All my toys





  It feels great to have Rose here with me.  I love hugging her when I sleep.  We have been BFF for so long, and she knows me better than anybody else.  Well, except for daddy maybe.  I am really happy that daddy managed to come home earlier, I really missed him.  I love mom, but she is always strict and she is never willing to discuss her decisions.  Daddy is not like that; he is warm and caring, always willing to listen to me.  When I mess up, he will tell me gently what I did wrong, and help me understand how to right it.  When he hugs me, I feel the safest in the world, and I love his smell.  Sorry mom, I love daddy more.  Maybe if you didn't leave me alone all the time to go to grandpa and talked a bit more with me, I would love you as much as I do daddy, and I wouldn't feel like you are distancing yourself from me.  Sigh.  Besides, the way you treat daddy is inexcusable.  If I treated somebody that way, you would lock me in the house for a month at least, yet you do it every day to daddy, and he never complains; I wonder why.

    Anyway, I am happy that Rose is here with me; she feels more like a sister than a friend.  How I wish that I had a sister like her. No, scratch that, how I wish that she was my sister.  I look at her and notice that she has a somewhat distraught look; perhaps she argued on the phone with her big sister.  I close my eyes, but before sleep can catch me, Rose starts to moan.  I open my eyes wide awake and ask her,

"Are you ok"?

"I don't know, I feel funny".

  I jump out of bed and run to daddy's bedroom.  I barge in, but the room is empty.  The study!  I run down the stairs and enter dad's study, yelling,

"Dad, Rose is sick"!




  Finally, my wait is over.  As Ella enters my study yelling, I jump to my feet.

"What's wrong honey"?

"Daddy, Rose is sick, she feels funny and moans a lot".  Ooh?  I guess I might have used a tad too much drug.  No matter.

I go upstairs with my worried daughter, and see Rose curled in bed, moaning softly.  From here, I have a direct line of sight to her lower body, partly hidden by her curled figure.  I notice the wetness of the fabric atop her pussy.  Yep, a tad too much.

I walk to her, kneel beside the bed and put my hand on her forehead, as if I was checking for fever.

"What's wrong Rose, how do you feel"?

"M-mister Walters, I feel funny i-inside".

"Rose, I need more details, where do you feel funny"?

Rose blushes, she is unable to tell me, so she motions Ella close and whispers in her ear.

I see Ella's eyes widening and her jaw slackening at what she is hearing, before she turns to me and say,

"Dad, uhm, Rose feels funny… below…".  My daughter is also blushing furiously, how cute.

"By below, you mean… between your legs"?  I asked, a hesitant expression on my face.  Bullshit, I am savoring every moment.

Rose and Ella blush even more, before nodding in unison.

I let out a deep sigh.

"It is not serious, girls, it happens sometime, but it will take time to go away and it will be very hard until then for you, Rose".

"Daddy, what is it"?

"Honey, there are some things on which I don't see eye to eye with your mom and this is one of them.  She made me promise that I would not tell you".

"Please daddy, help Rose".

I sigh again, then straighten as if I remembered something.

"Rose, when you spoke with your sister, I saw you write something down.  Did she by any chance give you her phone number"?


"Wait a sec".  I rush out of the door and downstairs, where I go to the study and grab my cellphone, then I move to the entrance door, I open it, count to ten, and slam it close, as if I run outside to get the phone from my car.

I quickly go upstairs again and re-enter Ella's room.  As soon as Ella sees the cellphone she understands where I went and under Rose instructions take out the post-it from the discarded clothes and gives it to me.  All the while, Rose remain curled and moaning.

I call Tina, putting her on speakerphone.

"Yes?", a sleepy voice is heard.  What a good actress you are, my dear pet!

"Tina, it's Carl.  We have a problem here.".  I proceed to explain to Tina the situation.

Tina stays silent for a bit, before asking,

"Can you… can you help her"?

"I promised my wife that I would never discuss this and similar things with my daughter, so I can't"

Ella is in tears,


Tina's voice is heard again on the speaker,

"please Mr. Walters, you are the only one that can help her right now.  You know how hard would be for her otherwise".  The girls listen to our discussions terrorized.  They cannot imagine what could be so serious for me and Tina to react this way.

"I am sorry, if my wife where to learn about it, she would kick me out and she would never let me see Ella again.  I cannot risk it".  Hehe, while I am at it, might as well seed some hatred between my baby daughter and her bitchy mom.

"Dad… please tell us, what is it"?

I stay silent, and true to her instructions, Tina starts explaining.

