if I realized before what nice tits you have, I might have done this sooner.  You are mine after all.  I made you, I feed you, I buy you clothes, I let you live in my house.  Don’t you think that you should repay me somehow?  Hehe, I guess I will take your body as my payment.  I will r.ape your mouth, I will r.ape your ass I will r.ape your pussy, and I will keep doing so until you become my obedient little slut, always ready to spread her legs for her dad!”

As I say so, I grab the neck of her pajama and pull down hard and fast, causing three of the four buttons to pop.  Ella screams desperately,

“Noo, stop dad!  Please stop!  I will be good… I promise… I will never talk back again... please daddy, stoop!”

I brusquely move the sides of her pajama apart and grab a naked tit, then start squeezing it hard.  Ella squeal and keeps screaming and crying, but I don’t care.  I stand up from the bed dragging Ella along with me and twist her wrists forcing her arms behind her back, then I proceed to rip the top of her pajama apart all the way and push it behind her back, causing it to drop from her shoulders and bunch up around her forearms as I run my hand along her naked chest.

“Oh, yes, you will be good, kitten.  After daddy is done with you, you will never dare to talk back and will always obey your daddy.  I promise you…”.

I grab her hair and pull them back, causing her head to tilt and her torso to arc.

I lower my head and envelop a nipple in my mouth and start sucking and pulling it with my lips.

“Stop dad, please… I am your daughter… don’t… no… please… stop…”

Ella’s sobs are incredibly erotic to my ears.  I stop sucking her nipple and bring my face a mere inch from hers.

“You are my daughter?  Now you remember it?  why didn’t remember it all this time, uh?  Don’t worry, dear, after tonight, I will make sure that you won’t forget it ever again.”

As I say so, I lower my head again and bite her nipple.

“Hiiii… it hurts… stoooop.  Please dad… stoop!”

I stop biting her tits and release her head.  still holding her wrists, I turn her around and push her against the wall, pushing myself behind her, effectively sandwiching her between me and the wall, then I start groping her ass.

“I am really going to enjoy tonight.  I will punish you as I should have done a long time ago.  Now, little cunt, let’s see what we have here…”  as I say so, I roughly shove my hand inside her pants and panties and grab a naked handful of ass, squeezing it with force.

Ella cries in pain, at which I laugh,

“Nice, your butt is so perky!  I also love hearing you cry!”

My words are followed by a light bite on the neck.  I dare not put much force in it afraid to leave a mark, but it is enough to declare dominance.

Ella is now sobbing,

“please, dad… no… stop… I was wrong… stop…”

“Aaand… strawberries!  Are you okay honey?”

Ella sobs softly for a few second before stopping, then turn her head to look at my face hovering over her shoulder.

“I am fine dad… this… this is fun!”.  Hehe, spoken like my daughter…

I smile at her, not bothering to hide the fact that I am happy that my little girl is enjoying the game.

“I am glad honey.  I will do my best to make you enjoy it.  daddy promises that tomorrow you will not have the strength to get out of bed.”

Ella giggles and say,

“Oh, daddy, I will hold you to that”.  Damn, she had to say that.  Now I am super hard.

The temptation to up the ante and rape her ass for real during our game is strong, but to do so would make me loose her trust.  Well, I could probably swing it around by making her so horny that she doesn’t care, but her asshole is still too tight.  If I do it, there is no way that she will be able to walk around normally when the bitch comes home.  <Sigh>.  I guess I will have to be patient for a little while more…

“Ready, baby?”, I ask.

“Yes daddy!”.  Aaand… action!

I squeeze and twist her buttcheeks once again and Ella starts sobbing and begging again.

“Please… stop… dad… no… don’t do this to me…”,

I ignore her words, enjoying myself immensely.  It is the first time that I can be my true pervert self in front of my little angel and I intend to milk the moment for all is worth!

I remove my hand from her ass and extend it to the left, opening her drawers one by one while still holding her against the wall, until I “find” the one with her underwear.  I grab a pair of the socks I put there earlier and bring them next to her face.

“What is this?  You own such slutty underwear?  Is this how you spend my money?  Or the boys whose cocks you suck pay for it?”

