All People: God-Level Enchanter, The Country Takes Me To Level Up

Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Powerful Attributes! Historic Moment! (Please Customize)

I don’t know how long it has been.

Zhao Xing suddenly reached out to touch the side, but found nothing.

At this time, he woke up from the state of concentration.

“It’s done.”

10 materials, all consumed!

Instead, there are 10 pieces of orange ‘flashlights’ lying on the material table

*10 pieces of legendary magic launch jammers!”

“It’s a critical moment.”

For a while, Zhao Xing felt a little afraid to look at the attributes.

The magic circle is equipped with a jamming transmitter, the most critical of which is the jamming transmitter.

Suppressing the strength of the Giant Giant Beast is the prerequisite for subduing it.

If the strength of the giant giant beast cannot be suppressed to an acceptable level.

It is impossible to get close at all, and it is impossible to talk about the follow-up contract.

“Please, make sure to ship it!”

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and prayed for a while.

Now he sincerely hopes that the goddess of luck will take care of him.

“However, even if it is not shipped, it should be stronger than the red one. Legendary equipment must have skill bonuses or special effect bonuses.”

“Even if the 2% probability is not triggered, it doesn’t matter.”

Zhao Xing comforted himself.

After a few deep breaths, he picked up the first one.

【Jamming Launcher (Magic)】

[Quality: Legend (Orange)]

【Level: None】

[Enchanting seals and subsequent advanced skills for magic types are enhanced by 100 times (500%X20)]

[Extraordinary magic power +5 levels. 】

Zhao Xing wiped his eyes.

It was discovered that this extraordinary magic power did not belong to the effect brought about by his original blessing.

The same goes for skill level +5.

“Not shipped, but the extraordinary magic skill level has been increased?”

“As expected, it is of legendary quality!”

Zhao Xing muttered to himself.

All professions will undergo fundamental changes after they advance to Transcendence.

The first is the level of transformation.

The mechanical power of the mechanical system, the vigor of the martial arts system, the mind power of the mind power system, the magic power of the magic system, and the energy of the supernatural being.

All will transform into [Supernatural Mechanical Power], [Supernatural Vigor], [Transcendent Mind Power], [Supernatural Magic Power], [Supernatural Energy].

Extraordinary power will affect the power of some intermediate and high-level skills, and it will also greatly improve the rest of the attributes, and each level will increase a lot.

At the same time, more powerful extraordinary skills will appear.

The power of supernatural skills is also far higher than the power of supernatural skills before.

The panel will also change accordingly.

For example, for a particularly powerful skill, the word [Extraordinary] will be displayed in front of it.

And the calculation method is no longer elementary, middle, and high grades.

Improve proficiency, it will change from level 1 to level 2.

At present, no one knows where the limit of this extraordinary skill lies.

Extraordinary power will increase the power of other skills.

It can be said to be a comprehensive enhancement!

“It turns out that making this equipment a legendary level will increase the skill level of extraordinary magic power?”

“Sure enough, exclusive equipment is useless!”

Zhao Xing couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

Level 1 extraordinary magic power greatly increases the power of its skills.

Level 50 non-extraordinary and extraordinary, it is assumed that the proficiency of a certain skill is the same.

But when Transcendence is used, its power is completely different.

Zhao Xing doesn’t know how high this increase is, but it shouldn’t be too low.

Otherwise, everyone is working so hard to level up and want to be promoted to Transcendence?

Because after being promoted to Transcendence, even if the proficiency of other skills is not practiced, the power will be greatly increased.

This is like the strength of internal strength driving skills.

Putting the first piece aside, Zhao Xing picked up the second one.

【Jamming Launcher (Magic)】

[Quality: Legend (Orange)]

【Level: None】

[The effect of enchanting seals and subsequent advanced skills for magic types is enhanced by 102 times (510%X20)]

[Extraordinary magic power +5 levels. 】

Still did not trigger the original blessing.

It’s just that the effect is slightly different.

Zhao Xing picked up the third, fourth, and fifth one after another.

I read half of them, but none of them shipped.

Zhao Xing took a deep breath.

It seems that my luck is not very good today.

None of this ships.

“Director Lu, come in!”

Zhao Xing shouted towards the door.

Afterwards, Lu Yuanwei opened the door and walked in.

Seeing the orange light shining in Zhao Xing’s hand, Lu Yuanwei was also taken aback for a moment.

“Is this……… Already done?”

Zhao Xing shook his head: “I haven’t performed the second enchantment yet, but the production process of the interference transmitter itself is an enchantment process, so there is a chance to trigger the talent.”

“I’ve watched 5 pieces, but none of them have any special effects. I’m so unlucky.”

Lu Yuanwei said cautiously: “So you want me to come and try my luck?”

Zhao Xing nodded.

Hearing this, the extraordinary powerhouse suddenly became anxious.

With three points of nervousness and seven points of excitement, he picked up the sixth piece of equipment.

After viewing the properties.

Lu Yuanwei was surprised at first.

“What, actually added a level 5 extraordinary magic power?!”

