All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 238 - Park changes

Soon, the gladiator was fighting with the large dreadclaw dragon, relying on the mechanical bones of his body. This gladiator possessed extremely flexible skills.

Of course, this is also related to his own physical fitness.

The long knife in his hand chopped forward from time to time, and each time left a blood mark on the body of the dreadclaw.

In the stands, Xiaolan and their girls were unbearable and covered their eyes one after another, but more people were cheering for the scene.

About ten minutes later, the dreadclaw dragon in the field was covered with blood, and the gladiator opposite him was now holding a long knife in his hand, ready to reap the victory at the end.

“This person should have eaten the meat of the mutant paleontology.”

In the stands, Li Zhi came to the conclusion that this fighter named Jenny showed particularly strong physical qualities, so he had such a guess.


In the Colosseum, the gladiator made a rant, and then rushed towards the injured Dreadclaw Dragon. Li Zhi and others in the stands all glared at the moment.

In this round, it should be possible to determine the final victory.

However, at this time, a loud noise suddenly broke out somewhere in the stands, and then wherever he went immediately into a state of chaos.

After this chaos appeared, it immediately spread towards the surroundings.

“what happened?”

Li Zhi, who was originally staring closely at the open space below, also looked over there at the moment, with a puzzled look on his face.

“Megus! Magus!”

I saw that on the other side, there was a white woman yelling at the phone in her hand at this time, and then she lost her soul and said: “How could this be? How could this be?”

The crowd beside Li Zhi also started to be noisy, and Li Zhi got a conclusion through their conversation that something went wrong in the tourist area.

It seems that a carnivorous dinosaur appeared in the plant-eating dinosaur park, and then ran out from there-the plant-eating dinosaur park has a relatively weak defense.

The carnivorous dinosaur attacked a tour bus. Someone on the tour bus called to tell the companions here.


It was at this time, in the open space below, that dreadclaw dragon was stabbed in the neck by the gladiator called Jenny, and finally fell into the pool of blood unwillingly.

However, there is not much cheering on this viewing platform right now. This news spread at a rapid rate. Everyone was shocked by this news.

“Please pay attention to tourists, please pay attention to tourists.”

There was also a sound hanging on a high platform, and suddenly there was a voice spreading out: “Please leave your seat in an orderly manner, and then leave the arena.”

“Outside the arena, our bus will take everyone back to the hotel.”

After hearing this sound, there was a loud noise immediately from the stands. What the **** was going on, and why were they sent back to the hotel suddenly.

Luo Yong next to Li Zhitong and Xiao Lan glanced at each other, and a few dignity appeared on the faces of several people.

“Let’s go together, don’t leave.”

Luo Yong said this, and then began to glance up at the stands, because there are security personnel to maintain order, so although noisy now, but the order has not been completely chaotic.

Of course, this is also related to what has not happened yet.

Soon, it was Li Zhi ’s and Luo Yong ’s turn, and a group of eight people walked together tightly. Then they walked under the grandstand. Eventually, they walked out of the Colosseum and got on a bus parked at the door car.

“Excuse me, what the **** happened?”

After getting on the bus, Li Zhichao asked the driver, but he got no answer. Afterwards, the bus started rumblingly and drove forward.

The arena is a distance away from their hotel, and more importantly, it needs to pass through several dinosaur parks.

When the bus is driving on the road, Li Zhi and they are all in a state of nervousness, fearing that a huge dinosaur will suddenly emerge from the front.

However, at this time, the bus slammed on the brakes. With the screams, Li Zhi and Luo Yong in the carriage looked towards each other.

From this perspective, my heart suddenly burst out.

I saw that in front of them, there was a terrifying beast.

At the moment, beside this horrible beast, a bus was still standing upside down. Previously, the giant was using its huge mouth to chew on the body of the bus.

It seemed that he heard the movement of Li Zhi’s bus. The terror beast turned his head and stared at them.

“This … this is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?”

Li Zhi and the terror beast on the opposite side came to look at each other, breathing immediately stagnation, and at this moment, the driver in front suddenly shouted.

“OH, ON!”

I saw that the opposite Tyrannosaurus suddenly shook his body, and then rushed towards them. The huge feet fell on the ground, making the ground tremble slightly.

“Damn, are those guys idiots, even releasing Tyrannosaurus Rex!”

The driver yelled, and then the steering wheel hit a dozen times, the accelerator pedal stepped on, and the bus immediately rushed into the jungle on the side.

A bush was shattered directly, and the bus got into the jungle. Fortunately, the ground of this jungle was relatively flat, and more importantly, the trees were not dense enough.

Otherwise, they simply cannot escape.

At the moment, the bus was twisting and turning in the jungle. On several occasions, it almost hit the tree trunk in front, and behind them, the T-Rex was chasing.

“What to do, what to do.”

In the carriage, those tourists have already cried into a whole, especially women, all shouted and shouted at this time.

“Is it going to hang here today?”

Li Zhi glanced towards the rear, and through the glass behind the bus, he could see that a terrifying beast was running towards them all the way.

And looking at it, this giant beast can quickly catch up with them.

Huh ~ Huh ~

At this time, from above the sky ~ ~ suddenly there was such a burst of wind, Li Zhi looked at the sky and suddenly found in amazement that there were several huge black shadows in the sky. Flew by.

“This is … pterosaur?”

Li Zhi couldn’t help but be surprised. In his impression, there was no pterosaur in Jurassic Park.

This kind of creature can fly in the sky, and the park’s upper level will only make this creature when it is full.

But now there is a group of pterosaurs appearing in front of him.

What exactly is going on?

It was too late to think about it. The dull roar in the rear immediately made Li Zhi go back to his mind, and then he looked back, and found that the T. rex was getting closer and closer to them.

Li Zhi looked back a few times, and then looked at the driver in the front. His heart was “banging” at this moment, his throat felt very dry, and he swallowed continuously.

“Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!”

He shouted in his heart, and a sweat came out of his face, but when he shouted like this, the driver in front suddenly jumped on the brakes with one foot.


A harsh voice sounded, and the bus glided across the ground for a long distance. Li Zhi was stunned. I don’t know why the driver pressed the brakes at this time.

But when he saw the opposite scene, his heart seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and his breathing became difficult.

I saw it across from them. It was a huge lake.

Is he really going to die here today?

PS: After the update is complete, Gaga continues to owe it.

This plot has the wrong entry point, like running account, sorry

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