All my toys

Previously, in my f*cked up life (part 1)

  My name is Carl.  I am 48 years old, and though I never showed it, I always was a pervert.

  For the last 20 years I own my own business, a real estate agency.  I started as a clerk in a small agency after my stint in the army and over the years I managed to build my own business at the point that I now have almost forty employees working under me.  I deal with from small one room mini-apartments to medieval castles and my reputation in the industry is at the very top.  All my employees get a 0.5% share in the company besides their salary so they are very motivated and loyal. Two years ago, I passed the management to my director along with another 20% of the shares and took an advisor role.  Namely, I take part in conventions and I travel to see properties when their value is above 50 million.  The rest of the time I laze about and the director will come to me when he hits a wall that he can't circumvent alone.  I am not super rich, but my family has a good house, nice cars and enough money stashed away to cover our expenses, our daughter future studies and an occasional trip.  Now, given the size of my company this sounds too… limited, right?  Yeah, well, that's because my wife turned out to be a religious nutcase.

    My wife, Julia, Is 2 years younger than me.  When I still was a clerk her parents decided to sell the house that they inherited from her mother's parents.  The sale was legally convoluted due to multiple heirs to the deed so we had a lot of paperwork going back and forth between them and the company.  Me? I was tasked with the back and forth.  Going to their house to discuss the issues, bringing them whatever paperwork was needed and bringing back from their house to the office their replies and signatures. 

    During one of those trips I met her.  Usually when I went to the house Mr. Roman, her father, was there to meet me and discuss the issues with me.  Once, I had to pick some papers from their house that were urgently needed.  Mr. Roman was unable to be there and Mrs. Roman had left two days ago to visit a friend in another town, so I was received by their daughter Julia.  When she opened the door, I was left speechless.  In front of me was a young woman about 1,80 in height dressed in a knee length white summer dress.  She had long slim yet firm legs, a pair of ample perky breasts and an angelic face surrounded by shoulder length straight blond hairs.  Upon seeing me she gave me a timid smile and said

    "Hello, you must be Mister Carl.  I am Julia. Pleased to meet you".

    It took all of my will to avoid getting an erection.  The only thing I wanted at that moment was to drag her inside, push her down and split her open with my throbbing 9 inches.  Yet I persevered.  I answered politely and waited at the front door for her to bring the papers out.  Her family were devout Christians, her father a somewhat famous televangelist, so there was no way that she would invite a man inside when she was alone in the house.  It would not be proper.  Anyway, after checking that all the papers were in order, I thanked her, gave her a bright smile and left.  While turning around to leave I caught the blush on her cheeks.  My dick went from limp to full erect in 0.1 seconds flat.  Because of it I had some difficulty getting in the car. 

    From that day on my campaign was on.  I researched her family, their hobbies, their habits.  Because of her father's job, a lot of details about their life was known and I studied and analyzed everything.  I started frequenting the church Mrs. Roman and her daughter went to, went to church organized events, worked as volunteer at a homeless shelter….  Everything to bring me a bit closer to them.  At the same time, I delayed the sale as much as I could, introduced inconspicuous errors in the paperwork which coincidentally forced me to visit them at least once a week.

      After another 3 months of work, I couldn't delay things any longer and the sale was completed.  Just as I was moping in my office thinking that I had no easy way to ingratiate myself to the family anymore, my phone rang. 

    "Stanley & Reed, my name is Carl, how can I help you?"

    "Good day Carl, Jack Roman here.  I just wanted to thank you for all the effort you put in selling our property.  Would you perhaps be available to come to my house for dinner on Friday?"


    "I would love to sir, I would be honored to have dinner with you and your family."

    "Good, then we will be expecting you.  Let's say, eight-ish?"

    "Sure sir, I will be there and thank you again for the invitation."

    "Then see you on Friday.  Goodbye for now."  Click.

    That was the beginning.  After a year I asked for her hand from her father and he agreed but with a lot of conditions: No television, computer or internet in the house, no cellphones, Church on Sundays, and so on.  I agreed on everything thinking that after we were married, I could just ignore it, alas I didn't realize at the time that my blushing bride was an indoctrinated bitch.  During the first two years of marriage I tried various times to introduce some changes in the house, a tv, a cell phone, anything.  Unfortunately, the only result would be for my wife to lock herself in the bathroom crying and stay there until I apologized and promised not to do it again.  Once, twice, thrice…  By the time our baby girl was born, I got so used to it that without realizing it, she was now the one giving orders in the house.  I could not bring people home.  I could own a cellphone but I had to leave it in the car, I could never bring it inside the house. No television, no computer, no internet.  She would handle our finances.

    That really fucked me up.  Every month a good chunk of my income would go toward "donations", mostly toward daddy dearest's church.  In fact, I was even "convinced" to sign a postnuptial agreement that gave her 50% of my earnings in perpetuity plus another 30% if we had children.

      So now I own a company with a revenue of 150 million, I have a personal yearly income of about 7 million… and our family bank account has a little less than 100.000 in it to be used for our daughter Ella studies and emergencies. 

      Over the years my love for my wife died.  It has been more than ten years since the last time we had sex and to her now I am somebody to insult and order around, not to love and cherish.  The only reason that I did not divorce the bitch is Ella. 

      Three years ago, I opened a shell company and through it I managed to redirect a percentage of my earnings without nobody noticing.  The only person that knows about it is my director, but Dave has been a good friend over the years plus he knows my situation.  He was in fact the one that proposed it to me.  Little by little and with his help I managed to accrue a secret fund of two mil, enough to leave the bitch as soon as Ella went to the university.  Until then I would bid my time.


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