"It is something that happens to some of us girls.  Our bodies are telling us that we want to have babies right now.  It is very hard to endure, and continues for a long time if not treated.  The only way to treat it is for a man to help us.  The procedure is similar to sex, but it is not it".

Ella gasps,

"S-sex?  But… but…".

"As I said, it is similar, but it is not sex.  You will remain a virgin.  Our church does not tell you until after you marry, otherwise some sinful girls would use it as an excuse to have relations before marriage.  For the same reason, it has become tradition that only the father can help the girl, so as to avoid abuse.  If the father is not available, then a suitable father figure can help, but he must have the girl's trust.  Rose, do you trust Ella's dad?"

"Y-yes", a low shy response is heard.  So cuuute.

"Mr. Walters, no, Carl, I beg of you, help my little sister, please".

I remain silent, as if deep in thought.

"Daddy… what if… what if we keep it secret from mom?".  YES!

I look at her with surprise,

"Honey, are you sure?  You might have to lie to mom.  Are you really sure about this"?

"Daddy, if it's for Rose… then yes… I will lie to mom if I have to".  I see determination in her eyes, good, she will definitely keep it a secret.

"How about you Rose?  Will you keep it a secret too?  If you ever tell anybody, I will probably never see Ella again".

"Y-yes, Mr. Walters, I promise".

I sigh exaggeratedly,

"Well, if we have to do this, then call me daddy as Ella does, otherwise it would not feel right".

"Y-yes d-d-daddy".  New daughter GET!  Oh, I am so good, I am so evil.

"Okay Tina, I trust you to keep it a secret too.  Before I hang up, it might be better if I explain what is going to happen so you can confirm it for Rose.  I don't want her to be scared".

"Of course, Carl".

"So, Rose, first of all, for this to work you will have to remove your clothes, and yes, this includes your panties".  Rose's eyes become huge with incredulity, but Tina's voice come to my support.

"Yes, Rose, what Carl is saying is the truth.  You will have to take off your clothes, and then he will touch you directly between your legs.  Depending on the situation, he might use his fingers or his mouth".

God, I love the expression of the girls.  Their faces are bright red, their jaws are hanging low, and they keep staring once at the phone, once at me, once at each other, before repeating from the top.

I say,

"That's how it is, Rose.  Do you think you can handle it?  I know that you are shy".

Rose shakes her head in a no vehemently, but I can also see her panting.  The aphrodisiac is now in full effect.

I sigh,

"Tina, Rose is to ashamed to go through with it, let's just forget it".

"No, Carl, wait.  Rose, if you don't do this, you will spend at least a month like this.  Every day, it will be stronger than the previous one.  If we don't treat it now, the treatment will no longer be effective.  Rose, you might not be able to have children".

Hehe, the last bomb was timed perfectly.  It smoothly slipped past Rose defenses and exploded in her heart.  My turn now.

"Ella, honey, Rose is very shy so it is obvious that she would feel overwhelmed by all this.  Do you think that you could help her"?

"Daddy?  How"?

"Rose, would you feel better if Ella was next to you naked as well and I did to her the same things I do to you"?  Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

Rose thinks for a second, before nodding in affirmative.  Ella is shocked.  After all, after pushing so much to have me help her best BFF, now she can't possibly back away, can she?

"D-daddy… I…"

I go near her and kiss her forehead,

"It's alright honey.  Rose need your help.  Your new secret sister needs your help".  That should do it.  Ella has been begging us for years now for a sister, so I figure that this would kick her instincts in gear.

"S-sister…  O-okay daddy.  I'll help".

YEAH! Double trouble!  Sister sandwich all the way!!

"Okay, Tina, I'll hang up now.  I'll call you later to let you know how it went".

"Thank you, Carl.  Oh, … uhm… would you mind if I call you daddy too"?  what a sly little pet.  This was not in the instructions I gave her, but on second thought, is not a bad idea.  It would cover any slip-ups that might happen before I have fully conquered my 'two' daughters.

I chuckle, "Sure Tina, I always wanted more children".

"Then…, goodnight daddy…".

"Goodnight princess".

I hang up the phone and turn my attention to the girls, who are looking at me with a mix of fear and expectation.

  With a little bit of drug and a lot of bullshit, I finally reached the point where I can openly play with my daughter's body.  Both my daughters, hehe.  If their teachers where not so stuck up religious and their environment was not so sheltered, there was no way that they would swallow even a tenth of my crap.  Now, let's play.

"All right girls, shall we start"?

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