All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 428 - against

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the all-round athlete!

The Tour de France is the most well-known cycling event in the world and one of the oldest sports events in the world. The Tour de France began in 1903, not too many years later than the modern Olympics.

Cycling is still very popular in European and American countries. When domestic people began to take cars instead, Western Europe and even Americans felt that cycling is a very fashionable and environmentally friendly sport. Therefore, there are many road cycling races in Europe. In addition to the Tour de France, the Tour de Italy and the Tour de Spain are also very famous.

The Tour de France is held once a year, and the schedule for each year is different. This year’s starting point is the French province of Vendée, the end point is still the Champs Elysees in Paris, and Zhongtong will pass through Italy. A total of 22 teams participated in the Tour de France, including 18 teams meeting the standard and 4 wild card teams.

The registered teams of the International Bicycle Federation are divided into four levels: professional teams, intercontinental professional teams, intercontinental teams and national teams. Among them, professional teams automatically lock the Tour de France places, so there are only a dozen of them that can meet the standards of professional teams worldwide, while other intercontinental professional teams can only break the blood for the wild card quota. As for the Intercontinental Team and the National Team, they are not even qualified to participate in the Tour de France.

Tour de France teams are generally disdain to participate in small competitions, such as the Qinghai Lake cycling race held in China. Although it is the top cycling event in Asia, it is not a level compared to Tour de France. It is a general intercontinental career. At most, the team is also a member of the second team. At the level of the Taihu Lake cycling race, the intercontinental professional team is not willing to send even the second team.

The threshold for participating in Tour de France is not low. Generally speaking, if you want to participate in Tour de France, you must first have a sponsorship fee of 8 million euros, plus the investment of various equipment and normal expenses during the competition. If there is 10 million euros, this is the minimum standard. However, considering that Tour de France has only one month, other races such as Italy and Spain also need to spend money, drivers need to pay, and daily training costs money, so a team burns 20 to 30 million euros a year. Funding is normal.

Formula One is hailed as the most money-burning sport in the world, but road bikes that pedal on two legs are not much less than the F1 on the accelerator. The expenses of the top cycling team are greater than the expenses of some weak teams in Formula One.

None of the teams that can participate in the Tour de France are poor. The 10 star guests invited by the organizers to help out, the team was also very enthusiastic when auctioning places. After all, 20 to 30 million euros a year is available, and I don’t care about spending more money to get a good reputation.

The ten guests also came from different fields, of which athletes accounted for four. In addition to Zhang Guan and Zidane, there are French star Tony Parker and the retired Tour de France five champion Andulan.

In addition, there are Atango, “Elven Prince” Orlando Bloom, Justin Timberlake, JAY-Z and two business people.

“90,000 euros! Did it exceed 90,000 euros, 90,000 euros! 90,000 euros for the first time! Oh, 901,000, 91,000 euros! The Katyusha team sold out 91,000 euros! 9 Twenty-thousand euros! Rabo Bank has made out ninety-two thousand euros! Is there any more than ninety-two thousand euros!”

The auctioneer holding a small hammer, like a market hawker, constantly peddling.

“One hundred thousand euros! The Belgian lottery team drove out the price of one hundred thousand euros! One hundred thousand euros once! One hundred thousand euros twice!”

“The deal! We thank the Lotto team for their contribution to charity! Then in the first stage of the Tour de France the following day, Zhang Guan will wear the uniform of the Belgian Lotto team to participate in the race!”

The Belgian Lotto team was established in 1985. It is a veteran of the Tour de France and a professional team that has always been veteran. One of the characteristics of this team is that it is very good at fan economy. Therefore, it is in Europe and even in the world. There are many fans.

The equipment and racing of the Belgian Lotto team can be bought on their official website. Some domestic bicycle fans will also go to Haitao to buy the equipment of the Belgian Lotto team. Although the price is not cheap, it is a serious Tour de France after all equipment. And fans can spend 50 euros on the official website to become a shareholder of the Lotto team. Of course, such shareholders will not receive any dividends, but they can have a seat at the shareholders’ meeting and can pretend to be in the circle of friends. A coupon will also be given, which can also be discounted when shopping on the Lotto.

For a team that is good at attracting attention, it will definitely take one of the guest places. In the end, they chose Zhang Guan, the most famous athlete in the world. Perhaps they feel that the European market is saturated and want to open up a new Asian market.

