All-round Athlete

v5 Chapter 511 - Break the record again (wish everyone a happy new year)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the all-round athlete!

A British Olympic Games Organizing Committee manipulated the results of the competition, and the news of the default competition was swept across the media worldwide.

The final scores of the gymnastics rings final champion and runner-up appeared in the newspaper published a few hours ago. This news alone is enough to attract every reader. Many more people believed the news.

The idea of ​​ordinary people is very simple. If it is not the default, why did the scores of the players be exposed in advance?

At the same time, the video of the ring final has also become the most popular video on major portals, especially the game video of the champion winner Zanetti and the runner-up winner Chen Dabing, which has been made into a contrasting video. Video online.

Ordinary spectators may not understand which movements are more difficult and which movements are less difficult, but the quality of athletes’ completion can still be seen by ordinary people. Especially when Zanetti landed a small step back, compared with Chen Dabing standing on the ground like nails, even the audience who watched gymnastics for the first time knew that Zanetti did not perform as well as Chen Dabing.

But in the end, Zanetti’s score was higher than that of Chen Dabing, which is obviously not convincing people’s score, so more people believe that the matter of the London Olympics’ internal championship is true.

Some gymnastics professionals or gymnastics fame, after watching the video, have come out and made various comments to brush themselves a sense of accomplishment. From a professional point of view, Chen Dabing’s performance is indeed perfect. Compared with it, Zanetti is really flawed. Almost all gymnastics professionals and gymnastics experts believe that Zanetti should not score higher than Chen Dabing.

With this group of professionals with a sense of accomplishment and a rhythm, the direction of public opinion instantly became one-sided. Almost everyone felt that the London Olympics Organizing Committee controlled the game and set a gold medal. If it’s not the default, why do the worse performers get higher scores!

What’s more, before this, there was more than one scandal in the London Olympics. The fact that bicycle fakes bribed the referee was even more flamboyant. Until now, it has not subsided, which is equivalent to a precedent. Now there is another thing that controls the game’s default champion. Many people think that it must be the problem of the London Olympics Organizing Committee.

The London Olympic Organizing Committee ushered in a disastrous day.

Manipulating the game and stipulating the gold medal is nothing more serious for the London Olympic Organizing Committee than this accusation. Compared with the “bicycle bribery door” and “boat rowing bribery door” a few days ago, it is not at all What is on.

From a criminological point of view, bribery refereeing is certainly more serious than manipulating the game. Bribery can be regarded as a commercial crime, and manipulating the game is at most an issue of internal management.

But for the London Olympic Committee, the accusation of manipulating the game is more serious than bribery.

Bribery is the personal behavior of some people and can be interpreted as a lack of morality for those who accept bribes. The Olympic Organizing Committee can argue that: It is not the London Olympics Organizing Committee who asked you to accept bribes, because of its poor moral quality, you cannot rely on the Olympic Organizing Committee! Besides, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Is it not normal for so many staff members in the Olympic Organizing Committee to have one or two black sheep?

However, it is different to control the game. The London Olympic Organizing Committee is the organizer of the game. His task is to ensure that the game is fair and fair. Manipulating the results of the game and stipulating the gold medals must be explained to the London Organizing Committee in terms of personal behavior. This can be regarded as an official behavior. For the organizers of the competition, if the gold medals can be determined, it is better to directly find a few actors and organize a performance according to the script!

No matter what kind of sports competition, fair competition is the first element. For example, during the Cold War, the two camps of the United States and the Soviet Union resisted each other’s competitions. In addition to the confrontation between political factors and ideology, the lack of fair treatment at the opponent’s home court was also one of the reasons.

This is especially true for the Olympics. Although there will be some controversial competitions in each Olympic Games, at least on the surface, the Olympic Games still have to wear a coat of “Olympic Spirit”. Mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair competition are the core of the modern Olympic spirit and the basis for hosting the Olympic Games.

Therefore, manipulating the results of the game and defaulting to the gold medal is equivalent to a big shovel directly on the foundation of the Olympics. Like a high-rise building, the windows can be replaced and the broken wall can be repaired, even if the frame structure is damaged, it can be repaired, but if the foundation is damaged, the building will really fall.

