All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: Successful Rescue! The Prophecy Came True! (Please Customize)


Everyone stared at No. 13 nervously.

Because it’s all about success!

If you can’t bypass the detection of the legendary eye.

Then all subsequent actions cannot be carried out.

You only get one chance.

Once a stranger is found touching Maple Forest Fort.

Then the United States will inevitably transfer the hostages.


The footsteps of No. 13 landed steadily on the detection light and the like.

Nothing happened.

It worked!

Thirteenth held back the excitement in his heart.

Sign language to communicate with the person behind.

“No problem, I didn’t trigger the alarm, you can come over.”

After that, all seven people passed the gate one after another and came to the side of No. 13.

“Number Nine, use your spatial ability to sense if it matches the intelligence map.

Thirteen signed in sign language.

No. 9 is the woman with space ability, level 59.

Because this skill is not aggressive, and it is not a trigger type in the scanning of the mechanical system.

So, Nine quickly passed the obstacles, as well as the spaces that existed.

A three-dimensional picture of the entire base was drawn in his mind.

Waited for 5 minutes.

Number nine signed in sign language and clicked on the paper map.

“There are 23 errors and omissions in the intelligence map.”

“It should be that Maple Forest Fort has been upgraded and adjusted.”

In fact, both No. 9 and No. 13 are not members of the Joint Special Forces.

But from the intelligence services.

And strong intelligence analysis ability.

This map of Maplewood Castle is an old style map.

It took a lot of effort to get it from the previous officer.

Military officers in the United States basically do not receive money when they are in active service. They have an unwritten rule.

After retiring from the military, you will get the share you deserve.

This information did not come from Xia Guo either.

Got it from Big Brother.

In terms of engaging in intelligence, Mao Xiong’s skin color and physical signs are more convenient for such underground activities in the West.

In addition, their intelligence agencies are indeed more powerful.

“The map has only 23 errors and omissions in the past 3 years, which is already very good, and the KGB is still awesome.” Another person said in sign language.

Spicy is a big military base, and the architectural pattern is quite complicated.

However, this copy of City of Scholars has rules to suppress it.

There is no way to make it too big.

“The architectural pattern is the same as before, but it does not mean that the functions of these buildings are the same as before.”

No. 13: “According to the original plan, first search the interrogation room according to the map.”

“If it is not necessary, do not act in advance.


Everyone gave an OK gesture.


Thirteen waved his hand.

The seven people dispersed immediately.

Searching against a map is relatively simple.

But there are also some troubles.

As No. 9 said, the architectural pattern has not changed, but it does not mean that the functionality remains unchanged.

Many rooms were originally used for living, but over the years they were converted into storage rooms.

This will take a lot of time to confirm.

So 7 people have to disperse, assemble, disperse, and assemble repeatedly.

After finally confirming all the positions of the 12 scholars, the united hands.

Because the puppet does not last long, if the location of the prison is too far apart.

It will lead to inconsistencies in the overall rescue operation.

After about 15 minutes.

Thirteen joins the rest.

“Have you found the location?”

“The location where a scholar was held was found.”

“I found 2.”

“I found 2.”

“I did not find it.”

After the first round of search, the locations of 5 scholars were found.

That’s pretty good already.

Thirteen spread out the map on the ground.

Sign language quickly.

“Complete the map structure and fix errors and omissions.”

“Continue to act in three minutes.”

The other six nodded and took the map in an orderly manner.

If the hostage is found, mark the location of the hostage.

If it is not found, but it is found, the important location will also be marked.

Less than three minutes.

The maps in everyone’s hands have been updated.

Start again.

Inside Tom’s office.

There is a guest at this time.

America’s extraordinary spiritual hypnotist, Bob.

“Bob, my old friend, I’m sorry to have you come to my place at night. But what I want to say is that… I’m… restless these days.”

Tom was troubled.

“You know I’m a psychic, and sometimes some weird future fragments appear in my mind.

“After advancing to Transcendence, I have been able to suppress this kind of future raving.

“But lately I’ve been distracted by it again.”

Bob’s voice is full-bodied: “Tom, can you tell me exactly what part it is because of?”

Tom said: “I saw myself going back to Florida and going to a cemetery.”

“I’ve also seen myself finishing missions early and watching TV at home while an accident was being reported on the news.”

“Also, the enchanter that the Colonel brought over from Princeton two days ago…God, do you know what I saw when I shook his hand?”


“He’s lying in a pool of blood!”

Bob looked serious: “Is this true, have you communicated with the colonel?”

