All-round Athlete

v6 Chapter 43 - First win

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“When did the Korean team’s back line become so weak? Zhang Guan rushed straight through the middle and scored a goal?”

“I didn’t see clearly what was going on. I felt that Zhang Guan broke through the defense of the South Korean team without any effort.”

“It doesn’t feel like a level contest. Look at Zhang Guan. After an acceleration, Ji Chengyong will pass. Isn’t Ji Chengyong able to play the main role in the Premier League? If he didn’t do any defensive actions, he was dumped by Zhang Guanyong. Behind you?”

In the voice of the people, Ji Chengyong was also stolen from the camera. Ji Chengyong’s face was sullen, and there was an expression of anger in the cold eyes. As the captain of the South Korean team, it is absolutely his responsibility to be responsible for missing the ball.

More than six minutes into the opening, the South Korean team fell behind by one goal, so in the following time, the South Korean team launched a fierce counterattack, constantly exerting pressure on the Chinese team. The Chinese team has long been guarded, all players defend in their own half.

The South Korean team bombed indiscriminately for five minutes. There was also a wonderful shot during the period, but it did not turn the offensive into a score. Over time, the Korean team’s offensive gradually began to weaken. After all, a team cannot Has maintained a high-intensity offensive rhythm, the player’s physical strength and concentration can not reach that level.

The situation has eased again, the South Korean team needs to adjust a little, and the Chinese team leading one goal, of course, will not rush to attack, but patiently defend and pass, constantly looking for opportunities.

In the 17th minute, the ball passed again to his feet.

Seeing Zhang Guan hold the ball, the audience at the scene once again made a deafening cry.

Ji Chengyong rushed over without hesitation to try to steal. This time he was very focused and looked at Zhang Guan with straight eyes. He did not dare to relax in spirit.

“Come here, I won’t be careless this time!” Ji Chengyong secretly said.

After all, Ji Chengyong is a player who plays in the Premier League. He is also a lot stronger than half of the Asian players. He faces Zhang Guan again. Ji Chengyong has taken out all his skills in order to make up for the mistakes he missed not long ago. To defend Zhang Guan as a top scorer in the Premier League like Lukaku or Harry Kane.

However, Zhang Guan is much stronger than the players on the Premier League shooter list. He saw Ji Chengyong in front of him, and immediately made an emergency stop. Then the back heel lightened slightly, a fake movement. The next second, Ji Chengyong stumbled and sat on the ground.

“Ji Chengyong was shaken!” The Korean viewers waiting in front of the TV were all surprised. Players like Ji Chengyong who can stand in the Premier League are naturally the absolute main force and core for the Korean team. With many Korean fans, Ji Chengyong is regarded as a hero in South Korea. They think Ji Chengyong is in Asia. It should be invincible.

However, at this moment, Ji Chengyong was easily swayed, and sitting on the ground with a buttock was even more ugly. For Korean fans, the image of a hero collapsed.

“How is it possible? Ji Chengyong was shaken! How could Ji Chengyong be shaken to the ground so easily!”

“Zhang Guan has never participated in a football match. How can he knock Ji Chengyong down? Coincidentally, this must be a coincidence! It must be that the venue in China is too bad. Ji Chengyong accidentally slipped by himself!”

Koreans will never admit that Ji Chengyong was knocked down by Zhang Guan, but soon they found that it was only a small matter for Ji Chengyong to be knocked down by Zhang Guan. More importantly, Zhang Guanyong used a Passing the crotch ball easily passed Hong Zheng, and then used the speed to throw away Zhang Xianxiu and rushed directly into the penalty area

Zhang Xianxiu is ready to foul, but Zhang Guan’s speed is too fast, and the blink of an eye entered the restricted area.

The South Korean goalkeeper attacked again and rushed towards Zhang Guan. To be precise, he rushed towards the ball under Zhang Guan’s feet. I saw his arms stretched out and wanted to catch the football.

However, Zhang Guan twisted his body violently, with a quick stop and a quick turn, easily knocking the goalkeeper aside.

The striker has an advantage one-on-one against the goalkeeper, and using this action in the game is undoubtedly playing tricks on the goalkeeper. At this time, the goalkeeper of the South Korean team knew that he had been fooled, and he was very angry. He directly grabbed Zhang Guan and wanted to take him down.

Zhang Guan, however, already kicked the ball, and saw that his toes were gently picked, and the football rolled into the goal along a straight line.

“Go in again! Zhang Guan scored another goal, 2 to 0!”

Less than 20 minutes from the start of the game, the score has become 2 to 0, which is undoubtedly a disastrous consequence for the Korean team. What’s more, the South Korean team’s two ways of losing the ball are exactly the same, Zhang Guan played the entire Korean team’s defense.

At this time, even a fool can see that Zhang Guan is not only fast, but his technology is also top in the world. The combination of the world’s top technology and the world’s fastest speed is enough to easily tear the Korean team’s defense.

