All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: I Was Abused And Cried! Create A Record Score! (Please Customize)

With 90 to 0, there are only 30 people left in their company to fight, and Korea can only use its trump card.

That is, Park Zhengming, Park Zhengxiu, and Kim Minho, these three people.

Watching the three of them walk towards the ring.

Li Zhengxian also returned to his seat.

There was a trace of expectation on his face.

“Pu Zhengming, Park Zhengxiu brothers and sisters.”

“One is a Psychic Master in the Psychic Department, and the other is a person with the ability to manifest.

“Jin Minhao is a supernatural being with the ability to transform.”

“The three of them are the most talented young people in the entire Koryo Kingdom.”

“This time, we invited masters from the United States to tailor a set of exclusive equipment for them.”

“Maybe we can come back from the Jedi!”

? Li Zhengxian has pinned all his hopes on these three people.

There is no way, the score is now 90 to 0, and the morale of the entire company has dropped to the lowest point.

If you don’t get any more points, I’m afraid that you will leave a psychological shadow when you go back to this game.

“Park Jung-myung, Park Jung-soo, and Kim Min-ho are here.”

“It should be the strongest three of them this time.”

“Master Sasha, do you know the details of these three people?”

Yoshida Kunihiko asked tentatively.

He actually knew it!

Because the big brother of the United States, the assistance given to their two younger brothers, the Sakura Country and the Koryo Country, is on the same level.

I just don’t know what’s going on in Tianzhu.

There is also intrigue between younger brothers and younger brothers.

Yoshida Kunihiko doesn’t think highly of people from Tianzhu either.

“I have no idea.”

Sasha shook her head.

He really didn’t know.

This time, Tianzhu Kingdom was purely for the fun and came at its own request.

The United States didn’t even consider letting this little guy play.

Why, because it is too unreliable.

For example, this time, when Tianzhu wanted to come over with a flick of his head, the big brother from the country of Mi couldn’t figure out what this little brother wanted to do.

This kind of little guy with a not very smart head is not very willing to use it.

Sasha glanced at Kunihiko Yoshida: “Know Yoshida?”

Yoshida Kunihiko smiled and nodded, “I know a thing or two.”

“Park Jung-myung, Park Jeong-soo, and Kim Min-ho.”

“They are the Psychic Master, the person who manifests the ability, and the person who transforms the ability.”

“The three are all level 50, and there are three masters, because they created a new set of equipment.”

13 “The equipment of supernatural beings and telekinetic powers all come from the exclusive dungeon in Florida, USA. Although the materials used are also rare, only the dungeon in Florida is produced.

“And after the second enchantment, double forging.”


Sasha wondered: “Yoshida-kun, what else?”

Yoshida Kunihiko suddenly kept silent.

Doesn’t the old monk look like an indifferent, high-spirited man who has no desires or desires?

I just didn’t say anything, I’m so anxious to kill you!

“Master, let’s watch the game, you will know in a while.”

Sasha was almost defeated by Kunihiko Yoshida.

Breathing is a little short.

But after two seconds, he nodded calmly.

On the other side, Hank, the extraordinary man of Great Britain, also set his sights on Park Jung-min, Park Jeong-su, and Kim Min-ho.

Mainly concentrated on Jin Minhao.

Next to him was a middle-aged man with cloudy eyes and glasses who introduced:

“The unique mechanical alchemy technology, implanted into the body, can double Jin Minhao’s strength after transformation, ignore pain, and become a crazy killing machine!”

“If you don’t feel pain, you shouldn’t be affected by illusion mages!”

“It’s a pity that the contestants from Korea are so useless that they were forced to use this trump card in the single group arena.”

Hanke praised: “The combination of mechanics and alchemy is really a genius idea! Tom, the three masters in your country really live up to their reputation.”

Tom smiled and said: “If your Excellency is willing, we can also apply this technological achievement to your people.”

“A good proposal, worthy of a good discussion.”

Hank didn’t agree.

Because they also know that this technology is immature and has great sequelae.

It’s okay to deceive the people of Korea.

It doesn’t matter what their people are, anyway, this is the value of use.

Great Britain’s players are impossible to use.

Hank changed the subject and said: “Well, you’re right, the people of Korea are really not very good, and they didn’t even persist in the single team, but it’s not completely useless, at least they forced out some of Xia’s people. strength.”

“Look, they have also changed.”

“Shet, is it the illusion mage who came up?”

I saw Xia Guoyou’s movement of substituting people to defend the ring.

Hanke thought he would be able to draw out some of the phantom troop’s hole cards.

But unexpectedly, it was still a familiar profession, as well as the familiar red rock staff.

It’s just that the level is a little higher.

Replaced with a level 45 Illusion Mage.

That is the “second group” in Wang Haikou.

According to the special effect wand provided by Zhao Xing, Wang Hai arranged a set of magic spells.

The red rock staff held by the first group is nothing but double pain.

The second group has triples, the third group has triples and quadruples.

