All-round Athlete

v3 Chapter 80 - Qualifiers skip eight meters

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Sports reporter Yang Zhongyi came to the site of the pre-match press conference early, and then occupied a good position. Soon after, other reporters also came here one after another, and several familiar people also came to say hello to Yang Zhongyi .

There are just a few journalists who often run the track and field line in China, and they all know each other. Before the press conference before the game, the reporters just got together and chatted.

“Old Yang, Zhang Guan did not participate in the sprint event this time!” said a young reporter. This reporter, named Sun, is a reporter who specializes in the line of Zhang Guan, and this media is the one that first reported the love between Zhang Guan and Sharapova last year.

“I know, Zhang Guan signed up for the long jump.” Yang Zhongyi then asked: “Aren’t you always following Zhang Guan’s line? How is Zhang Guan’s long jump practice now, do you know? Tell me first! “

Reporter Xiaosun shook his head: “How can I know this! The old man at the gate of Xinzhuang Base also knows that you don’t have oil and salt, and you don’t want to go in to interview the door. You are old Yang, after all, an official reporter of the Tian Association , But the regular army must know some new news!”

“I don’t know.” Yang Zhongyi spread his hands together: “The national team training is confidential, especially Zhang Guan. The level of confidentiality is the highest. I know it is similar to that of you. But I think that Zhang Guan should be very long jumped. Awesome, if the average sprinter jumps a long distance, his results are good. Zhang Guan might be able to jump over the eight-meter mark!”

“Is eight meters far away? I checked it before I came here. The national record for long jump is 8 meters 40! You see Zhang Guan breaking Asian records in sprinting is just like playing. How to jump long has to break the whole country. Record it!” Xiao Sun said.

Yang Zhongyi shook his head slightly: “It’s very difficult. This long jump is different from sprinting. In the case of sprinting, our country’s previous strength is quite weak, but long jump. Our country has always been very strong, at least top in Asia The standard! The 8m40 you said is not only a national record but also an Asian record!”

“No, I checked when I came, the Asian record is 8 meters 48!” Xiao Sun said.

“The Asian record for the long jump was just broken last month.” Yang Zhongyi thought carefully. Then he said, “I remember it was July 2nd. It was a Saudi player who broke this Asian record, and he was also the holder of the Asian record for the long jump.”

Xiao Sun nodded and said, “Lao Yang, do you think Zhang Guan will go to the Asian Games long jump, will it work? Can he get the championship? This runs 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters. Plus a long jump , But there are four events in the world, I am afraid there are no athletes who can master these four events at the same time!”

“Why not? Isn’t the American Marion Jones mastered these four projects? And they are all world-class. As for the Asian Games…” Yang Zhongyi paused, then said: “In fact, the Asian Games’ long jump record ratio The Asian record is much lower, it seems to be 8 meters 14 and it was created by Kazakh Suriman at the last Busan Asian Games. I wondered, Zhang Guan might be able to fight a long jump gold medal at the Asian Games.”

“If you add a sprint, wouldn’t it be four gold medals for the Asian Games? If the 4x100m race, a few other players from our country give it a little more strength, it will be five gold medals!” Xiao Sun exclaimed, and then spoke After a turn, he said: “Maybe there are more than five gold medals. This time Zhang Guan also signed up for the 800 meters and 1500 meters. Maybe he can get two more gold medals in the middle…”

“You can think more about it.” Yang Zhongyi said with a smile: “As far as I know. This time the national team did not intend to send people to participate in the 800 meters and 1500 meters of the Asian Games! And the middle and sprint are completely Differently, the two projects of 400 meters and 800 meters have some similarities. Zhang Guan is the world’s first in the 400 meters project. It should be no problem to get a place in the domestic 800 meters race, but 1500 meters It’s different. To be honest, I really don’t like Zhang Guan in the 1500-meter run. I hope he can run an ideal result!”

The National Athletics Championships will be contested for four days. The timing of this competition is also different. In the past, the domestic track and field grand prix was held in the daytime, and this time the competition was arranged in the afternoon and evening, and the Olympic Games, Asian Games World-class competitions such as meetings are synchronized, but also to simulate the scene of the competition and cultivate the athlete’s sense of competition.

On the first day, Zhang Guan will participate in the 800m preliminaries and long jump qualifying matches. In the afternoon, the qualifier for the long jump will be held first, and in the evening, the preliminaries for the 800-meter middle race.

In track and field jumping events, such as the Olympics and other large-scale competitions, there will be more participants, so qualifying competitions are held. For some track and field competitions with relatively small numbers of participants, there is no need to qualify for the jumping event and go directly to the finals.

The level of long jump for domestic athletes is fairly good. There are some excellent long jump athletes in the provinces, so there are a lot of participants in the long jump event. Therefore, the long jump event will be held on the first day. The qualification game is divided into two groups, each Athletes can jump three times. The two groups of athletes accumulate the best scores.

