All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 58

Chapter Fifty-Eight: Crazy Liver Explosion, The Five-Nation Military Exchange Tournament Begins! (Ask For A Custom Monthly Pass!)

【Zhao Xing: Sister, I have something to do, so I won’t come to the lab for a few days. 】

【Lin Yuxiang: What’s the matter, do you need help?】

【 Zhao Xing: I can handle it myself. 】

[Lin Yuxiang: Okay. 】

Finish sending the message to Lin Yuxiang.

Zhao Xing decided to increase the speed of improving proficiency.

For no other reason, I just want to teach those small countries of Quer who don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth a lesson!

Let them deeply feel what is the strength of a big country!

“Primary skill rubbing alone is not very safe.

“At least intermediate, preferably advanced!”

“After all, the troops who came to exchange will definitely not be Taichen.”

“Don’t be careless!”

When it comes to national glory and face issues, Zhao Xing also puts his heart into it and decides to go all out.

In this multinational military exchange, the other party sent at least 40-50 troops.

As for why not send Chaofan.

Have you ever seen DF missiles used for military exercises?

It’s not that there are no, it can only be said that there are very few.

After all, Chaofan belongs to the top group of combat power.

If you really do it, you will lose face if you lose.

Losing is the next best thing, if one is lost, the loss will be too great.

In addition, even if Chaofan engages in military exchanges, generally speaking, Yin’s family also hides them.

I won’t really let the other party know how much I am.

Chaofan will not conduct military exchanges easily, but more academic exchanges.

Such as publishing papers, researching theories, and summarizing new laws and even new knowledge.

Most of them are soft power competitions.

【Ding! You have succeeded in casting your spirit rubbing!】

[The operation model of the ‘pain’ skill is saved. 】

【You consumed 50 points of mental power and rubbed 5 models at the same time. 】

[You gain 5 proficiency points. 】

【Elementary spiritual rubbing: 4027/10000.】

【You enchant the Red Rock Staff (Purple) with the skill ‘Pain’!】

[This enchantment triggers a multiple increase! The pain effect is increased by 20 times!】

【Pain: When using this skill, the target will enter a state of pain! Lasts for 60 seconds!】

[This enchantment, gain 30 points of proficiency. 】

When Zhao Xing turned on his horsepower, the members of the recruit company were killed.

Four hours of training a day has been increased to eight hours.

One side is the attribute and resistance growth brought about by training.

On the one hand, he is constantly being distracted by various illusions.

It can be said that the people in the recruit company are in pain and happiness.

But Jiang Tian and Jiang Cheng did not let them go.

As an instructor, I was recruited.

And it’s doubling the effect.

What do you recruits call suffering?

If there is a medical team with cash to accompany you, there will definitely be no problem.

Jiang Tian and Jiang Cheng wished to extend the time a little longer.

It’s a pity that Zhao Xing doesn’t need them to train for so long.

Eight 223 hours a day is enough.

In the remaining 16 hours, Zhao Xing has to do skill enchanting to improve his proficiency!

Liver explosion without sleep for three consecutive days.

Zhao Xing’s spirit rubbing and skill enchanting have reached the intermediate level.

At this time, the improvement of proficiency slowed down.

After counting the time, there is no way to improve both skills to advanced level.

Can only choose one.

“Is it necessary to upgrade the skill of Spirit Rubbing to an advanced level, or to enchant the skill to an advanced level?”

Facing the choice, Zhao Xing didn’t think for himself.

He directly sent a message to Senior Brother Wang Zhongyi.

Brother is the direction of skill enchanting.

“Hey, Junior Brother Zhao, how are you doing? Recently, I learned from Senior Sister Lin.”

?Senior brother, you are so slippery with this flip-flop, it must be from the north… Zhao Xing muttered in his heart.

“Brother, I want to ask a question.”

“you say.”

“In a limited time, is it better to improve the proficiency of skill enchanting, or is it better to print the spirit?”

Hear the question.

Wang Zhongyi suddenly became interested.

“Junior brother, if you want to say this, I won’t be sleepy.

“Come, come, brother, give me some pointers.”

as a junior researcher.

Wang Zhongyi has always been not interested in talking about non-academic topics with men.

But if it comes to his field of expertise.

He talked a lot.

“The essence of the improvement of the skill of spiritual rubbing is to be able to preserve the casting process of the target reference object more completely!”

“And the upper limit of the rubbing target level is higher!”

“It will not increase the final enchantment effect by itself.”

After a pause, Wang Zhongyi gave an example:

“For example, your primary spiritual rubbing can only save the casting process of a primary skill, and the power of the rubbing is only about 70-90% of the power of the reference object.

“But if you have reached the intermediate level of spiritual rubbing, and then rubbing the primary skills, you will be able to preserve 100% of the power!”

“But at most 100%.”

“If you want to increase the final power, you have to increase the proficiency of the skill enchantment itself.”

