All my toys


In the end, I had to bring Tina back to the hotel in my arms.  The receptionist gave me an odd look when I told him that she drunk too much, but let it pass after seeing the obvious smile of happiness in the half-conscious Tina's face.  My good pet sure picked a bargain today.  I whipped her until she fainted four times, and fucked her another even dozen.  No wonders she is still only semiconscious.

I strip her and place her in her bed gently, her fiery blushing ass glowing as if on fire, then I kiss her goodbye before leaving and heading for home, finally clearheaded.  Nothing like a good session of whipping your pet to clear your mind and quell your anger.  Yup.

When I reach home, the bitch nags at me for half an hour for no reason whatsoever, before going to her bedroom.  Thanks to Tina happy and not-so-selfless sacrifice, I endure it easily, answering 'yes, dear' all the time.  As soon as she is gone, I head upstairs to check on my girls.  I knock on Ella's door, and at her 'come in', I enter the room. The girls are sitting on the bed chatting, but as soon as I close the door behind me, they jump to their feet and launch themselves at me.


I hug them and kiss them both thoroughly, before asking how did they spend their afternoon.  I almost can see a tiny storm cloud hovering over Ella's head, as she recounts what transpired after I left.

Apparently, Mrs. Bitch decided that it was a good time to lecture my daughter and her friend on how useless I was and telling them over and over that they should not become too close to me and that it was improper for Ella to hug and kiss me.  Obviously, my princess flipped her lid and argued with her mother, to the point that they were sent to her room without dinner.  Anger starts to fill my soul again, as I hear my babygirl recount the events with tears in her eyes.  Rose stands quietly, hugging Ella from behind and offering her moral support.  I guess now I know why the bitch spent half an hour nagging at me.

  I calm my heart and console Ella, telling her that it will not be for long and to be patient, then I go to the kitchen and fix a couple of sandwiches for them and bring them to her room.  The bitch has a rule of no food in the bedrooms, but at the moment I don't give a fuck.  My babies wolf down the food immediately, it was obvious that they were hungry, and I pick up the dishes to make bring them back in the kitchen.  As I am leaving, Rose stops me.

"Daddy, uhm, could you maybe tomorrow drive me to my home with El?  There are some things that I want to pick up".

Naughty girl, as if I can't understand what exactly you want to 'pick up'.  Still, I figured that something like this would happen, in fact I counted on it, I just didn't realize that her bond with Ella would accelerate things to this degree.

"Sure thing, honey, let's go tomorrow in the afternoon".

The girls smile happily at each other, before sending a duet of 'thank you daddy' my way.  Heh, seems that Ella is part of the plan.  Hmm, I wonder if she got horny too.

Whistling happily, I go to the kitchen to wash the dishes; better not leave any evidence behind, else the bitch might take it out on the girls.  Afterward I move to my bedroom and lie on the bed; time to do my daily mental recap.  My wife dissing me to our daughter is nothing new to me, but her doing it in front of Rose however, is new low.  I bet she didn't expect Ella to become so angry.  Still, it is best if Ella feigns acceptance instead of confronting her, I don't want the bitch to become careful in her actions, not until Mike has a chance to disentangle this clusterfuck.

Tomorrow is Sunday, so she will take the girls to church in the morning, perfect time to rig the house.  Hmm, best sending a message to Mike now so he is ready.  Besides, tomorrow morning daddy dearest house will be empty too, maybe he will get a lucky chance there as well.  In the afternoon I'll bring the girls to 'play' at Rose's home, but we will have to come back early-ish.  Usually on Sunday Bitch would go to daddy dearest for dinner and spend the night there, but after today's argument with Ella, she might change her plans to disrupt any free time I might have with my daughter.  It is best to assume that she will be at home.

  At Rose's house, I will also have the chance to have Rose talk to the phone with Tina, recounting our escapades.  Poor Rose wasn't able to talk freely to her today, knowing that my wife would hear everything.  Tina will probably be able to give her a nice push in the right direction, as well as seemingly accepting the need to get to know me better herself.  Yup, that should do it.  can't wait to taste their sweet pussies again.

I fall asleep, dreams of my three girls writhing in bed on top of me…

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