There are too few ways to improve the core skill of extraordinary magic power. Whether it is repeated practice of extraordinary skills or killing monsters to upgrade, the accumulation of progress bars is very small.

Now it’s level 5?!

The ones that add one level have to be legendary equipment above level 60 to be able to appear.

It is simply the rarest addition!

Zhao Xing said: “That (bdae) triggered my multiplier talent.”

Created by other enchanters, it is estimated that the bonus achievement is only the power of the skill percentage, not the level.

“Is there any explanation later?”

Zhao Xing asked urgently.

Lu Yuanwei shook his head: “Not anymore.”

“such a pity.”

Zhao Xing encouraged: “There are 4 more, keep watching.”

Lu Yuanwei nodded, and picked up the seventh and eighth pieces.

The result is still the same.

No additional effects.

“It seems that my face is also quite dark, the remaining two pieces, it’s up to you.

Lu Yuanwei didn’t dare to continue watching.

His heart can’t take it.

Zhao Xing picked up the ninth piece.

Sure enough, still not.

The 2% probability is still too difficult to trigger after all.

At this time, he picked up the last one without hope.

“Huh? Shipped!”

Zhao Xing was overjoyed.

【Jamming Launcher (Magic)】

[Quality: Legend (Orange)]

【Level: None】

[Enchanting seals and subsequent advanced skills for magic types are enhanced by 110 times (550%X20)]

[Extraordinary magic power +5 levels. 】

[The power of the basic skills of Enchanting Seal is increased by 1000%, the power of basic skills of Enchanting Dispel is increased by 500%, and the power of basic skills of Enchanting Curse is increased by 200%


The extra effect this time is the same as the jamming transmitter that teacher Han Song took at first.

It’s just that the effect is stronger.

The difference is that what the teacher has is the general version, and the effect is 43 times higher for all types.

Now this one, is the magic version.

If it is used to deal with other types, then this 110 times increase cannot be counted.

Of course, this magic version has a level that increases extraordinary magic power.

So even against other types, without the 100 times multiplication, the effect is still good.

“Director Lu, wait a little longer.”

Zhao Xing quickly started chasing customers.

He couldn’t wait to perform the second enchantment.

If it can trigger the blessing of dual origin, it will be perfect.


Two days later, Zhao Xing opened the door and walked out,

The secondary enchantment does not trigger additional effects.

It just made the original enchanting seal skill 4 times stronger.

It was nothing compared to when it was a king-level equipment at that time.

“Unfortunately, to enchant legendary equipment twice, the medium and magic structure required are also stronger.

“It didn’t improve much at all.”

“However, it’s also good. In the future, you can use the enchantment dispelling skill to clear the second effect and start over.

Zhao Xing didn’t dwell too much on this issue.

Give the equipment to Lu Yuanwei.

Ready to go to Cangshan for actual combat testing.

Cangshan Base.

main control room.

In today’s Cangshan base, it can be said to be extremely grand.

Wang Long of the Chu Long Army couldn’t help being a little surprised when he saw those faces.

“What’s the matter, isn’t that the captain of the navy? Why did you come to Cangshan?”

“Huh? It’s Qianlong’s commander Zhou Weiguo!”

“There is a lieutenant colonel next to him, hey, this is not an ordinary lieutenant colonel, is it the phantom Wang Hai?”

Gao Feng squatted beside Wang Long: “Brother, I heard that Boss Ye is here too? What happened.

Wang Long shook his head: “I don’t make it.”

Gao Feng wondered: “I also saw several extraordinary enchanters and magic contract envoys.”

“Why, do you want to adjust the members of the Kaitian team?”

“Impossible, the Kaitian team has never made a mistake.

The Optimus project has been carried on to the present.

Hunting and killing giant giant beasts has become the daily routine of the Kaitian team.

Although it is said to be dancing on the edge of the blade, the effect of killing the soul is the main one.

But generally speaking, it is still safe and sound.

Once a week, not every day.

The members of Kaitian team still have time to adjust their state.

“Squad Kaitian, head to the main control room to assemble.”

Suddenly, Han Song’s voice came from the communicator.

Gao Feng got up and patted his butt: “Let’s go, I guess we really need to adjust, but I don’t know what combination will be given.

Wang Long: “Is there a better plan? Let’s go and have a look.”

When Gao Feng and Wang Long walked into the meeting room.

He cast a questioning look at Mo Wu’s Wu Ming.

The other party shook his head, expressing that he didn’t know what happened.

Gao Feng had no choice but to sit on the stool and wait.

After a while.

Ye Zhanping, Wang Hai, Zhou Weiguo, Han Song, Zhao Xing, and Lu Yuanwei walked in one by one.

The moment I saw Zhao Xing.

Gao Feng’s eyes lit up.

“It’s Zhao Xing!”

“It turned out to be him. Could it be that he made something good again?”

“Brother Gao, the ashes of your soul will be eliminated, right?”

“It is estimated that something big is going to happen.”

“Our Kaitian team is going to rest?”

