All-round Athlete

v3 Chapter 2 - Japanese conspiracy

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The sky outside the window gradually changed from dark to dark gray. Dawn has arrived, and the sun will completely drive away the darkness.

Zac lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling with his eyes open. He stayed up all night.

Yesterday, he met Mr. Chen, a Fidelity Investment Company in Hong Kong, who is of Chinese origin, to be precise, a Chinese, and also has the same surname as his Chinese girlfriend. A touch of intimacy.

After that, they talked about investment matters. Hong Kong Fidelity Investment Company expressed its willingness to invest 1.5 million US dollars in fb and requested 35% fb shares. After hearing this request, Zac immediately refused. It’s just a joke that you want 35% of fb shares for just $1.5 million!

Zac almost flew away, but then another condition opened by the other party made Zac heart moved. Fidelity Investment expressed its willingness to accept Class A shares, which means they can give up the voting rights of the board of directors! Give up future decisions!

The voting power of class a shares is only one-tenth of that of class b shares. Even if it is 35% of class a shares, the final voting rights are only 3.5%. At the same time, the appearance of class a shares will also make the voting rights of class b shares. Increase, so Zac can still take full control of fb with his holding.

But this did not end. The Mr. Chen of Fidelity Investment once again said that he can sign an equity entrustment voting agreement with Zac, that is to say, in the future, this part of the shares controlled by Fidelity Investment will be fully delegated to Zha G.

According to this plan, although his stake in fb will be greatly diluted, his voting power in the future board of directors has not been reduced, but has increased.

1.5 million US dollars, equivalent to the salary of a US president for a term. With this 1.5 million US dollars, he not only hired good lawyers to fight the lawsuit, but also purchased several sets of servers, and then recruited several employees to expand fb’s business to the entire United States! At that time, fb will no longer just be a social network for college students to communicate, but also something that will be used throughout the United States.

The control of fb is Zac’s weakness. Fidelity’s investment conditions just hit Zac’s weakness. With the introduction of funds, fb is proud of its survival and development, and Zac still has control of fb. This is the best result. Even if Zac feels that the 35% share is indeed a little too much, he still has difficulty resisting the temptation of the 1.5 million dollar.

Yes or no, the two voices are constantly fighting in Zac’s mind as if they were angels and demons. All night, Zac was trying to make a decision.

Until dawn, Zac finally sat up. He had decided to agree to Fidelity’s investment requirements. For Zac, although the proportion of equity was reduced, the control of fb was still in hand.

At this time, Zack suddenly relaxed a lot, he came to the computer and began to browse the latest news.

“”Olympic 100m top three gathers in Japan””, Zach subconsciously opened this news headline, which is introducing the Yokohama Athletics All-Star Game. And finally there is a polling survey, the project is who do you think will win the 100-meter championship in the Yokohama All-Star Game.

Zac did not hesitate to give Gatling a vote, and then the voting results showed that both Gatling and Green’s votes were more than 40%, while Zhang Guan’s vote was less than 100 Tenths.

“It seems that everyone, like me, is not optimistic about this Olympic champion!” Zac leaned back in his chair: “The Asians have never achieved world-class achievements in sprinting, and this Chinese is probably just a flash in the pan! ”

Japan, Tokyo.

In the office of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Undersecretary of State is receiving the head coach of the Japanese track and field team, Kobayashi.

“My Excellency, this time the Athletics All-Star Game is a good opportunity for our Japanese players to communicate with world-class players. Although our level of track and field in Japan is top in Asia, it is worse than that of European and American countries and even African countries. There is a big difference, after all, there is still a gap between the yellow race and the black race. So even in the home game of our country, it is still very difficult for our Japanese team to win the championship. Please forgive me, Deputy Minister!” Kobayashi said Looking down, humbly apologizing.

“The physical gap between the yellow race and the black race? I don’t think so.” The second officer smiled slightly, and then said: “Don’t the Chinese Zhang Guan break the world record for men’s 100-meter sprint?”

“This…” When Zhang Guan broke the world record, Xiaolin Jinghe was also on the spot. At that time, Zhang Guan showed the abnormal speed that really made Xiaolin Jinghe unable to explain.

Jinglin Xiaolin thought for a few seconds and began to say: “The Chinese have made great progress in sprinting in recent years. I guess they may have obtained some advanced training methods.”

“Advanced training methods? I don’t think so.” The second minister continued: “Coach Kobayashi, let me introduce you to someone first.”

I saw the second chief picked up the phone, dialed the secretary’s number, and said, “Please ask the professor to come in!”

A minute later, a knock on the door sounded, and then the secretary walked in with a man in his fifties. The deputy chief said: “This is Professor Kondo Kamezo. Professor, this is the coach Kobayashi I mentioned before.”

“Coach Kobayashi, hello! Please meet me for the first time.”