“And consider using enchantment superposition, equipment analysis, magic combination, and fusion with attribute-enhancing materials to increase the power.”

Wang Zhongyi gave another example:

“For example, if you rubbed a martial artist’s skill ‘charged fist’

“The power of the punch punched by the reference object is 1000.”

“But the effect after enchanting the equipment may exceed 1000, which is even stronger than what he himself casts!”

“However, the materials used are also more precious, and it also tests the proficiency of various skills of the enchanter.”

“Do you get me?”

“This is equivalent to the equipment itself and the enchanting materials, providing additional bonuses. y

“It’s like adding a gain BUFF!”

Wang Zhongyi’s explanation made Zhao Xing understand immediately.

After careful consideration, Zhao Xing decided to increase the proficiency of skill enchanting within a limited time.

As for the spiritual rubbing practice to the intermediate level, let it go first.

One is because the skills he intends to enchant are elementary and intermediate.

So there is no need to get the spiritual rubbing to an advanced level.

The second is military exchanges, and it is impossible for everyone to kill and kill, and engage in some devastating high-level skill confrontation.

Many highly lethal skills are prohibited in the exchange of exercises.

After all, it is not easy to cultivate the main combat occupation of level 40 or 50.

No one wants to see a batch of exchanges die.

Zhao Xing said: “Thank you brother, I understand.”

Wang Zhongyi: “It’s okay, you can come to me anytime if you have any questions.”

There seemed to be some meaning in his tone.

No one usually talks to him about it.

He himself didn’t bother to chat with some ordinary classmates.

In Wang Zhongyi’s eyes, apart from the teachers, it is the brothers of the Future Research Institute who are worth communicating with.

【You enchant the Red Rock Staff (Purple) with the skill ‘Pain’!】

[This enchantment triggers a multiple increase! The pain effect is increased by 20 times!】

[This enchantment triggers the blessing of the source, and it is 100% successful! The red rock staff adds the skill of ‘pain’. Additional ‘double pain’ effect is added. 】

【Pain: When using this skill, the target will enter a state of pain! Lasts for 60 seconds!】

[This enchantment, gain 30 points of proficiency. 】

With increasing proficiency.

Zhao Xing also shipped again.

In the past few days, I have been immersed in skill enchanting, and I am completely unable to extricate myself.

The probability of shipment seems to have been artificially increased.

Zhao Xing also had a liver for five consecutive days.

Raise the proficiency of this skill enchanting to an advanced level!

“Huh~ Finally the liver came out.”

“The next step is to find a way to improve the basic amplification effect of the skill enchantment.”

Zhao Xing is quite satisfied with the results of the liver explosion in the past few days.

The 100% success rate allows him to gain proficiency, which is many times that of others.

In addition, materials are also in sufficient supply.

So he’s improving almost all the time.

During this period, he even gained a lot of free attribute points.

Let his mental power increase a little more.

“Skill Enchanting, the main occupational knowledge alone, can increase the basic power of a person without exaggeration.”

“It needs to be supplemented with the knowledge of other branches to enhance the basic power.”

“The enchanting superposition, magic power structure, and material fusion mentioned by Senior Brother Wang can all be tried.

Just do it.

Zhao Xing immediately began to think about how to amplify the basic power.

So that after the effect of the original blessing is triggered, it will become stronger.

Talent is like an amplifier.

As long as he will get more.

The final effect is also stronger.

That night.

“Senior Brother Wang, the ‘double fold’ structure in the enchanting superposition is not strong enough. Even if I succeed in enchanting, its power will dissipate a lot.”

“Damn it, junior brother, you are really talented, why don’t you go to bed so late? It’s been a few days, and you don’t go to bed at three or four in the middle of the night. Your total mental power is very high?”

Wang Zhongyi was doing research in the laboratory in the middle of the night.

As a result, the message from Junior Brother Zhao Xing was sent again.

He also wondered.

Zhao Xing stays up all night every day and is still full of energy, how can his mental strength withstand it?

There’s nothing wrong with being a junior researcher.

But he’s a (bdch) freshman.

“Uh, senior brother, my mental strength is still good, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

His current mental strength is completely capable of making it dark, day and night dark.

At least now there is no negative state.

Since obtaining the two legends, Zhao Xing hasn’t tested his limit yet.

It’s good to try this time.

“Okay, as long as you know what’s in your heart.”

Wang Zhongyi said: “What was your question just now?”

Zhao Xing said: “The double-folded structure in the enchanting superposition is not strong enough. Even if I enchant it successfully, its power will dissipate a lot, and it will not exert the gain properties of the materials I enchanted at all.”

Wang Zhongyi was stunned: “What are you doing, the double-fold structure is already a very good magic power receiving structure, and most of the 30-level rare materials use two parts

Should be all right?”

Zhao Xing thought for a while and said: “Oh, I didn’t really do it, how could I make this, I just want to discuss the theory with my brother.”

Only then did Wang Zhongyi nod his head.

