All People’s Island: My Mobile Phone Connects to All Worlds

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 10% discount coupon? arbitrage! (plus more thanks for the reward)

After returning to the island, Wang Xuan picked up his phone.

[Orange Heart Small Seller: Boss, do you want slaves? 】[Glan Slave House: What slave? 】[Small seller of orange hearts: Humans, 2. 】[Glan Slave House: No! Humans are too ordinary unless they have special skills. 】[Orange Heart Small Seller: Don’t give away money for nothing, you just need to pay for the postage. 】[Glan Slave House: Is there such a good thing? Do you have any photos? 】

Hearing this, he turned on the photo mode.

The two captives were photographed and sent to Gran.

[Orange Heart Small Seller: [Photo] [Photo]. 】[Glan Slave House: These two people are quite funny, and the circus just wants them. 】[Orange Heart Small Seller: Then I will ship it to you, remember to give a good review. 】[Glan Slave House: You put it on the shelf, I took it! 】

Wang Xuan picked up his phone and clicked to put up for auction.

[Human x2, price: 1 silver coin. Free shipping. 】

The price of one silver coin is nominally hung, without shipping.

[Ding: Gran Slave House has photographed your product, please ship it as soon as possible. 】


In this way, the two prisoners were thrown into another world by themselves.

to be frank.

He didn’t feel anything when he was shooting with an arrow, but if he really got to kill two people, he felt a little bit of a burden.

Not to say how virgin he is.

If in danger, he will kill people without hesitation.

But these two captives are not safe on the island, and they can’t be killed if they are killed.

It’s better to sell them and earn a good review.

But today, this time also reminded him.

Other survivors can choose to merge or form an alliance.

Although the other survivors do not have Wanjie Mall, their advantage is that there are many people.

His advantage is Wanjie Mall, but his disadvantage is also obvious.

Other survivors have their own ideas, and the slaves in their hands will only obey their own arrangements.

There are still more than 7 billion people in the world. Even if most of them are ordinary people, there will still be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of smart people.

Don’t treat other survivors as fools who are standing still and waiting to die.

Others will develop too!

Especially in this case of stealing mines, Wang Xuan wants to surround his current island and make it a safe castle.

It’s better to just dig it by yourself… Why don’t you buy the materials directly in the Wanjie Mall?

Stone should be cheap.

How about making some Huiyue Potion and selling it?

After thinking for a moment, Wang Xuan decided to keep the Huiyue Potion to save his life.

Suddenly he thought of a bug.

Don’t you have a one-off coupon?

Can I make money with this one-off coupon?

Take coupons to buy things.

For example, this item costs 1,000 gold coins, and you can buy it for only 100 gold coins.

But merchants can’t suffer, and Wanjie Mall will make up for the 900 gold coins for merchants.

So, Wang Xuan has a bold idea, find someone to cooperate to make a sum of money!

Forget Gran, Gran is a profiteer.

The old Daoist from Longhu Mountain is not bad, maybe you can try him.

[Orange Heart Little Seller: Old Daoist, I have a deal to talk to you about, why? 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: How to say? 】[Orange Heart Small Seller: What is the most expensive thing you can sell in your store? 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: The most expensive? Ginseng fruit sapling, 1000 gold. 】[Orange Heart Small Seller: In this way, you set the price to tens of thousands! The higher the better. 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: The highest? The default maximum price of this tree system is 2000. 】


2 times the premium?

[Orange Heart Small Seller: You lend me 200 gold coins, I will buy it with a 10% discount coupon, and we will split the money earned after buying it, how about it? 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: You kid, it’s kind of interesting! That’s it…]

Longhushan Laodao began to hesitate, this is not familiar with Wang Xuan, borrow him 200 gold coins? What guarantee?

[Orange Heart Small Seller: Our Wanjie Mall is all about integrity. If it is a transaction, we will leave. As for it? 200 gold coins, as for I lied to you? After it’s done, we can share a lot of money! 】

The old man was thoughtful.

This 200 gold coins is not much to say, this Wanjie Mall has a credit rating.

If Wang Xuan defrauded him, he could also report to the platform to get the money back.

[Longhushan Old Daoist: Well… I believe you once! 】[Longhu Mountain Laodao transfers 200 gold coins to you. 】

Money in hand!

[Orange Heart Little Seller: I placed an order! 】

Click the screen to buy.

【Ginseng fruit tree (every product)】

[Price: 2000 gold coins][Buy with a 10% discount coupon – 200 gold coins. 】[Actual payment: 200 gold coins]

After a while, the space door opened, and the courier brother smiled and moved the tree over.

“Mr. Wang, your courier.”


After signing the ginseng fruit tree, Wang Xuan did not take it to heart.

He’s all about making money now.

[Orange Heart Little Seller: How are you, have you received 2,000 gold coins? 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: Received! Hahaha, you little friend can play. 】[Orange Heart Little Seller: Hey, this is called a card bug, and the wool of the platform! 】

1000 gold ginseng fruit tree, Wang Xuan bought it at a high price with 2000 gold.

Earn the 1000 difference in the middle.

It can be described as a white wolf with empty gloves.

[Small seller of orange heart: I will sell the tree to you at a low price of 1 silver coin, and we will divide the money! 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: OK, we each have one thousand. 】[Orange Heart Small Seller: Just give me 900, 200 gold coins is your cost, in fact we arbitrage 1800! 】[Longhushan Old Daoist: Enough loyalty! The ginseng fruit tree is also given to you. Next time there is such an arbitrage thing, remember to find me! 】[Longhu Mountain Laodao transfers 900 gold coins to you. 】



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