“N-no, dad… those aren’t mine.  Really… my friend asked me to keep them for her, because her mum checks her drawers…”

I chuckle nastily,

“Suuure, of course.  You are after all a good girl, aren’t you, honey?”, I ask with a deceptively sweet voice.

“Y-yes, dad… I am… I am a good girl…:

“Well, a good girl should obey her dad, don’t you think, honey?”


“Good girl, then I think things will be easier.”

Still pressing myself against her ass, I pull her wrist away from her body and use a sock to tie them together.

“D-dad?  What are you… no! Dad… please… stop…”

Her wrists bound securely, I land a hard slap on her ass causing her to yelp.

“A good girl does not argue with her father.  A good girl accepts her punishment, and your punishment is to get raped in all your holes by your dad.  Unless you are not a good girl… which is it?”

As I say so, I spank her again harder causing her to cry.

“N-no… daddy… I am not a good girl… please don’t punish me… please don’t r-rape me…”.

I laugh and grab her from her hair then drag her near the bed.  I push down, forcing her to kneel in front of me.

“Stay there.  If you move, you will regret it!”

I look at my baby girl fearful expression, tears running freely from her cheeks as she sobs softly.  She doesn’t try to move though.  If I hadn’t checked that she was okay, I would have believed that she is truly terrorized.

With my sobbing angel on her knees in front of me, I slowly divest myself of all my clothing, letting finally free my raging erection.  When Ella notices it, her eyes get wide like saucers and tries to stand up while sobbing, “nonononononono”, but I grab again her hair and force her to stay put right in front of my cock.

“P-please dad… you said that this was p-punishment for a good girl… I am not a good girl… please don’t…”

I move a step forward, placing my cock in front of her lips while laughing.

“If you are not a good girl, then you are a slut, and for a slut, this is not punishment, it’s a reward.  Now open wide.”

I push my cock on her sealed lips, but Ella refuses to open her mouth.  Grinning, I let my cock in contact with her lips and move my hand to her tit, where I grab a nipple between thumb and index finger and twist it.

My baby girl of course screams at the intense sudden pain, and I use the distraction to take another step forward and slide half of my cock in her mouth.  Her eyes go wild and she mumbles trying to scream, her cheeks puffed up like a horny squirrel.

“Damn, you have a fine mouth, now let’s see how deep I can go!”

As I say so, I grab her head with both hands and pull it near while at the same time pushing my hips forward, causing my cock to slide roughly deep down her throat until my balls are resting on her chin.  My baby struggles to win free while gagging, but I keep her there and enjoy the warm feeling of her throat wrapping around my shaft.

“Ahhh, so good, I should have taught you how to suck sooner.  Now look at me, you little slut.  I said look. At. Me!”

Hearing the edge in my voice, my trembling daughter raises her eyes and looks at her father.

“Good, keep looking at me.  Keep looking as your dad enjoys your mouth.  Don’t look down, eyes on dad.”

I grab a better hold on her head and I start fucking her face brutally, swinging my hips while simultaneously moving her head back and forth.

Obscene sounds of gagging and slurping escape my little girl’s mouth as I pound her chin with my balls while at the same time, I keep up the “angry dad” monologue for her immersion’s sake.  My immersion… is balls deep in her throat at the moment.

“So, this is the mouth that talks shit about her dad, uh?  I guess those are the lips that sneered at me.  Try to talk shit now!  Sneer, you little bitch.  You can’t, uh?  Well then, I guess the therapy is effective, I will have you choke on my cock as often as I can.  This way, even if you don’t learn manners, I will at least get a half-decent blowjob out of it!”. 

I keep face fucking her with horny abandon while her eyes stare at me as instructed, tears flowing freely from them.  What a turn-on!  Soon, though, I have to stop.  I have plenty planned for my princess, but first and foremost she can’t say the safe word if she is chocking on my dick.  I stop my movements and extricate my stiff cock from her throat and gaze with affection as the drool gathered on her chin drips on the floor.

“Strawberries, honey.  You ok?”

Ella gasps for air a couple of time, but it does not take her long to catch her breath, after all, she has become quite the expert in daddy-swallowing.

