All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 509 - Blockbuster in the ring

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Federer is sitting in the stands. In the tennis semi-final just ended, he defeated Djokovic and won the Olympic bronze medal.

After all, Federer has won the Wimbledon championship many times. He is best at grass playing. At Wimbledon, Federer is very popular. As long as he does not encounter Murray, most British people are more supportive of Federer. His victory over Djokovic was also well-received.

At this time, Federer looked at Zhang Guan solemnly.

“Zhang Guan, you should have felt it. The atmosphere at home is frightening, suffocating, and even desperate! You are facing more than a Murray, but the whole of Britain! Will, now standing behind Murray, is supporting him. In this case, maybe even half of the normal state can not be played out!” Federer sighed softly.

In the semi-finals a day ago, Federer encountered Murray, he is exactly what happened today. The repressive feeling at Wimbledon Stadium and the hostility of British fans made Federer extremely uncomfortable. At that time, Federer did not play his normal state at all, and then lost to Murray.

Speaking of tennis technology, Murray is not as good as Federer, but it is similar. Two people can be said to be players of the same level. In terms of physical fitness, Murray, 25, is undoubtedly at its peak, and Federer, 31, is not too old, and the two are half a catty.

However, the difference in the state of the game made Federer lose to Murray.

Federer’s game status is actually not bad. The world ranking announced in the week before the Olympics is that Federer beat Djokovic and ranked first in the world. He has also become the No. 1 seed of the Olympic men’s tennis singles. Imagine how the world ranks first, how can it be bad.

But at the London Olympics, Federer was still unable to maintain his status at the British Devil’s home. But Murray, in the expectation and blessing of the entire British audience, the more courageous the Vietnam War, the better the condition is unparalleled.

After all, here is the United Kingdom, the place where tennis originates; here is Wimbledon, a sacred place for tennis; here is Murray’s home ground. Any tennis player who meets Murray here will feel the kind of devil away. Atmosphere, when they challenge Murray, they are challenging the will of all British fans!

Zhang Guan is to challenge the will of all British fans!

Zhang Guan knows without feeling that his current state is very bad, because in the system, the state value has been told to him by more intuitive numbers.

Not long ago, Zhang Guan just used a bottle of state potion, but now, in this bad away atmosphere, his state has dropped again.

Zhang Guan finally understood why Federer lost so badly when he met Murray in the semifinals. Playing in this environment, no matter who is facing Murray, I am afraid that they will be beaten.

“No wonder that Murray at the London Olympics is a BUG-like existence! This is no longer a home court, but the British are showing their tennis heritage, the heritage of an old empire!”

Zhang Guan sighed for a long time, and then used a bottle of state potion for himself, and then, while he was in good condition, quickly started to serve.


This ball, no matter the strength, speed or angle, can’t jump, the opposite Murray didn’t respond at all, Zhang Guan got this point.

Murray looked a little surprised, just now, he also felt that Zhang Guan’s state was constantly declining, and this ball was not like a bad person can send out.

“Maybe it’s just a coincidence!” Murray gripped the racket tightly and was ready to welcome the next ball.

“Whoosh!” Tennis flies again, and the speed, angle, and strength are still so perfect. Murray rushed over and swung, barely hitting the ball, but it was difficult to resist Zhang Guan’s next serve.

“Good shot!” Murray wiped the sweat on his head. Although it was an opponent, Murray had to admit that Zhang Guan’s shot was beautiful.

“Zhang Guan has adjusted his status back? Awesome, it is the owner of Jin Slam!” Murray sighed secretly.

At the same time as the tennis men’s singles finals, the Greenwich Center on the Greenwich Peninsula is currently in the gymnastics competition.

In the gymnastics arena, there are a total of three games today, namely the men’s ring final, the women’s uneven bars final and the men’s vault final. The first thing to start is the men’s ring final.

Although this game was in the finals, it did not attract too much attention from the audience. After all, there was also a tennis men’s singles final. The battle between Zhang Guan and Murray was more attractive than gymnastics. Therefore, the mainstream media in Europe and the United States are all focused on the tennis finals.

Italy, Russia, Bulgaria and other countries, the finals of the gymnastics rings were broadcast live, because these countries have players shortlisted to the finals, such as Moranti in Italy, Ballantin in Russia, and Jovchev in Bulgaria. It is a famous European player. However, in comparison, the influence of the media in these European countries is far inferior to the news media in Britain, France, Germany, and Spain.

At this time, in the United Kingdom, almost no one watched the gymnastics rings finals, and in Europe, there are not many people watching gymnastics.

Charlie, the editor-in-chief of Observer, is one of the few viewers. This is not how much he likes gymnastics, but because Observer has just published news about the ring final in today’s content. Although Charlie also felt that the news was nonsense, but driven by curiosity, he watched the broadcast on Italian TV via the Internet.

In the ring finals, the first appearance was the previous Olympic champion, Chinese athlete Chen Dabing, known as the “ring king”.

Chen Dabing’s technical action difficulty reached a full 6.8 points, which can be said to be the highest difficulty point in the ring project.

The completion of Chen Dabing’s movements is indeed perfect, and can’t pick any flaws.

“Awesome! Perfect action! This should get the highest score!” Although Charlie didn’t pay much attention to the gymnastics competition, it can be seen that Chen Dabing’s set of actions was very good.

On the TV, Chen Dabing’s final score appeared, with a difficulty score of 6.800, a completion score of 9.000, and a cumulative score of 15.800!

“15.800 points.” Charlie suddenly felt that this number was familiar. He seemed to have been talking about it yesterday. He hurriedly found the same yesterday’s news from the filing cabinet and saw the same number.

