All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Super Strong Counterattack, The Enchantment Fails! Li Dong Became A Fool! (Please Customize)

“A warship from South Vietnam?”

“Come to the territorial waters of our Xia Kingdom?”

Zhou Weiguo had just returned to the ocean ship, and the order was given in front of Zhao Xing.

So he also knew that a group of warships invaded the territorial waters of the motherland.

While feeling angry, Zhao Xing was also quite confused.

“South Vietnam…what are they supposed to do? Aren’t they afraid of being sunk?”

Lu Yuanwei snorted coldly: “What else can it be, Lao Mi will support you.”

“The old era has been invaded by Lao Mi for so many years, and now it is still treated like a dog by others, a spineless thing.”

Zhou Weiguo narrowed his eyes: “I guess Lao Mi’s fleet shouldn’t be too far away, otherwise they wouldn’t be so close this time.

“They have crossed the tuna swordfish sea and invaded the deep blue jellyfish sea.”

“Xiao Zhao, I’m sorry, I can only let you wait here first, let’s celebrate when we come back.”

It was too late to celebrate, Zhou Weiguo had just boarded the Ocean, and hurried back to the Fuhai.

Zhao Xing watched Qianlong’s experts leave.

Both he and Lu Yuanwei stayed on the ocean ship.

This is offshore, and there is still a considerable distance from the target sea area.

I had already returned to the voyage and planned to celebrate, but such a thing happened in the end, which is really annoying.

Zhou Weiguo ordered on the way to the Fuhai:

“Chengfeng reports the enemy’s situation, and the Pofeng, Zhiyuan, and Fuhai approach the Chengfeng!”

A message came from the Chengfeng immediately: “It has been confirmed as the Pagoda Fleet of the Nanyue Kingdom. They have a total of six warships, two of which are the Pagoda and the Yuyan, and they are identifying the type of warships.”

“We sent an international identification number, identified ourselves, issued a warning.”

’ But they didn’t respond, still marching on, instructed.

Zhou Weiguo said: “Execute the previous order, and when the Overseas, Breaking Wind, and Zhiyuan arrive, immediately surround them!”

Zhao Xing was on the ocean ship and heard the exchange between Zhou Weiguo and the team members on the Chengfeng ship.

But he was also a little puzzled.

“I thought there was only one pair, but I didn’t realize that the other party had six pairs.”

“How is this surrounded?”

There are only 5 warships dispatched by Qianlong this time, except for the Fuhai and Yuanyang, the rest can only be regarded as small warships.

At this moment, the Ocean was still in the offshore, and Zhou Weiguo didn’t let this big guy follow because he wanted to protect Zhao Xing.

So there was only one medium ship and three small ships going there.

Four ships surrounded by six ships?

Lu Yuanwei said with a little pride: “What is Qianlong? It is the sixth-ranked special force and the first-ranked navy!”

“Possess the top technology and extraordinary powerhouse.

“Even if there is only one ship, Fuhai, facing South Vietnam, it is still surrounded!”

“What’s more, Nanyue Kingdom is worth mentioning except for the Pagoda and the Yuyan, which can barely be seen.

“Their tonnage is just over 10,000 tons, and they insist on calling themselves small warships.”

“This standard is in our Xia country. Only 50,000 tons or more can be called small.”

Zhao Xing nodded, feeling a lot.

Originally, Qianlong’s mission this time was just to test whether it could subdue the giant deep-sea eel, and the manpower and scale it dispatched were not large.

He was still a little worried, but he didn’t expect that everyone except himself was full of confidence.

The number of warships dispatched by Nanyue this time was 6.

Except for Yuyan and Baota, the other four are all “small warships” below 50,000 tons

The leading Yuyan is 150,000 tons, and the largest Baota is 350,000 tons.

“By international standards.”

“Small ships usually have 150-350 personnel.”

“A medium-sized ship has a full crew of 500-1,000 people.”

“Those below 50,000 tons can only be regarded as boats. Only those above 50,000 tons can be called small warships.

