All-round Athlete

v2 Chapter 35 - Awards ceremony

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The figure of 13.7 million euros made Flagus silent, and he was unable to express his shock at this time. It was not until the Osterias on the opposite side of the phone continued to call him that he recovered.

“Three times spinach, the total bonus exceeded 20 million euros!” Flaggers has never received such a big business, at this moment he is full of various schemes in his mind, he is confident that through some means of tax avoidance, Zhang Guan finally won Net income of more than 15 million euros.

One of the main jobs of accountants in Europe and the United States is to help the rich save money, but for ordinary accountants, there are not many opportunities to handle tens of millions of euros of funds. Those who can withdraw tens of millions of euros at a time are large companies. They all have top accountants or a professional accountant team, and they don’t need Flagex. So this large order of more than 20 million euros is a valuable experience for Flaggers. At this moment, Flaggers has decided to make this big order beautiful at all costs, making this big order his own classic case, and it is his capital to undertake more big orders afterwards.

Although the Greek government borrows money every day, there are many rich people among the Greek civilians.

Just listen to Osedolis to continue: “I have better with Zhang Guan, I will invite him to the Opap headquarters tomorrow morning, when Mr. Snowris, the chairman of the Greek Spinach Committee, will personally send a check for Zhang Guan.”

“I get it,” Flegges continued. “I’ll go back to you and I will make a more detailed tax cut for our dear customers…”

At this time, hundreds of reporters were gathered in the community where Zhang Guan lived. Zhang Guan’s parents had already closed the door to thank guests. The reporter could not interview Zhang Guan’s parents, but interviewed Zhang Guan’s neighbors, who walked at the entrance of the community on weekdays. The old ladies who basked in the sun saw so many reporters, and opened the conversation box, talking about Zhang Guan’s past. Of course, a few of them were true things, and most of them were fabricated.

In the high school before Zhang Guan, due to the summer vacation, there were no students on the campus, but the school leaders came to the school early and invited all the reporters who were present. The principal was filled with happiness. Smile, this good opportunity to promote the school must not be missed, and Zhang Guan’s former class teacher was even more ecstatic. The students he brought out had an Olympic champion, and he was also the Olympic champion who broke the record at 100 meters. But honor that no one else can meet in their lifetime.

The media does not have so much money to go to Athens, but the funds for running in the country are still available. Almost all the television stations, newspapers, sports magazines, and online media are deployed.

It’s just that TV, radio and Internet media were the main reports that day. After the 100-meter Olympic Games, it was already more than 4 a.m. in the country. This is equivalent to pitting those newspapers. Many newspapers have been printed at 4 a.m. It came out, and some of them have been packed and ready to be sent out, so I missed the opportunity to report.

Fudan University announced immediately that Zhang Guan has been accepted by them. Zhang Guan will be studying at Fudan University next semester. Fudan, the country’s top and most well-known university, may not be so enthusiastic about the average Olympic champion, but Zhang Guan is the gold medal for the Olympic men’s 100m. It is considered an unprecedented breakthrough in the history of national sports, and its impact is not ordinary. Olympic champions can be compared, so Fudan is very enthusiastic about Zhang Guan’s admission to school.

Among the European and American media, Zhang Guan has also become a hot topic of discussion on this day.

Track and field events, especially sprint events, have been missed with Asian champions. Zhang Guan undoubtedly burst the biggest upset in this Olympics. Although the previous women’s 100m event was also an upset, the athletes who won the championship were Belarusians after all. Belarus was a CIS country. Before the Cold War era, Soviet athletes could not stand up in Western Europe, which was pressed by various events. Therefore, athletes in the CIS countries Winning the championship is still acceptable to Europeans. However, Zhang Guan is an Asian athlete, and also comes from the mysterious and backward China in the eyes of Europeans. His winning the championship made many Europeans feel incredible, and the topic caused by it was also more intense. The European media have mixed opinions on this.

The Chinese athlete won the Olympic men’s 100-meter sprint championship, which is obviously incredible, but looking at his championship results, 9.77 seconds is the new world record for the project, then I think everyone will not doubt the authenticity of this news. It is a matter of course for those who break the world record to win the Olympic championship-the French newspaper “Le Figaro”.