“Yes daddy… pant… I am fine… why did you stop?  It was soo hot!... I mean, I know that it is pretend, but I feel like I discovered a side of daddy that I never knew about before…”

Heh, of course, you weren’t sucking my cock before…

“I see, honey… then, do you like this side of daddy?”, I ask, hiding the excitement in my heart.  Oh God, please say yes!

Ella tilts her head in thought for a bit, before looking at me and gifting me with a glorious smile.

“Yes, daddy, I think I do.”  Halleluja!  I swear I almost cummed when she replied.

“I mean, daddy… you are a big softie, always gentle with me and soft-spoken.  Even if I mess up, you don’t get angry, but sometimes… you know… I find myself messing up because I want to see if you will punish me…”.

As she says so, her eyes drop shyly to the floor.  Daaaamn…  I swear my cock twitched…

I raise my hand and caress her head and my lovely little naught horny princess rises her eyes to gaze at her beloved daddy, who coincidentally is nonchalantly patting her head whilst having his erect cock mere inches apart from his baby daughter’s lips.

“All right, honey.  This is good, we learn more about each other.  I guess roleplaying is worth our attention.  And since you also like this side of daddy, then daddy will make sure to punish you from time to time if you deserve it; haha, wait, I guess that I might punish you a bit even if you don’t…”

At my word Ella giggles, before her attention turns to my erect cock and she licks her lips.

“Now, daddy, where were we?  I don’t remember…”.  The little slut… 

Instead of answering her I grab her head and make her swallow me again and start pistoning myself inside her throat while berating her.

“See?  What did I tell you?  For a little slut like you, this isn’t a punishment.  Let’s see if I can make it less enjoyable for you…”.

I take my cock out of her mouth and pull her hair causing her to stand up, then throw her on the bed.  Even before her as hit the mattress I pounce on her and wrap my hand around her throat keeping her in place.  With my free hand, I pull roughly on her pajama’s pants causing them to tear with a distinct “rrriiiiip” sound.

My baby panics and start begging me again,

“Nonono… please dad… no!... I will be good… I will suck you good… please nooo…”.

I laugh at her last words and lower what’s left of her pants to her ankles, then I start caressing her long legs from ankle to thigh and back.  On the second round, I move my hand on the inside of her legs and caress her slowly upward until my hand reaches above her knees, at which point my little slutty baby shuts her knees together while crying and begging.  I ignore her cries and release her throat, then I grab her knees and pull them apart with force, inserting my waist in between them thus forcing them to remain open, bent atop my own, then I start rubbing my meaty shaft on the thin fabric of her innocent white panties.  Ella screams, cries, begs and sob, but I ignore her as I continue to rub my cock on her panty covered mound, while my free hand sneaks behind her to grab a hefty piece of ass.  I stop shortly however, as I feel the batter starting to gather at the exit ramp, since I have other plans for now.  I slap her meaty ass and say,

“Well, since you enjoyed sucking my cock so much so as to beg me to suck it again, I guess I might as well allow it.”.  As Ella exhales in relief, I stand up and turn her around on the bed, causing her shoulders to be parallel to the side of the bed with her head hanging free and her legs pushing against the wall of the room on the other side.  I position myself behind her head and grab her hair pushing the down while bending my knees, causing her head to tilt toward the floor thus bringing her mouth in a perfect line with my cock.  Her eyes are as big as saucers as I slap her face with my dick.


“Now, little girl, open wide for daddy.  I would tell you to look at me but you won’t be able to, so feel free to look at my balls instead…”

I exert force with the hand grabbing her hair and Ella understands my meaning and opens her lips uncertainly.  I push my dick forward until the cock head enters her lips and say,

“Don’t stand there like a corpse, suck on it and don’t forget to use your little sharp tongue!”

My baby angel obeys and starts sucking my cockhead while her tongue twirls around the glans.

