All-round Athlete

v3 Chapter 42 - Open love (three more thanks to turning over the book love lonely and red)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the all-round athlete!

“Zhang Guan girlfriend exposed! 》

A very attractive title, the content is that Zhang Guan and Sharapova had dinner at a restaurant, and finally the media guessed that the two may already be a boyfriend.

However, this report caused a lot of scolding. Everyone who has read this report scoffs at this. Is it true to have a meal together? This reason is too much! Is it normal for celebrities to have a meal together? What’s more, Sharapova doesn’t seem to know other Chinese athletes. When someone comes to China, Zhang Guan invites people to have a meal, which is normal.

“It’s the title party again! Guessing it’s a boyfriend and girlfriend? What’s the use of guessing? I also guess there are aliens on Mars! Besides, Zhang Guan and Sharapova, too!” Senior netizen Lu Feifei Shake his head, spit out the media, and then continue to start his war3 game.

However, a few minutes later, his screen suddenly went black, and then the news client was popped out, and then a headline appeared in Lu Feifei’s sight.

“Zhang Guan and Sharapova go to the airport together”

Lu Feifei immediately clicked on the news. This is a reprinted report from a certain media. There are a few photos in it. You can see Sharapova walking in the front, and Zhang Guan is pushing the car behind. After that, he walked into the security channel of the airport.

“This can’t be anything, maybe the two happened to meet at the airport, or maybe the two shared the same flight?” Lu Feifei thought, but there was already a trace of suspicion in his heart.

Two more hours passed, this time it was a pop-up window in the lower right corner.

“The Iron Evidence of Zhang Guan and Sharapova’s Love”

“Iron evidence? Shouldn’t it be the title party again!” Lu Feifei ordered the news. The picture of the news magnified the necklace pendant on Sharapova’s neck. The next step is to enlarge Zhang Guan’s diamond necklace pendant in the Golden Grand Prix. The two pendants look similar in appearance.

“No! Maybe it’s a coincidence!” Lu Feifei thought so, but in fact already believed 80%, and the following article also introduced. This pendant is specially created for the players who broke the world record in the Golden Grand Prix. It is sponsored by the most famous jewelry company in China. The styling is also designed by professional designers. There is only one in the world!

The price of a one-carat diamond pendant may be only one hundred thousand. Even with the addition of famous brand jewelers and famous designers, the price cannot be raised much. The unique design in the world may also make the price of jewelry even higher, but the most important thing about this diamond pendant is the hidden meaning behind it. The award for breaking the world record in the first gold grand prix can be said to be this diamond The pendant is not only a testimony to the Golden Grand Prix, but also a testimony to the world record.

For Zhang Guan, this diamond pendant clearly represents his honor. It is a testimony of his athlete’s career, which is invaluable in this respect. Just like the Oscar little gold man, which movie emperor will give away his Oscar little gold man easily?

Zhang Guan gave the pendant to Sharapova. Obviously, this shows the very close relationship between the two. This pendant can be regarded as hard evidence!

“I remember when I first arrived in the United States, my biggest wish was to be able to go to Disneyland. At that time I went to tennis school in Miami, and Orlando had a Disneyland. Miami and Orlando are both in Florida, not far away, but then We didn’t have any money. My father supported me by playing a few jobs to play tennis.” Sharapova took a breath and then continued, “Until several years later, I had the first sponsor, My father took me to Disneyland Orlando for the first time. I remember I was really happy that day.”

“Yeah. Every father is great.” Zhang Guan said as he looked at the dense crowd around him.

Hong Kong’s Disneyland opened only this month, so there are a lot of tourists, most of whom are Hong Kong natives.

Hong Kong as an international metropolis, the appearance of blonde foreigners will not arouse everyone’s surprise, but the heights of Zhang Guan and Sharapova are already noticeable, so people will cast their eyes on them from time to time, Zhang Guan I don’t know how many people may have recognized themselves and Sharapova. It is supposed that they should not appear hand in hand in public places, but since Sharapova didn’t care about it, this made Zhang Guan a little bit uncomfortable. Too much understand Sharapova’s thoughts.

“Perhaps, we should find a suitable time to openly love!” Zhang Guan suddenly felt a sense of beauty in his heart.

At this moment, Zhang Guan’s cell phone suddenly rang, it was He Yiming calling.

“He Ge.” Zhang Guan took the phone.

“Now in Hong Kong?” He Yiming first confirmed Zhang Guan’s position, and then asked: “Are you with Sharapova?”

“Huh? That’s right.” Zhang Guan admitted directly. Zhang Guan’s agent team already knew about Sharapova, and Sharapova’s agent knew Zhang Guan’s thing.