Only five minutes later, Zhang Guan again reappeared in his old tricks. A man broke the Korean team’s defense and scored the ball again.

“Hat trick! Zhang Guan completed the hat trick in the first game he participated in!”

There was thunderous applause and continuous cheers, but the Korean fans who came to watch the game were silent.

The score of 3 to 0 has basically announced that the overall situation of the game has been decided.

But for Zhang Guan, the game has just begun. In the 38th minute, Zhang Guan successfully counter-offside and rushed into the penalty zone. The South Korean team had to foul, and then Zhang Guan scored.

The score became 4-0, and the South Korean team no longer had the possibility of a comeback.

The referee raised the sign of injury stoppage time and the injury stoppage time was 1 minute in the first half.

“The first half is finally over!” Ji Chengyong took a breath. At this time, he felt that every minute he continued to let him stay on the court was a torment.

The same is true for the entire Korean team. When they are 0 to 4 behind, they do not see any hope of victory. Every time they face Zhang Guan holding the ball, they will feel nervous.

Now, the game is about to enter the first half of the injury stoppage time, this kind of suffering, this kind of worrying, can finally come to an end.

However, at this moment, Zhang Linfan of the Chinese team’s backcourt suddenly took a big foot and kicked the ball to the frontcourt. At the same time, Zhang Guan suddenly accelerated and ran away in the direction of the ball.

“It’s fast! It seems to be faster than the ball!”

“Zhang Guan, catching up and holding the ball! A long shot!”

“Goal scored! Ball scored! World wave! 5 to 0! 5 to 0! Zhang Guan scored five goals in a row!”

At this moment, the South Korean players have no hope in their hearts. The score of 5 to 0. The Chinese team only needs to defend and not attack in the second half, which is enough to win the game.

In the locker room of the South Korean team, there was a lifeless look.

“Don’t be discouraged, please cheer up, we are behind in the score, not everyone’s fault, but because Zhang Guan is too strong. We must admit that we underestimate Zhang Guan before the game.” Sun Xingming said.

Sun Xingming did not play in this game, he had to suspend a game because of the accumulation of yellow cards.

“Zhang Guan did exceed our expectations. We may not be able to win this game, but I am even more worried about the next few games. Our back line is in front of Zhang Guan. It’s easy to destroy, so when looking at the entire Asia, which country’s defense line can block Zhang Guan?” Ji Chengyong said.

The crowd suddenly fell into silence.

The South Korean team’s back line was easily stabbed when facing Zhang Guan, so teams such as Iran and Uzbekistan would also be unable to prevent Zhang Guan.

“If Zhang Guan can maintain this state in the next game, the Chinese team can really win. They will become 17 points by then, which is a great threat to us.” Ji Chengyong continued.

The South Korean team scored 10 points in the first five games. If the next five games can get 10 points, the South Korean team will have 20 points. But if the South Korean team loses one more game in the last five games, the total score becomes 17 points, which will be the same as the Chinese team that won the last five games.

According to the rules, the same score is the goal difference. In this respect, the Chinese team was originally in the backward stage. The Chinese team’s goal difference is negative 4, while the South Korean team is positive 2, but today’s game is 5 to 0. The Chinese team is net. The winning goal became positive at once, directly catching up with the Korean team. If you think about the next game, the Chinese team might overtake the South Korean team in the goal difference. At that time, the Chinese team may come later.

Thinking of this, the South Korean players all felt the situation was urgent.

“We have lost this game, but we have to do something!” Sun Xingming lowered his voice, then said: “The next game is March 28, which is five days later, the Chinese team will be in the guest scene For Iran, if Zhang Guan cannot play, they will lose! As long as the Chinese team loses another game, it will not pose a threat to us.”

“What do you mean?” Jicheng Yong asked with wide eyes.

“Angry him, it’s best to let him get a red card, so he will be suspended because of the red card, it would be best if Zhang Guan could be injured, in short, he could not appear in the next game!” Sun Xingming looked cold in his eyes. Flash, then said: “Since we can’t win, we can’t let the Chinese team threaten our promotion!”

After the start of the second half, the South Korean team became more aggressive.

For this result, no one was surprised. After all, when the big score was behind, the player must have felt very bad, and simply broke the jar, and there were often some gasping moves, and there were more movements on the body, even even It is very common in football games to deliberately fight against things, to kick back if you can’t win.

So the South Korean team looks angrily, and everyone can understand that the Chinese players are also experienced. In terms of playing dirty, the Chinese Super League is not worse than any league. Now the Chinese team is leading 5 to 0. The players I also knew that I was taking advantage of it, and I became cautious one by one. I looked like I couldn’t fight back or scold, and I was ready to survive the next half of the game.

However, soon, everyone discovered an unusual taste. When faced with Zhang Guan, the South Korean team was extraordinarily fierce. Many times it was obviously directed at the body, and many of them were dangerous moves. It was easy to make People are injured.

