All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 192 - 0 Jun 1 shot


That huge claw fell flatly in front of Chen Mengjie at the moment, several large trees were photographed, and there was a “click” sound, the trunk cracked and opened.


The sudden scene also made Chen Mengjie scream together, but they quickly responded and then retreated towards the water pool.

“It’s finished this time.”

When Chen Mengjie heard that Xiaopingto had scolded before, she also found that the other person’s body was trembling, but said that her own image was not much better.

While retreating slowly back, she stared at the behemoth on the opposite side. At this moment, the figure of this monster fell into her vision very clearly.

The height of hundreds of meters, the sturdy flesh, and the greasy appearance make this monster look terrible. This is not a movie! This is not a movie!

Chen Mengjie bit her lip, she was mixed in the crowd, one hand was covering her chest, and the other hand was used to hold the big tree she encountered while retreating.

Otherwise, she was afraid that her legs would fall softly to the ground.

The huge monster turned around slowly at this moment, and then looked at them directly. Then, it turned out that it made a howl with its head raised.


The deep but penetrating sound reappeared, and the muscles of this monster were trembling while howling, and the veins of the tan neck looked like twisted snakes .


Chen Mengjie and them, when the howling of this monster was loud, they immediately fell to their knees and then covered their ears one by one.

There are several people who are too slow to lie on the ground at this moment, their noses and noses are congested, and their bodies have been pumped out, and they have lost control of their bodies.

And at this time, the monster opposite them suddenly bent down, and then the huge forelimb caught the people in the convulsions on the ground, like eating jelly beans. Dropped into his mouth.


Seeing this horrible scene, the remaining few people began to shout like collapse.

“How come the rescuers have not come! Help! Help!”

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, let me go, let me go!”

“Run, run, run!”

There are only seven or eight people left, and Chen Mengjie also wants to yell in horror at this time, only that she still has a hint of hope, hoping that she will not be paid attention to by this monster.

When other people started to collapse and fled, Chen Mengjie also quickly started to head towards the water pool at this time.

It’s just that how their speed compares with this monster.

In the past, this monster needed to catch the scattered people, so they let them escape so far, only these few people are left at this moment, this monster must not be so good to escape.

I saw that this monster caught several people and threw them into his mouth. Then his eyes suddenly turned and fixed his eyes on one of them.

Chen Mengjie, who was running, felt a sudden feeling, couldn’t help turning her head to look at the rear, and immediately saw a huge claw, and fell down towards her.


At this moment, Chen Mengjie could no longer insist on screaming in horror. She was leaning on a tree, her face full of fear, her eyes closed tightly, and she dared not open her eyes to see the scene opposite her.

On both sides, there are four people running, including the small flat-headed Yang Ping and the tall Yang Yong.

At the moment, after hearing the terrified yelling of Chen Mengjie, they looked at her side. After seeing such a horrible scene, their hearts were suddenly bursting out.

They seemed to see their own end, and there was a sense of grief on their faces.

Chen Mengjie, who was leaning against the big tree, shivering uncontrollably, terrified, and in his mind, scenes of scenes flashed through:

She was caught by a huge paw, and then the paw was raised, and then the head of the monster slightly tilted, and the huge mouth opened, and the claw was loose, and she fell into the sky. Ordinary mouth.

Thinking of this scene, she shivered again.

But suddenly, she suddenly found that her body was still standing, and the touch of the big tree behind was so real.

“what happened?”

When he closed his eyes, the monster’s claws had already caught her. It stands to reason that now two or three seconds have passed, and he should have been caught.

With such doubts, she opened her eyes tremblingly.

Suddenly, a horrible picture appeared in her vision, her heart tightened fiercely, as if it was squeezed by a big hand.

In front of it, a horror beast 100 meters high stood ten meters away from her.

The giant animal’s muscles are splayed, like bulging rocks, and the skin shows a blue-black color, with a cuticle similar to the skin of the monitor lizard, but it looks undoubtedly thicker, some places Just like the bone structure.

Its pair of sturdy lower limbs, standing like two hills at the moment, stood in front of Chen Mengjie, with its sturdy waist up, and its head on the Internet.

The head is a donkey face, a little long, a sharp tooth is wrapped in the mouth, a trace of saliva hangs on the top, and there is a blood stain on the outside of the lips, which looks extraordinarily grim.

Seeing this scene alone, Chen Mengjie had a feeling of suffocation, and had the urge to faint ~ ~ But she bit her tongue and kept herself awake at this time The muscles in the legs are also tight, to avoid being paralyzed.

She tilted her head slightly to see the terrifying beast in front of her.

She wanted to see why the monster stood in front of her, but did not attack her.

Yang Ping, Luo Yong, and two others were running in the front. At the moment, they also found anomalies in the rear. Then they turned their heads and looked back. They were also surprised by the scene.

The fierce, grisly monster stood at the moment in front of the girl, and did not attack it.


Under the big tree, Chen Mengjie swallowed quietly, and then fixed her eyes on the giant beast in front of her. She suddenly discovered that the giant beast did not look down at her, but looked towards …

Behind yourself?

A flash of light flashed through Chen Mengjie’s head, and she shuddered, and finally looked at her with courage.

She found that behind it, the only thing that was special was the waterhole.

Just when she was very puzzled, there was a sudden change on the water surface of the pool behind her.

Chen Mengjie took a sharp breath, and her eyes suddenly widened.

I saw the water surface of the pool behind him, as if the slow-release button was pressed, a little arch, and under the water surface, there was a huge black shadow.


Finally, with a wave of breaking waves, the dark shadows under the water suddenly burrowed out of the water and stood upright.

Chen Mengjie they looked at the scene that suddenly appeared, their hearts seemed to be clenched by a big hand, paused.

PS: There is one more change at 11 o’clock.

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