“More than 200,000 tons can be called medium-sized, and more than 500,000 tons can be called large.”

“But by the standards of South Vietnam, it’s different.”

“The Nanyue Kingdom calls its own fleet, the Great Viet Fleet!”

“The tonnage is not enough, the equipment and technology are not enough, and the number of people comes together.”

“The extra-small full staff is doubled, isn’t that small?”

“If the small-sized full staff is doubled, isn’t that medium-sized?”

“Similarly, our Pagoda is a large battleship!”

“What, you ask why it can be counted like this?”

“Because people are shameless!”

After Zhou Weiguo understood the situation at this time, he still had kung fu and the Zhao Xing military of Ocean Day:

“The tonnage is only one of the factors in the construction of a battleship. It consumes a lot of precious materials, resulting in a large size and weight, but it does not mean that it must be strong.”

“It has to be measured in terms of the type of warship, the number and level of the actual equipment connected in series, as well as core power, weapon power, and manpower.”

“In terms of type, Yuyan and Baota are both ‘magic ships’.

“Because their battleship cores, as well as weapons and equipment, all use magic as energy.

“The Martial Arts Department is not very helpful for manufacturing warships, and the materials of the Psychic Department and the Ability Department are too scarce.

“Magic system dungeons and equipment are common, so we can only build warships with the magic system as the main and the mechanical system as the supplement.

“The current version of the mechanical department is still very weak, and the technology of the old era has been sealed again.”

“Magic is the main thing, and machinery is the second.”

“It is the mainstream way for countries to build warships.”

“However, most of the warships of the South Vietnam Kingdom were remodeled based on the prototypes of the old era.

“Technically, if we can’t make a breakthrough, we can only send more professionals to control it manually.

“Look, our life scanners, God knows how powerful they are.

“Hey, it really is ‘Da Yue’, there are so many people on horseback.”

Following Zhou Weiguo’s sarcasm, Zhao Xing also saw six warships appearing on the screen.

At the same time, the approximate number of people and energy level distribution above are displayed.

The strength of the enemy army can be easily scanned from the Overseas alone.

It is enough to see the strength gap between the two sides.

Li Dong’s achievements are invisible.

Because Xia Guo is very low-key, they usually don’t see Qianlong troops, and they don’t know the details of Juehai and Chengfeng.

The same battleship, the substitution operation is also different.

“Heh, four warships are coming to drive us away, who are they scaring!”

“Order the whole team to cruise alternately, don’t move forward, but don’t retreat either, first confront the Xia people for dozens of minutes before talking!”

Li Dongcheng didn’t know this, and he was arrogant, but he was also quite cautious.

His first goal was not to fight.

But confrontation.

He probably knew in his heart that Xia Guo had risen and become stronger in recent years.

Of course, the concept is rather vague.

It probably belongs to, knowing that you have something, but not knowing how much you have.

Everyone has encountered a career bottleneck, even if Xia Guo is stronger, it should be limited!

Besides, we have big brother behind us to support us.

“This is the Navy of the Xia Kingdom. You have entered the waters under our jurisdiction. Please stop advancing immediately, put down your weapons and surrender!”

“Otherwise, all consequences will be borne by you!”

There was another message from Xia Guo on the communicator.

When Li Dongcheng heard the warning, not only was he not frightened, but rather annoyed.

“Which troop is this!”

“What a breath!”

“When we met in the past, we only said to expel and leave, but they actually asked my Dai Viet fleet to surrender?”

“Destiny Turtle and Magic Paint, execute the task of killing monsters on the spot!”

“Hunting deep sea jellyfish!”

“Reply to the people of Xia, and express our opinion. This should be considered the territorial waters of Dayue!”

“We can come to this place whenever we want!”

Li Dongcheng’s order was issued.

Soon there were two small ships, and they started to shine [exploding jets of water on the sea city.

Monsters and experience are also a kind of resource.

In front of the people of Xia, kill the dungeon monsters in your territorial waters.

