All People: I Am The Zerg Master, And I Play Scourge

Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Everyone In Daxia Township Is Dumbfounded! This Son Of Jiang Chen Is A Great Terror! Valkyrie And Sword God Look Forward To It!

Start with Jiang Chen killing crazy!

Display the leaderboard list of the eight major regions, and it will be refreshed crazily!


Mainly the four major regions of Qinglan, Wuxiang, Tianfu, and Qinluo are vying for the last four places.

Whichever party dies more, the ranking will drop.

Watching seats.

The towns and nations in the four major war zones all looked livid and suppressed their anger.

“The Jiangnan War Zone really knows how to hide!”

Qin Luo Zhen Guowu Qingshan almost gritted his teeth, squeezed out a few words: “In terms of playing tricks, Jiangnan wins…”

Central projection.

Jiang Chen raised his knife and dropped it like a watermelon, and the number of beheads kept rising!

Fuyan, the emperor of Wuxiang Township, couldn’t bear it anymore, and vented his dissatisfaction in his heart: “Jiangnan seems to be number one this time! Even the capital city, I’m afraid it will capsize in the gutter!”

What he said was obviously trying to provoke the relationship between Jiangnan and the capital.

Just looking forward to it, Jiang Chen will be blown away!

There is no hope for several war zones.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend!

The towns of the four war zones even pinned their hopes on the capital theater!


Gu Kaitian didn’t care about the attitude of these people, and was even very straightforward.

Holding his own saber, he manicured his nails and said calmly: “Killers, people will always kill them! I am a mouse in the gutter, I want to make a sneak attack, but I was caught…

“Is there a problem with this?”

“Damn, I’m so happy to see your ugly faces!”

The last sentence I didn’t want to say.

After all, this is the first time to sit on the seat representing Jiangnan in the capacity of Zhen Guo!

But I really can’t hold back!

Beside him, the commander-in-chief of the Demon Capital, Ji Hongyin, asked curiously: “Jiang Chen, you still have a job in the Lightning Department? Well, you Heavenly Sword King, you’re keeping it from me!”

Gu Kaitian was just drinking tea.

He didn’t answer either.

There was an inexplicable smile on his face, which seemed to be hidden several times.

At this moment, using silence to express profundity is the best answer!

As for other people’s guesses, whatever!

“Tsk tsk tsk!”

“All of this is indeed your arrangement!”

Seeing him like this, Ji Hongyin immediately made up his mind a lot, and said with a complicated expression: “Thunder type! The first attacking class in the legal system class!”

“Looking at Xiaochen’s ability, he can even devour the power of thunder and punishment comparable to rank seven!”

“At least”

“Also a unique hideaway, maybe even comparable to Divine Grade!”

Combat class

Divided into Department of Physics and Department of Law.

In the physics department, the true way is respected today!

After all, Ji Lingqiu, one of the Three Invincibles of the Great Xia, is the Sword God!

And in the legal system…

Undoubtedly, the strongest attack is definitely the thunder type!

hear this.

The smile on Gu Kaitian’s face deepened, and he poured a cup of tea for Ji Hongyin himself, “Drink this cup together, let’s have fun together!”

It shows on the face.

But in his heart, he kept complaining about his apprentice!


Are you even hiding it from Master?


No wonder before entering the secret realm, he was full of confidence and even said mysteriously: Give yourself a surprise!

Unexpectedly, it is the important class that has been hidden all along!

“It’s a pity, as the commander of Jiangnan, the old Duan is not at the scene…”


“This old guy will definitely be so happy to play a few sets of military boxing!”

In the previous competition for the Tianjiao Ranking.

Jiangnan has always been at an extreme disadvantage!

Even the first round of group assessments are rarely passed…

This year!

It’s going against the sky!

While Gu Kaitian was daydreaming.

On the projection screen, there is another turning point—

I saw Luo Shun, the number one genius in Tianfu, seemed to have suddenly thought of a way to break the game, let Dan Lishuang protect himself, and even closed his eyes and resumed the game!

