All-round Athlete

Chapter 33 - Business value development

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capital Airport.

The national team was surrounded by reporters on the first flight.

Breaking the Asian record, the first Asian to run within 10 seconds, the first yellow man to run within 10 seconds, the Japanese monopoly to break the Asian sprint, etc. are enough to attract the attention of the media, although the 9.99 second result is not enough Compete with those big European and American coffee, but it can also be called the biggest breakthrough of the sprint event into the 21st century.

However, the national team learned the lesson in the Philippines, and did not let Zhang Guan participate in the interview at all. The national team was worried that Zhang Guan would once again become passive if he said something like “breaking the world record”. Therefore, both Director Ma and Director Yu agreed that if Zhang Guan was to be trained before he was confronted with the media, at least Zhang Guan should know what he should not say.

Director Ma briefed the game at the airport and did not answer reporters’ questions. Later, the Athletics Management Center will hold a special press conference for the Asian Athletics Championships, when it was time to formally face the media.

Recognition for achieving breakthrough results is indispensable, and the sports team always gave Zhang Guan a prize of 300,000. However, these 300,000 bonuses only reached 100,000 in Zhang Guan’s hands.

The General Administration of Sports did not issue the “Interim Measures for the Administration of Prizes for National Team Athletes” until 2010, which clearly stipulates the distribution of prizes. Before the issuance of the “Measures”, the athletes’ bonus distribution is one-third turned over to the Association as a sports fund, one-third is given to coaches and other active personnel, and the remaining one-third are athletes. Among them, sports funds will be distributed in proportion by the management center and local associations. Fortunately, the national prizes that broke the Asian record this time belong to a small number of bonuses that do not pay taxes, or they will have to deduct some personal income tax.

The Provincial Department of Sports rewarded Zhang Guan with a house with a construction area of ​​more than 120 square meters, which is not large. Although the house price has not been raised this year, the value of a 120-square-meter house in the provincial urban area is also about 300,000. Moreover, Zhang Guan’s registered unit is the Provincial Sports Department. This house is regarded as the sports hall to reward its employees. It takes the employee welfare process and does not need to be distributed again, so it is more affordable than the total 300,000 rewards. .

On the second day of returning to the country, Tian Xie held a commendation meeting, after which the national team was temporarily disbanded, and the participating athletes would return to their respective units.

The athlete registration units are all provincial sports authorities. After being selected into the national team, they will participate in regular training organized by the national team. Some international competitions will also be called up. Usually, athletes are mainly staying in their respective provincial teams for training. A few big-name athletes can always enjoy the treatment of national team training.

However, many athletes will stay an extra day or two before returning, mainly to cope with some media interviews, such as Zhang Guan, has also been arranged for several media interviews. This type of interview is to pre-read the manuscript in advance, and then read it according to the manuscript.

When Zhang Guan packed his luggage and was about to leave the dormitory of the athletes, he met Yu at the door

At this time, Yu Gui’s mood is obviously very good, and the usual dark circles are gone. The historic breakthrough made by Ya Tiansai gave Yu Gui a good night’s sleep, so Yu Gui seemed very relaxed.

Guidance Yu called Zhang Guan to the side and said, “Xiao Zhang, it is a special thing to stay here this time. I have to remind you first. You broke the Asian record this time and ran within 10 seconds. , Is also a celebrity in China, I believe that it will not be long before someone will ask you to advertise or endorse products.”

Yu Gui paused deliberately, and then said: “The country does not have a very clear standard for the commercial development of athletes. According to the previous management, the field management center will definitely take the initiative to find you, responsible for the development of your commercial value. Domestic athletes Basically, this method is adopted. For example, Liu Feiren of the 110-meter hurdle signed a contract with the Tian Association and the association is solely responsible for the development of its commercial value.”

Zhang Guan recalled carefully that he still has an impression about Liu Feiren’s endorsement of the brand. In 2003, Liu Feiren began to endorse commercial brands. In this year, Liu Feiren signed two endorsements: Coca-Cola’s 350,000 endorsement contract and Nike’s 500,000 endorsement contract each year. Nike’s endorsement contract also includes equipment, The value of clothes and shoes is 200,000, which means that the value of Nike’s products for Liu Feiren is also included in the 500,000 endorsement fee, and the actual endorsement fee is only 300,000.

These two endorsement contracts can be described as huge profits, because Liu Feiren won the Athens Olympics the following year, and his value has risen tens of times. Later, Liu Feiren’s endorsement was 5 million jumps, the highest ever. 15 million endorsements.

Zhang Guan knows that since embarking on the road of athletes, commercial value is always an unavoidable topic, and on this issue, the superior association is a peak he must face. Regarding the development of the commercial value of athletes, the first step is to determine who will develop it. If it is placed abroad, it is easy to clarify that athletes will find a sports agent or an economic company, but the domestic situation is much more complicated.

In commercial projects such as football and basketball, although there are also restrictions from superior management associations, athletes can have their own agents. Such as some internationals and national players, not only do they have their own brokers, but many brokers also have a great future. For other non-Olympic events, athletes can also have their own agents, such as Snooker’s Ding.

But for other sports, especially the Olympics, it is difficult for athletes to have their own agents. Almost all management associations or management centers are responsible for their own commercial development. Like Liu Feiren, such a big-name athlete can have a team of agents to serve him specifically, but he did not even have a serious agent while he was an athlete, so the activities are arranged directly by the Tianguan Center. of.

