All-round Athlete

v6 Chapter 15 - Win away

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Four days ago, the Thunder lost to the Lakers away. For the Thunder, losing away is not unacceptable, and playing the Lakers is not a key battle.

But back at home, the Thunder are absolutely reluctant to lose again, especially for a team with a sword finger championship. They just lost to the Lakers four days ago. This time the Thunder are up and down. Suffocated enough to prepare for revenge.

The Thunder Brooks coach also learned well. He knew that the big lineup was too bad for the Lakers, so he changed again and replaced Andri Robertson with Perry Jones as the starter. In this way, Ibaka returned to the power forward position he was familiar with.

Andre Robertson is also a new ball player, the defense is very good, but the offense is relatively poor, he is 2 meters 01, playing power forward in college, belongs to the kind of able to rebound and diligently play Blue collar player. After coming to the Thunder, the coach was asked to play shooting guard and small forward.

Because he is a power forward player, Robertson has almost no shooting ability, let alone a three-pointer. He has almost no means of scoring except for layups and dunks. It’s very rare this year as a shooting guard or small forward who doesn’t shoot threes.

Robertson’s role on the court is mainly defense. In the last match between the two sides, Meeks’ excellent play was one of the Lakers’ winning weapons, and this time the Thunder let Robertson play first, mainly to limit Meeks.

Looking at Robertson in front of him, Meeks pouted slightly.

“The first-year rookie who came out from there, dare to guard me! Let me give you a lesson!” Meeks began to dribble while thinking.

However, no matter how Micks made fake moves, Robertson was close to Meeks.

“Damn, where is such a sticky guy, it’s quite strong!” Meeks broke through and failed, he was just started and was stopped by Meeks.

“Yodi, pay attention to 24 seconds!” Wesley Johnson’s voice sounded, Meeks reluctantly chose a strong shot, but fortunately, good luck, the ball turned upside down on the rim twice, and finally got in.

“Andre, good defense! We only had bad luck with this goal, and then we will try our best!” Durant stepped forward and patted Robertson on the shoulder.

The encouragement of the team boss boosted Robertson’s morale, and then his defensive efforts.

It was only after Meeks discovered that the rookie whom he looked down on was so difficult, whether Meeks was in the state of no request or holding the ball, Robertson stared to death.

0 points, 0 rebounds, 0 assists, 0 steals, 0 blocks, 0 turnovers, 1 foul, this is Andre Robertson’s data in the first quarter. He played 8 minutes in this quarter. As a starter, playing such a statistic in 8 minutes is really too pitiful. It can be called the worst starter. But he successfully locked Meeks, Meeks was only 1 of 5 in the first quarter. The Thunder sacrificed an attack on the 2nd position in exchange for the misfire of Meeks.

On the inside, Ibaka, who returned to the inside, also caused a lot of trouble for Gasol. With Ibaka’s defense, Adams gradually entered the state, although it will still be Gasol Fooled, but compared to the previous game, Gasol’s offense is no longer as sharp as the upside.

The benches of both sides have appeared successively. On the bench of the Thunder, Caron Butler, Reggie Jackson, Perry Jones, Collison, “Old Fish” Fisher, Lamb, this set of lineups Deeper than the current Lakers, fortunately, the Lakers’ Nezmore and Farmar played well, barely resisting the offensive offense of the Thunder.

60 to 46, the Lakers trailed the Thunder by 14 points in the first half.

In the locker room, the morale of the Lakers is not very high.

Zhang Guan looked at the teammates around him, and at this moment there was a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

In the past few games, although the Lakers also encountered some “hard stubble”, there were always role players standing out, such as Meeks, such as Bezmore, such as Farmar, and even that “Little Kobe” Marshall Brooks has some good play. They are not the core of the team, and their sudden burst is more like an extra bonus. As long as there is a role player to play well, Zhang Guan and Gasol only need to play normally and the Lakers can win.

But today’s situation is different. The Lakers’ role players all seem to be beaten back to their original form. No matter the performance on the field or personal statistics, there is no highlight.

“Perhaps this is the reason why the team pursues big-name stars. Good role players are important, but many times, it is the team’s big-name stars who decide the outcome! Now, it’s my turn to score.”

Zhang Guan thought about the current score. The 14 points behind made Zhang Guan feel a little pressure. After all, the opponent is the Thunder. It is not an easy thing to want to recover 14 points from the Thunder.

