All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 435 - Rushing in the first place

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the all-round athlete!

“Kaka Kaka…” The sound of the camera shutter sounded around, and almost all the reporters pointed the lens at the track, which was the first driver to enter the supply zone.

“Whoosh!” The driver did not slow down in the supply area, and still maintained a speed of nearly forty kilometers. This speed was really just passing in front of people.

“It’s fast!” Victor sighed, and the camera was placed on his chest, and he began to view the photos he had just taken.

“Huh? When did the Belgian Lotto team have an Asian driver?” Victor said to himself.

“That’s Zhang Guan. You are a reporter covering sports, don’t you even know Zhang Guan?” said one immediately.

“It’s really Zhang Guan.” Victor smiled, “You know, in my opinion, the Chinese look the same, all have yellow skin and black hair.”

“Why did Zhang Guan appear here? The drivers haven’t arrived yet. Why did he come first as a guest?” the man who spoke before asked.

“Haha, don’t you know!” A slightly older photographer came together and said, “I just watched the live broadcast on the TV station. Guess who was the first one to sprint?”

“Who is it? Cavendish?” Victor asked.

“You absolutely can’t think of it. Zhang Guan was the first to rush through the sprint point!” The old photographer continued: “According to the information I received, Zhang Guan has been staying in the big army since the start, riding with other drivers. “

“Do you mean that Zhang Guan walks in front of all the drivers?” Victor felt incredible.

“I can’t believe it either.” The old photographer shrugged. “It looks like it’s true now. Zhang Guan just passed by us. I think this year’s Tour de France has a good show!”

The game gradually entered the second half, and the “rabbits” of the teams came out one after another and began to lead their teammates to ride. Although there were small collision accidents during this period, the players involved could all return to the big army quickly, so it did not affect the overall situation.

More and more people have also noticed Zhang Guan, because Zhang Guan has always been running at the forefront, and he has kept a distance of about thirty seconds with the big troops behind him.

As the first driver, there is always an official motorcycle in front of the road. The photographer’s lens on the motorcycle is also aimed at Zhang Guan. The picture of Zhang Guan’s riding is being broadcast on TV. The signal spreads all over the world.

With Zhang Guan’s reputation, wherever he goes is the focus of people’s attention, and Tour de France is a world-famous event. When the audience saw Zhang Guan’s figure on the TV, they were all surprised.

“Zhang Guan? That is Zhang Guan? How could Zhang Guan be there? Am I reading the wrong channel? This is not the Tour de France. How can I see Zhang Guan?”

“Zhang Guan is in this line, and there is this bike. Is he participating in the Tour de France? Haven’t heard that he changed to cycling?”

“What the **** is going on? Zhang Guan participated in the Tour de France? This should be regarded as the first person in China to participate in the Tour de France! I just don’t know how many he is now. There seems to be no other drivers before and after Zhang Guan. It should be that the big army is far behind! He is not a professional cyclist after all, it is normal to be thrown away.”

The man was talking to himself, and the broadcaster gave a subtitle that showed Zhang Guan’s current ranking.

“First! I read it right! Zhang Guan is the first!”

“Zhang Guan not only participated in the Tour de France, but also ranked first! Is this a joke? Is it a tricky show made by foreign countries?”

“What the **** is going on? Who told me what happened? When did Zhang Guan appear on the Tour de France and rank first?”

In front of the TV, on the Internet, countless viewers are talking, they don’t know what happened.

The race also entered the final thirty kilometers. The “rabbits” of the teams led their masters to start sprinting forward, while the drivers responsible for carrying water began to lag behind others. The big army was quickly divided into three parts, with the top players being the top players, the middle players, and the back players.

In the last fifteen kilometers, the “rabbits” of the teams are about to run out of energy. They start to give up their positions and let the masters go forward for the final sprint. After the final replenishment of the drinks, the team leaders will put water bottles Throw it away, ready to enter *****.

There were only more than forty drivers who could participate in this final contest, and there were almost two people in each team. These forty people quickly led the group and pulled away from the drivers behind, rushing towards the finish line.

The sprint speed of the Tour de France is very fast. When the world’s top riders ride at full speed, the speed will exceed 70 kilometers per hour. Of course, this is not the limit speed of the cyclist. The world’s top sprinter is at The top speed of the downhill section can even reach 120 kilometers.

Finally, the leading group entered the final 10 kilometers of competition, they finally saw the figure of Zhang Guan.

The British Sky team driver Thomas is in the front row of the leading group. He sprinted and looked forward, but found that there was a figure shaking in front.

“Why is there another person in front? Are we not the leading group? How can someone ride faster than us! Who is that guy? When did he go ahead?” Thomas thought to himself.

Behind Thomas, Van Den Brock of the Belgian Lotto team was surprised, because he had recognized that the man in front was wearing his team uniform. Van Den Brock is far more familiar with the lotto team uniforms than others.

“The one in front of us is who we are! Who is it?” Van Den Brock looked subconsciously behind him, and he confirmed that his teammate Gilbert was not far behind him.

“Gilbert is behind me. Who is the person in front of me? Who can be so fast besides Gilbert and me in our team? This has reached the final ten kilometers and is still in the leading group In front of you!”

The drivers of the leading group have already seen Zhang Guan in front, but they are far away. They can only tell that Zhang Guan is wearing the lotto team uniform, but they don’t know Zhang Guan’s identity.

There was only one person who vaguely guessed who the person in front was.

“It’s Zhang Guan!” Evans’ face was extremely pale. He was paying attention to Zhang Guan along the way, but he never saw Zhang Guan’s figure. Evans even thought Zhang Guan got on the bus early to rest, or hid in a corner.

But now he understands that Zhang Guan is always in front of him, and he never sees Zhang Guan, not because Zhang Guan hides, but because he is not fast enough!

“Zhang Guan even ran in front of me! I don’t believe it! How could I lose to that Chinese!” Evans recalled the words against Zhang Guan that he said in the lounge yesterday, when many people were present. Hear, now it seems that his face is being beaten!


After the 6th change is over, it will continue to erupt tomorrow. Can you reward monthly tickets? (To be continued.)

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