In terms of laws and regulations, there are no clear requirements and regulations on the use of brokers by athletes, but many associations have internal regulations that do not allow athletes to use their own brokers. The management association will be solely responsible for the development of athletes’ commercial value. Sometimes such internal regulations do not even have a written official document, which can only be regarded as a hidden rule, but it requires athletes to comply.

In Zhang Guan’s view, if the association is solely responsible for its own business operations, it is equivalent to signing a contract of sale. Perhaps there is not much loss in the economy, but it will definitely lose its freedom. Shooting advertisements and even participating in some business activities will be restricted, and you can’t do whatever you want, all the management departments say. For example, Liu Feiren in the 2008 Olympic Games was actually injured and could not run, but for the contract worth 500 million yuan, he still forced to play, and there was a heartbreaking scene.

At the same time, after selling the association, it has lost its autonomy, and many things must also obey the instructions of the association. Once disobeyed, Tian Xie will not only sacrifice the banner of suspension, but also take the means of snow storage, directly prohibiting all your commercial activities, Let you directly lose the financial source, forcing you to continue to be a good baby. Of course, this is also one of the reasons why many sports associations do not allow athletes to use agents. Athletes with money can easily become corrupt and become disobedient. This is a consensus in the sports world. At present, the domestic athlete management system is still the same as that of the last century. There is no technicality and humanity. It is simple and rough. Administrative punishment and deductions are the main methods for managing athletes.

However, there are also many advantages to signing the Association. The first and most direct is to lean against the big tree to take advantage of the cold. There are many unspoken rules in the business star circle. Even big-name celebrities often encounter some unfair treatment, such as the crushing of some companies, the coercion of individual bad forces, or the smearing of the media. The star’s reputation is nothing compared to it. . All of the above injustices must be bowed to the government department. Under the umbrella of the Tian Association, it is not a matter of squeezing, forcing, or discrediting.

Secondly, if Tian Xie is solely responsible for commercial development, it can save a lot of money. You must know that hiring a special agent or a team of agents pays, and the price is not low. For example, the endorsement fee, the agent needs to draw 4% to 6% from the star, and the advertising fee may even be more than 10%. . Considering that sports stars’ endorsement fees and advertising costs can only be 50%, the rest must be handed over to the association as a sports development fund and distributed to coaches and other relevant personnel. If they are drawn again, sports stars will lose a lot of income. If the competent association is in charge, there is no need to pay the broker’s fees. From another point of view, since the final turn of the turn in must be a lot of turn in, the signing of the association is equivalent to Bai earning a big backer.

The third advantage is that Tian Xie is a state-level organization after all, and it is still very serious about the selection of commercial brands. This can be seen from Liu Feiren’s endorsements and advertisements, all of which are well-known big brands at home and abroad, and small companies. Zi didn’t even bother to look at it, which was also conducive to maintaining and improving the star’s image.

“Pros and cons! How to choose?” Zhang Guan hesitated and asked: “Apart from letting the association take full responsibility for commercial development, is there any other way?”

Yu Guiwei smiled slightly. He seemed to realize what Zhang Guan thought, and said, “You can also sign a contract with the center, and then find a professional agent yourself, but if you do this, I think it may not be so. Promise easily.”

“Upper?” Zhang Guan asked somewhat puzzled.

“I am referring mainly to the association. The field management center is only responsible for the specific business department, but only responsible for the implementation, but the decision-making power of major matters is still in the field association.” Yu guide then explained.

“You mean, they will wear shoes for me?” Zhang Guan asked immediately.

“Although it is not 100%, it is very likely.” Yu Guidao sighed. The young man has his own ideas, he can understand them, but no matter what the matter is, when it involves specific interests, it will become very complicated.

“It’s really wide-ranging, anyway, there should be no less points, why does the association still worry about that,” Zhang Guan complained.

“Well…” Yu Guidu didn’t know how to explain for a while.

But Zhang Guan said, “I understand that athletes are actually a kind of resource. The more high-quality resources, the more popular. Just like the Middle East oil-selling countries, the higher the oil production, the more cattle. Selling oil to everyone is not the same, as long as you give a lot of money. But the reality is that many countries still have to ask them to sell. They manipulate the oil to get more benefits from buyers.”

“Uh… you understand well, it seems like this!” Guidance Yu felt that Zhang Guan was a little far away, and he hadn’t responded for a while.

“Coach, how do you think I should choose?” Zhang Guan asked.

Guidance Yu shook his head, and then said: “Don’t ask me, I have never participated in the decision-making of such things, and I will not even give you any advice. You have a long way to go in the future, you have to choose your own way. . If I help you choose, if you regret it in the future, wouldn’t you blame me for being older!”

Sitting in the car, Zhang Hang looked at the scenery flying over the window and fell into a deep thought.

Zhang Guan did not want Tian Xie to represent his own right to develop commercial value. This did not have much to do with economic interests, but he did not like others to decide his own affairs. He felt that this was his own right, so he decided To find a way to protect their rights and interests.

But safeguarding your own rights and interests cannot depend on the law alone, the most important thing is to look at the strength. The society is such a reality. A small citizen has no rights and no money. When he suffers injustice, he can only swallow his life and survive; but if it is a big star, ** scold the sentence, and the media will pay attention to it, and things will be very serious. Get settled soon.

“I’m not a big-name athlete right now, what should I do if the field management center finds it now? If I refuse it directly, I’m afraid it’s not good. The best way is to delay it first. When I become a sports superstar in the future Naturally, there is also a right to speak, and maybe you can talk to them at that time.” Zhang Guan thought about it and suddenly found a good excuse.


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