All my toys

Two truths and a lie

  After a shower and a bit of horseplay under the water, I bring Tina to the basement and chain her wrist to the bed, before moving to the kitchen for my morning coffee.

  Today I will add a little twist to Tina's punishment.  I have set up a surround system on the basement, connected to my tablet via Bluetooth.  I intend to play parts of Jack's sermons on the speakers while torturing her and use them to twist her mind a bit.

I prepare the desired playlist on my tablet, before wearing my balaclava again and going downstairs.

  Tina starts crying as soon as she sees me, her lips trembling and her body shaking in rhythm with her sobs.  She knows what comes next.  I ignore her and move to set up the needed props, including a 60inch tv screen on a wheeled base right next to Jack's picture, then move to the bed, where I unchain her before dragging her to the hoist.  Today I string her up by her wrists, no chair is needed.  I then switch the lighting to the spotlights and start the game.

"Jack is using you…", after whispering so in her ear, I start with a light whipping to her calves, gradually intensifying in strength, without however making it unbearable;  I need her brain to function for this one.

  I use my tablet to start my playlist.  Jack's voice comes from the speakers, the surround system making his voice come from all around us,

"…let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous…".  I pause the speech and whisper again in her ear,

"So says he, but you know the truth, don't you?  Behind his wife's back, he lusted for your mother, made her his lover, and had two children with her… You and Rose… offsprings of adultery.  You grew up without a father figure, for of course he can't tell the world that you are his daughters…".


  I start whipping her ass with strength, her cries resonating in the basement, whatever she was trying to say lost in the explosion of pain.

"What would the world think, if they were to know the truth?  How much would hurt you and your sister?  But he doesn't care….".

"I…", again I don't let her talk, and start whipping her thighs savagely, eliciting screams of anguish with each hit.

  I fiddle with my tablet, projecting a dozen sheets of paper on the screen.  Each screen is a DNA test, courtesy of Mike.  On all documents, the surname is obscured, while all have a line of text circled in red.  The text reads:  Father: Jack roman - accuracy: 97% positive.

"Look at the screen… Jack didn't leave only your mother pregnant, but did so to a lot more women!  Your mother was just one of the many to believe his lies…".  I let her be for a minute to give her the chance to read, her body starts trembling again, her mouth repeating,


  After I am sure that she read at least a few of them, I start hitting her again, this time on her breasts. Angry lines appear on her skin with each hit, her screams now intermixed with sobs and a brokenheartedly voiced '…father…'.

  One of the reasons that Tina has not broken yet, is that she believes that at some point Jack will come to save her.  To make her mine, I have to break that belief; to break that belief, I must convince her that he doesn't care for her as a daughter.  This is the best use for those DNA tests.

I stop my whipping and unpause the playlist.

"…flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body".

I hit pause and my voice insinuates itself in her ear once again,

"Or so he says once again, but after learning what an unfaithful bastard he is, does his hypocrisy not make you angry"?

  So far, I used provable facts, things that she can believe, but now is time to mix some lies.

"The only reason Jack supports you and the other children, is because he is waiting for you to grow up, to replace your mothers in his bed.  You do notice that all the children he supports are female, right? Besides, you are his first target…".

  There, the devil's whisper.  I offer no proof, but there is no need.  She doesn't believe it, but she will gradually accept it.

  The old formula used since time immemorial by politicians to make their followers vote for them never fails.  Two truths, one lie.  It does not even matter if the truths are related to the lie or not, even saying 'the sky is blue, the grass is green so voting for me is what you should do' would have some effect, yet what I used is far more powerful:

Your dad is cheating on his wife.

Your dad was cheating on your mom.

Your dad has plenty of lovers.

All the children he supports are girls.

And then the lie:  He wants you to replace your mother in bed.

How is that for a kick on the teeth, uh?

I don't even have to mention that this would also happen to her sister, I am pretty sure that that was the first thing she thought of.

  I keep it up for hours, intermingling bits of sermons with lot of whippings and doubt inducing whispers, until I feel that if I don't stop, her mind will be completely gone.  So I stop, put away my props, turn off the lights and walk out of the basement slamming the door.  I let her alone for ten minutes, before taking off my balaclava and entering the room, turning on the lights on the ceiling as I do so.

"Oh baby, what did he do to you again"?  I say.

Daddy is home….

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