All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Rescue Operations And Prophecy, Ominous Feeling! (Seek Full Order)


The recovery of Venus Station and Mercury Station may touch Lao Mi’s nerves at any time.

Transfer the scholars detained in Fenglin Castle in advance.

This time has great uncertainty.

So the rescue plan should be done as soon as possible.

And only one chance.

Once the rescue fails and Fenglin Castle is alarmed, they will immediately transfer the scholars there.

When you arrive in the mainland of the United States, it is really looking for a needle in a haystack, with little hope.

The military is fast.

In the evening of that day, the joint forces were still cleaning up the fleeing rice troops around.

Sun Zhenggong informed Zhao Xing:

“We have selected a group of people.”

“They are all good at lurking.”

“Would you like to take a look first?”

Zhao Xing shook his head and said: “I don’t need it for the time being, even if it’s the living attribute enchantment, it’s not the point to increase the attribute twice.”

Latent rescue is not a strong attack.

No matter how strong the attribute is, it can only play a supporting role.

“However, you can call a few people over first, so that I can learn about the main battle class.”

Zhao Xing didn’t know much about shadow assassins, camouflage skills, and Zhao Xing.

He transferred people here mainly because he wanted to carry out research together with the equipment.

If you want to enchant equipment, you also need to know which ones are easy to use.


Sun Zhenggong has no nonsense, now is the time to rush.

After a while.

Seven people came in the laboratory.

Both are level 59.

This level is stuck below Extraordinary, so it just doesn’t need to be suppressed by the copy of City of Scholars.

“Look at the Shadow Assassin’s skills and expertise first.”

Seeing Zhao Xing open his mouth, Sun Zhenggong waved at him.

One of the thin young men came out.

Show your own panel state.

Zhao Xing directly ignored people’s names and attributes.

Look at the specialties and skills of this level 59 shadow assassin.

[Advanced Wind Walk: Enter the stealth state to escape, there will be 3 seconds of invincibility from the moment of activation, the movement speed +2 “597” 0%, resistance -60% in the stealth state, if you are not attacked, or attack, Stealth can be maintained indefinitely. 】

[Advanced Shadow Slaughter: After adding the Shadow Slaughter state, attacking one of the units can cause an additional 30% attack damage to ten units within 100 meters around. The duration is 2 minutes, and the skill cooling time is 2 natural days. 】

[Advanced extreme concealment: Concentrate breath in a short period of time, keep still, concealment effect +300%, duration 30 minutes, cooldown time 60 minutes. 】

[Advanced Shadow Jump: You can move from one shadow jump to another. This skill cannot be superimposed on stealth and concealment at the same time. It can only carry an extra unit. The consumption of physical strength, mental strength, and shadow power is doubled. 】

[Release Cooldown: Advanced Specialty, which can eliminate the cooldown time of a certain skill, but the skill can only be used after 2 seconds. Removable cooldowns do not include superpowers. The dispel cold feat can be used once every fifteen minutes. 】

[Life Frequency: Intermediate Specialty, you can change your own life fluctuations, it must imitate the attributes of the target (displayed on the panel), depending on the level difference, you can imitate skills and specialties

But it cannot be used, the duration is 30 minutes, and this feat can only be used once within 3 hours. 】

Below advanced skills, and intermediate feats.

Zhao Xing didn’t take a closer look.

Because it doesn’t do much.

I have to say, this shadow assassin is definitely a group of Pacman

Level 59, full screen of advanced skills.

In addition, he actually has additional advanced specialties.

After Zhao Xing recorded it, he began to ask the shadow assassin:

“No. 13, how many levels of enemies will your stealth and life frequency decrease?”

What he called was the assassin’s code name, and it was obvious that this was someone from the Intelligence Bureau, not an ordinary soldier.

No. 13 said in a deep voice: “If the imaginary enemy has equipment of the same quality as mine, a supernatural level 65 can completely see through my stealth and camouflage.

Zhao Xing was stunned: “Totally see through?”

No. 13 nodded: “Yes, the assassin profession is not invincible, for example, the hunter profession restrains assassins to a certain extent.

“They have a skill called [Eye of Reality]. After using this skill, there is a certain probability of seeing through the illusion and becoming invisible. The probability is related to the level of both parties. The instant skill

The skill cooling time is 120 seconds. ”

“And in a place like Fenglin Castle, there must be senior hunters who take turns to check important positions.”

“In addition, the double scan in mechanical alchemy can also identify a person’s state through mechanical force and magic power.

More No. 13 did not give an example. Obviously, whether it is equipment or professional skills, there are still many who can see through the disguise.

Zhao Xing nodded and recorded the words of No. 13.

Then he started looking at the other person.

A level 59 earth mage.

In fact, the real professional full name should be [Earth Mage].

It’s just relatively few of the native methods.

