All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 419 - Unlimited physical strength

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The American team who escaped from death was celebrating, and Love and Westbrook were obviously the heroes of the American team, surrounded by everyone.

“Russell (Westbrook), how did you do it! It was at that time that it appeared on the ball’s landing point!” Iguodala asked rather happily.

“I know Kevin (Love) will definitely throw the ball to that position! Don’t forget that we used to be teammates!” Westbrook said.

Both Wei Shao and Love were attending the University of California, Los Angeles during their college years. They had led the school team to the NCAA semi-finals many times, so there was a certain tacit understanding between the two.

Durant also has a gleeful face. Others may be surprised by the talent displayed by Wei Shao, but Durant will not be like this. He knows how amazing the talent of his teammate is. He even knows it. In time, Wei Shao will definitely become a superstar in the NBA.

“The fourth overtime is about to start. I didn’t expect this game to be so difficult. I have to reach the fourth overtime, but I will never allow the fifth overtime!” Du Rand clenched his fists fiercely.

A few minutes later, Durant sat on the bench, panting heavily.

“Damn, it’s actually the fifth overtime.”

The score not far away showed that the score of the two sides was 134 to 134, which means that in the fifth overtime, the two sides only scored six points each, this shooting rate is not high.

As for the Chinese team, the backup center has left five offenses in this quarter. Zhang Zhaoxu, who is 2 meters 21 in height, has appeared in the center position. He has maintained the height advantage of the Chinese team.

Counting the previous positions of Dayao, Arab League and Sun Yue, the Chinese team with 1 injury retired and 3 five offenders left the field, and has already reduced 4 people.

Zhou Peng and Ding Jinhui were also fouled four times and fouled three times. At this time, Deng Huade’s platoon formation appeared to be stretched out, and even the youngest 17-year-old Guo Dashao on the bench also got a chance to play.

The American team has put a lot of energy into it.

Durant is the man with the most physical exertion. As the core of the Dream Nine team, Durant played 25 minutes per game at the World Championships, and today is the World Championship finals, so the appearance time is longer, in regular time Here, Durant played for nearly thirty minutes, and in the next four overtime, Durant stayed on the field, so today Durant played for nearly 50 minutes.

The regular time of an NBA game is only 48 minutes, so Durant today is equivalent to playing an entire NBA game. And since the second half of the fourth quarter, the United States team has not changed Durant, his physical exertion has become greater and greater, at this time Durant encountered physical problems. Although he can still run on the court, he can still jump and break, but the hit rate has dropped very seriously because of physical strength, which is why the US team only scored six points in the fifth overtime.

Another person who has physical problems with the American team is Odom.

Odom is deeply trusted by Shashevsky. His playing time is second only to Durant. He is currently playing close to 45 minutes. If it is placed five years ago, this may not be a big deal. Odom can average 40 minutes per game in the NBA, but since getting married last year, Odom’s physical strength has been much worse than before.

Odom’s weight is about the same as Durant, but his endurance is far less than Durant. At this time, Durant still has the power to fight, and Odom really has no power at all.

“It seems that Odom is no longer available. I remember that Odom had good endurance. Since he married the woman with big ass, people have become soft feet shrimp!” Billups silently Shook his head.

Odom married the celebrity Kohler Kardashian in 2009, and Kardashian’s bulging figure made many NBA stars envy Odom. However, for basketball players, Kardashian can be described as a poison. In the eyes of many fans, Kardashian is synonymous with “ruleless”.

Billups did not laugh at Odom, he was only sad for Odom. After all, before James, Odom was the youngest triple-double player in the NBA, and he is a player who can play from the first position to the fifth position. The Almighty King. What’s more, Billups is no better than Odom.

Billups is now better than Odom, but worse than Durant. After all, he is already 34 years old, and it is no longer possible to run on the court without scruples like he was when he was younger.

Shashevsky’s face was very green. He could tell from the player’s condition that Odom and Billups could not continue to play.

As the two oldest players in the Dream Nine team, Odom and Billups have always been trusted by Shashevsky, and they have always appeared in the starting lineup. Their role is not just data. Embodied. If both men are off, the Mengjiu team will lose two Dinghaishen needles.

“Durant’s physical strength is also a hidden danger.” Shashevsky’s heart suddenly felt a trace of regret. He felt that the first few overtime games should not be stingy.

Shashevsky refused to call a timeout, because he didn’t want to give Zhang Guan a chance to breathe. He thought Zhang Guan’s physical strength could not be sustained, but he ignored one thing, that is, his team members also did not get a chance to breathe. . As a result, Zhang Guan did not end yet. Odom and Billups had to end first.

In the fifth overtime, the US team’s lineup is Love, Durant, Iguodala, Ross and Wei Shao.

