All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 497 - Counterattack started

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Playing with the gold medal in his hand, Zhang Guan’s face showed a cold expression. He remembered that today’s game was originally the seventh departure, but was arranged to the first departure to go to the mine.

“Sebastien, I started playing Yin!” Zhang Guan sneered: “Come here and never be rude. Since this is the case, don’t blame me for playing Yin. Sebastian, I also have to find something for you to do!”

Zhang Guan closed his eyes and carefully recalled the events related to the London Olympics.

“In the eyes of future generations, there are indeed a lot of unfairness in the London Olympics. These can be used as an essay! According to the schedule, the venue bicycle race is about to start. In the team racing, it is You can make a fuss.” Zhang Guan first thought of the team racing of the venue bike.

First, in the women’s team competition, the Chinese team came up from the preliminaries and broke the world record twice. In the final, the Chinese team also reached the finish line first, but was judged as five minutes after the game. Foul, the gold medal has become a silver medal. The reason for the foul announced by the referee was that the player suspected that the wheel was under pressure during the handover.

In the previous game, the same situation was not penalized, and before the game, the coach of the national team had specifically consulted the referee on this issue, and the answer was allowed.

That is to say, when the wheel pressure line appeared before, it was allowed by the referee and was not fouled. The referee won the penalty after the Chinese team won the championship. Obviously, it was artificially black China A gold medal for the team.

Zhang Guan remembered that when he saw the news, he was very angry, and the domestic media reports were biased at the time. The media reports at that time that the referee canceled the Chinese team’s gold medal for no reason. It wasn’t until later that the media dug out the real situation at the time. But in fact, it is impossible for the referee to award a foul without saying any reason. At that time, the referee also gave a basis for punishment, although it was a basis for punishment that was not uniform before and after.

Now Zhang Guan has experienced so many games, and his views on this matter are more mature. Zhang Guan feels that this kind of thing has two sides. The referee can deal with it and the punishment standard is not uniform, but the Chinese team is also a fact. This is equivalent to revealing a flaw, and then let people grasp the handle. The so-called flies don’t bite seamlessly. Imagine if the Chinese team didn’t press the line, so that the referee could not catch a flaw, there was no way to hack this gold medal.

“For women’s team racing, although the referee’s punishment standards are not uniform, anyway, they can still find a justified basis. Using this matter to make a fuss is afraid it will not be easy. After all, this is the home of the British! But the venue bike The men’s team racing…hehe!”

Zhang Guan smiled when he thought of the men’s team racing held on the same day.

In the London Olympics, the two teams that reached the finals of the men’s cycling competition in the venue were the British team and the French team. However, after the start of the game, the British player who fell behind after the start fell down. The referee decided that this was a In an accident, the race was announced to restart.

After the start, the British team started very well, but the French team affected the state because of the rematch, and finally the British team got the gold medal.

It would be fine if the matter ended like this, but the felling British player Sinders was a bit smug. He accidentally said something to the media after the game. He personally admitted that it was made before the game. Tactics, as soon as the start is unfavorable, immediately take the initiative to fall and get a chance to rematch.

After the French learned of this situation, they certainly would not give up. They complained to the organizing committee, but this is the home team of the British team, so the result of the complaint is that the British team’s approach is to use the rules reasonably without any problems.

The words “reasonable use of rules” sound quite ridiculous. When the Chinese team applied the rules in badminton doubles, it became a passive game and was disqualified. The Olympic Committee at the time said that the Chinese team’s approach was beyond the athlete’s bottom line.

But when the British team fell, the International Olympic Committee spokesman Adams said this: “British athletes respect the Olympic spirit. In the bicycle event, everyone saw that the British team made the biggest for victory. s hard work.”

This is the London Olympics. The British used the rules to fall, respecting the Olympic spirit and making their best efforts to win. The Chinese team used the rules to make the ball, but it became a passive game and became beyond the bottom line!

What’s even more ridiculous is that many Chinese who don’t know the inside story are still spraying badminton teams. They think that the badminton team made a big mistake in the ball and it violates the spirit of sports! These virgins should really go and see what other British people do, but the British people support the whopping Sinds!

