All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 152 - Shocking eyeball

Xiaolan’s scream immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and then, with a pair of eyes, Qi Qi looked at the sea where she was looking.

From this perspective, everyone’s heart burst out.

I saw that on the surface of the sea they were looking at, a pointed object quickly moved towards the beach, and looked at it, like the dorsal fin of some kind of marine life.

However, what marine life has such a large dorsal fin?

Rayong looked at the dorsal fin exposed above the sea, and they were all speechless in consternation, because the bare dorsal fin was as big as two beds!

Just the dorsal fin is so big, how big is the underwater creature?

And what kind of creatures will be so large?


Everyone’s heart came up with an idea.

Jonny, who was facing the camera on the side, was looking at the dorsal fin protruding from the water at the moment, breathing quickly, he also thought of the noun.

And he also raised a question in his heart.

Could it be this guy who slammed their submersible?

“Run! There are sea monsters !!”

At this time, among the crowd, someone shouted at the beach.

Because in the past, there were still some people swimming in the water, did not run over to see the excitement.

After hearing this yelling, Rayong and several of their students reacted and screamed anxiously along with the crowd towards the beach.

Some people swimming there are in deep water.

Under the roar of Rayong, the people playing on the beach first froze, then looked at the distant sea.

In an instant, they also saw an unknown creature swimming fast towards here.


After seeing that raised dorsal fin, everyone’s heart shuddered.


“What it is!”

“Shark! Shark! There are sharks!”

On the beach, he suddenly fell into a chaotic scene, bursts of screaming chaos, one after another rushed towards the shore.

And those who are swimming and playing in the deep water area now have a feeling of collapse at the moment, and they wish to insert a pair of wings at this moment and fly back towards the shore.

The creature swimming across, the dorsal fin alone seems to have something that makes people want to faint, and when it shows its true content, how terrifying it will be?

Their hearts raised a sense of hopelessness, no matter how old or young, men, women, and children, there was no screaming panic at the moment.

“Help! Help !!!!”

“Woo ~~ Mom, I want to go home!”

“Damn! Damn, what the **** is that!”

Shouting in horror again and again, it rang out continuously.

On the shore of Rayong, after seeing the scene in the sea, they squeezed sweat for the tourists, squeezed their hands tightly, and looked nervously at the escaping army.

“Run! Run!”

Rayong and a few of them, all shouting anxiously at the moment, hoping that those tourists can run faster.

Suddenly, Luo Yong suddenly saw that the huge dorsal fin that had previously protruded from the water surface was suddenly submerged in the current.

“not good.”

Seeing this scene, Luo Yong, Yang Ping, and Xiao Lan all burst into their hearts, staring at the sea opposite.

His heart inevitably panics.

The creature burrowed into the water suddenly, adding a lot of uncertainty in an instant. Where did it swim? Where will it attack?

When Luo Yong felt worried about this, their eyes suddenly froze.

Their place is counted as a high ground, and they can be seen most clearly from them.

At this moment, about two kilometers away from them, a huge dark shadow suddenly floated from the water, the water surface suddenly arched, and then-


A burst of waves.

That huge dark shadow suddenly came out from under the water surface, and actually jumped into the sky.

This is a huge creature, showing the shape of a shark, but it is much bigger than a shark!

At first glance, its shape is at least 40 meters, and it is covered with a layer of hard scale armor. When it jumps to the sky, its mouth is open, and its fierce teeth are scared!

Looking at the behemoth that was completely out of the sea, Rayong and their group were stunned, as if they were hit by thunder.

Not just them, even those who had been escaping towards the coast before, at this moment they couldn’t help but stopped their own footsteps, fixedly looking at the behemoth that got out of the water.

Everyone stopped thinking at this moment, and there was only one emotion in their hearts, that is—


“This … this is the sea monster that attacked Jonny?”

In the bedroom, through the camera, Li Zhi and Luo Huan also saw the horrible creature that suddenly appeared on the sea, and they were also shocked and swayed.

Their breath seems to have become difficult at this moment ~ ~ meters, even larger giant creatures, is this really earth creatures?

More importantly, this creature still has sharp teeth. Each tooth has a baby’s head that is huge and looks very infiltrating.


Li Zhi swallowed, but at this moment, Luo Huan beside him did not laugh at him, because he was also shocked to speak.

But before they could relax, the piece of water that had just fallen down suddenly stood up again, and in the next moment, a huge black shadow broke out.


Seeing this scene, Li Zhi and Luo Huan opened their eyes again.

At the same time, Luo Yong on the other shore saw the scene at the same time, covering their hearts together and sullen.

A terrifying giant shark leaped out of the water, but underneath it, a giant python also half-cutted his body and opened his mouth towards the shark’s tail fin.

I saw that the python’s mouth was open, but it showed two rows of sharp teeth with hooks, and the flashing cold teeth made people no doubt that it could bite a car!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the two giant beasts seemed to be stuck in midair at this moment.

But at the next moment-


The condensed time is like a restart. The giant mouth opened by the big python bites down and bites the tail fin of the giant shark sturdyly. Crack down.

At this time, the two huge monsters fell into the sea together, startled a violent wave of water.

The clear and transparent sea water was stained with blood red.

There was a silence on the beach.

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