Zhang Guan used a bottle of physical potion, while still using a bottle of state potion.

His playing time has reached 60 minutes, and with the continuous accumulation of playing time, the consumption of physical strength has also increased geometrically. At the same time, the rapid physical consumption also makes his state consumption become faster.

“Fortunately, there is a physical potion, otherwise, I can’t move now.” Zhang Guan stood up, looked at the lineup of the American team, but found that Odom and Billups did not appear.

“The U.S. team has also been replaced, and it has been the biggest change in two grades. It must be a physical problem.” Zhang Guan looked at his teammates again and frowned slightly.

“The US team only encountered physical problems, but we are almost going to be replaced!” Zhang Guan sighed helplessly, he felt that the game can no longer be endlessly delayed.

At this time Westbrook’s morale was booming. Not long ago, his air relay saved the American team, which made him play the momentum and gave him the courage to challenge Zhang Guan. Now he took over Billups’ position and directly faced Zhang Guan. He did not hesitate to choose a one-on-one positive breakthrough.

The Chinese team is desperate to be one-on-one with Zhang Guan, because the other players of the Chinese team are far inferior to the American players. The one-on-one confrontation is definitely a loss. Only Zhang Guan can compete with American players.

Zhang Guan was a little inexplicable. He didn’t understand where Westbrook came from. He dared to stand one-on-one with himself.

Wei Shao tried to break through the first time without success; the second attempt to break through was still unsuccessful; the third time he tried to break through, the ball was directly destroyed by Zhang Guan, and the American team’s attack ended in failure.

The American team quickly retreated, and the Chinese team’s advancement speed was obviously slower by half a beat. When Zhang Guan drove the ball across the midfield, the others had not followed.

Zhang Guan didn’t pay attention to the other teammates. He looked at the front. Wei Shao, Ross and Iguodala had all retired. If Zhang Guan wants to force the attack, it will be a 1 3 situation.

However, Zhang Guan did not stop the ball. He held the ball on his right and made a breakthrough directly from Wei Shao’s right.

Iguodala rushed to the right to prepare for the first defense, and Wei Shao involuntarily moved to the right, trying to block Zhang Guan’s breakthrough route.

Zhang Guan rushed to the three-point line, he bowed to the right, but his left hand suddenly reached the right, and at this time, his left palm was outward.

“Not good!” Wei Shao secretly screamed, but Zhang Guan already had the next move. His left hand slammed the ball from the right to the left, and then the center of gravity of the body also moved to the left. At this moment, Zhang Guan’s breakthrough from the right to a breakthrough on the left.

This time the change came too abruptly. The three defenders of the US team didn’t have time to react. They were rushed to the rim by Zhang Guan and then scored with a layup.

“Sam Gaode! This is Sam Gaode’s extraordinary!” CCTV’s commentator exclaimed.

Zhang Guan’s change to extraordinary is indeed not an extraordinary extraordinary, but the famous catching action “Sam Gold”. This extraordinary is actually a streetball action, created by the famous catching star Sam Gold-Gold, so it is named “Sam Gold”, the English name is “Shammgod”.

Most of the actions of streetball are not suitable for formal games. Especially in some high-intensity games, fancy streetball moves are even rarer. The “Sam Gold” is a kind of technical action that can be played in official games. There are many variants of this action, and some of them are also quite combative.

The extraordinary movement Zhang Guan used today is obviously one of the more difficult variants, because Zhang Guan completed this movement in a high-speed run, and at the same time, the amplitude of Zhang Guan’s dribbling to the right was compared. Big, which makes it difficult for him to adjust the center of gravity. More importantly, Zhang Guan’s movements are very fast, so that Wei Shao is too late to react.

For the top NBA defenders, “Sam Gold” is probably just an entry-level street ball passing action, especially those black defenders with strong physical fitness. Not a few. However, when Zhang Guan showed this action, Shashevsky on the bench was ashamed.

Although streetball moves are fancy, they have always been physically exhausting. Zhang Guan’s set of “Sam Goud” has often been completed only when he has plenty of physical strength. If you do not have enough physical strength, you cannot achieve such a fast speed, nor can you have enough power to shift your body’s center of gravity in an instant. Zhang Guan’s ability to make such a set of actions shows that his physical strength is still very abundant.

“Sam Gorde! Zhang Guan can still make such a difficult Sam Gord! Can he still have so much physical strength to complete this kind of action? How is it possible? He has played for 60 minutes! Even if the physical strength is good, it should not be able to hold up. How could there be a freak like Zhang Guan? He should not come to play basketball, he should go to run a marathon! Certainly he can break the world record!” Complained.

The next second, Shashevski suddenly thought that for Zhang Guan, the most important thing is perhaps the world record… (to be continued.)

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