All my toys

The order of the Daddy

Was in the mood today, so I decided to post an extra chapter to thank my (few) patrons.



The girls change the sheets on the bed and then move to the bathroom for a group shower, where I get to wash the girls and they get to wash me.  We end up spending half an hour under the water and by the end of it I was three loads of cum lighter and the girls were burping.  Greedy kittens.  After drying ourselves we move back to the living room for some cuddling on the couch; now is a perfect time to push things a little.

"Girls, did you like today's 'play'?", I ask.

"Yes daddy!", answer both of them in unison.

"Daddy is glad to hear that.  Rose, what was your impression when I stuck my fingers up your butt?"

Rose's cheeks take the color of their owner, as she blushes and looks down shyly, before raising her head to gaze at me and replying,

"It… it hurt at first, but then I liked it very much, daddy".

"How about you, Ella"?

"I-I liked it too, daddy".

"good, I am glad that you liked it.  if you want, there are a lot more things we can do with your butts".

"Like what?", asks Ella curiously.

"For example, today I used my fingers, but if you want, I can buy some toys for anal play.  There are even toys that you can keep inside you all day and move around without anyone noticing".

Both girls catch inhale sharply hearing that, and Rose's face becomes a brighter shade of red.  I guess she loves the idea.

"They start from small, like my finger and there are different sizes so you can change to a bigger one when you get used to it".

"Really, daddy"?

I guess they don't dislike the idea, but I am unsure if I should push for more.  What the hell, roll with it.

"Of course, princess", I reply to Ella, "in fact, if you get used to bigger ones, daddy might even be able to stick his cock inside your butt".  There, I said it, now let's hope that the idea turns them on enough.

Both girls look at me with open mouth and their eye bulging out, I guess even if they know that the penis is used in sex, they never considered until now that what I do with a finger I can (not so) easily do with my dick.

Ella is the first to shake off her shock,

"D-daddy… isn't that sex"?

"In a way it is honey.  You will still be a virgin even after anal sex.  Besides, do you know the reason why the church says that sex before marriage is bad"?

"Uhm, no daddy, only that it is bad".

I sigh theatrically.

"Christianity teaches that marriage is not simply a legal bind but a spiritual covenant, so married sex is a bodily expression that two people will be for each other, through all seasons.  Are you with me so far?", I ask.

"S-so, sex is like a promise to our other half?", asks Rose, intrigued.

"More or less, yes, honey.  It is a promise that you will always be there for them and they will be there for you".  Damn, I think I just leveled up my bullshitting skill.

"However, the same can be applied to parents.  Your mom and dad will always be there for you, as you will be there for them, so the same spiritual covenant applies". <grin>

The girls freeze as they try to process what I just said.  Ella is once again the first to react,

"Daddy, if it is like this, why they don't teach it to us in church"?

"Because not all parents are good honey.  A bad parent might force his children to have sex with them against their will by distorting the words of the church, and cause the child to never find love.  Can you imagine, if you had a brother, how would he fare with your mom"?  Dig successful; take that, bitch.

Ella scrounges her eyebrows while pondering the question.

"I… I love mom, but I don't think that he would be very happy.  She... is too controlling".

"Exactly, honey, and so the church does not say anything about it, to avoid a bad parent abusing his child".

  How in the seven hells I come up with such bullshit?  And why they are lapping it all up like it is their favorite ice-cream?  Am I that good or are the priests and nuns at their school so bad at explaining things?  Innocence without knowledge is a dangerous way to raise teenagers.  Should I form a cult?  Hmm, The order of the Daddy, only pretty virgin teenagers need apply. <grin>.  I am getting horny just fantasizing about it.

"But some of us disagree, kitten, we believe that the church should explain things, so the kids know what to expect and so that they know to ask for help if their parent is bad".

"Remember, no matter what daddy proposes, daddy will never force you to do anything against your will.  Even if you refuse to do something, daddy will still love you.  My love for you is something that will never change". Oomph, bullshitting completed.  Start with a few truths, use them to justify an illogical lie, expand with a pinch of bullshitting and misinterpretation, and end again with a truth.  No teenager has enough experience to filter through the glitter to remove all the crap….

Rose chimes in again.

"D-daddy, what you say makes sense, but… I am not sure about it".

"Understandable honey, after all, what I just said goes against anything that you were told all your life.  How about this?  When Tina comes back, I'll bring Ella with me to visit and you both can ask her about it". Hehe, it's nice to have an obedient pet, makes bullshitting much easier.

Both Rose and Ella nod happily at my solution.  They are already half convinced, so if Tina says that I am right, their defenses will drop along with their panties at record speed.

"Meanwhile, I will buy a few toys and hide them in my car.  This way, if you decide that you want to try them, you will not have to wait for me to buy them.  If you never do, well, it doesn't matter, they can just pick up dust in the trunk".

Both girls are now smiling,

"Okay, daddy".

Indoctrination… err… chat finished, we dress again and drive home…

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