All-round Athlete

v2 Chapter 25 - Two lunatics

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the all-round athlete!

Game start!

Powell’s starting was very good, the starting reaction time was only 0.142 seconds, but his fellow Dwight Thomas’ starting was very poor, the starting reaction time exceeded 0.18 seconds.

Zhang Guan’s starting can only be said to be quite satisfactory, 0.159 seconds, slower than Kim Collins, Jason Gardner and Obick Viru, while the defending champion Morris Green’s starting speed is similar to that of Zhang Guan. 0.158 seconds.

The athlete started to accelerate.

After the start, Green found that Zhang Guan was keeping pace with himself, which was obviously unacceptable to Green, so he began to accelerate with all his strength, hoping to gain a leading advantage and leave Zhang Guan behind.

At the same time, Kim Collins also started desperately, his opponents are very strong, if not desperate to come up, he will definitely be eliminated.

Another player who sprinted with full strength was the Englishman Jason Gardner. Calculating, he is also a famous track and field athlete, but he is 31 years old this year, and his strength has started to decline. At his current level, he also has no advantage in this group, and the United Kingdom is the only one who has survived the 100-meter sprint. For the sake of Britain’s face, he has to work hard to reach the final.

The performance of Collins and Gardner immediately increased Powell’s pressure, and in addition to the obsessive Portuguese Obic Viru, Powell made an instant judgment and must be faster, otherwise it is very likely Was eliminated.

Obick Viru squinted his eyes and glanced at the other athletes, and said in secret: “This is the semifinals. Why did you raise the speed so high as soon as you came up? How did Powell spend so much energy in the semifinals? I can’t be like Powell, as long as I can hold my position and enter the final.”

At the next moment, the two figures caught up with Obik Viru at the same time.

“What’s the matter? Two came all at once! This is the semi-finals!” Obikvilu’s stunned effort, the two have already surpassed Obikvilu.

“It’s Morris-Green! He also runs so fast! The other is the Chinese! He is as fast as Morris-Green?”

Obick Viru was shocked, he was not sure he could defeat Green, and naturally he was not able to defeat the crown as fast as Green. In a flash, he fell from second to fourth, and he was already in the middle of the elimination. the edge of.

“What’s going on? How did this semifinal run look like the finals! What happened to each one? Is it **** chicken! I’m going to be eliminated if I don’t hurry.” Obik Viru also showed it The ability of home.

On the sidelines, watching Crawford and Gatling were very happy, and they wanted this effect. Judging from the current situation, the semifinals will definitely consume a lot of energy from Morris-Green, and Green has already fallen into a disadvantage before the final.

After forty meters, Ghanaian Mills and another Jamaican Thomas have obviously dropped behind, but the competition is more intense. Kim Collins and Jason Gardner are desperately chasing Obick Viru. ​​The gap between them is not big. The top ones are Powell, Green and Zhang Guan. Visually distinguish the gap.

Although Morris Green’s emotional intelligence is not high, but sports IQ is not lacking at all. He has found that Zhang Guan’s speed is not worse than his own, so hard work, it is difficult to divide the victory before the finish line.

“I’m the world champion! I can’t lose to him!” Green’s anger has gradually disappeared, replaced by the desire for victory.

“Crazy! Two lunatics! This is only the semi-finals, why do you want to work so hard! Isn’t the final run? It will be enough to run, what is the first one semi-final?” Powell cursed in his heart.

Powell looked at the back secretly, and found that the fourth-ranked Portuguese Obic Viru had fallen behind by a large amount, but just happened to suppress Collins and Gardner tightly. At this time, Powell realized that Bickville has started to pull back.

“Anyway, the top four advance to the next round. I still keep my strength and don’t go to fight with the two lunatics. After a while in the finals, it is the right way.” Powell thought of this, and the speed gradually slowed down. With the speed of Powell, Zhang Guan and Green instantly exceeded Powell and took the lead.

Originally, the three of them were on the same side. With Powell falling behind, the enthusiasm on the field was instantly ignited.

Audiences who are willing to go to the scene to watch the game are still aware of the goods. In the first group of the semifinals before, the athletes obviously did not try their best. The kind of coping with the negative state of the game obviously cannot conquer the appetite of the audience. In the second group of the semifinals, at least two athletes are desperately fighting for the first, and they are still the strongest two in this group.

The wonderful matchup is what the audience expects. Since athletes don’t care about their physical strength, the audience on the scene will not care about their cheers and applause.

After 70 meters, the two still did not open a gap.

Zhang Guan can obviously feel the pressure brought by him by Green. He even vaguely feels that he may be left behind at any time in this contest. Zhang Guan can feel that Green’s strength may be better than his own.

“This is talent!” Zhang Guan sighed secretly.

For professional athletes, talent is far more important than hard work. Everyone who can become a professional athlete is hard enough, and everyone will sweat enough on the training ground, but not everyone has a strong enough talent.

Morris Green is clearly the most talented athlete in the world. He has an unparalleled talent.