Wei Shao stared at Zhang Guan with straight eyes. In the first half of the game, he almost gave up his offense and assists and went all out to guard Zhang Guan. At present, it seems that the effect of this is quite good. Zhang Guan is on the top. Halftime did not play very well.

“The 14-point lead, as long as it can continue to limit Zhang Guan, this victory will definitely belong to us!” Wei Shaozheng was thinking, but Zhang Guan suddenly stopped.

A step outside the three-point line, Zhang Guan jumped and shot, hit!

“Zhang Guan, a long 3-pointer! Go!”

Wei Shaoxin frowned unwillingly. This kind of long-range three-pointer was indeed a little unsolvable.

Durant broke the foul and made two free throws. When it was the Lakers’ offense, Zhang Guan did the trick. He also used the breakthrough method to cause the Thunder’s inside foul, and then made two free throws.

Wei Shao was even more upset in his heart and unconsciously increased his defense.

Zhang Guan once again took the ball and forced a breakthrough. Wei Shao did not flinch and greeted him with his body.

“Zhang Guan, beat Westbrook, oops, how did you use it, the ball fouled!” In the sigh of the commentator, Wei Shao’s hand was a little unfavorable, and an obvious foul was caught by the referee.

“This ball defense is too urgent, Russell is a little calm!” Durant also felt it, Wei Shao was too anxious.

But Wei Shao was like a little calf irritated and continued to confront Zhang Guan.

Wei Shao’s defense is still too dependent on the body. After only three minutes, Wei Shao took another foul. Coach Brooks had to request a timeout to calm Wei Shao.

Wei Shao is not without defensive skills, on the contrary, his defensive skills are still very good, but Wei Shao’s physical quality is even better, at least in the usual game, Wei Shao does not need to use any defensive skills, just using the body can Against the opponent, so gradually, Wei Shao’s defense also turned to rely on the body and consciousness, he is not used to using skills to defend.

After a timeout, the Lakers unexpectedly replaced Thackeray.

Although Thackeray is a sophomore, he is really not as good as the first-year Adams in terms of personal ability. Except for the air cut, Thackeray has little means to score. Inaccurate shooting, poor rebounds, lack of assist defense speed, sending such a player to the field, so that the Thunder coach Brooks did not understand.

“Beep!” The referee’s whistle sounded, and the Thunder center Adams stood there innocently.

Durant threw the basketball on the ground with some disappointment. He had already figured out how to organize the attack on this ball. He was about to start it but was interrupted by this whistle.

“Sackley fouled Adams! The foul was played as soon as he played. This Takray was really useless except for being tall. He was more appropriate to stand on the bench and wave his towel.” Ibaka muttered and muttered to himself. Words.

Now Adams does not take on the offensive task at all in the Thunder. He is more like a rebounder. There is not much time for the ball to pass to him, let alone a singles opportunity, so this is his game in this game. In the first stand in the free throw line

Adams got on the free throw line. In the rookie season, Adams was as anxious as Jordan in free throws. Later, his serve rate was relatively average. Popovich also repeatedly sacrificed Adams tactics.

Sure enough, Adams lost all two free throws, Zhang Guan rushed up and grabbed a rebound, turned around and ran away, playing a fast break.

“Zhang Guan, fast break!” Ibaka just reacted, Zhang Guan has quickly rushed to the midfield position.

Wei Shao and Robertson pounced at the same time, and Zhang Guan was obviously bullying Robertson as a newcomer, specializing in Robertson’s side.

“Foul, stop him!” Wei Shao shouted, Robertson agreed, and immediately reached out.

“Wait a minute! Don’t foul!” Wei Shao changed his caliber again, because he found Zhang Guan was about to prepare for a layup. At this time, the foul was equivalent to sending Zhang Guan to the free throw line.

But Robertson had already started, he grabbed Zhang Guan’s arm, but failed to affect Zhang Guan’s start, I saw Zhang Guan jumped high, and then tossed the ball like a blue frame.

“Goal scored, additional penalty! Robertson was still not enough, was deceived by Zhang Guan this foul!” The commentator said.

Wei Shao walked close to Robertson and said, “The next time the foul is made, the reporter will be more ruthless and will never give Zhang Guan two a chance!”

Robertson nodded, but he felt innocent in his heart. He did attack the foul just now, but he didn’t hold Zhang Guan. But as a younger brother, the lesson of being a second-home owner, Robertson did not dare to refute anything.

The Thunder again attacked with the ball, but the whistle sounded again.

“Another foul committed by Thackeray? Adams made a free throw… Wait a minute, I see, this is cutting Adams!” Coach Brooks has reacted even if he is dull.

