All my toys

Phase two (part 1)

The next morning, after making sure that Ella is feeling fine, I drive to the office to meet with Dave.

"Hey Dave" I say when I enter his office.

"Hey Carl" he replies while standing up from his desk.

  I motion him to sit down again and I sit on the chair facing his desk.

"Dave, I thought about it and decided that I want direct control of the funds that go through the shell companies", I say in a normal tone of voice.

"Uh? Why Carl, you don't trust me"? he asks with a look of incredulity on his face.

"That's not it, Dave.  But after the fuckup with my wife, I promised myself that I will never allow myself to be in a position where I might get fucked again". 

  Dave is obviously pissed, I can see it in his eyes, so I continue

"Look, at the moment you are the only person I trust, but I have been burned bad before so I prefer to keep all the cards in my own hand.  It is not a lack of trust, it's just that if I leave it in your hands I will always wonder if someday you will betray me like that bitch did.  If the control is in my hands however, I can keep trusting you fully without any doubts in my mind".

  I stop talking and wait.  I can see Dave is thinking hard about what I said.  After a while he exhales and say

"All right Carl, I won't hide from you that I am not completely happy with your decision but I understand your reasons.  Besides, it's your money, not mine.  I will send you all the paperwork in the next hour".

"Thanks Dave, I really appreciate it", I say and then I leave and head to my office.

First step: get the funds – done

Time for phase two.

  I spend the rest of the morning looking for properties outside the city that could cover my needs.  In the end I decide to go with a minifarm.  The brick house was refurbished a few years back and it includes two bedrooms, two toilets, a barn, a garage and more importantly a basement.  With 18 acres of land around the house I will have no nosy neighbors.  The price was about two hundred thousand, which is pricey for what I needed it for, but I really liked the house and the area so I thought that after I drop the bitch I might move there with Ella and the soon to be obtained other girls.  The distance is about two hours by car, so it would do nicely for Tina's training.  I contacted the local agent to book an appointment and after spending another hour or so to finish the transfer of control for my secret funds, I drove outside the city.

  The minifarm is perfect. The position is at the end of a private road 3 miles from the main road, delimited by a wooden fence.  From there to the house it is a little less than another two miles.  The house is built with red bricks, with a small front porch with columns at the sides.  Wood and brick is the main theme for the interior and all floor are wooden.  From the kitchen there is a metal door that leads to a stairway that goes down to the basement.  The basement is an open floor design with wooden columns and supports, there are no windows and besides a boiler it is empty. With a bit of soundproofing on the door it will be perfect.  The view from the porch is lovely and the surrounding area is surrounded by trees.  In front of the house on both sides of the road there is a big flower garden beautifully arranged. To the side of the house next to the flowers is a small stream.  I fell in love with the place. I decide to buy it immediately.

  We go with the agent to her office to handle the transfer of the deed.  When I called her earlier, I told her that I was representing a company that wished to buy a minifarm as a tax deductible, so she isn't surprised when I ask to transfer the deed directly to my shell company ownership.  This way, my name will not show in any legal documents.  Afterward I transfer the value of the farm from my shell company account to hers, take the keys and leave.  I want to go back to the farm to have another look but it is getting late so I head home instead.

  The bitch is at home today so we have dinner all together.  I ask Ella how was her day and we spend the dinner hearing her telling who did what and who said what at school.  Afterward she goes to her room and I go to the kitchen to wash the dishes.  Yeah, I know, I shouldn't be the one doing this.  Afterward I go to my study to do some thinking. 

  Tomorrow I will get a van from one of my specials and drive to the next town to buy what I will need to fix the basement for Tina.  Soundproofing material for the door of the basement, a bed, preferably the type you see in hospitals with bars to the head and the foot to tie her down, some chains, two hoists, handcuffs, some heavy-duty spotlights, rope, tape, some kinky stuff like leather whips and gags and a few more bits and ends.  I will also get my special to get me a couple syringes of injectable sleeping drug.  I will also need to print some special supplies plus an ad for the alleged job.

  I leave the study and go to bed.

  Yeah, busy day again tomorrow.


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