At the opening ceremony of the Tour de France, all teams and drivers made their debuts. The team’s main drivers will be interviewed. Ten guests will also appear on the scene. In addition, there are some fancy performances of bicycle performances and French characteristics. Some performances.

In the lounge, most of the contestants are here. Officially prepared drinks and desserts for them. It has become a small gathering for drivers.

“Yesterday’s auction was very lively. My idol, Tom Cruise, was here, and I took a picture with him!” a young driver said excitedly.

“The old car king Andulan also came. When he dominated Tour de France, I was just a ten-year-old kid. I didn’t expect to play with him tomorrow!” said another.

“People are just performing a ride for a while, you think they are really like us, riding the whole journey!”

“It’s okay to ride for a while, but it’s the Tour de France’s five-time champion Anduran! To see if there is a chance tomorrow, I will go side by side with Anduran and find someone to take a picture for us to remember!” Said for longing.

“Although Andulan retired, he should have been working out without interruption, maybe he will be like us, riding the entire journey!”

“Impossible, even if Duran can ride the full distance, it is basically our speed. He is already 46 years old! Among these guests, it is estimated that only Tony Parker and Zhang Guan can ride the full distance! Both of them Are active athletes.”

“Maybe Zhang Guan can catch up with our speed!” The young driver continued: “Don’t forget that Zhang Guan is Chinese, and China is the bicycle kingdom. I heard that Chinese people are born to ride bicycles.”

“Zhang Guan? How old is he!” An untimely voice sounded, and everyone looked back and saw a brown-haired man in his early thirties.

“It’s Cardel Evans of the American BMC racing team!” Several young drivers looked awe-inspiring. Obviously the other party was a famous player.

Only Evans said with disdain: “Bike Kingdom? If the Chinese were really so powerful, they would have won the Tour de France!”

“But I heard that Zhang Guan is proficient in many sports, and maybe his bike is also very good.” A young driver interjected.

“No matter how good it is, it’s only amateur level. Is it comparable to a professional rider!” Evans continued to show a disdainful expression: “Thanks to his not being a cyclist, if he is a cyclist, he can only follow. Behind my ass! Troops, maybe he can’t even catch my back! Haha…”

“Caddell, you talk too much!” said a person next to him. It was Cadell Evans’ teammate named Berghart.

“Why, am I wrong?” Evans sneered. “Playing bicycles, they can’t get their Chinese arrogance!”

“Cadell, don’t say it!” Berghart grabbed Evans with his hand, and then made a color with him.

Evans looked into Berghart’s eyes and found that behind the crowd, Zhang Guan did not know when he had stood there. At this time, Zhang Guan had already put on the Belgian Lotto team uniform and was frowning at Evans. Obviously he had heard what Evans had just said.

“Zhang Guan is here. When did he arrive? He was wearing a Belgian Lotto uniform. I really didn’t pay attention to him. Looking at his expression, I must have heard what Evans just said!”

“It’s hilarious now, Evans is scolding him in front of Zhang Guan!”

“Will the two of them fight? The drivers and guests fight before the race, and the Tour de France is the first!”

“If we really fight, we have to hide far away. Don’t forget, Zhang Guan killed a dozen heavyweight champions in a week. It is estimated that one punch can knock Evans!”

“It’s not your reminder. I really forgot. I don’t want to wait for a while now. Let’s stand by now, lest it really hit the pond fish, we still have to compete!”

While the drivers whispered, they involuntarily gave way to Zhang Guan.

However, after seeing Zhang Guan, Cardel Evans did not have any apologies, even a little embarrassment. Instead, he increased his voice: “The Chinese do not even have the qualifications to participate in the Tour de France. Relying on the guests to show their faces, don’t look at their billions of people who can ride bicycles. Even if they are given 100 years, they will not win a Tour de France! I heard that Belgian Lotto spent 100,000 on Zhang Guan. The euro, I want to see, this money is sloppy. China does not even have an intercontinental car. They do not understand the Tournament at such a high level!

Zhang Guan’s brows became tighter and tighter, at this time he had already heard that this Kadel-Evans discourse was aimed at himself everywhere.

“When did I offend this person? Cardel Evans, I don’t seem to know him! Without injustice and hatred, why did he openly target me?” (To be continued.)

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