At present, the Chinese team holds the top spot in the gold list with 24 gold medals, while the US team has only won 20 gold medals, which is somewhat beyond everyone’s expectations. However, from the men’s 100m finals of the Olympic Games just concluded, this result is taken for granted. In the men’s monopoly men’s 100-meter sprint event, a Chinese won the championship and broke the world record, while the Americans only won the runner-up. I think this is a sign that China is gradually rising and the United States is gradually declining. Or maybe a few years later, China can really replace the United States-“Russian Truth”.

Shocking game! Shocking results! This is not an April Fools’ joke. The men’s 100m champion of this Olympic Games is a Chinese! China was born the first yellow man flying man of this century. Many people think that this is just a flash in the pan, but it is worth noting that this Chinese player named Zhang Guan is only 18 years old this year! His body certainly has not reached the peak level, which shows that he still has room for improvement. Anyway, we congratulate this young man. -Switzerland’s “Geneva Tribune”.

Asian athletes have always been busy in sprinting, and the Chinese did not run into it within 10 seconds until last year. We consulted kinematics experts. Under normal circumstances, they really can’t think of any reason why they can Such great progress and breakthroughs have been achieved in such a short time. Of course, if you use abnormal methods, you may be able to achieve amazing results. In the past history, it is common for athletes to use some unethical methods against themselves in order to improve their performance, and Montgomery, the world record creator on the project, is now caught in a doping scandal. -The British “Sun”.

“The Sun” is the largest newspaper in the United Kingdom. It often promotes sales with exaggerated and sensational methods. A pair of people who can’t eat grapes say that grapes are sour. They constantly question Zhang Guan in the article and secretly point out that Zhang Guan is used. Doping can achieve this result. There are also many other media in Europe with discredited remarks.

However, a few hours later, the Olympic Committee announced the athlete’s post-match urine test. Zhang Guan had no problem at all, and these questioning media have stopped talking. They will not be stupid enough to offend the Olympic Committee for irrelevant interests. Yes, the negative hype after the Olympic Games is definitely indispensable.

The award ceremony for the 100-meter sprint was held at 20:45 Athens time, which was 1:45 am Capital time, but even so, there are still many people in China who are waiting in front of the TV, waiting to watch the award ceremony to witness this Historic moment.

A set of CCTV entered the live broadcast mode of the award ceremony one hour in advance. It has to be said that the efficiency of CCTV is very high. In just one day, a 40-minute documentary about Zhang Guan was produced. Zhang Guan’s pictures are countless, but there are many related interviews, such as Zhang Guan’s parents, teachers, provincial team sports coaches, and Chen Lao. Zhang Guan’s video at the Asian Athletics Championships was also taken from the Japanese media. Down, insert into the documentary, and Zhang Guan’s Olympic shots are repeated again and again.

“Today I want to tell the world that what others can do, we Chinese can also do it! We can not only do it, we also do better than others!” The audience in front of the TV was completely sleepy and very excited.

Finally, the award ceremony began.

Zhang Guan walked to the podium and stood at the highest position in the middle.

IAAF President Lamini-Diak stepped forward and brought Zhang Guan a medal in person.

“Congratulations, young man! You have created a miracle. You showed me that the yellow race can also win the championship in track and field sprint. I believe that the future Asian track and field will definitely rise. I hope you and your country will be able to More brilliant results will be achieved in the future,” Ramini-Diac said.

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman, I don’t think it will take a few days. A second Olympic champion from China will be born!” Zhang Guan said with a smile.

“If it’s true, I will award him! Congratulations again!” Lamini-Diac and Zhang Guan gave a courtesy hug and turned to leave.

Then came the time to raise the national flag and play the national anthem.

The bright national flag slowly rose, and the solemn national anthem sounded. Zhang Guan stared at the national flag and sang the national anthem, his eyes spontaneously gleamed.

At this moment, Zhang Guan was extremely excited, even more excited than when he broke the record and won the championship yesterday.

Because, at the main stadium of the Olympic Games, this national flag was raised for the first time! Play the national anthem familiar to him!

“I’m very excited, very excited. Especially when I heard the national anthem and saw the national flag rising, I couldn’t help crying.” Zhang Guan pointed at the camera, and in front of him, a female reporter from China Central Power Group stretched out. Microphone.

Zhang Guan adjusted his emotions, and then said: “I think this is just the beginning. This is the first time the national anthem sounds here, but I know this is not the last time. I believe it won’t take long for our national flag and national anthem to return again. Here, the athletes of our national team will once again stand at the highest position on the podium! In the event of track and field, we will definitely have Olympic champions, and we will be stronger and stronger! Chinese athletes, come on!”


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