All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 638 - 9 heavy days

In Zhao Tianshan’s live broadcast room, various people began to swarm in, among them, people with the Metaverse Alliance, and now they are most sensitive to this type of information.

“Really Lord Ulopolos.” On the side of the Metaverse Alliance, Luo Feng was watching the live broadcast of Zhao Tianshan in the live room. He also saw Fang Yun’s figure flashed before, and he couldn’t help being surprised.

Immediately, there was a worry in his mind, but he also knew that he had no way to stop something, and now he can only watch Fang Yun’s actions silently here.

“Hahaha, everyone have seen it. The giant python is now heading towards the emperor of the Hessian Empire. Friends, follow me now to see what will happen to this giant python. Movement. “

Zhao Tianshan said something to the live camera in front of him, and then the whole person leaped forward, and while he was flying, his live broadcast room immediately became hot.

“Live broadcast is a real python, dare to go live at this level of war?”

“Oh, the power of this live broadcast seems to be not weak. It seems to be a master of immortality. If you are careful, you may be able to escape your life. However, people like the anchor who like to die are probably not careful.”

“The anchor will die.”

“Say what, the anchor may be killed by the python before waiting for the war. Whoever is followed by a follower is annoying.”

During the gallop, Zhao Xiaotian will also pay attention to his live broadcast room from time to time. After seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, he could not help being speechless, one by one cursing him to death.

At this time, Fang Yun also found the little anchor in the rear, but said that he did not care, and the other party did not have any malice to him, just live broadcast, but he did not mind the live broadcast.

Because he also needs to pass out some of his own news, he also knows that he is now working with the Hessian Empire, and now it is estimated that the Metaverse Alliance will have a special headache. Now if he can see him, he can Let the stability of the Metaverse Alliance a lot.

“Several, what do you say?”

Just as Fang Yun rushed past the imperial capitals of the Hessian Empire, a meeting was being held in a space near the Hessian Empire.

“You must know the reason why I summoned everyone. At present, we are facing great pressure in the Hessian Empire. A bad treatment may cause great consequences. Everyone has no idea about this situation. A good solution to the problem. “

“This …” everyone in the room hesitated, and even one of them said, “But it’s just a half-step universe master, or not even the universe master, giving us such pressure?”

The person speaking is like you are cheating, but then there is a cold hum: “If you think this is simple, then let your people deal with him.”

The people beside him are all shaking at the moment, and they are also watching jokes. They are individuals. At present, this giant python is too powerful. It must be more than just half of the universe. It is definitely a step into the universe. Among the Lord, in this universe, no matter where it is. It also belongs to that kind of top gangster.

Hearing the words, the face of the person who spoke before flashed, but he was speechless, and another person stood up and sneered and said, “Why, now dare not go?”

“Humph!” The man who was stunned before seemed to be irritated after hearing this sentence. When he wanted to say something more, an old man suddenly stood up and began to make peace.

“Everyone is talking less. Our purpose now is to deal with that big python, but at this time, we will first mess up.”

The host said kindly at this time. Immediately again said: “I understand everyone’s mood, but at this time, it is best for everyone to abandon their previous suspicions and remember that we are together today for cooperation.”

After his voice fell, the room was quiet.

The host is a middle-aged man named Liang Kuan, and also the head of the ten major generals of the United Front Work Department.

Up to now, the task of giving them the top ten warlords is to protect the imperial capital. What they need is to protect this huge planet, and this time Liang Kuan called everyone together, just like the ten wars will be able to cooperate sincerely.

After all, in the past, the Ten Wars divided the fleet into ten teams. They each led a team and competed with each other. So on some issues, they often quarreled.

“Okay, Liang Kuan.”

At this time, an older leader stood up and said to the crowd: “Now, let’s talk about the plan. I know that you will not summon everyone for no reason.”

The ten wars will each command the different fleets, and there are more than one place to guard. It is really rare to be able to gather together this time.


Liang Kuan nodded. “We need to kill the giant python before it reaches the Imperial Capital.”

“Now the direction he came over, the third team, the fifth team basically bear the brunt, but said that the key depends on the two of you want to resist him, I am afraid that some resistance.”

He is telling the truth, because these two people are only the top level of the universe venerable, which is worse than that of Chang Zhilang. Fortunately, the latter is the master of half the universe.

However, there are ten of these ten commanders, and ten of them also have combined attack skills. As long as these people gather together, they can kill Fang Yun.

“The third team, the fifth team, if your defense encounters the attack of the giant python, then delay the time and wait for other leaders to come over and pursue this child with you.”

“Okay.” Several others were silent at this time, and then answered.


It was at this time, outside the conference room, that there was a shout suddenly, and then a soldier appeared outside the door.

At this time, Liang Kuan, who was in front of the conference table, glanced at the soldier, and then said, “Come in.”

Hearing that, the soldier immediately entered the room.

“What’s the matter?” Liang Kuan asked the soldier again, and the soldier took a breath and said, “The target has come out of the third line of defense.”

“What?” Liang Kuan couldn’t help being dumbfounded. The expression on his face couldn’t help but be startled. “Is he so fast?”