At this time, the members of the Kaitian team were all discussing.

Giants have always been hunted by them.

General Ye Zhanping didn’t come here again during this period.

But now, the people from the navy are here.

Ye Zhanping and Zhao Xing also came.

Everyone guessed that something big must happen!


After Ye Zhanping and the others took their seats,

Then he spoke.

“For several months, the members of Team Kaitian have worked hard.”

“Today, we will adjust the structure of the Kaitian team.”

None of the 30 Kaitian team members made a sound.

Everyone is extraordinary, and they are all within the system.

It’s hard for others to say, but if Boss Ye speaks up, they will definitely not act unqualified.

“Next, the members who read the list can go out first. The organization will have other arrangements for you.

“Sun Lan, Qiao Ming, Tang Quan, Liu Ding.”

“Lu Dong, don Juan, Liu Shengming, Wang Long.

“Feng Su……”

After Ye Zhanping read a name, he stood up alone, saluted Ye Zhanping, and left the meeting room quietly.

14 people were adjusted at one time, almost half of the adjustments!

Those who left, and the remaining people, although some were reluctant to part with the team members.

But none of them made a sound.

“Okay, now let’s announce the new members.

Ye Zhanping cleared his throat.

“Zhou Weiguo, level 68 magic contract envoy, captain of the navy, commander of Qianlong.”

“Su Quan, a level 66 enchanter, the vice president of the Enchanting Association.”

“Gu Changfeng, level 65 magic contract envoy, lieutenant colonel of the navy, adjutant of Qianlong.

After finishing speaking, the three got up and joined the seats of the Kaitian team.

At this time, Wu Ming, Gao Feng, Wang Long, and the rest of the Kaitian team were a little confused.

“Report to the General! Request the floor!”

Wang Long couldn’t help but speak.

“Allowed to speak, what do you want to say?”

Wang Long stood up and said: “General, the minimum number of people in the Kaitian team to attack is 20 people. Now you have transferred 14 people, but added 3 people. Are you not satisfied with the cooperation?”

“What’s more, the increase is enchanters and contract envoys.”

“It’s not that I question the strength of the three, but if you want to exert the power of Ashes of Soul, these two professions are not as useful as Shadow Assassin.”

“Report, my speech is over.”

Ye Zhanping waved his hand: “Please sit down.”

He glanced around and smiled.

“I believe that everyone should have such doubts.

“But what I can tell you is that this time we will adjust.”

“There is a reason.

“Because we already have better gear!”

“Su Quan, Zhou Weiguo, show off your new equipment.”

The two immediately stepped out, and then showed the attributes of the magic circle and jammer in their hands.

The crouching circle is nothing but a red quality.

Jammers are a bit over the top.

It’s glowing orange!

“What, this property?!”

Wu Ming, the director of Mowu, suddenly turned pale with shock.

The attributes of the jamming launcher simply blinded his eyes.

“This, this is stronger than the one in Han Lao’s hands!”

“Sure enough, this exaggerated increase must have been done by Zhao Xing!”

Gao Feng glanced at the boy sitting next to Ye Zhanping.

The other party nodded slightly with a smile.

“Anyone else have a question?”

Ye Zhanping asked with a light smile.

Everyone shook their heads.

“Then, assign combat missions now.”

“This time, our goal is no longer to kill giant giant beasts!”

“It’s to enslave it!”

“The original members of the Kaitian team still use Fu Lao and Fu Feng as the nuclear garden.”

“The martial arts vanguard group that opened the way remains unchanged.

“The Shadow Assassins will split out three people, leading Zhou Weiguo, Su Quan, and Gu Changfeng respectively.

“This time, after getting close to the boss, Zhou Weiguo, Su Quan, and Gu Changfeng are responsible for carrying out the task of conquering the boss.”

“If you fail to subdue it, retreat immediately.”

“Han Song and Gao Feng will make up for it and carry out the hunting mission.”

After the arrangement.

Ye Zhanping paused.

“Everyone, if this plan.

“From now on, the copy of Qingtian World will become the logistics base of our country!”

“It only takes two people, or even one person, to completely guard this back garden!”

Everyone was very excited when they heard the words.

Yes, if you can subdue giant giant beasts, then a magic contract envoy will have two giant giant beasts, or even more.

Then there is no need for other people at all, two against one, take it directly!

A magic contract envoy is enough to guard this dungeon!

Even, in the future, an army of giant beasts will be formed.

It can handle level 90 dungeons completely!

Before a higher-level dungeon appears, Xia Guo can completely sweep away! Flatten everything!

This is a historic moment!

“I command!”

“Squad Kaitian, set off immediately!”

“With one effort, take down the giant beast!”

Ye Zhanping got up and shouted.


The members of the Kaitian team also stood up and walked out of the conference room.

half an hour later.

The new Kaitian team appeared at the entrance of the instance.

“The seal has been opened.”

“Entering the countdown to 10.9…….3.2.1”

The Duankong chain was slowly pulled out, and the figures of the Kaitian team disappeared into the red vortex. .

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