All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 189 - The prologue opened

The warship was attacked by the monster before it could issue shells. It first spit out a liquid at the warship, which was very corrosive.

Hook saw that one of his companions had directly turned into a puddle of water, and a white foam had formed on the deck of the warship, and then the steel plate quickly disintegrated.

With no time to grieve, he began to run towards the other end of the ship’s board, and then he saw the monster hit the bow of the warship directly.

The huge force made the warships shudder fiercely, and his own body was directly thrown out and smashed into the sea water.

At the same time, the monster’s two forelegs were caught on the island, and the warship could not overturn accidentally.

He survived luckily, but his companion was not so lucky. After all, he didn’t see a living person during his escape.

What Hook told was so awe-inspiring to Tang Xuemin and the men in the other two special departments.

They didn’t doubt Hook’s words, although it sounded too shocking.

But is the change in this world not shocking enough now?

And it can make the team of three warships and two submarines disappear in that sea area. Apart from the giant monster Hook said, there is no other better explanation.

About this conversation is not well known to outsiders, things like this need not be informed to the public for the time being, so as not to cause any panic.

However, high-level national officials quickly mobilized and began to alert coastal cities to the situation at sea.

The abnormal actions of military bases in coastal cities everywhere also attracted some people’s attention, but no one thought about the appearance of new monsters in the sea. Some people think that the country is preparing to attack the mutant paleontology in the sea.

But an incident that happened afterwards made the country want to hide these suddenly appearing monsters.

At about five o’clock in the afternoon, there was a post on the Internet suddenly burst into flames.

The title of the post is: I found something remarkable, and Blue Star might have to change drastically again.

Such a sensational title, although despised by others, also attracted many people to click on the post, and the content of the post was shocking.

The poster said that he was from Huanhuan City. When passing the road between Taroko Forest Park and the sea outside Hualien this afternoon, he found that there was a broken fishing boat on the sea, and only a few shipboards were left. Floating on the sea.

There are several pictures below this paragraph: a piece of board floating quietly on the sea.

He thought that this fishing boat was attacked by mutant paleontology, so this kind of problem appeared, so he judged that there were fierce mutant paleontology nearby.

So at that moment, I stepped on the accelerator and wanted to quickly pass that road.

But this decision almost killed his life.

“Damn, just when I stepped on the accelerator, there was a collapse in the road ahead. If I didn’t react fast enough, the car would rush directly into the pit.”

He wrote in the post.

Looking at the huge collapse, the poster said he was immediately stunned, and after a few seconds he recovered, and then got out of the car and watched the collapse.

But just after he got out of the car, he found that not only was that strange hole in the hole, but also the trees beside it were crushed by several pieces.

In addition, he saw a blood stain nearby, and there was a broken hand beside the blood stain.

“It took me a while to react. This hole is a bit like a footprint.”

Behind this passage, there are also several pictures, and the scene in the photo is a highway, which was stepped into two sections by a huge footprint.

In addition, the photos of the crushed trees mentioned by the poster were also included.

“Really, it’s a bit bluffing. The change in the ocean has made me unacceptable, let alone any monsters.”

“It’s kind of like footprints, it would be nice if you could have a top view.”

“Lying trough, there will be monsters, the heart can’t stand it.”

“The native of Hualien City, indeed listened to the family talking about this, there have been surrounded by police.”

Below this post, many netizens posted comments. Everyone was shocked by the content of this post, and after the people in Hualien City made a positive reply, they were extremely worried.

Although the mutated paleontology in the ocean has caused great damage to the maritime industry and the ocean fishing industry, everyone can still survive.

At most, there is a certain economic impact.

After all, except for the top sea monsters, other mutant paleontologists will not go ashore, and now, the top sea monsters have either been caught in the laboratory, or they have been hiding far away.

Basically, it will not endanger human safety.

But what appears in this post now seems to tell people ~ ~ New crisis is coming again.

“Of course, you come here quickly and watch this.”

In the room, after drying her hair, Meng Ning picked up her mobile phone and connected to the Internet as usual. She looked like a local forum in her hometown of Qianjiang County.

Now Meng Ning has graduated from school and came to work in Yangcheng, and she also has a good girlfriend Song Ran.

Speaking of which, in the original four-person dormitory, only the two of them stayed together, while Chen Mengjie and Zhang Yun went to work in other cities.

She slides the page and flips the post down.

When she feels homesick, she will call her home, and then browse the local forums or something, look at the pictures of the hometown sent by the fellows, and relieve her homesickness.

At this time, a post came into view.

“Report! The monster is here! Someone found Godzilla in Hualien City.”

Seeing such a headline, Meng Ning froze for a moment. Like other people who saw this post, she felt that someone was sensationalizing.

After all, it seems like a monster invaded Blue Star, which has been mentioned many times before, but mutant paleontology has been around for so long, and it has never seen the shadow of any monster.

But she still opened the post, and then browsed through the post.

When she browsed to the end, her breath became hurried, and she couldn’t help shouting to Song Ran, who was blowing her hair next to her: “Ran, come here and watch this!”

Song Ran came over with a hair dryer and watched this post with her.

After seeing the picture at the end of the post, both women were stunned, and then looked at each other, their hearts were amazed.

Some monsters will not appear, right?

“Oh, sure, Meng Jie seems to be in Hualien City!”

PS: There is one more change at 11pm.

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