“Sir, we have absolutely no default gold medal! I can use my personality guarantee!” Sebastian panic. Because the call came from Buckingham Palace.

Although the royal family has no authority in Britain, its status is very lofty, and it is a spiritual symbol of the British. For Sebastian, the prime minister’s mansion at 6 Downing Street may not be enough to make him panic, but Buckingham Palace is willing to let him put his knees. This has nothing to do with power, it is entirely a noble respect for the royal family.

The royal family does not question political affairs on weekdays, but the default gold medal event that just happened has affected the face of Britain. For the royal family, the most valuable thing they have left is probably face, so at this time, even Buckingham Palace also called to ask about this matter.

“Mr. Chairman, I hope you can resolve this matter as soon as possible.” The other side of the phone said.

“Yes, I will solve it as soon as possible.” Sebastian said firmly.

Although Sebastian’s tone is full of confidence, there is no solution in his heart.

The most unsuccessful Olympic Games, this name continued to emerge in Sebastian’s mind. From the current situation, the endless scandals of the London Olympics may be the most failed Olympics.

“What should I do? What should I do?” Sebastian had a hunch in his mind that perhaps his political career in Britain was about to come to an end.

While Sebastian is responding to this crisis, Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee, is also holding a meeting.

For each Olympic Games, the host will always have some privileges, or the referee will be more lenient, or the game time will be accommodated… In short, in some ways, the International Olympic Committee will allow the host to be arrogant.

However, this year’s London Olympics have caused scandals one after another, and the current event of defaulting the gold medal has exceeded the scope allowed by the International Olympic Committee.

“We are too forgiving of the London Olympics Organizing Committee.” Chairman Rogge continued: “Or, the London Olympics Organizing Committee has done too much!”

“Mr. President, should we give the London Olympics Organizing Committee some warning? Let them converge?” someone said next to him.

“Yes.” Rogge nodded, then said: “Say hello to the anti-doping committee and let them organize a temporary spot check on British athletes. The scope should not be too large, but it must be known to the London Olympic Committee. .. I think the London Olympics Organizing Committee understands what we mean.”

The Olympic Cycling Stadium, which is about to begin, is the final of the individual cycling competition of the venue, against Zhang Guan and British player Jason Kenny.

In the quarter-finals last night, Zhang Guan had better luck. His opponent, Watkins, was not the best player. Zhang Guan lightly won the promotion from Watkins.

In the semi-finals this morning, Zhang Guan encountered a real challenge. His opponent was French star Gregory Borg.

Berge once won the official World Championship in 2009, 2010 and 2012, and is arguably the strongest player outside the British team.

The course of the game was quite thrilling for Zhang Guan. In the first game, Boge led all the way to the finish line and won.

Perhaps it was too easy to win in the first game. Boze was a little relaxed in the second game, and Zhang Guan won the second game.

In the third game between the two sides, Zhang Guan chose to pre-empt and started the lead on the second lap. Boze wanted to follow Zhang Guan to find an opportunity to attack, but he didn’t expect this to be the end of the game. Until Zhang Guan crossed the finish line, he failed to surpass Zhang Guan.

In the other semi-final contest, British player Jason Kenny encountered Costa Rican player Philip. Philip’s strength is the weakest of the four semi-finals, which is obviously equivalent to sending Jason Kenny Enter the finals.

Jason Kenny is currently the world’s number one racing event. He once won the runner-up in this event in the last Olympics, and the champion at the time was his compatriot “Jazz” Hoy. In the United Kingdom, Kenny is also known as Hoy’s successor. In this year’s Olympics, Hoy did not participate in the race, and Kenny took on the important task of winning the gold medal for Britain.

“I thought the final opponent would be Bore, I really didn’t expect it to be Zhang Guan!” Kenny was a little upset at this time, because he didn’t understand Zhang Guan’s technical characteristics at all.

French player Boge is Kenny’s old opponent. The two of them almost took the top two in the World Championships in recent years. They are very familiar with each other’s technical characteristics and riding rhythm. It can be said that they already know each other.

