All-round Athlete

v2 Chapter 49 - investment

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In the evening, the welcome reception of the Olympic Committee ends at around 8:30. This official banquet usually ends before 9:30. At ten o’clock in the evening, Zhang Guan appeared in the office of Fidelity Investment Company Huang Weida.

“At present, I have 15 million euros of funds. I want to divide the funds into three parts for investment.” Zhang Guan said.

Huang Weida nodded. At the current exchange rate, 15 million euros is almost equivalent to 140 million Hong Kong dollars. If it is calculated as a one-time investment, it is also a considerable amount in Hong Kong. In addition to the top few billionaires, ordinary first-class rich people also need some time to raise such a large amount of funds.

“It seems that Mr. Zhang already has the direction of investment. I don’t know what the specific needs are?” Huang Weida said.

“I plan to spend six million euros to invest in shops in popular areas of Hong Kong. What I need are projects that will not face demolition for at least ten years.” Zhang Guan said.

“It turns out that Mr. Zhang is a fancy real estate industry in Hong Kong.” Huang Weida showed such a look. Over the past few decades, Hong Kong’s real estate industry has created a large number of wealthy merchants. Almost every Hong Kong’s top tycoons are inseparable from the real estate industry. Hong Kong’s richest man, Li Chaoren, started with real estate. Especially in recent years, the political situation has been stable, and investment in the real estate industry is also said to only earn no compensation. Nine out of ten investors will be optimistic about real estate investment.

Just listening to Huang Weida said: “The real estate industry is indeed the best investment direction in Hong Kong at present. Hong Kong is worth every inch of land, and the land will only become more valuable. Mr. Zhang can also consider investment in housing.”

“Residential housing will definitely rise, but I am more optimistic about Hong Kong’s business. Especially after opening up and walking freely, I believe there will be more and more tourists coming to Hong Kong. I think business will attract tourists to Hong Kong for at least ten years. ‘S biggest advantage, so I chose to invest in shops.” Zhang Guan said.

Huang Weida nodded. Although Zhang Guan said something ambiguous, Huang Weida was able to hear what Zhang Guan said, that is, more and more mainland tourists will come to Hong Kong in the future, and their purpose is mainly to buy things .

Huang Weida does not agree with Zhang Guan’s views. He thinks that if people want to buy things, they first need to have money. The mainland is poorer than Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s things are more expensive than the mainland. Poor people buy expensive things. This is obviously not very good. possible. In fact, this was also the thought of most people at that time. At this time, people around the world would not think of it, how earth-shaking changes will take place in China in the next ten years!

Zhang Guan, as a later generation, naturally knows how crazy it is for mainland tourists to buy things in Hong Kong after seven or eight years. In the next ten years, the prices of shops in the prosperous areas of Hong Kong have increased by tens of times. At that time, the shops were printing money. The opportunity to collect rent every year is a huge income. At that time, Hong Kong talents realized that housing is copper, office buildings are silver, and shops are real gold!

Six million euros is equivalent to more than 50 million Hong Kong dollars. This amount of money is not much. It may not even be available in a larger store ten years later, but in this era, due to last year’s acute respiratory syndrome, Hong Kong Land prices have fallen sharply, especially the worst for shops. Nowadays, at least a few shops with good location and small area can be bought.

Zhang Guan continued: “In addition, I want to invest in the stocks of American companies. I am going to spend seven million euros to buy the shares of the fruit company.”

“Fruit company?” Huang Weida thought carefully, and then said: “Pardon me, bluntly, I think the current fruit company stock has reached a relatively high price, I think this is not a good investment choice.”

Huang Weida talked about tapping on the computer for a long time, and then turned the monitor to Zhang Guan, then said: “In the past few years, the fruit company’s stock price has been low. After Mr. Qiao Undead returned to fruit, he developed a portable Media player ipod, although this has brought a lot of profits to the fruit company and made the fruit’s share price rise. But in recent years, a large number of cheap cottage products similar to ipod have appeared in the market In terms of personal PC, there is still no improvement. IBM and HP still occupy the main position of personal PC. In addition, even the PC business in recent years is also growing rapidly, so I am not optimistic about Apple’s stock income.”

Zhang Guan stared at Huang Weida’s display, which showed the share price of the fruit company in recent years.

“The price of more than twenty dollars is also high! This is about to make a fortune!” Zhang Guan was already very excited. The share price of the fruit company has increased from more than ten dollars to more than twenty dollars in recent years. This price is invested in It is already very high in people’s eyes, but Zhang Guan knows that in the future, the share price of the fruit company will climb to nearly 700 US dollars. If you invest 6 million euros to buy the stock of the fruit company, the future market will definitely exceed 200 million US dollars.

Thinking of this, Zhang Guan said: “I believe that Joe is not dead. He is a genius. He will definitely be able to come up with electronic products across the ages, so I am very optimistic about investing in fruit stocks.”

