All People Change Jobs: 100% Injury Free at the Start

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Chapter 284 The Magical Fusion of Charming Puppets

The Meizu Queen naturally has an infinite fighting consciousness. He does not want to continue to be left behind, nor does he want to be a drag on everyone. With the belief of fighting and fighting, he rushed to the front.

The Queen of Meizu rushed directly to the front with a very astonishing idea, and his charming puppet once again gathered the power of the stone.

But this time he has grown a little more. In addition to the magic crystal sword in his hand, this guy is also absorbing the power of the lightning ghosts around him.

Lightning ghosts are very powerful creatures. When they are alive, they almost have possible dominance, and almost nothing dares to provoke them.

But when they die, they are also very powerful. They can also act quickly here. They also appear to be extremely strong and invincible. This may be the change that all the things here can bring.

Now that these lightning ghosts died, the charm puppets began to absorb their power, so Ye Bei could see clearly.

In fact, it is really using this special ability to absorb the remaining energy of the opponent. In the battle to replenish himself, it seems that this Meizu Queen has played very, very well in his abacus. That level.

“Look, your sister has more whimsy than yours. He has already prepared this charming puppet, which comes from a very common summoning skill, which is to make creatures that he has charmed. As a puppet, it has a certain combat power, but correspondingly, the combat power is always limited, and it is not so powerful.

It can penetrate the sky and the earth, but now your sister has begun to forcibly manipulate the power of charm of the other party, which is extremely terrifying.”︾”

“He just hopes that through the characteristics of this puppet, he seems to be a warrior who can absorb everything, absorb everything the other party has, and offset this constantly growing monster from a certain situation.”

This kind of thing sounds simple, but it is definitely very difficult in actual operation. It is definitely not easy to absorb everything through continuous improvement. There are many things to consider, and there are many so-called so-called The difference in power.

Although this puppet must have the characteristics of absorbing the surrounding things, the speed and efficiency of the absorption and some manipulations with the opponent during the whole process will test the Queen Meizu’s ability to control all imitation and combat power, which is definitely not easy.

This puppet absorbs the power of the lightning ghosts around him, multiplying his combat power. This effect is very significant. Although his combat power cannot be said to be an unprecedented increase, the benefits are indeed great.

This puppet is getting stronger and stronger. With a certain degree of lightning resistance, it already has a resistance skin, which can slow down the opponent’s lightning attack. Now with the lightning resistance, it is enough to make it stronger. and awesome.

As he walked forward, the Lightning Ghost King was blind, and finally saw that something was wrong. The first one was not stupid, and he understood all this no matter what.

The King of Ghost Lightning shook his hammer, and the guy opposite picked up the crystal sword in his hand. After the two weapons collided, a special war such as earth-shattering was really playing tricks.

After a loud bang, the two backed away. I really didn’t expect this puppet to be able to confront the other side head-on, knowing that all this should be under the blessing of the Meizu Queen.

Without the help of the Meizu Queen, this puppet would have been smashed to pieces by a single blow, but now it looks like it actually blocked this blow.

As a result, their method of spawning monsters is much simpler and easier.

In the past, they had been acting on the basis of their invincibility and anti-kill effects. At that time, the two of them would even encounter attacks. Now, with this kind of puppet, they can even be used as a boss.

In this way, it is easy for Meier and the Meizu Queen to act outside, and looking at the meaning of this Meizu Queen, the monster in front of him will soon be taken down, which is a kind of confidence.

If it is said that others do not have the former queen, there must be some. The biggest difference between him and others is that he has a little more kingly spirit and a little more courageous faith.

The terrifying puppet rushed up, slammed it with its head, and after making a sound at the opponent, the force of the earth moving and the mountain shaking was incomparably astonishing and shocking, forcibly blasting the opponent out, and in the process, it was even more powerful. Starting up and constantly smashing and smashing, this kind of powerful and shocking power is already different.

The continuous impact is actually very powerful, causing the other party to continue to be injured, and when all this slowly stops, it does have its own life influence. Incredible officer.

The puppet of the Meizu Queen does have a certain fighting power.

This puppet has been rushing forward, and even hit the head of the ghost king with a head hammer. The hammer seems to be a very ridiculous method of action, and even a sad skill, after all, only melee combat can work.

But when this guy really launched an attack, the power of a head hammer is indeed full of existence.

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