It must be said that the British practice is very practical. When athletes in other countries have done wrong things, the British can criticize and criticize from the perspective of the Virgin; and if they have done something wrong, then make a statement and say the error is correct. On the contrary, the domestic Madonnas are the same. Athletes in their own country made mistakes, and they spurred vigorous blows; while athletes in other countries made mistakes, they had to find a reason to shirk their responsibility.

In the case of the British team’s fall, Zhang Guan’s view is definitely something that can be used. If used properly, it will be a major scandal for the London Olympics. What’s more, the French were the first to lose money in this incident. It is a good choice for French and British dogs to bite dogs.

There are many newspapers and magazines in Europe, and the circulation of such newspapers and magazines is relatively small. Most of them attract readers by relying on quirky or bizarre content.

France’s Observer is such a newspaper. This newspaper has less than 10,000 circulation in France, and its influence is only around Paris.

Charlie is the editor-in-chief of Observer, and on this day, as usual, he sat in the office, reading through the letters he had just sent.

“Bills, sales advertisements, bills, sales advertisements…as usual. Hey? What’s this? Breaking news?” Charlie suddenly found a strange letter with no signature, no postmark, and “Breaking news” written in the middle of the envelope. this phrase. .

This was obviously sent to the mail box of the Observer, rather than by mail.

“Breaking news?” Charlie opened the envelope, which contained several sheets of paper and a check.

Charlie took the lead in picking up this cheque. The figure of 10,000 euros on it surprised Charlie. Then Charlie opened the papers immediately. After careful reading, Charlie took a breath.

The first piece of paper is a letter, the content of which is to hope that the “Observer” can publish the content that will be revealed later, and the other party is willing to pay a sponsorship fee of 30,000 euros for this. This 10,000 euros cheque is a deposit .

“Thirty thousand euros!” Charlie suddenly gleamed.

Although France is a big European country, France’s wages are at the bottom of Europe, especially the unemployment rate has risen in recent years, and French wages have not risen for a long time. According to the statistics of the French government, the average monthly income of a Frenchman is only 2,000 Euros, which means that he earns more than 20,000 Euros throughout the year, and a Frenchman with an annual income of more than 40,000 Euros is considered a middle class.

So 30,000 Euros, for ordinary French people, is higher than their annual income.

Although Charlie has not seen what broke the news, but at the 30,000 Euros, he also decided to publish this so-called breaking news.

Afterwards, Charlie began to carefully read the following sheets of paper, and while reading, Charlie became more and more angry.

The content of the following papers is roughly that the British team has developed a winning strategy for the field bike. Once the start is not smooth, it will re-match by deliberately falling. And in order for the referee to cooperate to allow the British team to replay, Britain has already sent monetary benefits to the relevant personnel!

“Shameless! The Britons are so shameless! They bribe for victory!” Charlie sneered.

France is also a big cycling country, and the Tour de France is the world’s number one cycling event. In terms of field cycling, France is also very strong, and it is very hopeful to win a gold medal. If the British play tricks, they will naturally touch the interests of French athletes.

“Publish, such news, even without these 30,000 euros, it must be published! The shameless tricks of the British will be made public to the world!” Charlie made up his mind.

In France, not only the Observer newspaper received similar letters and checks, but many small newspapers also received the same letters with checks.

In Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, and even the British mainland, there are small newspapers that receive letters and checks. For these small newspapers, a sponsorship fee of 30,000 to 50,000 euros is a small fee. Moreover, these small newspapers originally attracted readers by publishing some weird content. The more amazing the content, the more bizarre. The easier it is to sell, the authenticity is irrelevant. So this news about the British team’s fall and bribery is also in line with the appetite of these small newspapers.

In order for these newspapers to publish news, Zhang Guan spent two million euros. Of course, this kind of thing does not need to be done by Zhang Guan personally. In the UK and even Europe, there are detective firms or consulting companies. As long as they give money, they will definitely be able to find the right media to spread the news.

So after explaining the matter, Zhang Guanbian ignored it, and he had to prepare for the evening game.

At 9:30 pm on August 1st, the preliminary round of the London Olympics boxing event with a weight of 91 kg and above will begin.


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