“Okay.” Huang Weida nodded. He has also seen many self-willed investors. These people often have extreme self-confidence in themselves, and the confidence shown by Zhang Guan. Huang Weida knows that if he persuades, Zhang Guan will not change his mind. .

“The remaining funds, I want to invest in an American company.” Zhang Guan paused, then said: “I don’t know if you have heard of a social networking service website in the United States called fb?”

“Fb? What’s the relationship with fbi?” Huang Weida made a joke, and then said: “Social networking is an emerging industry, I don’t know about it.”

“Fb is a social networking website in the United States. It should have only appeared half a year ago. Its founder is a student of the computer department of Harvard University. I think this website is very promising, and I want to invest in this website.” Zhang Guan said .

“Can this be regarded as an angel investment?” Huang Weida asked.

Zhang Guan nodded, then said: “You can also think so, but I don’t want a fixed return, I hope to be able to hold equity in the website.”

“Equity? This may be more troublesome. If you are an American, it’s okay to say, if you’re not an American, you need some very complicated legal procedures.” Huang Weida estimated something in her mind, and then said: “Through my company, It should be no problem to operate in an authorized way. It is declared that you are an angel investor and only responsible for providing funds, and the investment decision is made by the investment company, which can save a lot of trouble from the legal aspects. Americans invest in Hong Kong The company’s review will not be so strict, but you may need to give up some rights and interests, such as the company’s right to speak, and even in the future you will not be able to participate in the company’s decision-making as a major shareholder.”

“This is no problem. I don’t have any decision-making power at all. This point can be waived, but the amount of equity must be guaranteed.” Zhang Guan paused, then said: “I can accept a double-layer equity structure, even with zero voting rights. Yes, but I must ensure the share of the shares I occupy, and I must agree on the proportion of new shares of common stock.”

The double-layer shareholding structure is the amulet of FB founder Zac. He divided fb’s stock into two types, one is a class a share with ordinary voting rights, and one is a class b share with ten times the voting power of the board of directors. The major shareholder signed the voting proxy. In this way, he enjoyed 56% of the voting power of the board of directors with only 24% of the shareholding, thus completely controlling the company, even the Wall Street snipers acquired fb on a large scale. ‘S stock is still not Zac’s opponent in terms of board voting power. At the same time, fb also stipulates that class b stocks will automatically become class a stocks when they are cashed out, so the stock values ​​of class a and class b are the same, and also ensure that as long as Zack does not sell his shares, The voting power in the board of directors will only increase but not decrease.

As for the proportion of new shares of common stock, it is a means to prevent share dilution. Zac used this method in January 2005. At that time, fb issued 9 million new shares, while Zack himself accounted for 3.3 million shares. In the end, Zac’s shareholding ratio remained unchanged, while Saverin, the second largest shareholder of fb, was reduced to less than 10%

It is now September 2004, and fb is in the biggest trouble since its founding. They were brought to court by another social networking site. It is very expensive to sue in the United States, but Zac has no money. If not Money, let alone a lawsuit, can’t even turn on the server. If you miss this investment opportunity, even three months later, if you want to invest in fb, you will have to spend tens of millions of dollars of funds.

The original American investor Peter Tell would appear shortly after. As an angel investor, he wanted to invest 500,000 dollars in fb and obtained 9% of the fb equity at that time, and this investment brought him a billion dollars. s return. However, he sold a lot of stocks in the early days of fb’s ipo. At that time, the price of 20 US dollars per share had already made Peter Tyre ecstatic. But then fb’s stock price soared over $100.

When fb went public, Peter Theil’s $500,000 eventually became thinner to fb’s 44 million class b shares, accounting for 2.5%, while founder Zack had more than 500 million class b shares. At this point, Zhang Guan is obviously more greedy. He wants more than Thiel. Zhang Guan can give up his interest in class B shares. Even if he holds all class A shares, it does not matter, but he must have more. ‘S shareholding ratio. Zhang Guan knows that after the subsequent financing, his equity will also be gradually diluted. If he can refer to Zac’s share ratio, even if it is slightly lower, he will hold at least 20% when fb is listed in the future. If calculated according to fb’s market value of 200 billion US dollars, 20% of the stock value will reach 40 billion US dollars.

Huang Weida is the first time to see a customer like Zhang Guan, and every request looks very special. Investing in real estate is a fairly satisfactory decision. Nowadays, everyone in Hong Kong is also keen to buy a house, but everyone is buying a house. The interest in shops is obviously not as high as that of a house; the fruit company’s stock has risen to the end in Huang Weida’s opinion. The fourth-generation ipod launched is just thinner, and there is not much breakthrough in function, which makes Huang Weida not very optimistic about the future of fruits; and investing in a website that has not been heard of is more like a dice game. leopard.

However, Huang Weida finally respected Zhang Guan’s decision. He said: “I will make the relevant authorization and legal texts. When you go back, my company will send someone to contact you.”


The first chapter is sent, please ask for a recommended ticket! The plot of investing in fb has been hesitating whether to write, but think about the outline of the last volume, it is really not possible without eighty eight billion, just write it!

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