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Chapter 121 - 118: Weather Vane _1

Chapter 121: Chapter 118: Weather Vane _1

Translator: 549690339

The wave of “Zhu Xian” has already surged unstoppably. By noon, there’s a lot of discussion online—

“Chu Kuang’s book is freaking awesome!”

“So this is what immortals and knights are all about!”

“I feel sorry for my previous ignorance. As a fan of Chu Kuang, I even doubted Chu Kuang’s talents. Even if he doesn’t write about sports, he’s still this good!”

“It made me all fired up.”

“I bought the book this morning and read it during class. My teacher confiscated it. Now my teacher is more engrossed in it than I ever was. Can I even get the book back?”

Readers had only read it for a short time and didn’t get very far, but it was enough for them to hail “Zhu Xian” as a classic!

Couldn’t help it.

They hadn’t seen immortals and knights before.

This was too addictive.

In particular, Chu Kuang’s fans were fanatically recommending “Zhu Xian”. Seeing the massive recommendation posts, readers who weren’t interested in the book before couldn’t help but get itching curious, wondering:

Is it really that good?

Is it better than “King of the Net”?

With these thoughts, these people went to bookstores in the afternoon, trying to see what “Zhu Xian” was all about. But what they got was a unanimous response from the bookstores: “We’re sold out of this book and urgently restocking it. Please come back in a few days.”

It’s sold out?

The other meaning of sold out is that the book is selling too well, and there’s a shortage. Anyway, when telling this to customers, the expressions of the bookstore owners are a mix of sorrow and helplessness.

Radars Readers!

Some people weren’t that eager for the book “Zhu Xian” at first. But when they heard these words, they were all pepped up. After all, how could a book selling like hotcakes not be good?

Must buy!

Some even went to several bookstores, but unfortunately couldn’t find it. Thankfully, enthusiastic netizens gave friendly advice: “There’s only one bookstore left in Qin Continent that still has stock, and that’s Tranquility Bookstore. Hurry up and buy it, or it’ll be sold out!”

Of course, it won’t be sold out if they’re late.

Tranquility Bookstore had stocked up on seven hundred thousand copies.

A great initial print of one million, yet it still creates a hunger marketing effect. Of course, Tranquility Bookstore knew that “Zhu Xian” had sold out in other bookstores. So it was promoting everywhere: that they still had copies, urging everyone to buy them quickly. In Qin Continent, this is the only stocked place. If you miss this, there’s no other place!

Readers rushed to Tranquility Bookstore.

The other booksellers were about to vomit blood, desperately urging Silver Blue Books to deliver the goods. Silver Blue Books replied: “We’re working overtime to print them. We will deliver the goods within three days at most!”

This time difference is killing!

The golden period for novel sales is the first three days. During these three days, Tranquility Bookstore could easily handle countless readers. By the time the other booksellers receive the stock from Silver Blue, countless readers will have already bought “Zhu Xian” at Tranquility Bookstore!

This wave is devastating!

Tranquility Bookstore is making a killing!

And they can’t say that Tranquility Bookstore monopolized the sales, since it was the other booksellers themselves who were too conservative at the beginning, setting low initial stock numbers. Now with “Zhu Xian” selling so well, it’s too late to regret it.

Silver Blue Books also didn’t expect the sales of “Zhu Xian” to be so explosive. Even though the first round of printing was a whopping one million copies, it gives a sense that it won’t last long. Even Tranquility Bookstore, with the most stock, requested to place an order for three hundred thousand more copies!

Is this immortals and knights?

Is this still immortals and knights?

Silver Blue’s Editor-in-Chief, Lu Bei, was grinning from ear to ear. Judging by this trend, the monthly sales of “Zhu Xian” have exploded, surpassing Chu Kuang’s previous book!

Just think about what happened not long ago.

Chu Kuang finished “King of the Net” and many laughed at Silver Blue for losing a bestseller. Everyone thought that it would be hard for Chu Kuang to reach the same heights even if he wrote another sports-themed book.


Not only did Chu Kuang not continue with the sports theme, but he also wrote a new book hotter than “King of the Net”, purely slapping the faces of the industry and Silver Blue’s own editors.

Of course.

The slaps in the face made Lu Bei absolutely delighted.

If you knew earlier that Chu Kuang would write a more powerful book after completing “King of the Net”, even your competitors would pray for Chu Kuang to never finish his first book.

Indeed it was so.

Upon witnessing the booming success of “Zhu Xian”, the literary world was collectively stunned.

Although they didn’t lose real money like the booksellers, watching Silver Blue with another bestseller even more popular than “King of the Net” certainly dampened their spirits.

“This was possible?”

“Immortals and knights could also be popular?”

“No wonder Silver Blue was promoting it so desperately. It wasn’t to please Chu Kuang, but because they had full confidence in this book.”

“Who could’ve imagined that ‘Immortal and Demon War’ could also be this popular.”

“Do you really think Chu Kuang’s new book is like ‘Immortal and Demon War’? The promotional statement already said it, he’s redefining immortals and knights!”

“Didn’t you say promotional statements are deceptive?”

“Enough talking from you!”

“So did we indirectly harm those booksellers? It was us who said that this book wouldn’t be good. The booksellers must have listened to us, and that’s why they were conservative in stocking the book.”


Within Prosperity Publishing House.

The editor-in-chief, Lu Kaiyue, smacks his forehead fiercely: “I knew it! I frickin’ knew it!”

A bomb!

Lu Bei really had a bomb, how many people did he blow up with it?

Think about it, Lu Bei is such a shrewd man. If Chu Kuang’s new book wasn’t good enough, how could he provide such massive promotional resources?

Lu Kaiyue saw this outcome beforehand.

Yet, Lu Kaiyue couldn’t figure out how Chu Kuang made a dead genre come alive!

It’s actually the immortals and knights genre!

Specifically, the immortals and knights genre!

How many years has it been since the last immortals and knights novel, “Immortal and Demon War” appeared?


A few editors walked in, just in time to see Lu Kaiyue beating his chest and stomping his feet. They looked at each other, somewhat confused.

Was it because of Chu Kuang?

Chu Kuang’s new book was a big hit, and Silver Blue was snagging all the sales. As a competitor, Prosperity of course felt uncomfortable.

Thinking of that.

One of the editors soothingly said, “There’s nothing we can do. Who could’ve expected Chu Kuang to play like this? He chose a niche genre no one cared about anymore, and was successful not twice but twice in a row.”

“What are you all standing around for?”

Lu Kaiyue glared at the few editors in front of him.

The editors cautiously asked, “What should we do?”

“Follow the trend, follow the trend!”

Lu Kaiyue pounded the table. These people were like pigs. Their reactions were too slow: “Tell your authors to follow the trend and write novels about immortals and knights!”

From the moment Chu Kuang made his meteoric rise, the wind direction of this market started to change..

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