All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 484: The Mechanical Race is Coming\r

After killing the Necron God Emperor with one punch, Su Bai was immediately targeted.

This guy obviously informed the friendly army of the encounter before he died, and the Necrons who were fighting the Zerg turned around and killed him.

And the Zerg are also old friends of Su Bai.

It is estimated that he remembered the Zerg God Emperor who died here before, and also followed him.

Su Bai was silent.

This also confirms what Qiano and the others said before.

That is, aliens will give priority to killing threatening gods.

Su Bai, who can leapfrog and kill the emperor, is their primary goal.

The five god emperors surrounded them and launched a deadly onslaught.

Su Bai's nose crooked with anger.

No martial arts!

Unexpectedly, the seemingly Tiehanhan alien has reached a consensus across races.

In a fit of anger, Su Bai exerted 120% of his combat power and blasted out an Eternal Divine Fist, knocking out the Zerg God Emperor in front of him.

The black carapace is accompanied by dark green juice, which is sprayed everywhere.

Then Su Bai took off the God of War's sharp blade, went up with two knives, and cut the Necromancer God Emperor next to him into ribs.

In an instant, the five besieged god emperors were killed by two.

Qiano, who had wanted to come to support, immediately stopped.

It doesn't seem necessary at all.

On the contrary, on his side, there is so much pressure.

Qiano is fighting against the three-star Zerg God Emperor.

If it wasn't for Chiano's racial advantage, it is estimated that 883 would have fallen.

Now it's playing back and forth, and it's fairly safe.

Other god emperors are in a similar situation.

The Necrons and Zerg are throwing too many troops here.

There are no less than a hundred breaths of the god emperor alone.

In the core area of ​​​​the battlefield, a high-star god emperor appeared.

It is not difficult for them to stop the gods.

If it weren't for the Necrons and the Zerg having already fought inextricably, and the battle lines were completely chaotic, they could mobilize more and stronger troops to surround and kill the gods.

But on the other hand, it is precisely because the two clans fought a real fire that the gods chose to come and participate in the war.

Otherwise, facing any of them alone, there is no chance of winning.

An alien army of this size cannot be managed by one or two gathering points.

The five alien god emperors who besieged Su Bai finally failed to achieve the strategic goal.

Together with the Space Dead (bhcf) Spirit God Emperor at the beginning, Su Bai beheaded six God Emperors in a very short period of time, showing a shocking combat power.

Even the god emperor of the gathering point, who usually communicates with Su Bai, knows that his views on the power of eternity are very unique, and he is still a little concerned.

Compared with Su Bai, the half-step god emperor, the performance of these genuine god emperors is somewhat unsatisfactory.

But as a friendly army, the presence of Su Bai undoubtedly boosted morale greatly.

The mere alien race will be driven out of the second heaven by them.

After beheading six god emperors in succession, Su Bai reduced his attack rhythm, and instead focused some of his attention on absorbing and transforming the power of eternity.

He could see that this battle would last a long time.

War needs to be fought.

In addition, according to his perception, in the central area of ​​the battlefield, there is a high-star God Emperor fighting.

Once the winner is decided, it is very likely that they will come to chase and kill him.

That is a god emperor with at least seven or eight stars, and his strength is unfathomable.

Su Bai couldn't easily guarantee victory.

The safest way is to be promoted to God Emperor.

As long as it absorbs the eternal power of these six god emperors, then it is basically stable.

The details here, the aliens may not understand clearly, but they are very clear about one thing.

Su Bai's growth must be stifled.

After an emergency mobilization, the new emperor struck again.

This time, the four-star Zerg God Emperor directly killed him.

Su Bai has only just absorbed a small part of the eternal power at this time, and his strength has improved, but he is still a little far from the realm of the god emperor.

Noticing the appearance of the Four-Star God Emperor, Su Bai did not complain at all, but just charged forward with his sword.

Want his life?

Then see who dies faster!

This four-star God Sovereign will become the cornerstone of his promotion!

The power of eternity erupted unreservedly on the battlefield. Su Bai and the Zerg God Emperor clashed fiercely, fighting millions of times in an instant.

The Zerg God Emperor who came this time has an overall shape like a praying mantis.

The forelimbs are exceptionally sharp, cutting space with every stroke.

The wings on the back vibrate at high speed, bringing excellent maneuverability.

Before that, it had already killed several space undead god emperors, and had a remarkable record.

After receiving the order from the mother's nest, they immediately left their opponents and came to attack and kill.

As soon as the four-star god emperor made his move, Su Bai immediately realized what the power of the god emperor was.

Even if this is the Zerg God Emperor, he has no unique power of his own.

But the rank is there, and it is impossible to take it lightly.

Taking a step back, the power of eternity mastered by this God Sovereign is four times that of the newly promoted God Sovereign.

This resulted in a super high bonus.

Brute force alone is sufficient for most fights.

The necromancer god emperor who was killed by it before was at a disadvantage in terms of absolute power. After the fierce battle, he fell behind and finally fell.

This time, the Zerg God Emperor came to Su Bai, obviously wanting to repeat his old tricks, turning his attribute advantage into a battle advantage, and finally turning it into a victory, ending the battle.

But the problem is that Su Bai's attributes are also quite powerful.

It can even be said that it is unparalleled.

He has modified the entry for killing gods and strengthened his attributes to the limit.

Although it makes promotion more difficult, the benefits are obvious.

The foundation is solid, and the combat power is exceptional.

At this time, he competed with the Zerg four-star God Sovereign, and he did not lose out and maintained the situation.

As he further absorbs the eternal power of the previous god emperors, the balance of victory will eventually be completely tilted towards him!

Over the Death Plains, a space storm is brewing.

This is also the reason why the Necrons and the Zerg are fighting here.

This is a sign that the cracks in the starry sky are opening.

As long as they can occupy the cracks in the starry sky, they can send coordinates to their clansmen as a landing point to send more troops and occupy more resources.

At this time, the intensity of the battle in the death plain continued to increase.

In particular, the full force of the powerful god emperor, the space storm was also affected and began to accelerate further.

The Necrons and Zerg at war are getting crazier.

Whether it can occupy the cracks in the starry sky depends on this battle.

And the gods were also nervous.

If the cracks in the starry sky open and the alien races invade on a large scale, they have to find a way out in advance to avoid being caught in one pot.

At the same time, it is also necessary to inform the valley gathering point of the situation here, so that the remaining gods there are prepared.

The situation became increasingly chaotic.

But more confusion is yet to come.

After a sharp and sharp sound, the figure of the mechanic appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

The combat troops present, whether it was the gods, the Necrons, or the Zerg, all began to curse.

Mechanical family, do not talk about martial arts.

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