It’s a life gamble!

Gu Kaitian sat up straight unconsciously.

The hot tea in hand is no longer fragrant.

Not far away, the towns and nations in the four major war zones all looked forward and waited silently.

Right now!

The leader of the capital, Fang Zhenghao, who had not spoken all the time, said lightly: “It’s the electric field… as long as the electric field emitted by Jiang Chen is broken… His terrifying speed will prevent him from attacking himself.”


“Such a simple thing, the Tianjiao of the four major war zones didn’t find it? It really is a waste!”

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was a map cannon.

But at this time…

The four towns did not refute anything.

The arrogance of the capital has not lasted for a day or two, and it is useless to talk about it.

Just be a mad dog!

Just ignore it!

But what that guy just said is extremely correct!

The eyes of the four towns showed a strange light, and they held their breath, concentrating on it, with anticipation in their hearts.

electric field!

Break the electric field!

Jiang Chen doesn’t have the advantage of speed, so he can easily suppress it!

In the picture, Luo Shun really thought of this layer!

However, just after he said that, Jiang Chen drew his sword!

Blazing white light flashed!

The light of the Heavenly Opening Knife is like the sun hitting the water curtain that is light and frosty!

See this scene.

In Gu Kaitian’s eyes, there was no satisfaction.

But the smile on the corner of his mouth hadn’t fully risen before it turned into astonishment—

Kaitian Dao was stopped!

over the sky.

The two figures hide their bodies, and they also look down and cast the screen.

distance, for them.

It’s not a hindrance.

These two people are Jiang Xuanji, the Martial God of Great Xia, and the Sword God of Mansion, Ji Lingqiu!

The former needs to suppress the Catacombs, and only projections come over.

But Ji Lingqiu came in person.

“There is even a Lightning class, and its strength is not weak, it must be the only hidden…

A smile appeared in Jiang Xuanji’s eyes:

“This Jiang Chen makes me look forward to it even more…”

“When we come to the Catacombs in the future, there are natural disasters such as Nine-Winged Miasma, and it also has a very strong ability to kill lightning!”

“This kind of terrifying background can even be listed on the Ten Thousand Races Gold List!”


Jiang Xuanji’s appreciation of Jiang Chen is mainly due to his character and behavior!

And now…

And some more.

The sense of anticipation is raised again!

Beside him, Sword God Ji Hongyin kept a cold face and didn’t say a word.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuanji said with a smile: “Your ancient god’s brain domain may not have been embezzled by Jiang Chen, even if he wanted to, he doesn’t have the strength!”

“That’s an ancient god!”

“The horrible existence of the last era is full of variables that we don’t know.”

hear this.

Ji Hongyin’s complexion changed, and it turned into a wry smile: “Oh, I still hoped to break through to the tenth rank by relying on it! Now that I think about it, I’m afraid it’s hopeless…”

In fact, he also understands in his heart.

The terrifying monsters in the brain region of the ancient gods are not something that Jiang Chen can contain!

Depressed in my heart.

I can only vent my anger on Jiang Chen.

Who told him to push open the sealed door he set up and enter it…

Maybe this kid unintentionally caused the Sea of ​​Consciousness Monster to dissipate!



“That little girl from the Tan family is a bit powerful.

In a good mood, Jiang Xuanji also has a leisurely mood, commenting on the contemporary Tianjiao: “She once had a chance encounter and merged two original waters—the water of red gold and the water of blue fall!”

“The skill released at will not only has the offensive power of the Chijin Water, but also has the defensive and potential effect of the Blue Falling Water!”

“This woman’s future achievements are limitless!”

Seeing Jiang Chen drew his sword and chopped off.

A joke appeared on Jiang Xuanji’s face: “I’m afraid I won’t be able to cut through this knife!”

Do not know why.

Watching Jiang Chen deflate made him feel quite a bit of fun.