Tom nodded: “Yes, but both the colonel and Professor John think that this is not something worthy of attention, of course, they did not ignore my opinion.

“John is still here.”

“Do you feel anything else?”

“Death, fear.”

Tom’s face was very distressed: “It’s as if I’m going to be in trouble, but the future doesn’t give me any inspiration, only these two feelings.”

“Even if I stayed here and never went to the front, it was the same feeling.”1

“You said, could Maplewood Castle be in danger?”

Bob chuckled and said, “What danger is there in Maplewood Fort? This is our base camp, and behind the entrance is the mainland of the United States, and there will be expert reinforcements at any time…Okay Tom, I think you must be too tired .”

Tom nodded:

“I do feel very tired…and I can’t even fall asleep lately, so I’d like you to tell the colonel how I feel, and help me sleep as well.

“I will, I will advise the officers in the central control room to increase the power of the legendary eye and perform a strong frequency scan.

“Now, you lie down first. F

“Thank you Bob.”

There was a burst of white light from Bob’s hands.

Soon he fell into sleep.

Bob glanced at Tom thoughtfully, then walked out the door.

What he didn’t notice was that a shadow floated away from the window at this time.

The third round of collection.

On the 13th, he once again signed in sign language for the team members to report.

“I found Tao Guangyao’s location, but there are two level 59 hunters on duty outside his door.”

“I found the location of the remaining two scholars.”

Thirteen smiled.

It took only 3 rounds to find the positions of all the scholars. I have to say that this plan went quite smoothly.

But at this moment, someone reported a bad news.

“I have bad news. I passed by the officer’s dormitory just now, and someone was talking about prophecies.”

“And one of the spiritual hypnotists seems to have decided to remind the central control room to increase the scanning frequency of the legendary eye.”

Thirteen frowned.

The legendary eye is in the state of no one controlling it, and the state of being controlled by a hunter.

The power exerted is different.

This piece of equipment doesn’t have much attack power, but its scouting is the best in the world.

They dare not bet that the enemy will not find out.

Even if this is equipment that has been enchanted by the Demon King.

“Got to speed up.”

“All on time.”

No. 13 immediately ordered everyone to adjust their watches.

Set different times according to the distance of the hostages to be rescued.

Act in unison.

“After the rescue started, we had less than 30 minutes of buffer time.

“After 30 minutes, the puppet will explode.”

“So even if there is an emergency, it can only be handled within this range, understand what I mean?”

Everyone nodded.

After the unified time operation, there will always be a puppet in the 12 places that will explode on time.

So even if the rest of the people are in trouble, it will be later than this point.

Otherwise, it is easy to get lost.


Those present were all veterans, No. 13 didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately started to act.

trial room.

Tao Guangyao was resting on the table.

Suddenly, he felt a warning of the future.

Awoke from a deep sleep.

Before he had time to think about it, a voice as thin as an ant suddenly came from behind him.

“Task number 0493, copy of the Salzman Institute, Fei Qing.

Tao Guangyao was suddenly excited.

Because the other party said these words, three messages were conveyed.

One is the file number of their team before departure, the other is the purpose of the mission, and the third is his teacher Fei Qing.

The latter two may be known to Americans.

But the archive number is a military secret, and it is impossible to get it in such a short time.

With the wisdom of a scholar.

Tao Guangyao easily deduced a conclusion: his own people are here!

“Don’t make a sound, this mausoleum.”

The sound came to his ears again, Tao Guangyao suppressed the excitement in his heart, and moved his buttocks to show that he heard it.

Then there was no more sound, as if it was a dream.

But the chains on Tao Guangyao’s hands and feet were untied without a sound.

Fort Maplewood is a military base.

There have never been any surprises.

There are guards outside.

Scholars have no fighting power either.

So these locks are just the most common.

It was easily handled by these agents.

Then Tao Guangyao felt himself being pulled into the shadows by a hand.

The original place was replaced by another self.

Simulation puppets!

Everything is done in a very short time.

The two hunters outside didn’t even glance inside.

Out of absolute confidence, they did not guard against any movement by Tao Guangyao in the interrogation room.

that’s all.

Tao Guangyao was quietly taken away.

at the same time.

The rest of the scholars were also evacuating one by one.

A shadow assassin from Special Intelligence Operations.

Take away a famous scholar.

The operation went extremely smoothly.

The degree of wisdom of the scholars determines the degree of their cooperation.

Even if you don’t believe in words, when you touch your own people, you will get the details of the panel and get enlightenment.

Is it possible that the Americans did it on purpose?

It is not impossible, but these scholars will not speak until they return to their home bases.