Zhang Guan also felt that the South Korean team was too fierce, and all faced oneself with a fierce face. It was not like playing a game at all. Instead, it was more like preparing to hit someone.

“Be careful!” Zhang Guangang held the ball, only to hear someone shouting behind him, South Korea’s Gu Zizhe had already shoveled over.

Zhang Guan walked over with a large stride, and continued to charge the ball, but Ji Chengyong also rushed from the side, and it was a flying shovel. This time, Ji Chengyong pretended to be a tackle, but actually rushed to Zhang. Push the crown and ankle.

Zhang Guanxin had a warning sign, jumped up and wanted to avoid, but was still a little late, was sent to the ground by Ji Chengyong, and then Ji Chengyong was going to climb up, and at the same time, his knees pretended to be homeopathic. Gave Zhang Guan a blow.

These small moves by Ji Chengyong are very concealed. The referee did not draw a card, but only awarded a free kick in the frontcourt. After Ji Chengyong got up, he looked at Zhang Guan provocatively.

Zhang Guan was angered. If it was not in the game, Zhang Guan would definitely give Ji Chengyong a punch.

“Wait, let’s give you the color!” Zhang Guan thought of this and waved at his teammates, indicating that he would take the free kick.

“Zhang Guan personally took the free kick this time! This position is still far away from the goal. It should not be a direct goal, but you can make a pass. If the landing point is good enough, you can still threaten the goal.” Said.

Although it is still far from the goal, after all, it is in the frontcourt. The two players of the Korean team still lined up their personal walls, and one of them is Ji Chengyong.

“Ji Chengyong! This time there is revenge, there are complaints!” Zhang Guan thought of this, straight up, the direction happened to be over the goal.

The two players who lined up to the wall jumped immediately. Although in this case, they knew that it was impossible to stop the free kick with the height of the ordinary person, but after all, it was a game, and the wall still had to take a symbolic jump.

However, what everyone did not think was that Zhang Guan’s free kick was very low, which was exactly the height of the head after half of the players jumped.

Ji Chengyong, who jumped with “huh”, only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then the football was already on his face.

“What!” Ji Chengyong was shocked in his heart. He didn’t expect Zhang Guan’s free kick to be so low that it would hit his face.

“Boom!” A relaxed voice sounded, and Ji Chengyong was black, then fell directly to the ground and fainted. The football was thrown out of bounds.

“Wow la la…” A turbulent voice suddenly sounded in the audience, and the teammates around Ji Chengyong immediately gathered around.

At this time, Ji Chengyong, his nose has collapsed, and his mouth is full of blood, but people have lost consciousness. Obviously, in addition to the concussion, they also need to add a broken nose, and maybe a few are knocked out. tooth.

Anyone who plays football must have been hit by a football on their heads. It seems that being hit by a football and having a concussion is not a weird thing. Even news reports have been hit by the ball. Into a vegetative example. It’s just that in formal games, such as Ji Chengyong fainting on the spot, it is rare.

Ji Chengyong was quickly lifted by the stretcher, but Zhang Guan sneered. The free kick he just made was not aimed at the goal, but aimed at the position above Ji Chengyong’s head, as long as Ji Chengyong jumped, this ball will definitely hit Ji Chengyong’s head. Zhang Guan felt that with his own strength, the ball was taken out at such a short distance, and if he was in the middle of the door, at least it would make Ji Chengyong hurt for a long time, but he did not expect that Ji Chengyong’s luck was not very good. The ball stunned.

It is normal for a football player to block the ball with his body. Ji Chengyong blocks the ball with his body. Instead, he is stunned and can only be regarded as an accident.

Ji Chengyong was lifted off the court, but did not make the South Korean team become convergent, but a posture to revenge for Ji Chengyong, their small actions are still a lot, and they began to curse in Korean incessantly, even some people took advantage of The referee didn’t pay attention and secretly pointed his **** at Zhang Guan, trying to anger Zhang Guan.

But Zhang Guan soon ushered in the opportunity for revenge. Once holding the ball, Gu Zizhe came up to snatch, Zhang Guan took the foot to pass the ball, Gu Zizhe rushed over to contain, but happened to be hit by Zhang Guan’s crotch. Pained and rolled on the ground. It was then lifted by a stretcher.

Three minutes later, Zhang Guan received the ball in the frontcourt, and then it was another wonderful personal performance, connecting two defenders and scoring the ball again.

In the 62nd minute, the Chinese team got a corner kick and Zhang Guan headered the ball successfully.

Subsequently, coach Lippi decisively replaced Zhang Guan. He was afraid of Zhang Guan being injured, and even more afraid of Zhang Guan’s irrational behavior, which affected the next game.

In 87 minutes, Wu Lei interjected in the frontcourt and successfully scored.

The South Korean team is already in a comprehensive crash, 8-0, becoming the final score of this game. The Chinese team finally achieved its first victory.

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