Zhang Guan knows that he doesn’t have any talents. Without this system and sprint skills, his true speed is simply not qualified to be an athlete, but this system is exactly the source of all his confidence.

“Anyway, I have the strength to restore the potion, let’s fight to the end today!” Zhang Guan’s eyes flashed a bit, his speed did not slow down, and he still sprinted forward desperately.

Yu Gui, who was watching from a distance, clenched his fists. Although he very much hoped that Zhang Guan could defeat Morris Green, but reason told him that this was only a semi-final, Zhang Guan should not be so desperate.

“Slower, slower! Now that you’re running out of strength, what about the finals? Slow down!” Yu Gui shouted unceasingly, but Zhang Guan was still sprinting with all his strength.

Not far away, the coach of the US team is also anxious. Morris Green is too hard. If it is consumed too much in the semifinals, then the finals will certainly not play too fast.

“What is Green doing? The semi-finals are only. If you lose, you can advance to the finals. The finals are the most important. How do you run the finals if you run out of energy? If you run like this, this gold medal will give you a hand! Fortunately, there are Crawford and Gatlin. This gold medal still belongs to our US team.” The U.S. coach suddenly turned his head to look at Crawford and Gatlin, but found that the two men looked proud. .

“Huh? If Green was left behind, the two guys would benefit the most. These two guys wouldn’t be fooling!” The American coach frowned.

Coaches are naturally aware of the fierce internal competition among American team athletes, but American team athletes are big names, and big-name athletes are also against the coach. Therefore, the competition between athletes, the coach did not interfere too much. Moreover, Morris-Green’s arrogant personality is also very unfavorable to the coach. At this moment, the coach’s heart has risen to an inexplicable gloating.

On the court, the athletes were close to the finish line, but Morris Green’s heart began to struggle.

“This is the semi-final, there is no need to desperately, so running will consume too much physical strength, and the final will be very unfavorable. Should I be a little slower and leave more physical strength for the final.” Morris Green Hesitated for a while, but immediately rejected the idea.

“No, I have mocked Crawford before. He mocked that he couldn’t run a Chinese. If I also lost to this Chinese, then Crawford would laugh at me, and I would be ashamed! How can this **** Chinese run so fast!”

Green thought of how Crawford brought that newspaper in the morning, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be fooled. Crawford sent the newspaper not to hit himself, but to make himself fight hard with Zhang Guan, he could Take advantage of the fisherman.

“Damn Crawford! But what about that? I’m Morris Green, I’m the strongest sprinter in the world, I won’t lose!”

With the finish line in sight, it is impossible for Green to give up. He is a world champion and he wants to maintain his dignity.

Morris Green did not give up.

Zhang Guan, naturally will not give up.

Although Zhang Guan is not a world champion, he is an athlete. The finish line has already reached his eyes. The competitors are by his side. Of course, he has to fight back to the first position without hesitation. This is the dignity of an athlete!

The two continued to move side by side, the two made the line-crossing action at the same time, and the two crossed the finish line at the same time!

“Cross line!”

“Who crosses the line first?”

“Who is faster?”

The time stayed at 9.83 seconds. Everyone’s attention was focused on the big timing card.

“The first place is 9 seconds 83, who is it?” Yu guide looked at the scoreboard and shouted excitedly: “It is Zhang Guan, Zhang Guan is 9 seconds 83!”

At the same time, Director Ma next to him shouted in disappointment: “Green, 83 in 9 seconds!”

At the next moment, the two realized at the same time that Zhang Guan and Green made the same results, both 9.83 seconds!

There was also an uproar in the auditorium. Then everyone looked forward to the end expectantly, waiting for the final judgment of the referee.


The first chapter is sent for a recommendation ticket.

By the way, I checked the materials of this semi-final match before I started writing this book. I kept all the strengths and waited for the finals. How do I write this? Could it be written that when other players did not do their utmost, our protagonist Zhang Guan, like a fool, tried his best to make the group first? Obviously this is impossible. Therefore, the line of the semi-finals began to be laid out during the spinach plot, and Zhang Guan bought his own win to bring out the changes in the later championship wins, and then connected with Green’s competitive character to create a plot where the two people struggled to the end. , And then this line is not over yet, there is continuation.

Crossing the border is to think that each game written is unique, but writing sprinting is not the same as writing football basketball. Football 90 minutes basketball 48 minutes is not overtime, each unique game is easy, 100 meters sprint Only ten seconds, each game is unique and difficult, so many times you need to dig a lot of chapters in advance. For example, the previous spinach plot will lead to other branches or important characters. I will not disclose the specifics. Everyone will slowly Saw it.

Clearance is better at this kind of long-term layout. Some foreshadowing may have a chain reaction. It is a personal style. Some long-term layouts may not work well in the end, but the clearance is really intentional in planning and designing the plot. I think no matter whether the plot is good or bad, since it must be written with care, it should be worthy of readers who read my book, even if it is a certain The plot is not very satisfactory, but I have conceived and planned with my heart, at least an account of myself.

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