Even limited trust is enough to cooperate.

Fortunately, it was not Wu Fu who was locked up.

Otherwise, maybe I have to figure out the movement.

number nine is picking up

Ying Dian watched a famous scholar arrive, constantly calculating the time in his mind.

“There are still 20 minutes until the evacuation.”


“It’s all here!”

Thirteen was the last to return.

Seeing that the number of people arrived, they immediately began to retreat.

The whole process went extremely smoothly.

Waiting to leave Maplewood Castle.

No. 13 couldn’t help but signed a sign language with No. 9:

“This is the smoothest rescue mission I have ever completed.”

“The location of the mission is actually the US base that claims to be well-defended.”

No. 9 couldn’t help but said: “If you don’t tell me, I almost forgot that this is Maple Forest Fort in the United States, and I thought it belonged to the State of Gaul.

Thirteen chuckled in response to his companion’s stalk.

10 minutes later.

Somewhere underground.

The response team has already met with them.

“.”How’s it going?”

A group of people underground are staring at No. 13.


Number Thirteen spoke directly this time.

Although there are only two words, it makes this native method very excited.

“Damn it, you guys really got it done, it’s awesome!”

“Worthy of being from the dragon group, strong!”

“Which one is Professor Tao Guangyao?”

A scholar came out from behind.

“Task number 0493, copy of the Salzman Institute, Fei Qing.”

“Professor Tao, you have worked hard.”

“Now, we’ll take you home.

Tufa once again issued a secret signal.

Tao Guangyao nodded with three points of trust and three points of doubt: “Thank you.

He still didn’t say much.

Because he was rescued from Fenglin Castle, he couldn’t believe it.

He once suspected that this was a conspiracy.

But it doesn’t seem quite like it.

The revelation he got was also telling him that all this was true.

But Tao Guangyao chose to hold back and let this group of people do what they want.

In short, the situation couldn’t be worse.

Nothing but death.

“Retreat according to the planned route!”

“Set off!”

Fort Maple Base.

Central control room.

Bob walked in.


Immediately an officer saluted.

Unlike Tom, a scholar who is only a special consultant, Bob is a serious senior military officer.

“Well, I decided to activate the legendary eye for high-frequency scanning.”

“Go and call your officer.”


Soon a hunter came running from the next lounge.

“Major, why did you activate the high-frequency scan in the middle of the night?”

The hunter officer asked suspiciously.

“There’s no reason, it’s just a precaution.”

“You know that there are a lot of people who have withdrawn from the Xia Guo base station recently, so you have to be careful.”

This reason is not sufficient.

After all, the Eye of Legend has already conducted a strong scan on those defeated soldiers a few days ago.

But a sir is a sir.

One word will make them run away.

The hunter had to go and call his adjutant.

Afterwards, two level 60 extraordinary (Mo Dehao) hunters instilled extraordinary energy bases into the eyes of legend.

The orange light suddenly became deep and pure.

The entire military base was scanned in no time.

At the same time, he also scanned the puppets in the interrogation room.

At this moment, the Legendary Eye immediately fed back the scanned information to the two hunter officers.

But at this moment.

30 minutes is up!


When the first time came to the bionic puppet, a violent explosion occurred.

At the same time as the sound of warning came.

【Alert, found an unidentified anomaly!】

[Target: 11 places. 】

【Coordinate position: XXX】

[The camouflage has been lifted. 】

[Discrimination results: Simulated puppets, mechanical alchemy… 013005318 Feilu 193451331]


The two hunter officers were taken aback.

Bob rushed out in an instant.

at the same time.

The one who was awakened by the shock of the explosion was the enchanter John who was still in the dormitory.

“What’s going on, where did the explosion come from?”

John woke up instantly.

He was not slow, and even jumped directly from the window.

Extraordinary Enchanters have good fighting power, the professor rushed to the dormitory immediately to check the safety of the researcher.

The rest of the Princeton researchers were quickly brought together by him.

“Go to the defensive enchantment square!”

John made a quick decision.

However, when he took someone through a certain place.


The second explosion came from the door and window.

A high-fidelity doll, after being added with extra special effects by Zhao Xing.

The magic power has reached 30,000 points!

The special effect of self-explosion is amplified based on the mana value.

It has been magnified dozens of times than the original explosion intensity!

Caught off guard.

John and the rest of the institute members were directly overthrown.

Then, like a sandbag, it hit the far floor hard.


John lay on the ground, spitting blood.

Flesh flew all over him, and many people had their limbs broken.

Tom, who woke up from his sleep, watched the scene from the window.

Immediately screamed in horror. .

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