All my toys

Volume III: The fall of rose – Home sweet home

  Early in the morning, I bring Tina to a hotel using my regular car and help her settle in, then after a last quickie, I head home.  I haven't seen my little girl in more than a month, and I really miss her.  The traffic was light, and I reach home relatively quickly.  I park the car, and as soon as I get off it, a blonde lighting bolt comes rushing from the hose and jumps in my arms.


  I hug my little girl tightly; God, how much I missed her.  I can feel her breasts pushing on my chest, but thanks to Tina's morning 'performance', I am easily able to keep my dick down.

"Hello, princess.  Did you miss me?  Daddy missed you a lot".

"Yes daddy, I really, really, missed you".  Saying so, she buries her blonde head in my embrace.

"Let's go inside, honey".

  We walk inside the house hand in hand, Ella hopping and skipping happily, delighted at my early return.  When we go in, I see Rose sitting in the living room. Upon seeing me, she smiles and greets me timidly.

"H-hello Mr. Walters".

"Hello to you too, Rose.  It is nice to see you again".

Rose blushes and lowers her head; yeah, I have to work on that shyness of hers.

I turn to my daughter who is wrapped around my arm like a koala,

"Honey, where is mom"?

"She went to grandpa's house, she told me that she will be back for dinner".

Once again, I am pissed.  That bitch ditched our daughter at home to go to daddy dearest.

"What about lunch?", I ask.

"She left food in the fridge; we just have to warm it up".

Uhuh, not going to happen, babygirl.  Daddy is here now, and will cook something tasty for both of you".

"Yay! Rose, you are lucky! Daddy's cooking is the best".

Rose smiles shyly at Ella's antics.  She is amused, but I see also a glint of … longing? Envy? In her eyes, before she lowers her head again.  Hmmm, interesting, I can use that.

"Ok little ladies, how does pasta and chicken salad sounds"?

Ella hops up and down delighted, while Rose nods in agreement.

"Great, so let me call your mom first to tell her I am home and then I'll start cooking".

  Saying so, I move to the kitchen, leaving the girls chatting in the living room.  I can see Ella talking spiritedly, while swinging her arms around, while Rose nods, her head bobbing up and down, smiling.

I call daddy dearest house, and my mother in law answers the phone.


"Good morning Laura, how are you"?

"Carl, what a pleasant surprise.  I haven't heard a peep out of you lately".  I can hear her smiling on the phone.  As much as I hate Jack, just as much I love my mother in law.  She has always been kind to me, never condescending, and besides, she adores Ella.

"I know, I haven't been the best son in law lately, sorry.  I too am glad to hear your voice.  Is

Julia there"?

"Sure hon, let me call her real quick".

I wait less than a minute before the bitch grabs the phone.

"What is so urgent that you had to disturb my parents?"

I really, really, really want to slap her face right now.

"Hello dear, I just wanted to let you know that I managed to finish earlier with the trip and I am now at home".

"Oh, good.  In that case I don't have to worry about coming back tonight, I'll come directly tomorrow afternoon".  After saying so, she hangs the phone.  Fucking cunt!  But no matter, this is better for me, more quality time with my daughter and my 'daughter-to-be'.

  I busy myself in the kitchen; pasta with red sauce and basil, plus chicken salad.  Of course, I put a portion aside from each, before adding my secret 'ingredient'.  Jerking off in the kitchen on top of the saucepan while the girls are in the living room, no more than fifteen feet away.  Glamorous!

  Lunch is served, and both girls seem to enjoy it very much.  Rose too seems to like the extra kick that my semen gives to the sauces. Hehe.

"Honey, I spoke with mom, and since I am at home, she will be staying at grandpa's house tonight and come back tomorrow afternoon".

"Oh, okay".

  I can sense from her reply that she is not completely happy about it; lately my wife neglects her more and more and Ella is confused about the situation.

  I change subject to their camp, and we spend the rest of lunch chatting happily.  While I smile and laugh at their stories, inside I am thinking; should I drug them tonight? It is too much, too fast.  Rose came to our house knowing that Julia would be here, now Julia will be absent and I am here instead, if her sleeping habits change immediately, she might think that something is wrong.

  Hmmm, then I won't, I will instead mix a very light dose of aphrodisiac in her juice at dinner.  Not enough for her to become a mess, but enough to ensure that when she goes to bed, she will get an itch that she can't scratch.  I don't know if she ever masturbated in the past, but worst-case scenario she will think that something she ate disagreed with her, while best case scenario she will think that she got horny because of my presence.  If the first, she will probably wake up Ella.  I know for a certainty that Ella has never masturbated before, so she will probably wake me up thinking that Rose is sick.  That will make for a great conversation.  Hehe.  I wont be able to touch her today, but if I play my cards right and with a bit of luck, I might just manage to convince her to play with herself; difficult, but not unachievable.

Can't wait for evening to come…

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