“Hello! Please meet me for the first time.”

The two greeted each other and then sat down, while the second minister then introduced: “Professor Kondo was a professor at Waseda University School of Medicine, and later established an independent laboratory, mainly for research in biomedical testing.”

Although Kobayashi did not know the intention of the second chief, he still politely showed a respectful expression to Kondo.

At this time, the second minister went on to say: “When Zhang Guan broke the world record at the Olympic Games, Coach Kobayashi was right there. I want to ask Coach Kobayashi, is the 9.77 seconds result, is it Zhang Guan’s limit?”

After thinking for a while, Kobayashi said, “It must not be. At that time, before the finish line, Zhang Guan looked back at the situation of other athletes, and did not make a line-crossing movement. I think this behavior must have lost about 0.02 seconds. According to my analysis, Zhang Guan’s true speed should be 9.75 seconds.”

“So coach Kobayashi, according to your coach’s professional judgment, can the current physical fitness of the yellow races reach such a fast speed?” the second minister then asked.

“If there is no Zhang Guan, I will definitely say that it is impossible for the current physical fitness of the yellow race to reach this speed.” Xiao Lin Jinghe continued: “But Zhang Guan told me with facts that my previous idea was Incorrect.”

“No, maybe your idea has always been right. We specially sent someone to investigate Zhang Guan. He was a high school student who had never had professional sprint training in May last year, and then after two months of professional training, He broke China’s national record, and then broke the Asian record two months later. The above may prove Zhang Guan is a genius. But since breaking the Asian record last year, he only spent less than a year, he will The result has increased from 9.99 seconds to 9.77 seconds and an increase of 0.22 seconds. Once an athlete runs within ten seconds, it is very difficult to improve by 0.01 seconds. I think Coach Kobayashi definitely knows this, so I suspect that Zhang Guan is likely to use Some special methods have been used to improve his achievements.” The long smile appeared on the second long face, and then said: “For example, doping!”

The second commander signaled that both were approaching, pointing at their monitors and saying, “I specifically found the video of Zhang Guan in the semi-finals and finals of the Olympic Games. Coach Kobayashi, this is the pace of Zhang Guan after the semi-finals. You can What do you see?”

“He should have consumed a lot of physical strength. At that time, he should feel that the calf muscles are sour, and he takes a heavy step every step. The legs will feel a little empty. This is the normal physical reaction after high-speed and vigorous exercise.” Xiao Lin Jinghe Said.

“Yes! But it only took two hours! He appeared very energetic in the finals, you see!” The second minister found out the video of the finals and how Zhang Guan walked after the finals, then said: “After more intense intensity After the final, his physical condition is much better than after the semifinals. Coach Kobayashi, do you think this is common sense?”

“Uh, the final is more intense than the semi-final, and the intensity is higher. The physical condition after Zhang Guan looks quite normal, which is indeed not in line with common sense.” Coach Kobayashi said.

“Yes, this is not at all common sense. So after analysis, we can almost be sure that Zhang Guan must have used a stimulant!” the second chief said excitedly.

“But during the post-match inspection, no problems were found, everything is normal.” Xiao Lin Jinghe said

“This is because the technology of the Olympic testing agency is not good. I think the Chinese must have used a newly-developed special stimulant that can avoid the Olympic testing, so they can win so many gold medals in the Athens Olympics.” Stand up and then say: “We want to expose the truth and let the world know that the rise of Chinese sports is because they use despicable means and doping! Because of this, I found Kondo Professor Guisan.”

“Professor Kondo’s laboratory is absolutely world-class in technology, and it is definitely better than Europeans. As long as Zhang Guan comes to our country to participate in the competition, then a urine test must be performed. With Kondo’s laboratory being the most advanced in the world The technology he uses must be able to detect the stimulant he uses! By then we will let the world know that our Yamato nation is the best nation in Asia!”

The second chief said here, he paused a little, soothed his emotions, and then said: “I have arranged for tbs reporters to warm up the topic of stimulants before interviewing. I believe Zhang Guan will express his opposition to the use of stimulants. Yes, we will come up with the test results at that time, and let the world think that Zhang Guan is a villain with different appearances. His sports career may end early!”

Xiaolin Jinghe took a deep breath, and at this time he finally understood why Zhang Guan was invited to come to the competition by every possible means, and he even paid a lot of money for this.

But if you can really get evidence of Chinese people using stimulants, then everything is worth it!


The second chapter is sent to ask for a recommendation ticket. Thanks to gigiliu5277, Xin Weixue, _Xushu thug_, I love fantasy. Fantasy, mad hatred of the moon, melancholy de romance, sgre, spring 18, the king sent me to read the book, Xiao Shengliu, I don’t **** the haze, Zhu Luoyan, freehire, 9922392, Xing Xuerou, book friends 150408072831190, big 10% dozen reward. Thank you.

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