This makes sense.

The younger juniors haven’t even entered school yet, so asking this kind of question in the first few days is completely out of line.

Of course, if it’s just a theory, then it’s normal.

Wang Zhongyi is usually fine, and he also likes to chat with Wei Wen about extraordinary theories.

This kind of theoretical discussion with a bit of bragging is quite normal.

“Then you are asking the right person.” Wang Zhongyi said: “After unlocking the superposition of enchantments, there will only be two common succession structures in your mind.

“That is, back-shaped folding and double-back folding. It is enough to satisfy large

Used by some enchanters at level 30. ”

“It belongs to the three-dimensional folding in the magic structure, if you want to improve it.”

“It can raise the magic power structure to the intermediate level.”

“Choose three types of magic shell, magic chain, and magic grid to try.

Wang Zhongyi talked eloquently:

“These three are recognized as the most difficult in the middle-level magic structure, and the success rate is very low.

“However, the basic increase effect that can be provided is also obvious.”

“It can already satisfy the use of some particularly huge weapons and equipment.”

Zhao Xing quickly recorded it, preparing to search for it in the inventory piled next to it later.

“The structure of the magic power shell is stronger, and the magic power chain is more refined, which can enchant those weird weapons. The magic power grid is relatively average, and can be rough or thin.”

“Brother, I am knowledgeable and talented, and I have mastered fifteen of this category so-so.”

Having said that, Wang Zhongyi stopped.

Zhao Xing was taken aback at first.

But he immediately reacted: “Brother is awesome!”

Wang Zhongyi was very satisfied and said: “Hey, it’s so-so, and this level ranks in the upper middle of the junior researchers, um… I’m talking about the calculation of junior researchers all over the country.

Zhao Xing also laughed.

Brother Emotion is waiting for me to praise you.

But one thing to say, being able to rank in the middle and upper reaches of the country’s junior researchers is indeed considered awesome.

“Come on, let me tell you about the direction of material fusion. By the way, what type of skills do you want to enchant?”


“Oh, materials to enhance illusion are relatively rare, but I just know some, brother, so I’ll tell you…


I chatted with the knowledgeable and talented senior brother Wang for almost two hours.

Zhao Xing can be said to have benefited a lot.

The professional knowledge branch and the main professional knowledge complement each other, and sometimes a little more will get better results.

But if there is no one to point out, it is impossible to talk about the vast branches of knowledge.

Everyone knows that it is useful to learn more, but you don’t know which one to learn will be effective immediately.

Wang Zhongyi can let you know what you have learned, and it will be immediately useful to your next research.

[You are learning ‘Magic Structure (Intermediate)’ and the progress is 20%. 】

[You are learning ‘Magic Structure (Intermediate)’ and the progress is 50%. 】

[You have comprehended the perception of microscopic magic power, spiritual power +5 points]


Time flies.

September 1st.

It is the day when new students enter school.

It is also the day when the four countries of Sakura, Korea, Tianzhu, and Great Britain officially conduct military exchanges.

In fact, the exchange troops of the four countries arrived in Xia Guo as early as 10 days ago.

The reason why they negotiated to start the match on this date was also due to ulterior motives.

“It’s almost time for Xia Guo’s freshmen to enroll.”

“If we can defeat the backbone of the Xia Kingdom’s army during this period of time, this will definitely be on the Xia Kingdom’s hot searches!”

“Gentlemen, cheer me up and teach the Xia soldiers a good lesson!”

A ghost with blue eyes is mobilizing before the game.

His name is Hank, and he is one of the extraordinary instructors leading the team this time.

“Yes, sir!”

“I don’t think it’s a problem for us to win the first place, and we can even create a big victory!”

“I’m afraid that those idiots from Tianzhu and Gaoli will hold back, they will probably be at the bottom.

A group of soldiers were discussing.

That’s right, they are all younger brothers, and that is also based on status. Great Britain looks down on everyone equally.

the other side. The lounge of Sakura Country.

Yoshida Kunihiko said seriously::

“In this exchange match, let’s keep the second and compete for the first, absolutely not allowed to lose to Xia Guo! Try to catch up with Great Britain!”

“I have prepared so many good things, if you can’t complete the task, you will kill yourself by harakiri!”

A group of officers below are also ready:


Korean lounge.

“Haxi, I’m really not used to staying in this hotel in Xiaguo, and the taste of the food is too bad, there’s not even kimchi!”

“What are they going to do, make us eat our stomachs and win the game?!”

“What a despicable Xia countryman!”

“West, hurry up and win this victory, I want to go home and eat my mother’s bubble.”

Tianzhu Kingdom Lounge.

Extraordinary Sasha walked in with a calm face.

“The imaginary enemy army that we are fighting with this time is Xia Guo’s phantom army.”

“The order of the lottery came out, and we played third.”

“The ones ahead of us are Goryeo and Sakura.”

“Children, meditate well, and Allah will guide us to victory in a few days.”.

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