Adams is just a first-year rookie. Although the 12th pick is also in the lottery area, there will never be someone who will arrange tactics against him. But today, the Lakers came to hack Adams, and suddenly Adams felt flattered.

The earliest hacking tactics were aimed at the “big shark” O’Neal, so it was also called shark hacking tactics; later in order to deal with Howard, some teams used the “hack hawking tactics”. But both O’Neal and Howard are the top centers in the league. O’Neill’s dominance does not need to be introduced. Howard is also known as the league’s first center. Now, this tactic is actually used by a first-year freshman, no matter who it is.

Adams went to the free throw line inexplicably. This time Adams made two free throws and the Lakers used the next attack to score two more points.

In two rounds, the Thunder were chased back by the Lakers by four points. From this result, the hacking strategy was very successful this time.

“It’s the Thunder’s turn to attack again. Should the Lakers cut?”

However, this time, the Lakers did not cut people. When Wei Shao passed the ball, he was careless and was snatched by Zhang Guan.

“Zhang Guan fast break, this ball has no chance, Durant and Ibaka are back. Direct three-pointers, and entered!” The commentator took a deep breath, and then said: “This ball hit Beautiful, Zhang Guan used the Thunder team’s defensive breakthrough to hit a time difference and grab a three-pointer. The current score is 82 to 81. The Lakers even overtake the score!”

The score was overtaken, Wei Shao began to appear irritable, facing Zhang Guan, he really wanted to win too much.

I saw Wei Shao holding the ball, and Ibaka broke through directly after the pick-and-roll, while Durant, who just ran out of space, was directly ignored by Wei Shao. Wei Shao greeted the defensive player and scored the goal.

This is completely a manifestation of personal ability. In terms of individual singles, Wei Shao is indeed more suitable than Durant. However, this kind of attack based on personal ability is not good news for the Thunder.

And Zhang Guan’s long-range three-pointer is also continuing to open.

“Zhang Guan, 3-pointer, and then hit. Zhang Guan’s current 3-pointer is 6-for-12, with a 50% shooting rate!”

“Zhang Guan made 7 of 13 3-pointers!”

“Zhang Guan made 8 of 15 3-pointers! He has scored 38 points!”

“Zhang Guan, 3-pointer! Enter again!”

“Is Zhang Guan or Curry in front of me? Curry averaged 8 three-pointers in a game. Zhang Guan has already made 16 three-pointers in this game! Hey, come on, 17th. Fortunately, I didn’t make it!”

Wei Shao was frightened by this three-pointer, and the score was 122 to 120. The Lakers still lead, and the game time is already less than 40 seconds. If Zhang Guan enters again, the Thunder can basically surrender.

However, the Thunder did not protect this rebound, Gasol really can harden on the key ball, Ibaka just did not grab Gasol. After Gasol grabbed an offensive rebound, he made a small step and scored the goal.

124 to 120, the Lakers lead four points.

The Thunder chose a strong attack. They planned to score a two-point first, and then try to defend the next goal as much as possible, but the Lakers returned to the defense very quickly, and Zhang Guan also aimed at the power of the ball.

At the same time, Bezmore even rushed up to contain Wei Shao. Originally Zhang Guan made Wei Shao feel more difficult, and now with a tougher Bezmore, Wei Shao suddenly increased pressure.

“Oops, this ball is going to be lost for Russell!” Durant noticed that the situation was not good, and immediately rushed to respond, but Durant was still a step behind, and Wei Shao’s ball was still lost.

The referee’s whistle sounded and a penalty was awarded. This penalty actually helped the Thunder, but who made the home! Moreover, at this time the leader is still the Lakers, or a 4-point lead, a penalty is not enough to decide the final victory.

Wei Shao and Zhang Guan compete for the ball, and the result can be imagined. Although Wei Shao’s bounce is very good, compared with Zhang Guan, the world champion of long jump, the difference is really not a grade.

In this fight, Wei Shao lost, the Lakers controlled the ball, the Thunder could only foul, but after the Lakers made two free throws, the points difference widened to six points.

The Thunder missed a three-pointer and missed the foul again. The Lakers made two free throws and kept a 7-point lead. The Thunder still missed the third and missed the game.

The score was fixed at 127 to 120, and the Lakers beat the Thunder away.

In the next two games, the Lakers still have to play the same team in a row. This is an opponent that is as terrible as the Thunder, but has more content than the Thunder: the San Antonio Spurs!

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