If it is an entertainment agent, it may interfere with things such as star love, especially some idol stars. Love will be strictly controlled by brokers or economic companies, but sports agents are loosely controlled in this regard. Many, after all, sports stars rely on strength to eat, as long as the game has a good result, you are not afraid of no advertising endorsements and a large number of fans. Of course, sports stars also have very good looks, but that is just a icing on the cake, like Beckham. Although he has embarked on a meal by face, no one denies his strength. So for sports agents, as long as it does not involve some scandals that may affect the image, it will basically not interfere with the star’s romance.

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as the strict management of some domestic management centers, because of fear of affecting the competition results, there are even provisions that do not allow young athletes to fall in love.

Hearing that Zhang Guan was really with Sharapova, He Yiming was relieved, and then said: “There are media in China that have exposed the two of you.”

“Oh.” Zhang Guan agreed quietly, as if this was already his expectation. Or maybe he is ready for this in his new heart.

“Originally, the media just photographed you eating together and going to the airport together, which is easy to explain. The key point now is the diamond pendant, the one you obtained by breaking the world record in the Golden Grand Prix, and the pendant appeared on Sharapova’s neck. This is not easy to explain.” He Yiming continued: “This pendant was specially made for the first gold medal in track and field, so I can’t buy the second one on the market. I don’t know the reporter’s. How long your eyes are, even through a photo of you at the airport, you can see that the pendant is the one you rewarded for breaking the world record.”

“That must be a group of very good reporters, and such details can be noticed.” Zhang Guan said helplessly.

He Yiming on the other side of the phone continued: “Zhuge and Hong Zinan are here with us. We haven’t started to discuss the response plan yet. The main thing is to see your opinion. If something is open between you, we will want to make it public. If you don’t make it public, we would like to make it private. In this matter, whether you make it public or not has its own pros and cons. If you make it public, you will be able to be together in the future. There will be less trouble, but there may be Some interference; if you don’t make it public, you may need to pay more attention when you continue together.”

“I don’t have any problems, I don’t know her side. Wait a moment, I ask Martha’s opinion, and then I will go back to you.” Zhang Guan hung up the phone.

“What’s wrong?” Sharapova asked.

“My agent. Our affairs have been exposed by the media.” Zhang Guan said while secretly observing Sharapova’s reaction.

“Then I have to inform my agent.” Sharapova’s first reaction turned out to be his agent. Then she went on to explain: “The agent kept saying to me. I didn’t make a boyfriend, didn’t drink, basically didn’t go to parties, only knew to put energy on tennis, so I should tell him immediately and prepare him for coping. “

But this was obviously not the answer Zhang Guan wanted. He hesitated and finally said, “Actually, I mean. Do we want to make our affairs public?”

Sharapova’s face suddenly became somber. She put down her phone and looked at Zhang Guan very seriously. Then she was very excited and asked: “Why would you ask me this question? Do you want me to be your invisible girlfriend? Every A secret date with you? Seems like a mistress is going to bed with you as usual? Then you can leave completely irresponsibly as if nothing has happened? If one day, you meet a better woman, Will you throw me away like throwing away garbage?”

Zhang Guan didn’t expect Sharapova’s reaction to be so great, he just wanted to ask her for her opinion. Zhang Guan then realized that the reason why Sharapova had such a big reaction was because of the insecurity that had always been hidden in her heart.

In front of the public, Sharapova is completely a female man. She shows her strongest side to everyone, but Zhang Guan knows that Sharapova is not as strong as everyone sees. She It was just an eighteen-year-old girl who was under pressure that was not in accordance with her age, or that she began to be under pressure that was not in accordance with her age seven or eight years ago.

Now, Zhang Guan knows that, like other women, she is very fragile and needs the care of others.

Perhaps, she had long wished to tell everyone that she was not alone, and she was accompanied by her.

Perhaps, when she chose to play at Disney, she had already decided to make the relationship between the two public, and she thought Zhang Guan would understand what she meant.

However, Zhang Guan foolishly looked ahead for her and did not understand her intentions until now.

At this moment, Zhang Guan felt a little touched. He suddenly hugged Sharapova and whispered in her ear: “Martha, I’m sorry, I didn’t understand your mind earlier. I don’t know how you think so! In fact, from the day we were together, I hoped to be able to announce to the world that I have a girlfriend. And today, I can finally say this to the world proudly. Maria-Sara Powa, my girlfriend of Zhang Guan…”

Tears rolled down from the corner of Sharapova’s eyes, she fell on Zhang Guan’s shoulders and cried happily. (To be continued.)

ps: I delivered it in Chapter 3 today, asking for a guaranteed monthly pass. Chapters that are published regularly at home during the Chinese New Year. On New Year’s Eve today, I also wish all the family of book friends and the United States and America, good health and well-being, happiness and happiness every day, and a safe life!

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