All-round Athlete

Chapter 35 - Father and son double reed

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“I’m afraid I can’t sign this contract.” Zhang Guan said solemnly.

Manager Wang and Lawyer Zhu looked at each other, and they both seemed very calm. From the moment Zhang Guan picked up the contract, they kept observing Zhang Guan. When Zhang Guan turned to the remuneration page and began to look carefully, They have read the answer from Zhang Guan’s expression. People who can be business managers are naturally very good at seeing and speaking, not to mention experienced lawyers.

On the contrary, Director Sun was very surprised. He felt that Zhang Guan should not only sign immediately, but also show gratitude to Dade. His tone increased a little, and he asked sharply, “Why don’t you sign?”

Zhang Guan spread his hands and said, “First of all, I think there is too little money.”

“Less money?” Director Sun didn’t expect Zhang Guan to use such a direct excuse. He was slightly stunned. The price was set by the association and Naike, and the association did not consider Zhang Guan’s own demands at all. Director Sun said, “300,000 per year, or 1.5 million in five years. You know how many people can’t make so much money in a lifetime.”

“I just think that 300,000 can’t reflect my value, and I will run faster in the future.” Zhang Guan said.

At this time, the manager Wang next to him said: “Three hundred thousand yuan per year is strictly evaluated by our company after strict cost estimation. Liu Feiren of the 110-meter hurdle project is also the holder of the Asian record. We also give three One hundred thousand endorsement fees.”

“Liu Feiren’s value is more than 300,000 this year. The price your Neck company gave is also low.” Zhang Guan said, turning his head to look at Director Sun, and said, “I think Liu Feiren will be Can win the championship, at least worth 3 million endorsement fees, now the center helped him to sign 300,000, but lost a lot.”

At this time, the task assigned to Liu Feiren by the Association of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was to reach the Olympic finals, not even the medals, let alone the gold medals, but what the Association for the Asian Association did not know was that the economist of the Bocai Company in Europe gave Liu Feiren One-to-five odds for winning the Olympics, second only to American veteran Alan Johnson, is the second most popular for the Olympic 110-meter hurdles. Naike has mastered the odds of the European Bocai Company through its own channels, and also knows that 300,000 signings of Fei Liu every year is a big deal, but Tian Xie obviously does not have this information, and feels that it is their own Earned a fortune from Naike.

“How can it be so easy to win the Olympics!” Although Director Sun said so, he began to secretly calculate. If Liu Feiren can really win the championship, the endorsement fee of three million will certainly not be enough. At least four million will be charged. The company gave too little.

People’s greed is always unlimited, so the sales of lottery tickets will be better and better. Although Director Sun feels that Liu Feiren cannot have the strength to win the Olympics, it does not affect the desire in his mind.

I noticed that Director Sun was short-lived. Manager Wang next coughed and immediately changed the subject and said: “Actually, you are just a preliminary contract. We can add some other terms, such as if you can get it. We can give you extra cash rewards for the 100-meter championship of the Doha Asian Games; if you can guarantee to play in the Capital Olympics five years later, our company can also give you cash rewards; these additional conditions can be negotiated again. Please Believe that our Naike company is very sincere to you.”

“Thank you very much.” Zhang Guan nodded politely, and then said: “The reason why I don’t want to sign a contract, one of the money problems, there is another problem, I think you have all ignored.”

“What’s the problem?” Manager Wang asked.

“I am only 17 years old this year, and the law stipulates that I am still a minor. If I sign a contract, this contract should be invalid, so you should ask my parents to sign the contract.” Zhang Guan said.

After listening to Zhang Guan’s words, lawyer Zhu, who had never spoken, frowned sharply. Prior to this, Mr. Zhu’s work focused on formulating contracts to fight for the company’s best interests, but neglected that the contractor was a minor.

Although there are no relevant laws and regulations regarding the endorsement of minors in this era, Mr. Zhu still quickly pondered the relevant legal basis in his mind. Although the association does not care about whether it is a minor or not, Naike must care. This is not because Naike has complied with the law, but it does not want competitors to catch their grip.

Sporting goods are inherently a profiteering industry. The competition among international sporting goods companies is even more brutal. Any scandal may be caught by competitors, and then magnified indefinitely. Tens of millions of funds. Signing a minor to make an endorsement, competitors can even speculate that Neck hires child labor.

Manager Wang leaned into lawyer Zhu’s ear and asked softly, “Is there a problem?”

“The minor’s right to portrait, reputation and honor as stipulated in the Minor Protection Law are all protected, and no person shall use the minor’s Portrait right. From this point of view, if you want to find Zhang Guan’s endorsement, you really need the consent of his guardian, that is, his parents.” Lawyer Zhu said softly to Manager Wang.

“Then he can’t sign the contract? Let’s find his parents?” Manager Wang asked.

“The “Civil Law” stipulates that as long as you have full capacity for civil conduct and can independently conduct civil activities, you can sign a contract independently and be protected by law.” Lawyer Zhu continued.

“Complete civil capacity? How big?” Manager Wang asked immediately.

“Citizens over the age of 18 have full capacity for civil conduct. At the same time, citizens aged 16 to 18 who use their labor income as the main source of living can also be regarded as persons with full civil capacity.” Lawyer Zhu then explained Road.

“If one’s labor income is the main source of living, how should this be defined?” Manager Wang immediately grasped the key point.