As if in response to his words…

The Heaven Opening Knife released by Jiang Chen was dissolved into invisible by the water curtain and disappeared.

“There is still suspense in this battle…”

Ji Hong looked at the projection screen eagerly and asked, “Aren’t you afraid, is the Jiangnan theater really eliminated? By then…”

“Jiang Chen you admire, and your grandson Jiang Wushuang…”

“None of them are eligible to enter the second round.”

Jiang Xuanji shook his head.

He smiled and said: “No, Wushuang has nine seals on his body, and now he only needs to break through three of them to turn the tide…”


Things didn’t develop as they expected.

Jiang Wushuang was restrained desperately by Luo Shun!

I can’t even spare any extra energy to lift my own seal!

See this scene.

The understatement on Jiang Xuanji’s face gradually became serious…

Jiang Chen’s Heaven Opening Saber couldn’t break through Dan Lishuang’s water curtain, so he couldn’t kill Luo Shun.

And Luo Shun is keeping Jiang Wushuang at bay!

This also means——

Dan Lishuang alone can clear the battlefield!

Jiangnan is in danger!


“What is he doing! Putting away the knife for fists, isn’t he afraid that the blue falling water will kill him?”

Ji Hongyin frowned and finished speaking.

The Jiang Xuan machine next to him also didn’t understand Jiang Chen’s approach!

Even the defense that can be offset by the Heavenly Sword, is actually bombarded directly with the body?

The water of red gold, the water of healing!

The combination of the two is a cycle of killing and defense, just like yin and yang gossip, switch at will!

Like Jiang Chen…

There will definitely be a violent backlash!

Even if he doesn’t die, he will be severely injured, making Jiangnan’s crisis worse!

“This move is a bit unwise…”

A look of disappointment appeared in Jiang Wushuang’s eyes.

But what happened next!

Let the two turn nine invincible, completely shocked

I saw Jiang Chen punching him away!

Doesn’t seem to have much power, but directly broke through Dan Lishuang’s terrifying defense?

The water curtain formed by the combination of the red gold water and the blue falling water looks like broken glass, falling apart!

Jiang Chen kept walking and killed Luo directly!

“He used the Nine Wings Healer?” Ji Hongyin asked in a deep voice.


Jiang Xuanji looked puzzled, “The eruption just now is similar to my Valkyrie body, but what Jiang Chen invoked is purer physical power.”

“Physical strength?”

Ji Hongyin’s brows furrowed even tighter, “He’s only at the second rank, and both of his professions have nothing to do with the power system, how could he show such great power!”

Jiang Xuanji shook his head, expressing he didn’t know.

After a long silence.

He suddenly opened his mouth and said with a soft laugh: “This little guy… has a lot of cards! I don’t know if he can beat the winner in the next ranking battle.

to their level.

Only seek the result, not the process.

No matter how dazzling Jiang Chen is, how many hole cards he hides…it doesn’t matter!

As long as you don’t use the Nine Wings Therapy, you are within the scope of the rules!

0…seeking flowers0

The two invincibles won’t delve into it either.

Not to investigate, Jiang Chen

Why is my physical body so strong…


Ji Hongyin said firmly: “Winning the battle, he must be the top of this year’s list! His talent and unique advantages can even block the induction of heaven!”

“Because of this, you can practice the skills of the Blood Fiend Clan!”

“My son, just like your favorite Jiang Chen, is very demonic…”

looking down.

A look of anticipation appeared on Ji Hongyin’s face: “Now, I want to watch the ranking battle even more! Whether it’s Jiang Chen or your grandson, there must be someone behind…”

“Tsk tsk tsk, wonderful!”

Among the secrets.

Start the first contraction range.

Jiang Chen also finally set off, leading the Jiangnan people towards the ruins of the city.

At this moment!

A cold and grand reminder suddenly appeared in this world!


[Qin Luo was eliminated from the theater and ranked eighth!]