Chi Guoguo’s provocation!


Magic light waves erupted over the sea.

Gu Changfeng, the captain of the Chengfeng, immediately became angry!

“Report to the headquarters, the enemy not only refuses to surrender, but also dares to attack me!”

“Request fire!”

Zhou Weiguo’s voice at this time was very calm.

“No fire, keep your distance! Keep sending warning signals!”


Gu Changfeng held his breath in his heart, but he still strictly carried out the order.

He knew that Zhou Weiguo was not the kind of person to fight.

Besides, it’s not Lao Mi, so why should the South Vietnam Fleet be afraid?

There must be a reason for not firing now.

“Is it really necessary to encircle and change?”

Gu Changfeng was a little puzzled.

Zhou Weiguo’s previous order was to encircle.

But in a real fight, it is impossible for Qianlong to not lose at all.

Territorial sea disputes, after all, are relatively sensitive, and no one dares to fight to the death.

Therefore, Gu Changfeng believes that the best result is to use the advantage to teach a lesson and drive these monkeys out as soon as possible.

Zhou Weiguo put down the walkie-talkie and looked at an officer next to him.

Ye Hongyi, a level 60 enchanter!

He is also the senior ordnance officer of the South China Sea Fleet.

Ye Hongyi’s enchanting skills are second to none in China.

How can a heavy weapon of a great country lack the support of enchanting technology?

In fact, the Overseas, Riding the Wind, and the Ocean are all supported by top enchanting masters, decomposition masters, forging masters, and alchemy masters.

Ye Hongyi has been following the Overseas for many years, and he has an enchanting team under his command.

Similarly, the rest of the warships each have a Transcendent in command. After all, such a big warship might have to be repaired at any time.

Ye Hongyi’s military rank is not low, he is a lieutenant colonel.

“Lieutenant Colonel Ye, I’m going to drive the “Fu Hai” to this position.” Zhou Weiguo pointed to the map coordinates on the display screen.

“If you take the magic launching jammer, can you get the enchantment effect of the opponent’s battleship?”

Ye Hongyi said: “Report, as long as it is within 30,000 meters, it is within the effective range of the skill!”

Zhou Weiguo asked: “Which is the limit distance? I want to send you to the maximum damage range, how far is feasible?”

“15,000 kilometers!”

Zhou Weiguo asked: “Can you destroy the magic barrier on the enemy’s hull?”

Ye Hongyi said: “I’m sure!”

Zhou Weiguo clapped his hands and laughed loudly: “Okay, then fuck it!”

Zhou Weiguo asked Gu Changfeng on the Chengfeng to maintain a confrontation and endure.

Let’s wait until the Overseas and the rest of the warships meet.

But his ambition is not small.

What is running away?

Only by sinking it or capturing it can it show the strength of the country!

Otherwise, there is the same set of rhetoric at home and abroad that “you may make money, but I will definitely not lose”.

But if it sinks, how do you make it up?

Li Dongcheng is here.

Seeing that there was no movement from Chengfeng, he became more and more proud.

“Look, this is Xia Guo people.”

“If you don’t fire a shot, you know you’re playing tricks internationally.”


In the command room, the officers of the Nanyue Kingdom all laughed


“I really hope that the Xia people will take action. The technical assistance we just received from the United States has not yet tried the actual combat effect.”

“The Pagoda has been enchanted five times, and the magic barrier has become stronger by many times. It is impossible for Xia Guo’s battleship to penetrate our barrier.”

“Not to mention the Baota and Yuyan, but the spotted turtle and the magic lacquer, I’m afraid they won’t be able to hit them.

Seeing that the opponent did not want to fight, the officers of the Japanese group began to brag.

After returning home, there are still articles to do!

‘.々Report, found Xiaguo Zhiyuan, Breaking Wind, and Overturning Sea!”

Suddenly, a report was received in the command room.


Li Dongcheng’s face changed slightly.

“Asshole, why did you only find out now?!”