[Earth Escape Technique (Advanced): After activating the skill, you can move in the ground and pass through all attribute obstacles (excluding special items and equipment, which cannot pass through living bodies). It consumes 50 magic points per second. Value consumption is doubled. 】

[Earthquake Technique (Advanced): After activating the skill, an earthquake can be created within a radius of 1 kilometer, with a focal depth of 500 meters, and the intensity depends on the environment. One-time consumption of 1000 mana points lasts for 60 seconds, and the support time can be enhanced by consuming extra mana. 】

[Rock Giant (Advanced): A rock giant is summoned from the ground. The defense attribute is three times that of the caster, and the rest attributes are only 80% of the caster. If there are special rocks or advanced minerals in the environment, the attributes will be reduced. change. The minimum duration is 60 seconds. The minimum consumption of mana is 100 points. 】

[Rock Spike (Advanced): Summons a rock spur from the ground, knocks the enemy into the air, and causes huge damage. 】

[Petrification (advanced), bind the target, and the duration of control depends on the level difference. 】

[Magic Power Source: Advanced Specialty, Magic Power +80%, Magic Skills and Equipment Effectiveness Increased by 50%, Magic Recovery Speed ​​+100%. 】

[Skin texture: Intermediate specialty, you can control the muscles to produce a layer of protective cuticle, defense +20%, and the defense of earth-type defense skills will increase by an additional 20%. 1

It is still a bunch of advanced skills, and also has advanced specialties.

Zhao Xing reckoned that most of the people Sun Zhenggong transferred to him were like this.

But think about it, with the population base and resource training mechanism of Xia Kingdom, even if there is one out of 100,000 people, only a few dozen will be born every year.

That’s quite an exaggerated figure.

As usual, I asked the earth mage a few questions.

“Your earth escape technique can’t pass through equipment and living bodies, does the foundation made of material alloy count among them?” Zhao Xing asked.

He also doesn’t know what’s going on underground in Maplewood Fort.

Therefore, we can only use the Chabu base as a comparison.

Those are the foundations made of material alloys.

It is to prevent the sixth child who can come from the ground.

“It’s not counted among them, but the underground defense measures of the military base will have a lot of enchantment and alchemy effects.

Zhao Xing nodded.

However, the local method is in the plan, and it is generally on the way, so it is not suitable for lurking.

Relatively speaking, they spend a longer time in the underground stealth, and the speed is faster.

Assassins can’t do it. Although Shadow Jump is similar to teleportation, it’s also weirder.

But the duration is not long, the consumption is high, and it is impossible to use it on the road.

Then Zhao Xing looked at another person.

A level 59 spatial ability user.

An ordinary-looking, featureless young woman, the kind who would be completely invisible in the crowd.

“Number nine, show your attribute panel.”

yes. ”

[Space cutting (advanced): Cut the target space position, the range is 4×4 meters. The cutting attack power is based on the energy value and attack power of the caster, and causes physical damage. It is determined based on the target’s resistance and defense power. If it encounters space-type equipment and energy defense shields, the additional attack power will decrease. 】

[Teleportation (Advanced): After activating the skill, you can move to any position within the visible range, up to 100 meters, and cannot carry living targets. The position after teleportation must have enough space keys. The cooling time is 30 seconds, and the energy consumption of continuous teleportation is increased. 】

[Time and space distance (advanced): After activating the skill, you will create a new space, making the distance between you and the target longer or shorter, depending on the energy consumption to increase the distance. The higher the target energy level in the space, the shorter the duration of the space-time distance. 】

[Spatial Perception: Advanced Specialty, the effect of spatial abilities is increased by 20%, and it can sense the spatial distance and orientation within a certain range. 】

[Cell activation: Intermediate specialty, your cells have super activity, strength, stamina, speed +20%, all resistances +80%. 】

“Teleportation can’t bring people, but can it bring equipment?”


“How much equipment can you carry?”

“As long as I can move, and the target has enough space.”

“You have to see to move, so you can’t pass through obstacles?”

“Yes, but I have unlocked a see-through skill that allows me to see through obstacles 10 meters thick.”

“Does it matter what type of equipment you carry?”

“I can’t carry equipment like space rings, otherwise I won’t be able to teleport.”

“Thank you, you can go to rest first.”

Then Zhao Xing asked the others one by one.

There are mainly 7 people at the core of the implementation of the rescue plan.

After gaining a clear understanding of their capabilities.

Zhao Xing let them rest first.

But he himself did not rest.

Immediately picked up the tablet and looked at the list of equipment and materials.

Sun Zhenggong introduced: “The equipment and materials that can help the rescue plan are all on this list.

“The country attaches great importance to this task.”

“So the legendary equipment of level 40-50 has provided a lot.

Zhao Xing nodded, and he could see it too.

What is shown on the list is the country’s strongest weapon material library.