“Is this breaking news true? This is impossible! Coincidence! It must be coincidence!” Charlie’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He knew that if the results of the ring match confirmed the breaking news of this article, how terrible the impact would be. !

At this moment, Charlie was a little afraid, he felt that he might have stabbed Ma Honeycomb, maybe the Observation News should not publish this third article.

Wimbledon tennis court.

Murray looked at the score with some disappointment. The first game was the fourth set. In the third set just ended, he insisted on the tie-break and lost to Zhang Guan.

7-6/6-7/6-7, this is the score of the first three sets. Murray temporarily lags behind Zhang Guan in the total score of 1-2, and all three sets have reached the tie-break.

For Murray, these three games were extremely difficult, and seven consecutive innings in three consecutive games made Murray consume a lot of energy. At this moment, Murray even felt a little tired.

The intensity of the game is too great, and as the final of the Olympics, Murray is at home again. When he accepts the blessings from home fans, he also bears too much pressure. This pressure makes Murray consume more than usual. More physical strength.

If the game has been relatively smooth, physical exertion is not a problem. For example, in the face of Federer, Murray won the victory like slicing vegetables, and did not feel tired at all.

But now, Murray really feels a little tired.

The tie-breaker in three sets is against another opponent like Zhang Guan. For Murray, the intensity of this match is comparable to five sets in the ordinary game. The Grand Slam match is a three-set five-set win, and in the general Masters, only the final is a three-set five-set win, so now Murray is already a bit overwhelmed.

When the third set game was lost, Murray’s original excitement and clarity gradually subsided. When the fatigue was all over his body, all he had left was persistence.

Murray looked at the opposite Zhang Guan, and thought to himself: “I am at home, and this is the same. The opposite Zhang Guan should not be much better than me!”

Murray swings his serve, the tennis ball falls into the front half, but Zhang Guan’s running speed is still not reduced.

“Drink!” Zhang Guan shouted and returned to the ball, while Murray raised his hand and hit a diagonal.

Zhang Guan, like an agile cheetah, rushed to the diagonal and directly returned with a one-handed backhand shot.

“Good opportunity!” Murray stepped forward to hang another diagonal.

Zhang Guan’s speed was still the same as before, rushing to the other side of the court, waving forehand, vigorously returning the ball.

“Anti-hanging diagonal!” Murray also guessed Zhang Guan’s idea, but Zhang Guan’s ball speed was a little too fast, Murray could not hit back a ball with a more tricky angle, and could only slow down the ball speed, and Added rotation.

However, while returning to the ball, Murray saw that Zhang Guan had begun to intercept the Internet.

“How can Zhang Guan move so fast? Isn’t he tired?”

North Greenwich Stadium.

The second Argentine player, Morion Larry, performed very poorly. Not only was he shaking when he was doing the action, but he was also unstable when he landed, and he was lying on the ground. He only scored 14.733 points.

Russian star Ballantin played for the third time, but also made a mistake. He had a handstand movement with obvious shaking, which must be deducted from the completion of the score, so Ballantin’s final score was 15.666 points.

The fourth appearance is Italian veteran Moranti. His difficulty score is the same as that of Chen Dabing, which is 6.8 points. This set of moves, Moranti’s completion quality is not bad. Although it is not perfect, it is not obvious. Made mistakes, but when landing, he stood unsteady and jumped to stabilize his body again. This must be deducted, so Moranti’s final score was 15.733 points.

The fifth Bulgarian player, Jovchev, nearly kneeled down on the ground when he landed, scoring only 15.108 points.

In the editor’s room of the Observer, Charlie tilted Erlang’s legs. At this time, his heart had been put down for the most part.

“None of these players’ scores are the same as the breaking news. Although there are mistakes in the ingredients, the score must be reduced, but it is just a result of Chen Dabing, which can be explained by coincidence!” Charlie said to himself. Said.

After the Puerto Rican player and another Russian player came on stage, Brazilian star Zanetti grabbed the rings as the finalist.

Zanetti’s action difficulty is also 6.8 points, the same as Chen Dabing and Italian star Morandi. The actions he completed were considered excellent, and several of them were even textbook-style. It’s just that the final step did not immediately stand firm, and took a small step back. In gymnastics, this small step of Zanetti is not a mistake. At most it is a small flaw, but it will inevitably affect Referee’s rating.

“Although there are no major mistakes in the movement, the last small step should affect his performance. Zanetti’s difficulty is the same as that of Chen Dabing, but the whole set of movements is not as flawless as Chen Dabing, Zanetti The score is definitely not as good as Chen Dabing, it looks like Chen Dabing is about to defend his title successfully!”

Charlie was wondering, and Zanetti’s final score was given on the TV screen.

The difficulty score is 6.800, the completion score is 9.100, and Zanetti’s final score is 15.900, which is 0.1 more than Chen Dabing!

“Zanetti’s score exceeded Chen Dabing!” Charlie was stunned, but then stared at the 15.900 score.

“I’m not mistaken, 15.900 points! Really 15.900 points! What did the breaking news say? As long as there are no mistakes, the contestants will get their default scores! Chen Dabing’s default score is 15.800 points, he has no mistakes, He also really scored 15.800 points; while Zanetti’s default score was 15.900 points, he did not make mistakes, and he really got 15.900 points, exactly the same as breaking the news!”

“More importantly, the two have the same difficulty score. Zanetti’s action completion quality is obviously inferior to Chen Dabing. He had a small flaw when he landed! However, Zanetti scored higher! This is unreasonable! In the case of equal difficulty points, the person with flaws in the completion of the action will score higher than the person who completed the whole set of actions perfectly. Is it true that there is a default score! Is it that the London Olympics is really controlling the results of the game?”

Zha Zhiyuan has come here and has realized that the final of this ring project is afraid to detonate a bombshell for the London Olympics!

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