[As of now, the ranking is as follows:]

[Beijing War Zone, number of survivors: 10, ranking: first]

【Jiangnan Theater……】

【Magic City War Zone……】

【Guanghai Theater……】

[Wuxiang theater, number of survivors: 5, ranking, fifth]

【Tianfu War Zone…】

【Qinglan War Zone…】

【Qin Luo theater, number of survivors: 0, ranking, eighth worker

After this notification disappears.

Not five minutes yet!

Suddenly, it sounded again——

The entire Tianfu theater was wiped out, and Tao Tai was eliminated!

ten minutes later!

Wuxiang Theater is out!

Twenty minutes later!

Qinglan War Zone, out!

Since then—

Entering the eight major war zones in the secret realm, in an unimaginable way, the top four were born!


But the final decisive battle is still not over!

The capital wins the battle, and wants to wipe out all the war zones, and let the capital dominate the list of the top talents!

The Guanghai War Zone, after taking out the four major war zones, marched towards the Demon City, obviously to make trouble…

And here in Jiangnan!

At this moment, the group stopped, feeling an unusual sense of oppression.


Between heaven and earth, a terrifying coercion suddenly swept across!

Immediately afterwards——

The activity area that was closed just now began to close again!

Visible to all!

At the end of the sky, there seems to be a dark green boundary membrane, like the mouth of a bowl is buckled down, shrinking continuously.


“The boundary membrane is coming to our side soon!”

Luo Sandao screamed strangely, and said while running: “The special rules are triggered! After the four major regions are eliminated, and only the top four remain, the rhythm will immediately speed up!”

“Wait a minute, there may be a scuffle!”

In the past, the battle for the top list.

In this first round of team battles, it is rare for all members to be eliminated in such a short period of time!

A war zone, even if its strength is slightly weaker.

If you can’t fight, you can still run!

No matter how bad it is, there will still be a few only seedlings left. If you are stubborn, there may be hope!

But this year!

It’s so abnormal!

Only an hour after the start, the four major war zone groups were wiped out!

The people in the south of the Yangtze River did not dare to stop and moved forward quickly.

The distance from the ruins of the city is getting closer and closer.

at the same time.

In the secret realm, somewhere in an unknown valley.

As the circle shrinks, the ten people in the War Zone of Shanghai, led by Ji Genzuki, are rushing on their way.

I just walked around for a long time because I got lost.

Now it’s hard to find the direction, but the rhythm suddenly speeds up!

That dark green boundary membrane seemed to follow behind everyone, devouring everything.

“Oh shit!”

“What the hell!”

Hua Yunfei was as fast as flying, and he turned his head and shouted: “How did you eliminate four theaters in just one hour, and all of them died?”

Beside him, a teammate replied: “It must be a pig’s brain! Just now there is a place where Jieyun appears from time to time. It should attract many teams.”

Another girl continued: “It’s such a wonderful battle, it’s a pity we missed it! Hey, I don’t feel like participating!”

The arrogance of the devil city is very arrogant.

This is the pride accumulated after years of ranking in the Tianjiao List!


This year, they even have a Divine Grade career!

Get a ranking, easy!

Unexpectedly, before he even made a move, he went straight to the top four?

Hear the conversation behind you.

Hime Genzuki’s face was slightly hot.

After all, it was her just now, as the captain, but she led everyone lost, circling in circles in the dense forest…


After a dry cough, Ji Genzuki said: “Everyone, speed up! Let’s go through the valley ahead and reach the central ruins!”

On the way with a muffled sound.

Thoughts floated, I thought of Jiang Chen……

“I don’t know what’s going on with Jiang Lang!”

“The fight was so fierce just now, Jiangnan is still full of personnel, and it is estimated that they did not participate in the battle…”


The wind howled.

Everyone in Modu has already entered the valley.

As long as you pass through it, you will be in the core area, and you will meet the other three war zones!


“It’s not right! Stop it!”

Ji Genzuki looked cold and stern, and shouted: “Be alert! There are ten murderous intentions!”.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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