All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 118 - Deep blue

When Fang Yun drove towards the sea, the other three sides were deeply troubled by their current situation.

They exhausted their means and did not search for the trace of the python that was supposed to exist.

Their actions were treated as news reports by those reporters.

Not surprisingly, this incident caused a stir on the Internet, but the topics discussed on the Internet are very unfriendly to Robris.

After all, you said that there is a python at the bottom of the lake. As a result, no matter whether you use the method of seduction or the sonar detector, you cannot find the python.

Are you playing a monkey?

Under various doubts, the lives of Slander, Salman, and Eisen were very uncomfortable, and there was a feeling of suffering.

Especially Essen.

He really saw a python under the water.

But the weird thing is, judging from the results detected by the later sonar detector, there is nothing in that place at all.

If he dazzled, where did the python in the photo come from?

It’s a pity that people outside don’t even listen to their explanations. In fact, even they themselves feel absurd.

Strand had the intention to send manpower to the bottom to check the situation again, but this requires perfect preparation. What if there is really a python and what happens?

There is a civilian submarine in the scenic area, but it is just an old and dilapidated, which can’t stand any tossing.

Think about it, if a thirty-meter-long horror python is mad under water, what level of destructive power will it reach?

It is for these reasons that Slander did not use this civilian submarine.

And when he was extremely distressed, Salman woke him up with a word.

“Mr. Slander, I think we can ask the international community for help.”

In the office, Salman looked at Strand in front of him and suggested.

In the past few days, all kinds of doubts on the Internet have also driven him crazy. The boss of their company kept calling him to ask him what is going on and why he thought of such an explosive marketing. Program.

Those netizens not only scolded Salman, the scenic area, but also Salman’s company, all scolded them.

“When we confirm that python, those guys who scolded us before will all shut up automatically and will cheer for us.”

Slander and Essen next to Salman said: “The most important thing for us at the moment is to find that python, so that those idiot netizens can see clearly that there is really a python at the bottom of the lake!”

There was a touch of anger in his tone.

Can’t wait to confirm the python at that moment, and then slammed the faces of those guys.

“After finding the python, I will definitely send a long and spicy remark, to satirize the group of idiots, and they have been maddened by them for a few days!”

Salman yelled in his heart, but then he felt that it was not appropriate to do so. “No, it will not be too generous. I should send a paragraph of understanding to the group of stupid pigs and win everyone’s praise.”

He was already thinking about his speech as a winner.

After receiving Salman’s advice, Strand began to seek help from the international community, hoping that a corresponding team would come to Pudaga Forest Park to expose the face of the big guy at the bottom of Lake Mississippi to everyone.

This move of his was undoubtedly met with a stink, but not long afterwards, a team really took over such a task.

A company from the United States engaged in the seabed fishing industry.

This company is called “The Blue of the Deep Sea”, and it is also quite famous internationally. They first showed the equipment they plan to use for the exploration of the bottom of Lake Mississippi to Strand.

A submarine.

However, this submarine is undoubtedly much better than the old dilapidated one in Pudaga Forest Park.

According to the introduction of the “Deep Sea Blue” company, their submarine has extremely amazing defenses, and it also carries an extra-high voltage power supply of five thousand volts.

If you suffer a fatal strangulation of a python, the power supply will start to discharge. At this level of voltage, let alone a 30-meter-long python, even the largest 35-meter-long blue whale that has been found in the ocean, You have to be coronaed.

In addition, their submarine also has an anesthetic gun launcher.

In short, this submarine is amazingly defensive, fully equipped, and can be attacked and defended, which is fully qualified for this lake bottom exploration work.

After thinking about it, Strands finally agreed to the cooperation request of the “Blue of the Deep Sea”.

Although there are many people who think that this is a routine played by Strand, the purpose is to attract everyone’s attention, but netizens online still involuntarily pay attention to this exploration activity.

But it was at this time that Fang Yun, who had returned to the river, had already swam out a long distance. UU read books. At this time, the water where he is located is very deep, more than thirty meters, and the water width is also amazing, about two kilometers.

He observed that it should not be the flood season now. If it is in the flood season, the water width of the river will be even more amazing.

During these three or four days, Fang Yun mainly focused on hurrying, only occasionally hunting, so his biological energy did not increase much.

He didn’t meet anybody along the way. He also lamented his good luck, but he met someone the next day.

At the time, where he was, the water flow was gentle, and in the middle of the river, there were long strips of small mountain packages rising out of the water, with a green bush growing above.

These small hills divide this big river into several tributaries.

If during the flood season, all these hills will be submerged.

Fang Yun was heading up from the bottom of the water to check the surrounding terrain, but then he heard someone talking, scaring him to get into the water immediately, and then found a hidden place to observe the opposite scene.

I saw that on the opposite side, there were two or three boats wandering around supported by people.

At first he thought it was to search for himself, but the subsequent discovery made him dismiss this idea.

The ships wandering across are relatively small, and the speed is particularly slow. From the perspective of the people on the ship, they are not soldiers.

This is a group of tourists.

Fang Yun looked at it a few times and found that the man in the middle ship seemed a bit familiar.

In addition to the helmsman supporting the ship, there were seven people on the ship.

Four men and three women.

After Fang Yun looked at them for a few times, he recognized that they were the seven students who went fishing while he was hunting in the Wu Hai’s reservoir.

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