All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 233 - Nubra

Fang Yun issued two instructions to the system. Immediately afterwards, he felt a burst of sleepiness flowing into his mind. He felt that he could get rid of this sleepiness state, and it would not lead to the scrapping of biological energy and evolution templates.

But the two instructions were carried out at the same time, which made this kind of sleepiness to the extreme, making it difficult for him to raise his thoughts of moving his body, and now there are fewer creatures in the sea, and it does not seem to have much impact on him after a rest.

Is he looking for reasons?

In short, in this way, Fang Yun stayed at the bottom of this lake.

The island where Fang Yun is located is in the South Pacific, but where exactly Fang Yun doesn’t know, he didn’t care too much.

But if he thinks about it carefully, he may be able to roughly guess the orientation of this island.

This is an uninhabited desert island in the Hawaiian archipelago. In fact, there is an island three or forty nautical miles beside it. There is an island with people.

Of course, after Kaiju appeared in the ocean on a large scale, all the people on the island evacuated, but now some people are ready to come and develop this island.

Among them, the Bald Eagle government is also preparing to restore the former popularity of the islands. They began to invest here, and then attracted some capitalists to settle here.

Only businessmen can better attract people.

Then some uninhabited desert islands were sold. Among them was the island where Fang Yun was. The merchant who bought this island was an old man named John Hammond.

He is the CEO of a biotechnology company with rich assets. Their company is also conducting research related to Kaiju Beast. Of course, this time he bought this island, which has nothing to do with Kaiju Beast.

This uninhabited desert island is called Nubra Island. Looking from the sky, the whole island is covered with lush vegetation, fern leaves with thick leaves, various tall trees, and leafy shrubs.

Because of the rugged terrain here, it was not developed in the past. This time he bought this island in preparation for developing it into a park, a special park.

“Mr. Hammond.”

In a laboratory, a young white man in a white overalls came to an old man, holding a weird-looking animal in his hands.

“This was hatched from the latest shipment.”

The young white man touched the little beast in his hand with a smile on his face, and the little beast in his hand opened his mouth at the moment, and made a burst of unclear cry.

“It’s hungry, bring it milk.”

The young white man glanced at the little beast in his arms, and then said something to a staff member.

“I’ll hug it.”

The old white man with a beard on the opposite side stared closely at the little beast in the hands of the young white man, and his face was also a happy sight.

He took the little beast from the white youth on the opposite side, and hugged him in his arms, as carefully as holding a baby.

“Mr. Hammond, our park will be open for business in two or three years.”

Hearing the words, Hammond stood up and then looked up at this laboratory, and his heart was also excited. After the park was opened, he was confident that he would focus on the whole world.

Then let this park earn him a lot of wealth.

Time passed quickly, and in a flash, three years passed.

Three years is enough to make a tremendous change in this world. After all, this is an era of technological explosion.

Especially military achievements are particularly outstanding.

The Bald Eagles reinvented the spacecraft carrier, and the second generation of spacecraft carriers appeared. This generation of spacecraft carriers can operate at altitudes of up to 20,000 or even 30,000 meters.

This altitude is more than 10,000 and 20,000 meters higher than the height of the civil airliner. Of course, it is too far away from the ultimate goal of the Bald Eagles to enter space combat.

After all, this height belongs to the troposphere, far from entering space.

The boundary between the atmosphere and space defined by the International Aviation Federation is the Carmen line with a height of 100 kilometers, and the outer space of the Carmen line is space.

But now the speed of the spaceship has become much faster, and it can already fly out 500 kilometers per hour of horror data.

The size is also larger, reaching a length of 1000 meters. There are still only eight engines on both sides, but it has become even larger.

There are ten engines for the horizontal force of the spacecraft carrier, six in the tail, and two on each side.

In this case, they made some changes to the shape of the air-to-air carrier, for example, the ship island was set smaller, so as to reduce the wind resistance.

In addition, there is a streamlined baffle on the edge that is not high, which is also used to reduce wind resistance.

The battle group of the spacecraft carrier has also been formed, and all the destroyers and frigates have been made. Moreover, these ships are all coated with stealth materials on the surface. Together with the reasons for the flying height, optical stealth and Radar stealth.

However, they still can’t make thermal bombs similar to those carried by K-headed fighters on the mainland, but they have begun to develop laser weapons.

Such weapons used to be hilarious in the past, but the real objects were rarely obtained.

Compared with conventional missile type weapons, laser weapons have two advantages. They are accurate and cheap.

However, these two points could not be achieved before, and even the laser weapons that could be used for combat were not made.

The bald eagles have really made this kind of weapon now, but the weapon is so heavy that it can’t be like a man in a science fiction movie.

It can only be carried on heavy military trucks, or like large ships.

Before the bald eagles tested the laser weapons they produced, they successfully destroyed a warship below the sea at an altitude of 25,000 kilometers.

However, this weapon has a fatal flaw and is affected by the weather.

In addition, other weapons have also been updated very frequently. Missiles, warships, nuclear bombs, fighter planes and the like There is not much publicity.

After the K-headed fighter appeared, they did not need to carry out new propaganda. Everyone would spontaneously imagine whether there were new weapons on the mainland.

After all, as everyone knows, the mainland likes to grow frivolously.

The world’s order has basically been restored, and it looks better than before.

After the catastrophe, all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and other staple foods can always be harvested without worrying about hunger.

For example, on the mainland, you can go to the grain station every month to get a free bag of rice, as well as things like vegetable oil.

Mutants in the wild are also dispatched by the government to clear the army. This looks more like a military training. After all, those mutants cannot defend themselves from the rain.

There have been reports of oil bugs that like to devour crude oil, methane bugs that swallow methane, and various metal bugs, and now there is new research.

These things can be used as food for Kaiju beasts. Some people even suspect that these insects exist as food for Kaiju beasts.

As for saying that there is no other use, scientists are still studying.

As time passed, new things appeared every day, but there were so many new things, and everyone felt no surprise.

But on this day, a news came out, but it attracted the attention of many people.

“Do you want to stroll through the forest with the dinosaurs, the overlords of that era, in the Jurassic era?”

“Alternatively, pick up the weapon in his hand and hunt these terror beasts in the jungle.”

“Jurassic Park, Nubra Island, Hawaii, waiting for you to challenge on July 10!”


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