The people in the investigation room were at a loss for words.

The magic hull of the Overseas has an anti-detection effect, and their magic paint is also invisible!

Although they are only 200,000-ton battleships, their technical content is much higher than ours!

“Overturning Sea and Chengfeng are still somewhat threatening.”

“Order, the Turtle and the Magic Paint will return to the defense range of the main ship, and don’t continue to provoke the people of Xiamen. 11

“Return after 30 minutes of confrontation!”

Li Dongcheng thought about it, and still issued this order.

Because they were too close, if they really fought, if they lost a warship, it would be no pain to Xia Guo.

For them, it is quite painful.

However, it was too late.

Received Zhou Weiguo’s order.

The Chengfeng number at the front opened fire immediately.

Gu Changfeng, who was suffocating, directly pointed the strongest weapon on the Chengfeng, the energy cannon, at the Turtle who wanted to withdraw.

This level 80 legendary equipment has already been fully charged.

At this time, the muzzle of the cannon lit up a ray of light.

Gu Changfeng controls it himself, and the cutting-edge weapon that combines the two systems of machinery and magic is activated!

An oval-shaped blue streamer passed through a distance of tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

It hit the tail of the Turtle.

“Report, the target has been hit!”

“It’s no hit if you don’t hit Shen, hit the second waste!”

Gu Changfeng quickly ordered the second magic cannon to adjust its direction.

Continue to aim at the Turtle.

The Turtle under attack lost its speed sharply, and the hull was full of flames. Although it was not torn apart, there were countless broken walls falling from the tail.

Much of the purple and red material was broken up and dropped into the navy.

“Report, the Turtle was hit, so it is unable to continue sailing, please support!”

Li Dongcheng suddenly turned pale with shock.

“Quickly, the Pagoda stepped forward and rescued the Spotted Turtle!”

Gu Changfeng didn’t take care of the Magic Paint, because there was an interval between the second shot, and if he went to fight the Magic Paint again, the opponent would enter the barrier defense range of Baota County.

It may not be able to sink, (Wang’s Zhao) might as well stare directly at the turtle.

Under attack, Li Dongcheng immediately commanded the Pagoda and Yuyan to open the defensive barrier.

Guard the remaining battleships around.

At the same time, prepare to fight back immediately.

But at this moment.

A tall figure appeared on the decks of Overseas, Breaking Wind, Chengfeng, and Zhiyuan.

Four extraordinary enchanters, holding a magic disruptor.

The size of the battleship is relatively large.

In order to ensure that it can cover all aspects.

Ye Hongyi and the three ordnance officers all shot together.

The light of the jammer, like a wall of wind, pushed straight towards the six warships of the Nanyue Kingdom.

“Enchanting seal! Directional interference!”

The effect of enchanting seals on magic types is enhanced by 40 times!

The power of the basic skill of Enchanting Seal is increased by 800%!

When the holder casts the enchanted seal, he can directional seal a single attribute or skill of the target. When performing directional interference, the power of the final skill is doubled!

For a time, the sealing skills of these four extraordinary enchanters increased hundreds of times!

The power of the skill has changed, and even the appearance has changed!

There is scarlet blood in the blue light.

In an instant, the enchantment light on the Pagoda and Yuyan was suppressed to a thin layer!


At the same time, many devices on the Pagoda made a whimpering buzz.

More than 70% of the parts have stopped working!

The magic battleship is an inseparable whole, if some equipment loses the bonus of enchantment effect, the efficiency will not be enough to allow the rest of the components to function in series.

Especially in the face of such a powerful sealing effect, the chain reaction caused is simply fatal!

After being compressed into a thin layer, the barriers on the Pagoda and Yuyan disappeared after only persisting for 3 seconds!

“Report, the enchantment main control room has been attacked, and 80% of the components have failed!”

“Report, 3 weapon bays out of service!”

“Report, the power supply of the magic power room has suddenly dropped by 70%!”

Listening to the screaming in the headset, Li Dong became stupid!

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