Lawyer Zhu thought for a while and sighed: “If it is normal labor, it is easier to define, but it is difficult to define athletes in our country. Professional athletes are recognized as laborers in Western countries, but In our country, the cognition in this regard is relatively vague, and it is not easy to identify.”

Manager Wang felt that some had been entangled, so he asked, “What do you mean? Can you be more specific?”

Lawyer Zhu thought again for a few seconds and said: “For example, football players in League A, signing with the club, taking the club’s salary, can be regarded as laborers; and those sports that are not commercialized, active athletes basically It is of the nature of being recruited, there is no formal labor contract signed, the whole package of accommodation and sports teams is paid, and salaries are also issued in the name of living allowances, the unit has no clear non-labor benefits and enjoyment, and the athletes have no clear labor production Therefore, in the legal sense, such athletes do not form an employment relationship and cannot be counted as laborers. Naturally, they cannot be defined by labor income as the main source of living.” (At this time, it has not been changed to the Chinese Super League, and it is still called A. a)

Mr. Zhu’s words made Manager Wang silent. As the business manager of the most well-known sports brand, he naturally understands the current status of domestic athletes. Especially in those sports that are not commercialized, athletes eat and live sports teams all inclusive during active service, only a few hundred yuan per month of so-called living allowances, some athletes in poor areas or athletes in vulnerable projects, even these hundreds None of the subsistence allowances.

After retiring, those well-known athletes had the opportunity to enter the institutions and institutions, and they almost missed the position of being able to mix as a coach. Most athletes can only take a small amount of severance payment to pursue self-employment. Athletes this year do not have social security or medical insurance, and the vast majority of athletes are not well-educated, and they do not have any skills. After retirement, there are not many poor and needy.

Athletics is obviously not a commercial sport. Zhang Guan cannot be recognized as a laborer. Moreover, Zhang Guan is a high school student with a formal school status. No matter how he is said, Zhang Guan cannot be said to have full civil capacity.

Manager Wang raised his head and said to Director Sun: “It seems that we are going to visit Zhang Guan’s parents.”

“No problem, my family lives in the provincial capital. How about I call my dad and let him come over?” Zhang Guan said immediately, and tried his best to be very cooperative.

Zhang Guan made a phone call, and soon Father Zhang hurried to come.

Director Sun handed the contract to Father Zhang. Father Zhang hurried through it and said, “I can’t sign this contract.”

“Are you dissatisfied with the amount?” Director Sun immediately asked.

“This is not true.” Father Zhang picked up the contract, pointed to the place above the age limit, and then said: “I think this age limit is too long, a little inappropriate.”

“What’s wrong?” Director Sun immediately asked. The two fathers and sons were too dissatisfied with money and one was too long, making Director Sun very dissatisfied.

I only heard from Father Zhang: “This kid Zhang Guan will be 18 years old next year. My mother and I have always felt that he should choose his own way in adulthood. We should let him choose what we want. It’s impossible to follow him all his life, isn’t it? The child is important to grow up and always learn to be self-reliant. So I can sign this contract. I can only sign for one year. After he becomes an adult next year, I won’t care about anything. Whether it is renewed or not, let him choose.”

Manager Wang and lawyer Zhu frowned at the same time, signing long-term contracts with some young athletes who have not yet become famous. It has always been an advertising strategy for large companies like Nike, which can also be seen as an investment. Nike spends a lot of money every year, signing hundreds of thousands of potential young athletes around the world, and giving them long-term contracts. When the athletes become famous, it will bring tens of times or even hundreds to Nike. Times the effectiveness of advertising.

But if you only sign for one year, this kind of complaint will become meaningless. In case athletes are unwilling to renew the signing after one year, or if the lion opens his mouth, this is not in the interests of Nike. What Nike wants to get It is a long-term potential stock, not a short-term investment full of uncertainty.

But more importantly, both Manager Wang and Lawyer Zhu saw that the father and son were deliberately making excuses, and it looked like they were performing double reeds. They didn’t want to sign this contract at all. Both were elites, and the decision was made immediately.

I saw lawyer Zhu turn his head and said to Director Sun: “We didn’t take Zhang Guan’s age into consideration. He is still a minor and our contract needs to be revised. I don’t think we can go back today and wait until we finish the contract. talk about it later.”

Director Sun naturally heard that Mr. Zhu’s so-called amendment of the contract is probably just a pretext. This time the signing of the spokesperson for Nike may be yellow.

Mr. Sun, the gold owner of the Nike company, has no way to refute, and this kind of thing is not at his level to make decisions. He had to say: “Okay, we respect your opinions. But I will also submit to Reported by the leader.”

Father Zhang gave away the three with a smile, and returned to Zhang Guan before saying: “How is it, the cooperation is good!”

“It’s okay, a little bit worse than me.” Zhang Guan joked.

“Although our family is not a rich man, it really is not worse than their hundreds of thousands.” Father Zhang looked at Zhang Guan, then said: “But what I said just now is true. Before My mother and I are both thinking about cultivating you as a talent. Now that you have grown up, you still have broken the Asian record, you are already a talent! You have chosen the path of athletes, maybe this path is not easy to go, maybe in the future you There will be more troubles, but no matter what happens, your mother and I will fully support you.”

“Thank you dad!”

“I’m leaving now, by the way, your mother stewed braised pork tonight, remember to go home for dinner…”


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