I stand still enjoying the attention for a second, then gently let go of her hair and with both hands support her head making her job easier.  Ella relaxes a bit now that I am not pulling her hair, but as soon as she does so, my hands grab firmly the sides of her head and my hips explode forward, impaling her throat with my whole cock in one go and causing my balls to hit her eyes.  My baby gags and spasms, this position allows for a deeper throat penetration that kneeling, but I refuse to let her go, instead I slowly move my hips back, causing my cock to exit her throat, then slam it in again with gusto… Again and again, with small pauses in between to let her breathe, I r.ape her throat, enjoying myself to the max.  I want more though.  I half-exit her throat, bend my body forward and force her legs to open against the wall, then I grab her panties and with a mighty pull I rip them off her body.  Her scream is muffled by the meaty cork blocking her airways, but the vibrations feel nice on my dick.  I tilt full forward until my head reaches above her pussy.  My little princess tries to close her legs but my hands are holding them firmly in place so she has no escape.  I dive in her pussy tongue first, licking around the edges and nibbling at the soft inner side of her thighs.  Then I move my tongue above her slit and give a nice slow vertical lick with the tip of my tongues, causing the lips of her labia to open a little, like a letter opener slicing an envelope.  I enjoy the taste of my little girl’s pussy as the withheld juices flow from it and are gathered by my tongue, then straighten my tongue and invade her vaginal cavity with my wet soft appendage.  Ella arches her back, at least as much as she can in this situation, as my tongue explore the insides of her horny hot pussy.  At the same time, I resume thrusting in her throat, causing her to gag on my cock while I tongue-fuck her pussy.  We both are already on edge so it doesn’t take much for both of us to cum.  Ella goes first, a sonorous “mmmmm” bypassing my cock end escaping her lips as she arches her body and starts spasming, her climaxing cunt squirting plenty of horny juices in my mouth, nose and bed.  I follow shortly after, digging as deep as I can inside her mouth while my balls lie on her eyes, then cum a couple of gallons deep in her throat.  Given that my little girl loves the taste of daddy’s cum, I pull back halfway so my cockhead lies in her mouth, then I let go with another bout of concentrated nut, filling her mouth with my savory treat.  The amount is too much for her and cum escapes from her mouth and nose making a mess of her face.  I pull out completely and stand up, only to release a third stream directly on her face, covering her gasping expression in a nice white coat.  Balls done, I half-clean my cock on her hair then kneel next to her and whisper in her ear,

“Don’t worry, honey… we only just got started…”

While her body is still recovering from her orgasm, I drop her to the floor and by dragging her by the hair I force her half atop the bed, her thighs against the side of the bed and her perky tits pushing on the mattress.  I lay my already recovering cock between her ass cheeks and bend forward to cover her body with mine, then start whispering in her ear while my hands roam freely around her body, pinching a tit here, grabbing a butt cheek there, all the while my hips move slowly back and forth, sliding the length of my newly aroused cock in the valley of her ass.

“That was nice little girl, but dad wants more.  I would love to stick my cock deep in you, but not yet.  If I take your virginity, you won’t be able to walk properly tomorrow and your stupid mother would nag at me.  As for your asshole, let’s see how it goes.  As I say so, I use a hand to guide my cock gently to her asshole and start pushing it in slowly.  Of course, I have no intention to take her like this, without prep and a good lubing, but my baby girl does not know that.  Yet she does not shout the safe word to get the chance to clarify my intentions, instead she starts screaming again while sobbing,

“Nooo… dad, please!... no!  It is to big!  It huurts!... nooo… sob…”.

Considering that not even half of my cockhead has penetrated her asshole, it is obvious that her words are part of her roleplay, still…  hmmm…

I stop pushing forward and remain still, half my cockhead stretching her asshole and say the safe word.

“Strawberries.  Honey, are you ok??

“…Y-yes daddy… you just surprised me, that’s all.  Daddy… are you… are you going to put it in?”

I can feel in her voice a mix of fear and anticipation, it seems that my little girl is a tad excited at the thought of her daddy raping her ass during roleplay… good to know, I might be able to use it in the future to make her accept trying something she is shying away from, but for now…

“Now, now, honey, as lovely as your little butt is and as tempting your butthole looks with my tip inside it, it would hurt you too much without preparation.  Trust in daddy, honey, daddy knows what he is doing.”

“Yes daddy!  I trust you!  Please go on.”

Having received her okay, I return to roleplay mode.

“Hmm, your asshole feels great, little bitch.  Too bad my cock is too big to just ram it inside.  I mean, I could, but you would probably spend a couple of days in bed… sigh, very well, you got lucky today so no ass-raping with my cock for now.”