However, in Kenny’s eyes, Zhang Guan is a completely strange opponent, especially in the important stage of the Olympic finals, Kenny is extremely hopeless to encounter an unknown.

Next to it, the British coach who was supporting Zhang Guan’s bicycle gave a cough and made Kenny look back, focusing his attention on the arena!

The field bike race requires a stationary start, but the athlete’s shoes are buckled on the pedals, so someone needs to assist the bicycle to avoid falling. To ensure fairness, the game requires the coach to hold the opponent’s bicycle, which is the United Kingdom. The head coach is Zhang Guanfu, and the head coach of the Chinese team is Kenny Fuche.

At the start of the starter’s order, the coaches of both sides almost let go at the same time, and the two drivers began to move forward, but the speed of the two was relatively slow, and the two kept a relatively safe distance.

Kenny didn’t understand Zhang Guan’s reality, so he seemed very conservative. He didn’t dare to accelerate immediately until the second lap.

Zhang Guan didn’t pay much attention to it, and started to speed up directly on the second lap. Upon seeing this, Kenny immediately stepped up and prepared to use the wake generated by Zhang Guan while riding.

However, what Kenny didn’t expect was that Zhang Guan’s acceleration was very fast. The second lap was just halfway through, and Zhang Guan almost accelerated to the fastest.

“Why is Zhang Guan so fast? This hasn’t reached the last lap, there is no need to be so fast, is it a trap? In order to lure me to deliberately? Should I follow?” Kenny gave a moment.

It was this hesitation that didn’t immediately follow up, Zhang Guan had already increased some distance, and Kenny could not continue to use Zhang Guan’s wake.

“Don’t worry, Zhang Guan accelerates in advance, which means that physical energy is consumed in advance. By the end of the lap, I will explode with all my strength and I can certainly catch up.” Kenny thought secretly.

When he was about to enter the final lap, Kenny increased his speed to the extreme.

However, the distance between him and Zhang Guan has not shrunk in any way, and Zhang Guan’s speed has also reached the extreme.

Bicycling is not a sprint. The difference in the fastest speed of the athletes on the field bike. The real competition is who can sustain the explosive power for a longer time, and this is what Kenny is good at.

Unfortunately, in today’s game, Kenny found the wrong opponent. Even if the continuous explosive power of the cyclist is even stronger, how can he beat the sprinter!

“Oh, I can’t catch up! I should have followed him just now.” Kenny realized it was too late.

Zhang Guan led Kenny by a long distance and took the lead to cross the finish line, winning the first game.

“Zhang Guan’s game is very fast, maybe within 10 seconds!” Kenny gliding on the track while watching Zhang Guan in front.

In the racing competition of the field bike, although it takes three laps, only the results of the last lap are recorded. When the player enters the last lap, the speed has been increased to the extreme, so the last lap is at full speed. The lap distance of a bicycle is 200 meters, while the world’s top male athletes ride a lap at full speed for a little more than 10 seconds. Results within 10 seconds are the world’s top players, and it is difficult to achieve.

At this moment, there was a lot of noise and excitement in the stadium.

Kenny turned his head and looked at the scoreboard on the wall, which already gave Zhang Guan’s score.

9.757 seconds!

Kenny suddenly took a breath.

“9.757 seconds! My God! The record held by Sir Hoy was broken by Zhang Guan!”


I wish you all a happy new year, good luck with good luck, good luck and good luck in the Rooster year! Last year’s Chinese New Year pass was a day off. I have to compensate my family this year, so tomorrow’s New Year’s Day, the day after tomorrow’s New Year’s Day, two days of leave pass, the third day resumes and updates! I kindly ask you for your understanding. Passing through will say thank you bubble 2016 million awards. Thanks to Wu Poxiu, Master of Tower Defense, Emperor Sima Qingdi, Dongyi Moying, Duomudi Mud, Extinction of Species, dzjwywy, Zhili* Zhijie, third party bread, rabbit high tree nest edge grass I won’t eat you reward!

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