“How about the third front?” Liang Kuan couldn’t help but walk around the room with some irritability. Now what she wants most is to solve the big python.

“The situation on the third front is very bad. Now that the soldiers there have heard that the python is about to reach them, some people start running away.”

The threat of the python is too great. After all, it can be the existence of the master of half the universe, and there are rumors that he is the master of the universe.

So at this time, it is quite normal for some people to bear the psychological pressure and start running ahead of schedule.

“Send a message to the fifth team right away to let them support the third team. In addition, let the nearby teams all move closer to the third team.”

“As long as they are trapped by that python, they will notify us immediately.” Liang Kuan Chao’s soldiers urged him, as long as the python was procrastinated on them, they could immediately kill the python. .

Liang Kuan took a breath and was able to get rid of this giant python, and it was here. The master of their country gave them such important things to them. Now is the time to test them.

Fang Yun was still galloping in mid-air, and his speed began to slow down, because he already felt that there was a defensive line in front of him.

“Ah, finally caught up.”

And while Fang Yun was observing the defensive line in front, Zhao Tianshan finally came over at a place far behind him, and he aimed the live broadcast lens at the space in front.

Although it was a long distance away, his live shot also captured the picture of Fang Yun, and he immediately screamed with excitement, “Really catch up, hey, why is this giant python not advancing?”

“Oh, by the way, here should be a defensive line with the Hessian Empire.”

Zhao Tianshan still has some understanding of the Hessian empire, so at this time he immediately came to enlightenment, and in his eyes, there was a burst of light at the moment, “It seems that the good show is going to start again, ha ha ha ha, look See if this giant python will push it directly across. “

When he was thinking about it in his heart, only the python in front of him was suddenly moving, and his speed suddenly expanded to the extreme, turning into a stream of streamer and flying forward.

And on his body, a magnificent momentum burst out, pointing directly to the void in front.

“His, this giant python is really not an ordinary person. If you don’t agree, you have to start.”

Zhao Tianshan said shockedly at this time, and then said again: “I don’t know what will happen next …”

He hadn’t finished his words, and then he saw the most shocking picture in his life. In front of the giant python, suddenly a horse rushed towards this side.

“I depend, the guy who took the lead is at least at the mid-level of the Universe Venerable. The others are all Universe Venerables, a total of nine Universe Venerables!”

In the distance, Zhao Tianshan was already scared to tremble at this time. He was just an immortal class. Now, in front of this bunch of gangsters, it is not enough to look at.


Just when he was shocked by the group of guys in the Hessian Empire who appeared opposite him, the giant python directly in front of him was roaring with horror.

Roar! ! !

Fang Yun looked at the other horse that appeared on the opposite side. He immediately roared, and then his body turned into a shadow, and then galloped forward.

The other horse on the opposite side immediately burst out its own momentum. This momentum was very huge, and it gathered into a tornado, oppressing Fang Yun.


Fang Yun swallowed, directly swallowing this momentum into his stomach, and at the next moment, he began to dash towards the opposite side.

Boom, boom.

At the moment they collided with each other, the nine people on the opposite side exploded in unison, and then turned into a blood mist, which was then swallowed by Fang Yun and turned into pure energy.

“So broke the defense?”

In the distance, Zhao Tianshan was a bit incredible at this time. Even if Fang Yun in front of him was even more powerful, but there were several super masters on the opposite side. As a result, one face was swallowed by Fang Yun.

And when this news was sent back to Liang Kuan, they were so depressed that they almost vomited blood. They arranged a lot of top fighting power in this third team. As a result, how about these fighting powers?

“Stop him! Stop him!”

Although Fang Yun defeated the defense line of the nine men, some ordinary soldiers remained, but these soldiers still rushed towards Fang Yun.

When they yelled, Fang Yun was directly transformed into a black hole, and then moved forward. During the movement, all the creatures around him were instantly transformed into a master. Pure power.

“It’s so fierce.”

Zhao Xiaotian behind Fang Yun was so excited at this time, “The strength of this giant python definitely reached the master of the universe. He is really too fierce. This time he has a good show in the Heisenberg Empire.”

This kind of star beast ~ ~ is wrong to get in trouble.

Fang Yun broke through the position of the Third Fleet, but the other fleets are coming in this direction and seeing how they look, it will not be long before they will come to him.

However, at this time, Zhao Tianshan felt that the other people came over, but it was just food delivery. He was still a bit worried about Fang Yun ’s strength before, but after seeing his real strength, he is now in control I can’t help but marvel.

Fang Yun’s strength is really too fierce. According to Zhao Xiaotian, if the Hessian Empire does not send masters of the universe master, then this battle, Fang Yun won.

Of course, the existence of this level of the Lord of the Universe is usually difficult to see. They all need a lot of time to meditate and try to hit a new level.


Fang Yun galloped through space, he could feel that now he is getting closer and closer to the emperors of the Hessian Empire, but only said that the other nine of the ten fleets intercepted by him, this time He was rushing towards here quickly, and it seemed that he would meet Fang Yun.

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