All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 158 - Underwater Magic

It was like this at the time.

A group of people headed by a team of magicians came to a certain sea area on the west coast of the Bald Eagle Country, preparing to perform a large undersea escape magic here.

The performer is called Williams, and mainly performs various types of escape magic: sea escape, air escape and the like, which is also quite famous internationally.

In addition to Williams and his team, there are a group of journalists and specially invited lucky audience.

At the beginning of the show, Williams took out an iron cage, and then asked his deputy Jenny to tie himself up and locked him in the iron cage.

Immediately afterwards, the other people slowly put the iron cage into the sea with the help of hanging cables.

Such an undersea escape program mainly uses the flexibility and bones of the human body, as well as some unarmed skills.

Williams had done an air escape magic before.

At that time, his hands and feet were locked with iron locks, tied into a sack and closed in an iron cage.

Then, he was pushed down by the tail of a transport aircraft flying at a height of 5,000 meters with a cage, and then fell vertically at a speed of 240 kilometers per hour.

At this critical moment, he only spent 45 seconds, miraculously freed his shackles and shackles, drilled a sack, opened the iron cage, and then opened the parachute and floated down, creating an unparalleled escape miracle.

However, he has only tried this kind of magic this time, and is more performing the undersea escape shows he is currently performing.

After Williams was sent into the sea, everyone waited quietly.

The people on the cruise ship are all nervous.

Because this kind of magic is also very dangerous, after Williams entered the water, he couldn’t breathe, that is, he had to escape from the iron cage before he could bear the suffocation pain.

Everyone knows that in an environment like sea water, coupled with the condition of not being able to breathe, it is easy to cause a sense of panic.

Time passed little by little, ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds … one minute!

One minute and a half … two minutes!

On the cruise ship, Williams’s deputy Jenny has started to panic, because according to their previous plan, in one minute, Williams should climb from the other side of the cruise ship to the cruise ship. Under the gaze, greet them.

It was not only him, the journalists on the cruise ship, but also the lucky audience, who were starting to get nervous.

Jenny couldn’t hold it anymore, and he began to make people hoist the iron cage, but they were taken aback when they saw the iron cage.

The iron cage was opened, and there was no sign of Williams inside.

Did Williams make a joke with them?

In everyone’s mind, such an idea inevitably appeared, but when everyone looked at each other, preparing to find the trace of Williams in the crowd, a scene that made them feel very panic appeared.

From under the calm sea, a huge black shadow suddenly flew out, then whipped heavily on the cruise ship.


With a loud noise, the cruise ship was almost cut off.

In an instant, on the cruise ship was overwhelmed by a scream of horror, but with that black shadow and several lashes, all the screams suddenly disappeared.

Of course, the specific process of this incident is not understood.

Although some people called the police at the time, they simply shouted out simple words like “sea monster, sea monster”.

When people from the police station came here, they saw only the wreckage of the cruise ship.

This incident caused another uproar on the Internet. If you count the Shimamaru, this is already the second sea monster attack.

And if you are serious, it should be the third.

Because Jonny had also been attacked by sea monsters before they went to the area of ​​Grasse to investigate the island Maru.

It was just that the submersibles they were riding on had a high enough defense, and they just happened to encounter two sea monster battles, otherwise they had to explain there.

Of course, whether these three incidents are related to that giant python, we don’t have definitive evidence, but this kind of thing does not require definitive evidence.

Is it the sea monster?

Pythons also belong to sea monsters, so everyone began to be afraid of Pythons.

Now the sound of catching a python is getting louder again, but not to such an overwhelming level, but then there are two shipwrecks, which makes this kind of louder sound louder.

One of the shipwreck accidents involved a fishing boat. The big reason was the storm-the place where the accident happened just experienced a storm.

But after it spread, many people thought it was sea monsters making trouble.

In another incident, it can be clearly confirmed that the sea monster did it.

It was a cruise ship full of tourists. When passing the Beiling Strait, the bottom of the cruise ship was attacked by unknown creatures, causing the cruise ship to capsize.

None of the 130 tourists survived.

“There is no doubt that it is a demon!”

This is what people on the Internet have to say about Python.

Someone made a calculation. Since the discovery of the python, more than 400 people have been killed. It is completely deserved to be a demon. This guy must be caught.

There were also some people who opposed it, but the voices of these people were quickly submerged in the sound of capturing pythons.

This coke broke the big country that wanted to catch the python, so there were many more scientific research ships on the ocean.

Fang Yun didn’t know yet, he blamed others for himself.

He doesn’t seem to be okay to attack humans. There are many creatures in the ocean, and he is not short of food.

And he has no appetite.

Now he has already moved away from the sea where he was, and has arrived at Antarctica according to the plan in his mind.

Similar to what he thought, the prey resources here are very rich, and the seals and penguins are group after group.

After staying here for two months, he obtained a total of more than 800,000 biological energy.

Increasing his total biological energy to the level of 1.2 million is completely sufficient for promotion.

Since then, he began to leave Antarctica, preparing to find an island to evolve.

The reason why he is no longer in the sea is because he has a little fear of the sea.

In the past two months, he also encountered a mutant on the Antarctic side.

If he is discovered by mutants during evolution, a fierce battle will be unavoidable, and the accumulated biological energy will be wasted.

Fortunately, at least no mutants have been found on land now.

After swimming for a month, Fang Yun came to an island.

This island is shaped like a bull’s head with a trapezoid in the middle, and each side has a curved land, like a horn.

Fang Yun named this place Ngau Tau Island. After he got on the island, he immediately evolved.

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