Correspondingly, those who hold these weapons have higher illusion proficiency.

“Pu Zhengming, Park Zhengxiu, Jin Minhao, Psychic masters, people with supernatural powers, and people with supernatural powers.

“They are all relatively rare occupations. It seems that Korea is in a hurry.”

“Lao Mi’s aid to Korea is related to the rare power material produced in the Florida dungeon?”

“The three masters invited are Jimmy, an extraordinary enchanter from the United States, Adam, an extraordinary blacksmith, and a mysterious alchemist?”

Wang Hai looked at the information of the three of them, frowning slightly.

This is the information just collected by intelligence personnel.

“I don’t know what Lao Mi did.”

“Will the Red Rock Formation still be able to maintain a strong crush?”

“Even if it doesn’t work anymore, it’s a big deal to lose three points.”

To be honest, Wang Hai is quite satisfied with the result of this competition.

The current score of 90 to 0 is completely beyond his expectations.

Before starting, he never thought of such an exaggerated score.

“It’s okay, the game is not only about equipment and technical support, the phantom people are also geniuses themselves.”

“It’s not that you can’t do without the Red Rock Staff.”

Wang Hai glanced at it and put the information aside.

Now the red rock staff, the blessing is too outrageous, so that the profession of illusion has become the most powerful phantom.

Phantom’s formerly strongest “isn’t these groups now.

So, Wang Hai wasn’t panicking at all.

“Game start!”

With the order of the referee.

10 rings started the battle.

7 of them are rings.

It is still a one-sided situation.

In almost a few seconds, the battle was resolved.

No way, even the two high mental resistance professions of the Psychic Department and the Magic Department can’t resist.

It proves that the gap has widened.

For other occupations, the effect is similar.

Because the members of the Phantom Troop are themselves selected from a bunch of geniuses.

Before there was no Hongyan staff, the strength of the illusion mage itself was not small.

Now with the Hongyan staff, it is even more powerful.

In front of Hongyan Staff, everyone is equal!

Only the Psychic Master, the person with the ability to manifest, and the person with the ability to transform, these three people, did not fall down immediately.

For a moment, all eyes were on No. 456, the three arenas.

“Hold on?!”

Hank looked over in surprise.

Tom also said proudly: “Illusion, little Doyle, it’s not surprising. It can’t be stopped because Korea is too weak. If it is replaced by American soldiers, Phantom Star loses.”


Li Zhengxian was also a little excited at this time.

Because these three people did not fall down after 10 seconds.

Still standing on the stage.

“There is hope for a comeback!”

On the 4th ring, Park Zhengming faced the phantom Hu Tao.

As soon as the Psychic came up, he immediately stacked seven or eight layers of BUFF for himself.

Groups of streams of thought power densely surrounded the body.

Almost enveloped himself impenetrably.

Formed a mental defense shield.

His idea is beautiful, I will not take the initiative to attack, I will wait for you to attack.

Make a tortoise shell as soon as you come on stage, so you can’t know where to start!

Hu Tao was depressed by this operation.

Because illusion can’t penetrate this barrier.

This layer of enchantment is indeed very strong, but the problem is that you can’t move it.

What’s the matter with wasting so much?

“Coward, strike back!”

“Is this how you come to compete!”

Thinking that he might not get points here, Hu Tao became anxious.

All teammates get points.

If I can’t get it, wouldn’t I be a sinner?!

On the 5th, Park Zhengxiu faced Fang Lin, a phantom.

After this person who manifested supernatural powers entered the field, a group of dark clouds appeared.

The entire arena was shrouded in dark clouds.

Thunder flickered in the dark clouds, and Park Zhengxiu’s figure completely disappeared from Fang Lin’s perception.

Even if the target is lost, the illusion cannot fall on the opponent’s head.

The battle between the first two is a highlight in Xia Tian.

But in the No. 6 ring, it was completely different.

Jin Minhao, who has transformed into a supernatural power, immediately began to attack after taking the stage.


He turned into a 3-meter-tall black bear, roaring and rushing towards his opponent Zhou Ming.


Zhou Ming’s illusion fell on the opponent.

But the black bear just shook its head, and then it got bigger again.

“Bloodthirsty rampage!”

At this time, the black bear’s eyes were red, ignoring the pain, and in the blood-red vision, there was only one goal, and that was to kill Zhou Ming!


“No, it worked, but the other party took it down.”

Zhou Ming’s figure was knocked into the air by the black bear.

There was a burst of exclamation inside and outside the field.

But soon another Zhou Ming emerged from the ring.

“Phantom Clone!”

“Wow, Zhou Ming actually mastered this trick. Illusion affects reality. I didn’t realize it was fake just now!”

“The people of the Phantom Troop really have a lot of skills.”

“This has to unlock the professional branches Shadow Clone and Mimic Illusion to the advanced level?”

“Not bad, Tiandao has to find a way to dig this kid over.”

“If Lao Wang finds out, you will be beaten. I advise you not to count.”