I move my hips back, causing my cock to disengage from her asshole and bounce erect atop her ass…  then I stick a finger deep in her puckering hole.

Ella tenses and her head whips up and turns to look at me,

“Hiiii… dad… you… you said…”

I grin at her expression,

“I said I would not ass-r.ape you with my cock, I never said I would not use something else to do the job…”

As I say so, I add a second finger inside her asshole and start thrusting in and out.

“Aaah… dad… ouch… stop… noo… sob… please…”

“Uh?  Why should I stop?  You belong to me, my lovely little bitch, so I will do whatever it pleases me…”

I start thrusting faster and deeper with my fingers, enjoying her screams and sobs of despair…

I stop to look at my little girl, bent as she is over the bed with her ass exposed and tears glistening her eyes.  I chuckle and extend a hand to reach my discarded clothes, and after a bit of rummaging I manage to extract my “tools” from the pockets.  Her asshole is already somewhat dilated by my fingers, so I skip to the second sized plug directly, one inch by five.  I put it on the bed to her side so she can see it as I say,

“This little toy will act as my cock today, baby.  I hope you will enjoy it; I am sure that I will.”

Ella looks at the plug and an expression of horror fills her eyes.

“Dad!  No! … It’s too big.  Nononono… sob… please….”.

“Oh?  It’s either that or my cock, my lovely little bitch.  Tell you what, since you gave me such a stellar blowjob, daddy will let you choose?  Plastic or organic?”

Ella looks at me in confusion while the tears keep dropping non-stop.

“Dad?  What do you mean… ?”

“It’s easy, dear.  You can choose whether you want dad to stick the buttplug in your ass or you prefer his big fat cock.  I mean, your opinion matters to me…”

Ella is completely horrified now,

“Please dad, don’t.  I want neither.  Please let me go.  I promise I will not say a word.  I will be a good daughter… I… I will suck you whenever you want…”

I laugh at her and slap her ass, causing her to yelp.

“Oh honey, of course you will suck me whenever I want.  That was never in question.  But this and that are two different things.  Either you choose, or I choose for you.  And I believe you know what my choice would be…”

As I say so, I move my hips causing my cock to rub the valley between her ass cheeks.

“Dady… sob… please stop… please…”

I grab my cock and guide the tip to her asshole, then I push it in gently until half the glans is once again inside her.

“Choose now, honey.  Last chance before the cock express departs on its exciting journey!”, I say, while I nudge my cock another couple of millimeters in.

“Dad… sob… I… I… I… sob… the plug…”

Her last words are barely audible, so I decide to tease her again.

“I can’t hear you honey; did you say the cock?  Are you sure? It will hurt a lot…”,  I push a little bit more in, now my cockhead is almost entirely inside her and she hisses, probably feeling some pain.

“N-no, dad… I said… the plug.”

I keep teasing her, moving my hips back and forth, causing my cockhead to exit almost completely from her starfish and re-entering again.

“Honey, dad is tired of your games.  Either you tell me right now in a clear voice what you want and beg me for it, or I am going to ram my cock completely inside your ass until my balls slap your buttcheeks.  I will count to three…  One…”

“No!...  I w-want the plug…”


“Dad?  I said… I want the plug?”

“Three…”, I gather force in my hips and I am ready to nail my cock inside her before she finally realizes where the problem with her words lies.

“Dad…  I want the plug.  Please stick the plug in my ass, dad, I beg you”.

I put a sad expression on my face, and ask her,

“Are you sure, honey?  Dad would love to stick his cock in your asshole.  I mean, I am sure that it will be tight and it will hurt, but I really, really, want to stick it in you.  Should I…?”

My baby girl panics,

“No! Dad!  I want the buttplug!  Please, take the buttplug and stick it in my ass, please dad!”

Hehe, her words are almost making me cum.  I sigh theatrically and plaster a look of disappointment on my face.

“Oh, very well, I did tell you that I would let you choose.  I didn’t expect you to beg so much for it though?  I mean, did you fall in love with the plug as soon as you saw it?  Is it the color perhaps?  Never mind…”

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