There are also many new technologies that are kept secret.

Quite a lot.

However, Zhao Xing directly screened out those high-load and large-scale equipment.

This time it was to save people.

It’s not about attacking the fortress, but considering that the rescue team will bring 12 people back.

So the load must be as light as possible.

Just bring those essential restorative supplements.. ……………

“I see, I will come up with a preliminary plan as soon as possible.”

Seeing Zhao Xing start to think, Sun Zhenggong walked out.

“Step by step, first consider the hostages.”

Zhao Xing quickly selects an item, or a technology, from the list.

【Simulation puppet】

“The simulated puppet can replace 12 hostages, so as to give the rescue team more time to escape.”

“But the list

There are no legendary golems in the world, even if there are, they can’t be wasted here.

Zhao Xing first checked the red and purple golems.

The hostages must be held separately, and it is impossible to rescue everyone at the same time.

So there must be buffer time.

Golems cannot be recycled and are disposable items.

Even if there is a legendary level, it can’t be scrapped here, 12 people!

Under the observation of the detection technique, the simulated puppet can be exactly the same as a real person, and can even speak and act.

But there is also a flaw, that is, it cannot be touched.

Touch it, and the detailed panel properties will be displayed.

Zhao Xing still has a feasible plan to solve this problem.

Enchanting improves the golem’s concealment and realism.

“However, consider it from the rescue personnel.”

“The rescue plan is divided into three stages. The first is to pass through the base stations along the way in the United States. The second is to hide the base camp Fenglin Fort, and the third is to retreat with Zhou.”

“The main problem is camouflage and lurking, and the second is to consider combat.”

Zhao Xing then ticked three categories of equipment.

Invisibility, camouflage, effect gain.

Based on the principle of lightness and efficiency.

The target was quickly locked on several specific equipment.

【Invisibility Cloak】

【clown mask】

【Camouflage Scepter】

【Boots of the Freelander】


After confirming, Zhao Xing opened the door.

Hand over the list to Sun Zhenggong.

“Colonel Sun, there are quite a few people who know my talent, and you can give me some ideas.

“You can submit some suggestions.”

“In addition, you need to tell me the new information about Fenglin Castle.

“Other than that, don’t bother anyone.”


After finishing speaking, Zhao Xing turned around and walked in again.

Fort Maplewood.

command room.

McKinsey looked gloomy, looking at the information brought by the presidential secretary.

Due to the recovery of Mercury Station and Venus Station.

Marines were captured and killed or wounded.

Negotiations in Vienna have re-entered the tug of war.

Of course, the United States is still wearing a layer of mercenary skin.

They do not recognize the occupation of Mercury Station and Venus Station at all.

Let this team of the Marine Corps go out in the name of underground mercenaries.

When Mercury Station and Venus Station were occupied before, a group of notorious underground mercenaries came out to endorse and announced that they were responsible for the matter.

But every yard counts, and this battle didn’t hurt McKinsey.

Now he is confronted by the president.

“Colonel, the President asked you if you can control the situation? Can the Dragon Hunting plan continue?”

The secretary asked, but his tone was full of doubts.

Apparently the loss of the Venus and Mercury stations made the president very unhappy.

“Please reply to the President, the situation is still under our control, the dragon hunting plan can continue, and I will get a result soon.” Mc5.1 Kenzi replied.

The secretary nodded: “The president asked if you needed help from personnel.”

“Yes, I need to go back and select a group of special talents in the Psychic Department, Illusion, and Supernatural Beings.”

McKinsey submitted a list in the past.

He knew that the above would definitely agree.

Because the president is directly under the Marine Corps.

The rest of the troops need to be approved by the Hexagon and Congress.

That will lead to quite a long period of interest exchange and mutual wrangling.

“The president will agree to your request, but this matter must see results as soon as possible!”

“I see.”

McKinsey nodded.

On the same day, he followed the secretary and returned to the mainland from the entrance.

Time passed day by day.

The rush in the Fenglinbao base became more and more intense.

in an office.

A blond-haired scholar in a white robe is lying on the sofa and meditating.

Tom, a level 61 psychic scholar.

He is making a prophecy.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Some doubts ended the prophecy process.

“Strange, why did I end my mission in Maplewood Castle so quickly and return to Florida?”

“Is it because I’m not needed here?”

“I also saw the cemetery. Am I going to see some old comrade who passed away? Well, it’s been a long time since I visited Lawrence.”

“Wait, what does the last scene mean?”

“I actually saw an explosion on the news? Where is the explosion, because what will appear in the prophesied third?”

The content of the news is rather vague.

Tom sat up from the sofa suspiciously.

Originally, it was just a very common time to predict how long it would take to end the mission in Maple Forest Castle.

But he had an ominous premonition.

Just then, someone notified him.

“Professor, Colonel McKenzie is back.”

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