Many people were surprised by Zhou Ming’s move.

Because it is very rare for an illusion mage to cultivate a phantom clone.

Basically, only supernatural powers can be used.

What’s more, Zhou Ming actually had more than one phantom clone.

After the first one was knocked apart.

Eight figures of Zhou Ming suddenly appeared on the ring!



The black bear roared in place, not knowing which one to chase for a while.

At this time, it has no brain at all, only fighting by instinct.

Just find one and jump over it.

Zhou Ming’s avatar was continuously crushed by the black bear.

But in the blink of an eye, another one appeared behind.

Unknowingly, Hei Xiong and Zhou Ming appeared on the edge of the ring.

“not good!”

Li Zhengxian’s expression was not good, and he immediately guessed what Zhou Ming wanted to do.

“You think you know how to play illusions because of illusions? I can kill people too!”

“Get down!”

“Phantom, burst!”

At the edge of the ring, Zhou Ming’s eyes flashed a gleam.

Eight phantoms appeared again, all behind the black bear.

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

The phantom body exploded on its own initiative, and the strong shock wave produced actually sent this huge black bear flying out of the ring!

Although it may not cause much damage, but it seems that the black bear has been eliminated!

“Number 6, Phantom, win!”

Xia Guo’s referee announced the victory, and quickly beat the black bear back to its original shape.

Jin Minhao’s transformation state was interrupted.


After restoring the original shape, the rationality returned.

But the effect of the illusion was still there, and Jin Minhao felt overwhelmed with pain.

Holding his head on the ground, weeping bitterly.

“Carry it down.”

Referee Xia Guo called the medical team.

After 30 seconds, the No. 5 ring also decided the winner.

Among the dark clouds, a figure was photographed flying out.

It was indeed Park Zhengxiu’s body.

For a time, the dark clouds dissipated, and the thunder quickly disappeared.

Fang Lin, who was on the 5th ring, made a home run posture with a staff in his hand.

His body was all red, as if surrounded by flames.


“Awesome! Which skill is this used?”

“It should be the flame phantom, right? The flame phantom in the attribute phantom? Damn, I thought it was something that only the extraordinary can practice!”

“This is even more difficult to practice than Zhou Ming’s Phantom Burst, because this branch of the profession still needs a specific environment and treasures to practice.

“Don’t tell me, I want to poach someone to the eagle.”

“Tsk, what did you just say?”

The flames on Fang Lin’s body dissipated, and there was still lightning floating around his body. Obviously, the manifester just now caused him a lot of trouble.

“No. 5, Fang Lin wins!”

After the referee announced, he planned to check on Park Zhengxiu’s condition.

But at this time Fang Lin said in a low voice: “Mr. Wu, please move me, I’ve been stunned by electric shock…”

The referee surnamed Wu smiled dumbly.

Calling you a kid to pretend to be aggressive, and you are still posing.

This is a person with the ability to manifest, with such a large range, it is definitely enough.

So he turned back quietly and took Fang Lin off the ring.

so far.

Of the three strongest fighters in Koryo, only Hu Tao and Park Zhengming, who are number four, are left with their hole cards.

The stalemate is still going on.

Hu Tao couldn’t penetrate the tortoise shell, and Park Zhengming was also powerless to counterattack.

Because Hu Tao also separated out a phantom body just now, and was almost tricked into being tricked.

So after trying twice, Park Zhengming didn’t dare to take the initiative to attack for the third time.

After witnessing the defeat of his teammates.

This further strengthened the belief of procrastinating to the end, as long as you don’t lose points, you are the best one in the company!

Normally, he would never do this, but now… it all depends on his companions!

After going on for 5 minutes.

The referee of round 4 announced the result.

“Broadcast No. 4, draw.”

There are no points for a draw, and you can’t go up again afterwards. It can be regarded as a high method for both sides to be eliminated.

Prevent someone from dragging the game into an unspectacular bladder game with one move.


After Hu Tao heard the verdict, he was so angry that he burst into foul language.

I can’t wait to kill the stick player on the opposite side.

The teammates all got the points, but he didn’t have a share here.

What kind of shit is this?!

It seemed that he was about to get full marks, but Hu Tao was the only one who didn’t get it here.

That would be like losing points!

Hu Tao could even imagine that he was afraid that he would be teased by his teammates and made fun of him crazily.

“The tortoise shell of the dog day, are you not a tortoise….

“Hu Tao, pay attention to your image!”

Referee Xia Guo gave him a cross look.

Hu Tao had no choice but to walk down depressed.

The next battle.

It was exactly as Hu Tao thought.

The remaining 20 Korean players were defeated in two rounds.

Mirage won the game with a score of 119 to 0.

Created 3 records in the military exchange competition.

One is the highest score ever recorded!

The second is the record with the widest score difference in history!

The third is the record of players being abused and cried on a large scale.

I really cried. Up to now, there are still many Korean players crying bitterly.

Really painful to cry!.

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