Zhang Guan was divided into the qualifying group a. There are a total of 18 athletes in this group. The order of appearance is determined by the draw. Zhang Guan draws the eleventh appearance. There are also many well-known players in the same group as Zhang Guan, such as Zhang Xin, the champion of the 10th National Games, and Gu Junjie, who is proficient in long jump and triple jump.

Since the competition system is the top twelve of the total scores of the two groups of qualified players in the finals, Zhang Guan not only has to compete with the players in this group, but also has to face the challenges of the group b players. And group a played before group b. Under this system, it is obviously a disadvantage.

After the game started, the referee signaled the athletes to prepare, and then let the first athlete try to jump.

For the chance of three trial jumps in qualifying, athletes often take a more stable jump in the first jump to ensure the success rate. Get a guaranteed score first.

Perhaps it is to achieve this guaranteed score, or perhaps the level is relatively limited. The first jump of the first athlete only jumped 7.25 meters. This result is regarded as a national track and field championship. It’s worse.

The situation of the second athlete is slightly better. He jumped 7.41 meters, and the third and fourth athletes did not jump 7.5 meters. Until the fifth famous player Gu Junjie appeared, he jumped 7.66 meters, which is a good result.

The strengths of the following athletes are more general, and the results are also around 7.5 meters, and two of them choose some unrestrained tactics. As a result, there were no results due to fouls.

Although there are eighteen athletes participating in this group of qualifying matches, each person even prepares to complete the jump action, which actually takes a minute, so the speed of the game is still very fast, less than twenty minutes after the start of the game , It was Zhang Guan’s turn to play.

“Look at the long jump. Zhang Guan is going to play!”

Everyone’s attention was focused on the long jump competition venue, and Zhang Guan had just stepped onto the run zone.

“How long can you say Zhang Guan can jump? Can he jump 7 meters 5?”

“I don’t think it’s a big problem. 100-meter sprinters can achieve good results in long jumps, and Zhang Guan is the world’s number one in 100-meter sprints. Even if his long jump skills are poor, his physical talent is there, skip 7 meters. 5 Still no problem.”

“Stop talking. Zhang Guan started running!”

“Wow, run fast!”

“It’s worthy of being the world’s first flying man, this speed!”

Zhang Guan in the running zone started to run, and then increased his speed to the limit in a rhythmic manner, and then aroused excitement and cheers around him.

They are also athletes. Others can’t do Zhang Guan’s run-up speed. There are many people with knowledge in the field. Judging from Zhang Guan’s run-up speed alone. It can be predicted that Zhang Guan’s jump must not be simple, and may exceed the 7.66 meters that Gu Junjie just had.

Zhang Guan approached the springboard. He stepped on the plate, his toes were far away from the performance, and then began to jump.

“It’s so high! Hey? Is this squatting?” Zhang Guan rose from the sky, and the height looked very good, but someone immediately noticed that Zhang Guan used the squatting pose.

“With squatting, it is really a beginner!”

The squat is the lowest-tech vacated posture used by beginners. However, not many squats are used in high-level competitions. Even domestic athletes are mainly striding.

“This posture is pretty ugly.”

“Technology is more general, and the sense of rhythm is poor.”

“The sense of balance in the air is barely qualified!”

While Zhang Guan was still in the air, the professional coaches and long jumpers who watched the battle commented in their hearts.

“Poof…” Zhang Guan fell into the bunker.

In the game, the markings were standing directly next to the bunker. At this time, according to the mark left by Zhang Guan, he has skipped the eight-meter marking!

“After the eight meter line!” someone exclaimed directly. The vast majority of people turned their attention to the referee at the springboard. They wanted to know whether Zhang Guan’s performance in this jump was effective.

The referee raised the white flag and the result is valid!

“Results are valid! It’s broken eight meters! Is it broken eight meters?”

“It feels so easy for him to jump! Just a run-up, just jump, it broke eight meters!”

“It’s worthy of Zhang Guan, genius, really genius! It broke eight meters on the first jump!”

“8.05 meters!” The referee said the final result after the measurement.

The scene was boiling again.

“This is the qualifier, so we jumped to 8.05 meters. Unfortunately, the qualifier results will not be counted in the finals. If it is the result tomorrow, it may be possible to win the championship.”

“Yes, last year’s 10th National Games long jump champion’s final result seems to be 7.99 meters, not yet broken eight meters!”

“But that’s fine, Zhang Guan will definitely make it to the final.”

“Nonsense, 8.05 meters, even the finals of the Olympic Games can be entered, let alone our national track and field championship.”

“You said that Zhang Guan will go to the long jump in the next Olympics?”

“It shouldn’t be. 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters. If you add another long jump, Zhang Guan wouldn’t be too busy!”

Whether it was athletes, coaches or spectators, there was intense discussion. (To be continued.)

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